AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY CLINICAL REPORT Guidance for the Clinician in Rendering Pediatric Care Nancy Kellogg, MD; and the Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect Oral and Dental Aspects of Child Abuse and Neglect ABSTRACT. In all 50 states, physicians and dentists are and tongue. Discolored teeth, indicating pulpal ne- required to report suspected cases of abuse and neglect to crosis, may result from previous trauma.13,14 Gags social service or law enforcement agencies. The purpose applied to the mouth may result in bruises, licheni- of this report is to review the oral and dental aspects of fication, or scarring at the corners of the mouth.15 physical and sexual abuse and dental neglect and the role Some serious injuries of the oral cavity, including of physicians and dentists in evaluating such conditions. posterior pharyngeal injuries and retropharyngeal This report addresses the evaluation of bite marks as well as perioral and intraoral injuries, infections, and abscesses, may be inflicted by caregivers with facti- 16 diseases that may cause suspicion for child abuse or tious disorder by proxy to simulate hemoptysis or neglect. Physicians receive minimal training in oral other symptoms requiring medical care; regardless health and dental injury and disease and, thus, may not of caregiver motive, all inflicted injuries should be detect dental aspects of abuse or neglect as readily as reported for investigation. Unintentional or acciden- they do child abuse and neglect involving other areas of tal injuries to the mouth are common and must be the body. Therefore, physicians and dentists are encour- distinguished from abuse by judging whether the aged to collaborate to increase the prevention, detection, history, including the timing and mechanism of in- and treatment of these conditions. Pediatrics 2005;116: jury, is consistent with the characteristics of the in- 1565–1568; bite marks, sexual abuse, physical abuse, den- jury and the child’s developmental capabilities. Mul- tal neglect. tiple injuries, injuries in different stages of healing, or a discrepant history should arouse a suspicion of ABBREVIATION. ABFO, American Board of Forensic Odontology. abuse. Consultation with or referral to a knowledge- able dentist may be helpful. PHYSICAL ABUSE raniofacial, head, face, and neck injuries occur SEXUAL ABUSE in more than half of the cases of child Although the oral cavity is a frequent site of sexual Cabuse.1–10 A careful and thorough intraoral abuse in children,17 visible oral injuries or infections and perioral examination is necessary in all cases of are rare. When oral-genital contact is suspected, re- suspected abuse and neglect. In addition, all sus- ferral to specialized clinical settings equipped to con- pected victims of abuse or neglect, including chil- duct comprehensive examinations is recommended. dren in state custody or foster care, should be exam- The American Academy of Pediatrics statement ined carefully not only for signs of oral trauma but “Guidelines in the Evaluation of Sexual Abuse of also for caries, gingivitis, and other oral health prob- Children”18 provides information regarding these lems. Some authorities believe that the oral cavity examinations. may be a central focus for physical abuse because of Oral and perioral gonorrhea in prepubertal chil- its significance in communication and nutrition.11 dren, diagnosed with appropriate culture techniques Oral injuries may be inflicted with instruments such and confirmatory testing, is pathognomonic of sex- as eating utensils or a bottle during forced feedings; ual abuse19 but rare among prepubertal girls who are hands; fingers; or scalding liquids or caustic sub- evaluated for sexual abuse.20 Pharyngeal gonorrhea stances. The abuse may result in contusions, burns, is frequently asymptomatic.21 When oral-genital con- or lacerations of the tongue, lips, buccal mucosa, tact is confirmed by history or examination findings, palate (soft and hard), gingiva alveolar mucosa, or universal testing for sexually transmitted diseases frenum; fractured, displaced, or avulsed teeth; or within the oral cavity is controversial; the clinician facial bone and jaw fractures. In 1 study,12 the lips should consider risk factors (eg, chronic abuse, per- were the most common site for inflicted oral injuries petrator with a known sexually transmitted disease) (54%), followed by the oral mucosa, teeth, gingiva, and the child’s clinical presentation in deciding whether to conduct such testing. Although human papillomavirus infection may result in oral or peri- The guidance in this report does not indicate an exclusive course of treat- oral warts, the mode of transmission remains uncer- ment or serve as a standard of medical care. Variations, taking into account tain and debatable. Human papillomavirus infec- individual circumstances, may be appropriate. doi:10.1542/peds.2005-2315 tions may be transmitted sexually through oral- PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 2005 by the American Acad- genital contact, vertically from mother to infant emy of Pediatrics. during birth, or horizontally through nonsexual con- Downloaded from PEDIATRICSby guest on September Vol. 11629, 2021 No. 6 December 2005 1565 tact from a child or caregiver’s hand to the genitals or pression made immediately after swabbing the bite mouth.22 Unexplained injury or petechiae of the pal- mark for secretions containing DNA. This impres- ate, particularly at the junction of the hard and soft sion will help provide a three-dimensional model of palate, may be evidence of forced oral sex.23 As with the bite mark. Written observations and photographs all suspected child abuse or neglect, when sexual should be repeated daily for at least 3 days to docu- abuse is suspected or diagnosed in a child, the case ment the evolution of the bite. Because each person must be reported to child protective services and/or has a characteristic bite pattern, a forensic odontolo- law enforcement agencies for investigation.24–27 A gist may be able to match dental models (casts) of a multidisciplinary child abuse evaluation for the child suspected abuser’s teeth with impressions or photo- and family should be initiated. graphs of the bite. Children who present acutely with a recent history Blood-group substances can be secreted in saliva. of sexual abuse may require specialized forensic test- DNA is present in epithelial cells from the mouth ing for semen and other foreign materials resulting and may be deposited in bites. Even if saliva and from assault. If a victim provides a history for oral- cells have dried, they should be collected by using penile contact, the buccal mucosa and tongue can be the double-swab technique. First, a sterile cotton swabbed with a sterile cotton-tipped applicator, then swab moistened with distilled water is used to wipe the swab can be air dried and packaged appropri- the area in question, dried, and placed in a specimen ately for laboratory analysis. However, specialized tube. A second sterile, dry cotton swab cleans the hospitals and clinics equipped with protocols and same area and then is dried and placed in a specimen experienced personnel are best suited for collecting tube. A third control sample should be obtained from such material and maintaining a chain of evidence an uninvolved area of the child’s skin. All samples necessary for investigations. should be sent to a certified forensic laboratory for prompt analysis.30 The chain of custody must be BITE MARKS maintained on all samples submitted for forensic Acute or healed bite marks may indicate abuse. analysis. Questions regarding evidentiary procedure Dentists trained as forensic odontologists can assist should be directed to a law enforcement agency. physicians in the detection and evaluation of bite marks related to physical and sexual abuse.28 Bite DENTAL NEGLECT marks should be suspected when ecchymoses, abra- Dental neglect, as defined by the American Acad- sions, or lacerations are found in an elliptical or emy of Pediatric Dentistry, is the “willful failure of ovoid pattern. Bite marks may have a central area of parent or guardian to seek and follow through with ecchymoses (contusions) caused by 2 possible phe- treatment necessary to ensure a level of oral health nomena: (1) positive pressure from the closing of the essential for adequate function and freedom from teeth with disruption of small vessels or (2) negative pain and infection.”31 Dental caries, periodontal dis- pressure caused by suction and tongue thrusting. eases, and other oral conditions, if left untreated, can Bites produced by dogs and other carnivorous ani- lead to pain, infection, and loss of function. These mals tend to tear flesh, whereas human bites com- undesirable outcomes can adversely affect learning, press flesh and can cause abrasions, contusions, and communication, nutrition, and other activities neces- lacerations but rarely avulsions of tissue. An interca- sary for normal growth and development.32 Some nine distance (ie, the linear distance between the children who first present for dental care have severe central point of the cuspid tips) measuring more than early childhood caries (formerly termed “infant bot- 3.0 cm is suspicious for an adult human bite. 29 tle” or “nursing” caries); caregivers with adequate The pattern, size, contour, and color of the bite knowledge and willful failure to seek care must be mark should be evaluated by a forensic odontologist differentiated from caregivers without knowledge or or a forensic pathologist if an odontologist is not awareness of their child’s need for dental care in available. If neither specialist is available, a physician determining the need to report such cases to child or dentist experienced in the patterns of child abuse protective services. injuries should observe and document the bite-mark Failure to seek or obtain proper dental care may characteristics photographically with an identifica- result from factors such as family isolation, lack of tion tag and scale marker (eg, ruler) in the photo- finances, parental ignorance, or lack of perceived graph.
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