50TH ANNIVERSARY IEC 2012 in Dublin OUR OWN DIAMOND JUBILEE: Bishop offers chance for renewal ahead of Year Emeritus John Mone of Paisley marks of Faith; Scottish bishops report the 60th anniversary of his ordination Pages 3, 8, 11 and online to the priesthood. Pag e 5 No 5471 www.sconews.co.uk Friday June 15 2012 | £1 Archbishop Conti Scotland has a new bishop warns of plight I Cardinal, archbishop and asylum seekers Papal nuncio raise Mgr Stephen face in Glasgow Robson up to the ‘high priesthood’ as Auxiliary Bishop By Martin Dunlop of St Andrews and Edinburgh ARCHBISHOP Mario Conti of THE Episcopal ordination of the newest Glasgow has member of the Bishops’ Conference of Scot- warned of a land was a formal yet joyful celebration in potential Edinburgh last Saturday afternoon that united ‘humanitarian St Andrews and Edinburgh Archdiocese, scandal’ facing Scotland and the Episcopal conferences of around 100 asy- the UK and Ireland. lum seekers in The diverse congregation at St Mary’s Cathe- Scotland who dral in Edinburgh watched as Cardinal Keith face eviction. O’Brien, Archbishop of St Andrews and Edin- The Glasgow burgh, Archbishop Mario Conti of Glasgow and archbishop (right) Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Antonio Mennini has spoken out against the ‘eviction and com- ordained Archdiocesan Chancellor Mgr Robson, pulsory destitution’ of around 100 people who 61, as Auxiliary Bishop to assist the cardinal in the have come to Scotland to seek asylum, but administration of the archdiocese. Bishop Robson, whose applications have been refused. who converted to Catholicism as a young man, The archbishop noted that, until now, the described the task ahead as a ‘new phase in my asylum seekers have lived in Glasgow, housed life, as a priest and as a Christian.’ by Ypeople (formerly the YMCA), but—as Among those present at the ordination were the the contract for housing asylum seekers in new Auxiliary bishop’s parents, both in their 80s, Scotland has been switched to multinational many of Bishop Robson’s brother bishops in Scot- company Serco—these people face ‘being land, representatives from the bishops of England thrown on to the street,’ as Ypeople must and Ireland, his parishioners from his current return the houses currently being occupied by parishes of Our Lady Star of the Sea, North the asylum seekers to their original owners by Berwick, and Our Lady of the Waves, Dunbar, his August 20. former parishioners and Alison Elliot, former “It seems utterly inconceivable that a moderator of the Church of Scotland who repre- country with such strong traditions of wel- sented current Moderator Albert Bogle. fare provision, fairness and social cohesion could allow innocent persons to be evicted, Ordination banned from working, left without food and While the supportive role of auxiliary bishop—an shelter, and effectively eliminated from soci- appointment by the Holy Father that is compli- ety,” Archbishop Conti said. “But that is ment to the candidate, the archdiocese and Cardi- exactly what is likely to happen—unless nal O’Brien—was explained during the Mass of something is done. Archbishop Mario Conti of Glasgow, left, and Cardinal ordination it was also made clear that Bishop Rob- and Canon law, as well as in his role as chancellor, Keith O’Brien (centre) during the Epsicopal ordination of “The obligation is on Scottish civic soci- son is a full member of the Order of Bishops and and his motto as bishop: Peregrinatio pro Christo Mgr Stephen Robson (kneeling) as Auxiliary Bishop of ety to prevent this humanitarian scandal. of The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland in his (On pilgrimage for Christ.) St Andrews and Edinburgh Surely Serco, Ypeople and the owners of the own right. The reading of the mandate was followed by a PIC: PAUL McSHERRY houses could, over the next 10 weeks, nego- During the Rite of Ordination, the Papal Bull spontaneous round of applause from the congre- tiate a solution whereby the leases are trans- naming Mgr Robson Auxiliary Bishop for St gation and the homily of Cardinal O’Brien. ferred from one agency to another without Andrews and Edinburgh was read allowed for all The cardinal also explained Bishop Robson’s evictions? to hear. Tributes new role in the ‘high priesthood’ of bishops. “The situation is, of course, not helped by In it Pope Benedict XVI said: “At the present The themes of unity and help were taken up by “An auxiliary bishop is indeed a bishop pos- the culture of the day. time our fatherly gaze is on the ancient Archdio- both Cardinal O’Brien and the nuncio during the sessing the fullness of Holy Orders, who is a suc- “The demeaning term ‘failed asylum seek- cese of St Andrews and Edinburgh, carefully con- Mass. The cardinal spoke with genuine affection cessor of the Apostles, and who is indeed a ers’ is spat in the faces of these people by sec- sidering its spiritual needs... following the request of the 36 years he had known and worked with the member of the college of bishops in our country tions of the media whose barely concealed of the bishop of this flock... that he be given an new bishop. and a member of the ‘Order of Bishops’ through- xenophobia helps foster the unhealthy climate auxiliary to meet more suitably his duties as shep- “I do commend him to you and publicly state out the world.” the cardinal said. in which the current plans have grown.” herd.” that I am more than happy our Holy Father Pope The Apostolic mandate acknowledged some of Benedict XVI has appointed him to assist me in I Continued on page 4 I Continued on page 3 the new bishop’s accomplishments in theology my service in this archdiocese,” he said. I Interview with new bishop, pages 12-13 RE SYLLABUS CARDINAL O’BRIEN DEACON ORDAINED launched in Argyll fears for Catholic in Dublin for and the Isles schools after QC Glasgow Diocese by warns schools and Archdiocese talks Bishop Toal workers of impact to the SCO ORDINATION Page 2 THIS IS OUR FAITH Page 3 Page 7 SAME-SEX ‘MARRIAGE’ SAME-SEX visit www.sconews.co.uk SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT I tel 0141 221 4956 I fax 0141 221 4546 I e-mail [email protected] 2 PICTURE NEWS SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday June 15 2012 What a welcome in city of Glasgow GLASGOW City Council briggs who performed ‘Every- cese of Glasgow Arts Project joined forces with Glasgow thing’ a mime reflecting the who performed the drama Churches Together as they various temptations which ‘When St Mungo met St hosted the annual celebra- threaten a young person’s rela- Columba’, and dancers from tion of Glasgow in the City tionship with Jesus and the the Stewart School of Irish Chambers. redeeming power of His love. Dance. Oban launches RE syllabus Glasgow, the Welcoming Other representatives of A special feature of the cele- City, focused on the 14th cente- Glasgow’s Catholic community bration was the presentation of nary of Glasgow’s patron saint, included Fr Paul Milarvie a gift from Glasgow Churches By Dan McGinty and onto the altar by a child from Bishop Toal with the wooden Anthony MacMillan St Mungo, celebrating the birth (above, with councillors, VIP Together to the city. The gift, a each area of the diocese, each Crosses at Argyll and the of Glasgow with song, dance, and clergy), who stood in for glass prism, is engraved with representing one of the eight Isles diocesan launch of This drama and readings. Archbishop Mario Conti and the new logo of Glasgow CATHOLIC pupils and strands of Faith examined in is Our Faith Among the performers were delivered the reading during Churches Together, designed teaching staff from schools the new document; Signs, PIC: ANTHONY MacMILLAN Ryan McCafferty, Carly the service, and the St Mungo by Netta Ewing and created by across Argyle and the Isles Hours, Mystery, Son, Donan, Sean McInally, Rosie Singers, led by Mgr Gerry Stewart Soutar of Moorland Diocese gathered as the Revealed Truth, In the Image, Connor and Jennifer Brown, Fitzpartick. Glass in West Kilbride. Scottish Catholic Educa- World and Reign. preparation, and with approval Young Franciscans from Turn- Among the other performers tion Service launched the As the Crosses were pre- from Rome in the form of a bull High School in Bishop- were those from the Archdio- PIC: PAUL McSHERRY new national RE syllabus sented on the altar, Michael Recognitio by the Congrega- This is our Faith in Oban. McGrath of the Scottish tion for Catholic Education, Held last Thursday before Catholic Education Service This is Our Faith is a vital the Feast of St Columba— answered questions from the resource in Catholic education Cardinal speaks on initiation of children patron saint of the diocese— children about each strand of as the new curriculum for the diocesan launch, the last Faith. excellence is rolled out in one in Scotland, saw St “We had an absolutely schools. By Dan McGinty Columba’s Cathedral wel- excellent day in Oban at the As the Church prepares to come pupils from the five launch of This is our Faith,” celebrate a Year of Faith— CARDINAL Keith Catholic schools of the dio- Violet Smith, headteacher at beginning in October this year O’Brien recently cese as well as Catholic chil- Lochyside, told The Scottish and lasting until November 24 joined a group of dren from non-denominational Catholic Observer. “Our dio- 2012—and the Feast of Christ priests, parents and schools in the area. For some cese is so widespread and the King as well as marking teachers from across it was a long journey to Oban diverse that this as a very rare the 50th anniversary of the St Andrews and for the launch of the new chance to get together and Second Vatican Council and Edinburgh Archdio- structure for education in the interact with the pupils and the 20th anniversary of the cese as they gathered Catholic Faith for pupils from staff from the other Catholic publication of the Catholic in the parish of Ss P1 to S3, but all seemed to schools, as well as from non- Catechism, Catholics are John Cantius and enjoy the occasion.
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