FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 7 1 9 3 4 ^ NUMBER 55 * & N I T £ 0 % Washington, Friday, March 20, 1942 The President the public interest in the private employ­ CONTENTS ment of such persons. (c) Secure the cooperation, assistance, THE PRESIDENT or services of any governmental agency. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9102 Executive Orders: Pag® (d) Prescribe regulations necessary or Arizona, public land with­ Establishing the War R elocation Au ­ desirable to promote effective execution drawal for use of War De­ thority in the Executive Office of of such program, and, as a means of partment as aerial gunnery the P resident and D efining I ts F unc­ coordinating evacuation and relocation range___________________ 2166 tions and D uties activities, consult with the Secretary of Federal statistical information, War with respect to regulations issued By virtue of the authority vested in me uniform control of publica­ and measures taken by him. tion and use_____________ 2166 by the Constitution and statutes of the (e) Make such delegations of author­ United States, as President of the United ity as he may deem necessary. War Relocation Authority, es­ States and Commander in Chief of the (f) Employ necessary personnel* and tablishment--------------------- 2165 Army and Navy, and in order to provide make such expenditures, including the RULES, REGULATIONS, for the removal from designated areas of making of loans and grants and the pur­ ORDERS persons whose removal is necessary in chase of real property, as may be neces­ Title 10—Army: War D epartment: the interests of national security, it is sary, within the limits of such funds as ordered as follows: Prescribed service uniform; Dis­ may be made available to the Authority. tinguished Service Medal, 1. There is established in the Office for 4. The Director shall consult with the warrant officers’ belts_____ 2167 Emergency Management of the Execu­ United States Employment Service and Title 12—B anks and B anking: tive Office of the President the War Re­ other agencies on employment and other Federal Reserve System: location Authority, at the head of which problems incident to activities under this Advances on government obli­ shall be a Director appointed by and re­ order. gations_______________ 2167 sponsible to the President. 5. The Director shall cooperate with 2. The Director of the War Relocation the Alien Property Custodian appointed Title 17—Commodity and Securi­ Authority is authorized and directed to pursuant to Executive Order No. 9095* ties Exchanges: formulate and effectuate a program for of March 11,1942, in formulating policies Securities and Exchange Com­ the removal, from the areas designated to govern the custody, management, and mission: from time to time by the Secretary of disposal by the Alien Property Custodian Instructions as to prospectuses War or appropriate military commander of property belonging to foreign nation­ for employees’ savings, under the authority of Executive Order als removed under this order or under etc., plans_____________ 2167 No. 9066 1 of February 19, 1942, of the Executive Order No. 9066 of February Title 21—F ood and D rugs: persons or classes of persons designated 19, 1942; and may assist all other per­ Food and Drug Administration: under such Executive Order, and for their sons removed under either of such Exec­ Canned fruits, definitions and relocation, maintenance, and supervision. utive Orders in the management and standards of identity; 3. In effectuating such program the disposal of their property. correction of order-------- 2168 Director shall have authority to— 6. Departments and agencies of the Title 31—Money And F inance: (a) Accomplish all necessary evacua­ United States are directed to cooperate Treasury: tion not undertaken by the Secretary of with and assist the Director in his activi­ War or appropriate military commander, ties hereunder. The Departments of Monetary Offices: provide for the relocation of such per­ War and Justice, under the direction of Foreign funds control, Gen­ eral Ruling No. 11---------- 2168 sons in appropriate places, provide for the Secretary of War and the Attorney their needs in such manner as may General, respectively, shall insofar as Title 32—National D efense: consistent with the national interest be appropriate, and supervise their Office of Censorship: provide such protective, police and inves­ Communications ruling-------- 2172 activities. tigational services as the Director shall (b) Provide, insofar as feasible and Postal censorship, publica­ find necessary in connection with activi­ tions containing scien­ desirable, for the employment of such ties under this order. persons at useful work in industry, com­ 7. There is established within the War tific, technical, or pro­ merce, agriculture, or public projects, Relocation Authority the War Reloca­ fessional data--------------- 2171 prescribe the terms and conditions of tion Work Corps. The Director shall Office of Civilian Defense: provide, by general regulations, for the Loans of equipment and sup­ such public employment, and safeguard plies to civil authorities— 2172 (Continued on next page) 17 F JR. 1407. *7 F.R. 1971. 2165 2166 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, March 20, 1942 CONTENTS—Continued EXECUTIVE ORDER 9103 Federal Power Commission: Page P roviding Uniform Control Over the FEDEM Lipf REGISTER Border Pipe Line Co. (Del.), Publication and Use of F ederal S ta­ »934 ¿fiJ? hearing postponed________ 2178 tistical Information Which W ould Securities and Exchange Commis­ Give Aid and Comfort to the Enemy sion: By virtue of the authority vested in me Atlantic Utility Service Corp., by Title I of the First War Powers Act, Published dally, except Sundays, Mondays, hearing postponed_______ 2179 1941 (Public Law 354, 77th Congress, 1st and days following legal holidays by the Division of the Federal Register, The National Louisville Gas and Electric Co., Session) approved December 18, 1941; Archives, pursuant to the authority con­ et al., application granted.. 2179 and in order to prevent the publication tained in the Federal Register Act, approved Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line by Government agencies of statistical in­ July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula­ Co., filing notice__________ 2178 formation which would lend aid or com­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ fort to the enemy, and at the same time mittee, approved by the President. to make available to appropriate Federal The Administrative Committee consists of officials such information as may be the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer enlistment in such Corps, for the dura­ withheld from general publication during of the Department of Justice designated by tion of the present war, of persons re­ the war, it is hereby ordered as follows: the Attorney General, and the Public Printer moved under this order or ufider Execu­ or Acting Public Printer. tive Order No. 9066 of February 19, 1942, 1. The Director of the Bureau of the The daily issue of the F ederal Register Budget shall maintain a continuous sur­ will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free and shall prescribe the terms and condi­ of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12.50 per tions of the work to be performed by veillance of governmental publication of year, payable in advance. Remit money or­ such Corps, and the compensation to be statistical data and shall determine in der payable to the Superintendent of Docu­ paid. any instance whether the publication of ments directly to the Government Printing 8. There is established within the War statistical data by any Government Office, Washington, D. C. The charge for Relocation Authority a Liaison Commit­ agency would be in accordance with gov­ single copies (minimum, 10(f) varies in pro­ ernmental policy designed to guard portion to the size of the issue. tee on War Relocation, which shall con­ sist of the Secretary of War, the against the unauthorized disclosure of Secretary of the Treasury, the Attorney vital information as such policy is for­ General, the Secretary of Agriculture, mulated by appropriate authority. CONTENTS—Continued the Secretary of Labor, the Federal Se­ 2. Statistical data ordinarily released curity Administrator, the Director of to the public but withheld from general Title 32—National D efense—Con. publication during the war shall be re­ Office of Price Administration: Civilian Defense, and the Alien Property Custodian, or their deputies, and such leased to authorized users in Federal Price schedules, amendments, agencies in such manner and under such etc.: Page other persons or agencies as the Director may designate. The Liaison Committee rules and regulations as the Director of Motor fuel sold at service the Bureau of the Budget may prescribe. stations in curtailment shall meet at the call of the Director and shall assist him in his duties. This section shall not apply to munitions area_________________ 2169 data classified by the Departments of Radio receivers and phono­ 9. The Director shall keep the Presi­ War or Navy or the War Production graph parts_:________ 2169 dent informed with regard to the progress Board as "secret.” T ea________ 2170 made in carrying out this order, and per­ War Production Board: form such related duties as the President F ranklin D R oosevelt Agricultural bags, correction. 2169 may from time to time assign to him. T he White House, Direct-consumption sugar, in­ 10. In order to avoid duplication of March 18, 1942. terpretation of order___ 2169 evacuation activities under this order and [F. R. Doc. 42-2385; Filed, March 19, 1942; Priorities system, amendment Executive Order No. 9066 of February 19, 11:25 a. m.] of regulations__________ 2168 1942, the Director shall not undertake Tung oil, supply and distribu­ any evacuation activities within military tion order amended____ 2169 areas designated under said Executive EXECUTIVE ORDER 9104 Title 33—Navigation and Naviga­ Order No. 9066, without the prior ap­ ble Waters: proval of the Secretary of War or the Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of Coast Guard: appropriate military commander.
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