BEVERLY HILLS VOLUME: LV NUMBER 36 $145 PER YEAR - $3.00 PER COPY • www.bhcourier.com SINCE 1965 September 6, 2019 THIS ISSUE New Ownership for the BHUSD Kicks Off School Year Beverly Hills Courier with Positive Behavior and The Beverly Hills Courier has ties to the community. The two will Anti-Bullying Initiatives been sold to a Beverly Hills- serve as publishers and plan to based investment group. The implement changes in editorial By Sandra Sims grades K-12 throughout the dis- change of ownership took effect direction, content strategy, as well Beverly Hills Unified School trict, including the new Beverly Social media stars and more August 30. as print and web design. District (BHUSD) began the 2019- Vista Middle School that opened on the Paramount backlot. 6 Known as the “Voice of the With a weekly circulation 2020 academic year with two new this fall as the district’s first dedi- World of Beverly Hills,” the of 40,000, the Courier is by far initiatives aimed at promoting pos- cated middle school. Courier was founded in 1965. The the most wide-reaching publi- itive behavior and anti-bullying “The Board of Education, legacy publication has changed cation covering the issues of practices. The Positive Behavior district and site administration hands only twice before in its 54- importance to Beverly Hills and Intervention and Support (PBIS) and our parents support the year history. environs. framework and the Olweus Anti- implementation of PBIS and The paper’s original founder, City officials, residents and Bullying Program launched in Olweus,” said Laura Chism, March Schwartz, sold the business leaders are hailing the assistant superintendent for stu- Courier to attorney Clifton S. reset for the paper. dent services. In an interview Mr. Brainwash on Beverly Smith, Jr. in 2004. Smith sold the Todd Johnson, president and with the Courier, Chism Hills. 8 paper to businesswoman and chief executive officer of the explained that the goal of the two philanthropist Paula Kent Beverly Hills Chamber of initiatives is to improve peer rela- Meehan in 2014. Meehan Commerce, noted, “The Courier tions among students and make passed away a short time after has been a strong advocate and the schools safer places for aca- the sale. Ownership of the voice of the community for many demic development. Courier then transferred to the years. The Chamber looks forward She noted that the Beverly Paula Kent Meehan Trust. to a successful partnership with the Hills Education Foundation The Beverly Hills Courier’s distinguished publication as it tran- (BHEF) was a key supporter of the Relive the Best of Bold and new owner, BH Courier sitions to new ownership.” Hawthorne Elementary School initiatives. beyond. 9 Acquisition, LLC, is led by man- The Beverly Hills Courier Principal Sarah Kaber (see ‘ANTI-BULLYING’ page 24) agers John Bendheim and Lisa offices will remain at their long- Bloch. As residents and business time location in the heart of the owners, both have long-standing city’s Golden Triangle. Planning Commissioner Kindess is the new black, says Eva Ritvo, M.D. 12 Farshid Joe Shooshani Announces City Council Bid Lunching with Chef Ludo and Chef Gilles. 14 HONORING THE FALLEN — In 2011, the Beverly Hills community joined Joe Shooshani is now the third candidate vying for a City Council seat. together to support the displaying of this monumental steel artifact from By Laura Coleman the Twin Towers. Spearheaded by the Beverly Hills Fire Department and last time was over 20 years ago, with the support of Beverly Hills Rotary, the city arranged to transport the Perry is the perfect pooch Joe Shooshani is the latest for the March 1997 election. artifact from New York’s Port Authority. Today, the poignant sculptural and he’s waiting for a new political contender to enter the “I see challenges coming to 24 assemblage rests outside of the Fire Station on Burton Way, just steps family. race for City Council as of last the city that as a businessman I away from Beverly Hills City Hall. week. He joins seasoned two- think I can solve,” Shooshani 4 • News term Councilman Julian Gold, tells the Courier. “I want to keep 6 • The Scene who is fighting to hold on to his our quality of life and we have Beverly Hills To Mark 9/11 7 • Arts & Entertainment seat for a third term, as well as to make sure that that we can 10 By Laura Coleman Chief Joe Matsch. • Real Estate his fellow Planning handle the challenges and make 12 Wednesday will mark the The City invites all uni- • Health & Wellness Commissioner, Lori Greene them opportunities.” 14 18th anniversary of the formed personnel to gather in • Courier Connoissuer Gordon, in vying for two open For the past two decades, 15 September 11th terrorist attacks, front of Fire Station-1 and begin • Birthdays seats on the five-member City since his unsuccessful first run 18 which killed almost 3,000 peo- lining up at 6:45 a.m. with the • Publishers’ Letter Council. for City Council, Shooshani has 20 ple and stunned the world. ceremony beginning promptly at • Courier Calendar Councilmember Lili Bosse been actively involved in the 22 To commemorate 9/11 and 6:57 a.m. and concluding at • Fun & Games has yet to publicly declare city, including helping to cam- • Courier Kibble 24 honor the fallen, Beverly Hills 7:01 a.m. Matsch described pre- whether she will join Gold in paign for a multitude of candi- will be holding two intimate cer- vious morning ceremonies as running for a third term on the dates both at the local and state emonies on Wednesday for the very solemn, intimate events CLASSIFIEDS 25 Beverly Hills City Council this level. He counts his support for • Announcements community to join together and with first responders and those election cycle. former Mayor Jimmy Delshad’s honor those that lost their lives. wanting to participate, including • Real Estate This election marks the sec- successful City Council run in • Rentals “We’re coming together for a dozen or so residents. • Sales ond time that Shooshani has 2003 as one of his proudest a cause that is far greater than • and More made a run for City Council; the (see ‘SHOOSHANI’ page 19) any of us,” said Deputy Fire (see ‘9/11’ page 21) Page 2 | September 6, 2019 BEVERLY HILLS NOTICE OF NOTICE OF COMMISSION VACANCIES PUBLIC HEARING DATE: Thursday, September 26, 2019 PLANNING COMMISSION – deadline to apply: Friday, October 4, 2019 at 5:00pm TIME: 1:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard The Beverly Hills City Council is seeking qualified residents to fill two vacancies on the Planning Commission. LOCATION: Commission Meeting Room 280A Beverly Hills City Hall For more information on the Commission positions and to apply online, 455 North Rexford Drive please visit the City’s website at www.beverlyhills.org/applyforacommission Beverly Hills, CA 90210 or call the City Clerk’s Office at (310) 285-2400 to obtain the application form by mail or e-mail. PROJECT ADDRESS: 360 North Rodeo Drive (Luxe Hotel) HUMA AHMED (nearest cross street: Brighton Way) City Clerk The Planning Commission of the City of Beverly Hills, at its REGULAR meeting on Thursday, September 26, 2019, will hold a public hearing begin- NOTICE OF ning at 1:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard to consider COMMISSION VACANCIES the following: • Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Amendment. A request to amend RENT STABILIZATION COMMISSION – a previously approved CUP allowing hotel uses at the subject prop- AT-LARGE MEMBERS ONLY erty located at 360 North Rodeo Drive (Luxe Hotel). The subject property is located within the City’s C-3 – Commercial Zone and deadline to apply: Froday, October 11, 2019 at 5:00pm hotels are conditionally permitted uses in that zone. The requested The Beverly Hills City Council is seeking qualified residents to fill three vacancies amendment to the existing CUP would allow the conversion of two on the Rent Stabilization Commission for At-Large members only. An At-Large guestrooms on the fifth floor of the hotel’s east tower (“Beverly member is defined as someone who is not a Tenant, not a Manager of an apartment Tower”) into a 340 square foot fitness room and a 219 square foot building, and not a Housing Provider who has a financial interest of 5% or more in a spa treatment room. An increase in floor area is not proposed and multi-family residential rental property (apartment building) either within or outside the total number of guestrooms would decrease from 88 to 86. of the City of Beverly Hills. Two At-Large Commissioners and one At-large Alternate Commissioner will be selected for the Commission. This project has been assessed in accordance with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Public For more information on the Commission positions and to apply online, please visit Resources Code Sections 21000 et seq.), the State CEQA Guidelines the City’s website at www.beverlyhills.org/applyforacommission or call the (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Sections 15000 et seq.), and the City Clerk’s Office at (310) 285-2400 to obtain the application form by mail or e-mail. environmental regulations of the City. Upon review, the project appears to HUMA AHMED qualify for a Class 1 Categorical Exemption (Existing Facilities) in accor- City Clerk dance with the requirements of Section 15301 of the state CEQA Guidelines. This exemption is applicable to the minor alteration of an existing private facility involving negligible expansion of use beyond that at the time of the NOTICE OF POTENTIAL INITIATION OF lead agency’s determination.
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