VOL. XXIII NO. 4 THURSDAY , AUGUST 30, 1990 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY’S Iraq leader denies reports of secret deal Saddam Hussein says he will not be an easy target, declares Kuwait to be a province of Iraq PARIS (AP) — Saddam Hus­ pull out of Kuwait. States “is not the angel of and sent some of them to sein said in an interview A White House official con­ death.” strategic installations to deter Wednesday that he is constantly firmed Wednesday that the That interview was conducted any U.S. a ttack, announced moving so he won’t provide an Bush administration received a in Baghdad on Tuesday by Tuesday that women and chil­ easy target for a possible U.S. secret Iraqi offer to free all French anchorman Patrick dren could leave. The French air attack. captives and withdraw from Poivre d’Arvor of station TF1. interview was taped that day Saddam spoke in separate in­ Kuwait if certain conditions The first part of the two-hour before the announcement. terviews with French television were met. session, with excerpts broad­ Saddam spoke with an air of and CBS, his first to Western The conditions were that the cast on the evening news, took confidence, despite the huge reporters since the Iraqi presi­ international trade embargo place in front of a group of buildup of U.S., European, dent sent his forces to invade against Iraq be lifted and m b Western hostages, Poivre Arab and other forces in the Kuwait on Aug. 2. Baghdad be granted access to d’Arvor said later. He objected region to counter Iraq. In an hour long interview the Persian Gulf and sole con­ when the Iraqis proposed in­ “A victory for the United with CBS anchor Dan Rather trol of an oil field that dips into cluding the hostages in the ses­ States is not realistic,” Saddam taped in Baghdad on Wednes­ Kuwait, according to the New sion, and it was then continued said. He said America would day, the Iraqi leader declared York area newspaper Newsday. * in private as the tw o men have to defeat the Iraqi army, flatly, “ Kuwait is part of Iraq. The White House official, who Saddam Hussein strolled together. the Iraqi economy and “ defeat We have said this, and the spoke on condition of Poivre d’Arvor said the film the Iraqi regime.” legislative bodies in Iraq have anonymity, said the offer was do not beg before anyone.” was confiscated and returned In his CBS interview, Saddam issued a clear decree saying rejected. The Iraqi president said he is eight hours later with a ques­ renewed Iraq’s argument that that Kuwait is an Iraqi In his comments for French not an easy target because he tion on Western hostages the foreigners held by Iraq province,” he said. television, Saddam asserted does not remain in one place deleted. should not be called hostages. Saddam also denied that he is once again the United States “ to invite being bombed.” He Saddam, who has barred making any secret proposals to cannot defeat Iraq, adding “ I said defiantly that the United Westerners from leaving Iraq see SADDAM / page 5 Malloy travels to Helsinki, California during summer By KEVALEEN RYAN dressed such topics as the fu­ News Writer ture of higher education, the various avenues of student and facully exchange programs, the While some spent their sum­ impact of science and technol­ mer months working on their ogy, current economic and po­ tans, University business took litical realities and their pre­ President Edward Malloy on sumed effects on the universi­ excursions around the globe. ties and other relevant subjects. For a week in August, Malloy, However, according to Mal­ along with university presidents loy, it was the informal ses­ from 120 other countries, at­ sions. “over coffee or lunch tended the Ninth General Con­ breaks,” that generated a more ference of the International As­ interesting and profitable ex­ sociation of Universities in change. The actual address to Helsinki, Finland. the mass audience tended to be The purpose of this council, more philosophical and eso­ according to Dennis Moore, as­ teric, rather than practical, sociate director of Public Rela­ said Moore. tions and Information, was to “It is clear that Notre Dame bring administrators together enjoys a good reputation inter­ and provide them with the op­ nationally. This gives us a good portunity for a unique ex­ opportunity to enhance our change. presence abroad and to foster The conference consisted of international cooperation and Catching up at Stonehenge The0bserver/MaryHuet*el approximately 20 different exchange in the future,” said speakers, including officials Malloy. Senior Kassie Misiewiez and K. Lynn Berry, a 1989 alumna, chatted by the fountain Wednesday and from UNESCO (a United Na­ soaked up some rays. Students are enjoying the hot weather while they can before fall hits Indiana. tions organization), who ad­ see MONK/ page 7 Germanys to sign treaty within two days despite problem with abortion BONN, West Germany (AP) — in Leipzig was temporarily veto the treaty over that issue. Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s gov­ closed. But late Wednesday another ernment said Wednesday the In Bonn, West Germany’s disagreement arose in the two Germanys will likely sign capital, Interior Minister Wolf­ abortion dispute — how long within two days a treaty gang Schaeuble said a treaty to after unity the two Germanys providing the formal basis for serve as the document formally would keep their widely differ­ unification, although m erging the nations on Oct. 3 ing abortion laws. differences remain over and meshing their laws is near East Germany’s abortion law abortion. approval. is far more permissive than In East Germany, an esti­ Closed-door talks among West Germany’s. mated 90,000 public employees government and opposition of­ The major political parties in at least 20 cities held a sec­ ficials continued into the night had already agreed the two ond day of warning strikes over in an effort to clear up the re­ Germanys should keep their re­ fears their jobs will be endan­ maining difficulties. But spective abortion laws for an gered by unification with West Schaeuble said no difficulties interim two-year period until Germany. were expected in getting the an all-German parliament can About 10,000 nurses, approval of all sides. choose abortion statutes for a garbage men, bus drivers and Parties within Kohl’s coali­ united Germany. others stopped working for two tion had already signaled they But the Social Democrats in­ hours in East Berlin. would yield to the opposition sisted Wednesday night that Strikes of up to two hours Social Democrats’ insistence no there should be a three-year ex­ Lines, fineS, lines The Observer/ Mary Hueckel were also reported in Erfurt, West German women be prose­ tension if the all-German par­ Potsdam, Leipzig, Gera and cuted for seeking abortions in liament fails to agree on a new Students begin the Notre Dame tradition of line worship early in several other cities. Fire trucks East Germany after unity. abortion law. Lawmakers from the year as they queue to get credit approval to buy books. Unfor­ and garbage trucks blocked The left-of-center Social tunately, these lines don’t even compare to the enormity of the several streets, and the airport Democrats had threatened to see GERMANY / page 3 football ticket lines next week. page 2 The Observer Thursday, August 30, 1990 I n s id e C o l u m n W e a t h e r Forecast for noon, Thursday, Aug. 30. Lines show high temperatures. Absence of an 9 0 1 maids really ‘stinks’ Since the University, Yesterday’s high: 92 is now forcing us to Yesterday’s low: 66 flush our own toilets Nation’s high: 1 09 in its quest to pro­ (Borrego Springs and duce mature, respon­ Needles, Calif.) sible and CLEAN Nation’s low: 37 Catholic graduates, I (West Yellowstone, feel obliged to offer Mont.) the community, obvi­ F o re c a s t: T h u rs d a y ously shattered by the Alison Cocks will be mostly sunny, loss of the maids, my cooler and less humid residence hall survival Editor-in-Chief with highs in the 80s. tips. --------------------------------- Mostly clear skies You must always find the positive in every FRONTS: Thursday night will allow situation. Since your trash will only be emp­ lows to fall into the lower tied once a week (some weeks, anyway) and ▼ ▼ to middle 60s. you know nothing w ill possess you to do it, COLD WARM STATIONARY ©1990 Accu-W eather, Inc. you have a new excuse to add to the list of Prgssure reasons why you cannot hand in your final © © t x J [ v 3 a 2 3 paper. HIGH LOW SHOWERS RAIN T-STORMS FLURRIES SNOW ICE SUNNY PT. CLOUDY CLOUDY Forget horror tales about malfunctioning software, and LaserWriters that refuse to Via Associated Press GraphicsNet spew out your document. Stop vandalizing toner cartridges and disks all over campus to lend credibility to your tale. You have it made. By the end of the semester you will have W o r l d accumulated so much garbage that if you tell your professor that your dog threw the Big Ben’s bell is back in business, tolling the Masked Mohawks on Wednesday helped masterpiece away by mistake he will auto­ hours as it has done for 131 years. The famous, booming soldiers tear down barricades set up seven weeks ago to matically waive your final requirement. tone of the 13 1/2-ton bell resumed at 10 p.m.
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