LOCAL: Best Of contest expands to Clarendon for 1st year A8 CLARENDON SUN Firefighters awarded at annual banquet A7 SERVING SOUTH CAROLINA SINCE OCTOBER 15, 1894 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2019 75 CENTS S.C. education Punching up the confidence meter department is ‘very concerned’ about Mayewood Official letter sent to district, board chairman after reopening decision BY BRUCE MILLS [email protected] ESTIMATED COSTS TO REOPEN MAYEWOOD The state education depart- First-year costs in 2019-20: ment’s leader wrote a letter to $1 million to $1.2 million Sumter School District’s leaders Reoccurring annual costs: $360,000 expressing concerns about the to $471,000 school board’s vote Monday night to re- Source: Sumter School District administration open Mayewood Mid- dle School given the district’s recent fi- education department, told The nancial and other Sumter Item on Thursday. difficulties. After the official fiscal 2016 SPEARMAN South Carolina Su- audit report revealed the district perintendent of Edu- overspent its budget by $6.2 mil- cation Molly Spearman brought lion that year, draining its gener- up a handful of topics that are ei- al fund balance to $106,449, the ther ongoing or in the recovery state department put the district process, mainly regarding costs on a “fiscal watch” in 2017. associated with reopening and That same year, the state Legis- maintaining Mayewood and pos- lature passed a law requiring all sibly F.J DeLaine Elementary school districts to have at least School next school year. one month’s operating expendi- KAYLA ROBINS / THE SUMTER ITEM “We’re very much aware of the tures in their fund balance — Jerome Robinson owns Team Robinson MMA in Sumter, which moved into the former Jack’s issues going on in Sumter, and roughly $12 million for Sumter’s Shoes downtown in 2018. He said he’s always been interested in martial arts. [we are] very concerned particu- public school system. larly with the financial instability Frank Baker, currently one of the district has had,” Ryan Mixed martial arts gym owner uses training Brown, a spokesman for the state SEE LETTER, PAGE A5 to boost self-defense, fitness in kids, adults This series is in honor of Black His- tory Month, where each February, as WHAT YOUR GOVERNMENT IS DOING: designated by the Association for the Study of African American Life and SUMTER COUNTY COUNCIL History, founded by Harvard-trained historian Carter G. Woodson, as well as The Library of Congress, an array of other national organizations and presidential proclamations since President Ger- Council gives first read ald Ford, tribute is paid to and education is spread about the generations of African- Americans who struggled with adversity to achieve full citizenship in American soci- ety. While learning about this nation’s historical and iconic African-American figures is vital, The Sumter Item is also using this month to shine a spotlight on current mem- to budget amendment, bers of the Sumter community — one each Friday for this series — who own local businesses and continue to make a mark on what, while now the present, will become recognizes 5 area heroes history. BY KAYLA ROBINS ways been interested in martial arts, but [email protected] by the time he started training full-time BY ADRIENNE SARVIS Agenda item: A request to rezone 46.99 when he was 20, he felt like he had to acres at 2320 Beckwood Road from make up for lost time. [email protected] agricultural conservation to residential-15. e started with training two He started training two people in his Sumter County Council recog- Background: The subject property has people in his garage and garage while he also managed the Food nized five of Sumter’s heroes, frontage on Beckwood and West Lion in Sumter. today trains 200 in a all recipients of the 2018 Ameri- Brewington roads, near the Sumter “The stresses that came with manag- Airport, and is across from Beckwood H can Legion Public Safety Award, 7,000-square-foot multi-purpose ing the Food Lion, I didn’t get that stress Shires, another residential-15 subdivision. during its meeting on Tuesday. when I was training people,” he said. martial arts and fitness gym, but Award winners include: Sum- Tyler Dunlap, a partner with the applicant, When he found a space near Patriot ter County Deputy of the Year said the group also developed Beckwood his main impact may be on some- Hall to rent, he took it and trained be- and American Legion Post 15 Shires and intends to build more than 60 tween five and 10 students. When a cli- stick-built houses, starting at 1,800 square thing more indirect. Law Enforcement Officer of the ent offered Robinson a bigger space to feet, on the subject site that will be Year, Sgt. James Ardis of Sumter comparable to the houses in the other Jerome Robinson, owner of Team Rob- operate out of his Cross Fit gym on County Sheriff’s Office; City Po- subdivision. inson MMA, which moved into the for- Broad Street, he took it and started lice Officer of the Year, Officer mer Jack’s Shoes on West Liberty Street training 20-30 students. Discussion: Councilwoman Vivian 1st Class Cedric Kirkman of Sum- in September 2018 after a continuous Fleming-McGhaney said she spoke with ter Police Department; Correc- representatives of South Carolina trend of growth and expansion, has al- SEE ROBINSON, PAGE A4 tional Officer of the Year, Lance Department of Transportation about Robinson helps a Cpl. Crystal Isaac of Sumter-Lee resurfacing Beckwood Road and was told Regional Detention Center; Emer- that project is “nowhere in sight for now.” customer of his gency Medical Technician of the business with But there will be consideration later, she training on West Year, Lance Cpl. Victoria Mat- said. thews of Sumter County EMS; Liberty Street. The condition of Beckwood Road was and Firefighter of the Year, Mas- mentioned by a resident of the area ter Firefighter Jason Capell of MICAH GREEN / THE during the public hearing for the SUMTER ITEM FILE PHOTO Sumter Fire Department. rezoning request. Each award recipient received a certificate and gift from council. Fleming-McGhaney said other concerns, such as lighting along Beckwood Road, would also be addressed at the state level NEW NEIGHBORHOOD MORE with local collaboration. LIKELY AFTER FINAL REQUEST Vote: Unanimous approval APPROVAL Reading: Third and final SEE COUNCIL, PAGE A4 VISIT US ONLINE AT DEATHS, B5 WEATHER, A12 INSIDE Emma Prioleau James Sentell Prince RAIN RETURNS FOR 3 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES the .com VOL. 124, NO. 85 Mary Ida Brock McKinney Margaret Ann L. Blackwell THE WEEKEND Betty June Arnold Champy Ella Bracey Clarendon Sun A7 Comics B6 Irvin Hannah Virginia Brunk Shirley Mostly cloudy today Delinquent taxes C1 Opinion A6 Alonza White with occasional rain late HIGH 68, LOW 54 Classifieds B7 Television A10 A2 | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2019 THE SUMTER ITEM Call: (803) 774-1226 | E-mail: [email protected] 1st female F-16 Viper Police be my valentine Demo Team commander removed from position BY KAYLA ROBINS of military service. [email protected] Originally assigned to the 55th Fighter Squadron at Shaw, she com- An airman who was the first fe- pleted four certifications, off-station male to be certified as commander of training flights and more than 30 the F-16 Viper Demonstration Team practice missions, as previously re- at Shaw Air Force Base has been re- ported. moved from her position after two Her historic appointment was pro- weeks. moted by the Viper team in a Tweet Col. Derek O'Malley, commander that depicted Kotnik in a superhero of the 20th Fighter Wing at Shaw, an- stance in timing with an advertising nounced in a Facebook post on Tues- campaign for "Captain Marvel," a day that Capt. Zoe "SiS" Kotnik had Marvel Studios movie whose protag- been relieved of her command posi- onist is a female Air Force fighter tion because he "lost confidence in pilot. "In these types of situations, I her ability to lead the team." The F-16 never forget that we're dealing with VDT travels around the country to real human beings that I care deeply perform precision aerial maneuvers about and that we are charged to to demonstrate what the F-16 can do take care of," O'Malley wrote. "This with a goal of inspiring the next gen- will be a difficult time for Capt. Kot- eration of airmen and helping the nik, but she's surrounded by wing- public identify with the military. men that will help her every step of "I know that loss of confidence is a the way." common response from the Air Force The commander said he was excit- whenever someone is removed from ed to have the first female demo team a command position, and I think it's pilot "here at Shaw" but that he is PHOTOS BY ADRIENNE SARVIS / THE SUMTER ITEM important to understand why we "also just as excited about the many Sumter Police Department officers handed out Valentine’s Day cards to kindergarten take this approach," O'Malley wrote other females that are serving with students at Alice Drive, Willow Drive and Millwood elementary schools Thursday. in the social media post. "We have great distinction across our Air Each card featured Chase from the “Paw Patrol” TV show and a sticker badge for the thousands of airmen across our Air Force.” students to wear. The classes also received gummy wristbands to eat later. First Sgt. Force serving our country, and not “I'm proud to serve with them, and James Sinkler said the department has been delivering cards to students on this holi- one of them is perfect.
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