(Registered at the G.P.O., Melbourne, for transmission by Post as a NewsPaPer.) Vol. 23, No. 19 Warburton, Victoria, May 71, 7908. ONE PENNY EVOLUTION AND THE SABBATH Css U IF you or I were to go to Africa or India or Europe or America to teach the old-fashioned gospel' China to . preach the gospel, what is probably the story—even to many theological schools—we would first thing that we would have to teach the natives still be confronted with the same problem, and would there before we could get them to receive the gospel have to begin thus at the very fundamentals, and lay; message ? the foundation of all religion. The Khedive's Palace at Cairo. Doubtless it would be the idea of God as their What is the very first fact revealed in the Bible?` Creator, who has thus the right and the power to —" In the beginning God created the heaven and the command our worship and obedience. We could earth." Gen. 1: 1. do nothing until we had led them to receive this as a Are we definitely informed concerning the order great fundamental fact. But how strange and sad to followed and the time occupied in the formation of think that if we were to go to any university in the earth ? 290 THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES MAY 11, 1908 Yes ; the record is very plain that it occupied a principles that are opposed to the evolution doctrine, period of six literal days; and that on each successive I must first state some scientific reasons why I cannot day some additional conditions or beings were brought believe in it. One of the primary reasons is because into existence, first the lower forms of animals and I do not believe in geology as currently taught, and vegetation, then the higher forms, and finally, man. upon the accuracy of which evolution depends for its It was clearly' a regular and beautiful order of very life. I do not for a moment believe in the progress or unfolding ; and it certainly took time, and geological ages of the text-books. And it is not by was not all brought about instantaneously. But any means merely a question of length of time. The instead of taking millions and millions of years, the vital point in geology on which evolution depends for record is very plain that it took only six literal days ; support is that only certain types of life were in while instead of the higher forms growing out of the existence at a certain period, that these types dis- lower forms by a long-drawn-out conflict and struggle appeared and were replaced by certain new types, for survival, man himself being only the outgrowth these in turn being replaced by other forms, and so of bestial and savage types, the record is clear that on until the higher animals appeared, and finally each type was created independently of the others, man. But while the early writers on this science directly called into existence from the inorganic supposed that these different fossil forms represented elements at the word of the Infinite One, and pro- distinct successive ages, it is now clearly seen that nounced " very good." their method of arriving at this conclusion violated At the end of this first week of time, God insti- the essential principles of true scientific research as tuted the Sabbath as a reminder of this fact that He laid down by Bacon and Newton. In addition to had made the world in six days of the same length this, modern discoveries among the rocks have given and character as the seventh, or Sabbath. His us whole hosts of facts that positively contradict this blessing and sanctifying it were for the purpose of hasty, unscientific conclusion of the early geologists, giving it over to man as a memorial, or reminder, of that these fossil forms represent successive ages of this most fundamental fact, and to perpetuate among life that have peopled the world. There is absolutely the human race the constant acknowledgment of no line of scientific reasoning that can Prove one their relationship to Him as His creatures. kind of fossil intrinsically older than another. From the very beginning of the science these A Wall Against Idolatry. successive ages have been only the subjective Had the Sabbath been always thus observed there imaginings of crude speculation, mere shadows of the could never have been a heathen or an idolater. mind's own throwing, put forth by men who thought And even now the observance of the Sabbath, in the they had discovered what they had only invented. spirit of its _original design, is an acknowledgment If any reader still thinks that the current geo- on the part of thoSe who observe it that they believe logical ages have been scientifically established, he in a literal creation during a week of the same kind can very soon settle the matter by asking the next of days as the Sabbath which, they observe—days college professor he meets how to prove that the which consisted of an " evening" and a " morning " Cambrian fossils are essentially older than the like all that have succeeded. For if the first six days Cretaceous. To quote but one example out of many were six immense periods of time, then the seventh, or similar instances : In Alberta, Canada, Cambrian Sabbath, must also be an- immense period of time, (" older ") rocks are on tot, while deep down beneath which would rob the Sabbath of its beauty and make them are the Cretaceous ("younger"), the whole ex- it meaningless. tending over many square miles of territory, and having It has just been said that the observance of the every possible physical appearance of having been Sabbath would have saved the world from heathen- deposited as we find them. Such things are leading ism and idolatry. Not only so, but there could never modern scientific thinkers to examine anew the have arisen any false world-philosophy or cosmogony foundation principles of geology, with the result, as such as the modern doctrine of evolution which is above stated, that no one kind of fossil form can be only the embryonic stage of another great system of proved to be essentially older than another. The false religion, for in a very similar manner did all the fossil world is a unit as far as we know, and we great systems of philosophic religion, such as cannot possibly prove that one type lived before Buddhism, Brahmanism, Parseeism, etc., take their another. rise. We in our day are seeing the birth of a very Built on Assumption. similar system of false religion, the so-called "Theistic Evolution," or " New Theology," a system utterly Hence the scheme of evolution, which has incor- impossible unless the world had forgotten the blessed porated into its system such a mess of nonsense as institution which God gave the race in the beginning the geological succession of life, and without which it to keep them from this very thing. would be meaningless, falls to pieces like a house of cards at the slightest breath of common sense and Uncertain Basis of Evolution. true inductive science. Darwin could never have The modern revival of the observance of God's induced half a dozen schoolboys to listen to him if long-neglected Sabbath dates from about the middle the geologists had not erected a pretentious tower of the nineteenth century. It thus runs parallel with from which he could address the awestruck world, the spread of the doctrine of evolution; and two more and his modern followers are always nonplussed antagonistic ideas it would be difficult to think of. when brought face to face with the childish, un- The nature of this antagonism is the subject before scientific way in which this life-succession doctrine us, and will be presented in later articles. But was first built up from absurd assumptions and besides the very fundamental moral and religious mistakes and then treated as an actual fact. MAY 11, 1908 THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES 291 Therefore it is easy to see that the enlightened (And by the same token we know that wizen the Sabbath-keeper, the true Biblical Christian, has Master of the house returns to it, as He most assur- absolutely no regard for the evolution doctrine of the edly will, He will find very little faith in the earth origin of things, and with the very good scientific —either in Himself, or God, or anything.) reason that he does not believe in the geological Why, because science is every day winning the theories upon which it depends. The mere question world to the belief that everything had a natural of the length of time involved has little if anything to beginning—this planet, all creatures up to man, will do with the logic of the case. Knowing as we do have a natural end also ; and that God Himself if that the geological scheme of life-succession is a myth there be a God, must likewise have had a beginning, and not a fact, it is useless to talk to us about the and will have an ending. higher forms of life, or man himself having developed Even thus does man judge his Maker. out of the lower ones, for one is found fossil as truly as the other, and nothing can Prove that they were We know that the impelling forces are tremendous. not all living contemfioraneously together in that " Modernism " is a giant of such tremendous power, of older world, and were buried approximately together, such apparently overwhelming intellectual force that as the Bible teaches.
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