Name Project Area Project Type Length Class Notes Recommendation High priority sidewalk project, consider holding Eaton - Chipseal 14th to South Ave Chipseal 2,800 Collector missing ped infrastructure, bus route, collector without bike faciities. off until full project can happen North Ave Reserve St to Johnson Chipseal 3,700 Collector No recommendation ADA ramps at corners, appropriate parking Ryman - Chipseal Railroad to Broadway Chipseal 1,280 Collector change to parking (45 angled on both sides) spaces. adjust parking as needed add bike lane symbols to bike lanes, piano key Wyoming - Chipseal Russell to California Chipseal 1,065 Collector bike lanes put back, marked crosswalk at California crosswalks at California Mount - Mill & Overlay Hill to Higgins Mill & Overlay 1,400 Collector only a block, one way. right out only at Higgins. No additional infra needed No recommendation get counts - one of only a couple ways across Reserve. Palmer arguably has Union Pacific St - Mill & Overlay Reserve St to Great Northern Ave Mill & Overlay 850 Collector more traffic and no center turn lane. Remove center turn lane and add bike lanes missing ped infrastructure, collector without bike facilities. Facilites across 7th St - Chipseal 7th St from Reserve St to Kemp Chipseal 2,350 Collector Resever though. Future connection? Seek exception to CS policy Mill and Overlay - Prospect Dr from Bridge to is this really a collector? differs even from other hillside collectors in that it Prospect Dr - Mill and Overlay Diamond Meadow Chipseal 1,125 Collector (Local) only connects one way. at least LVB goes to the top of Miller Creek piano key crosswalk at trail Deer Creek - Chipseal Eastside of bridge to south of interstate Chipseal 4,738 Collector (Urban) piano key crosswalk for trail piano key crosswalk at trail Dore Ln - Chipseal Chipseal Dore Ln from Brooks to 39th. Chipseal 1,250 Collector (Urban) complete bike lanes bike lanes per 2019 design Anglers Bend Way - Chipseal Entirety of Anglers Bend Way Chipseal 2,600 Local St need to look at trail system out there awaiting feedback from Neil Bandmann Trail - Chipseal Entirety of Bandmann Trail Chipseal 2,560 Local St piano key crosswalk for trail piano key crosswalk at trail marked crosswalks at Canyon Creek Blvd, Bordeaux - Chipseal Entirety of Bordeaux Chipseal 700 Local St Storehouse Way, and Potter Park Loop Burlington Ave from Clark to half block east of Burlington - Chipseal Grant Chipseal 3,200 Local St No recommendation Cahilll Rise - Chipseal Entirety of Cahill Rise Chipseal 1,600 Local St might be the trail connection - get with Neil awaiting feedback from Neil Canyon River - Chipseal Canyon River from Deer Creek to Deer Creek Chipseal 3,291 Local St awaiting feedback from Neil High priority sidewalk/Neighborhood Greenway NG network. Needs ped facilities, eventual sharrows. Projet at Reserve to project, consider holding off until full project can Central - Chipseal Reserve St to Johnson St. Chipseal 2,800 Local St add ped activated signal (remove existing mid block) happen Deveraux - Chipseal Potter Lp to Wilke Chipseal 620 Local St No recommendation Diagon - Chipseal Potter Lp to Wilke Chipseal 830 Local St No recommendation Chipseal - Grant from 1.5 blocks south of Brooks (alley) to 34th. MRA sidewalk project to the install sidewalk and curb ramps at McDonald Grant - Chipseal north to be completed in 2021. Chipseal 1,820 Local St intersection with McDonald is called out in BFMP as needing improvement intersection. piano key crosswalk on west leg Harve - Chipseal Grant to Garfield Chipseal 580 Local St No recommendation Hermione - Chipseal Potter Park Lp to Wilke Chipseal 630 Local St No recommendation Replace all markings in durable materials. Light Green (as opposed to forest green) through Higgins - Chipseal E Broadway to Railroad St Chipseal 2,800 Local St Replace all markings in durable materials intersections Needs sidewalks. Should count speeds and volumes - seems busy and high Piano key crosswalks at 9th and 10th (Franklin Kemp - Chipseal 14th to South Ave Chipseal 3,014 Local St crash frequency Park) Kensington - Chipseal Margaret to one block east of Grant Chipseal 2,974 Local St No recommendation Margaret - Chipseal 14th to South Ave Chipseal 2,637 Local St No recommendation Muggle - Chipseal Potter Park Lp to Wilke Chipseal 630 Local St No recommendation Review Bordeaux intersection for traffic control, Potter Park Lp - Chipseal Wheeler to Potter Park Lp (NS leg only) Chipseal 1,600 Local St calming, and crosswalks Priority Neighborhood Greenway. Needs Schilling St - Chipseal South Ave to S 14th St W Chipseal 2,800 Local St NG network. Needs ped facilities, eventual sharrows sidewalks. Consider holding off until full project Strand - Chipseal Margaret to half block east of Grant Chipseal 2,600 Local St No recommendation Reserve St to Johnson. Chipseal east of Eaton W. Kent - Chipseal after overlay Chipseal 2,851 Local St No recommendation Wheeler Drive - Chipseal Expressway to Wilke Chipseal 1,730 Local St No recommendation Wilke - Chipseal Wheeler to Potter Park Lp Chipseal 1,360 Local St No recommendation 1 ADA ramps at corners, appropriate parking Woody - Chipseal Spruce to main St Chipseal 1,100 Local St 45 degree angled parking spaces. adjust parking as needed 26th Ave - Mill & Overlay 26th Ave from Central to North Ave Mill & Overlay 649 Local St No recommendation Central Ave - Mill and Overlay Central Ave from Reserve St to 26th Ave Mill & Overlay 500 Local St coordinate with school markings Finish ADA started with MCPS project North Ave W. - Mill & Overlay Reserve St to 26th St Mill & Overlay 300 Local St No recommendation ADA ramps at corners, appropriate parking Woody St - Mill & Overlay Spruce St to Broadway Mill & Overlay 750 Local St 45 degree angled parking spaces. adjust parking as needed High priority sidewalk/Neighborhood Greenway project, consider holding off until full project can Central Ave - Thin Lift & Overlay Eaton to Johnson Thin Lift & Overlay 1,460 Local St NG network. Needs ped facilities, eventual sharrows happen W Central Ave - Thin Lift & Overlay Russell St to Catlin St Thin Lift & Overlay 880 Local St needs way finding for NG network. Not ready yet No recommendation E Crosby - Thin Lift & Overlay Stephens Ave to Edith Thin Lift & Overlay 330 Local St Complete sidewalk on school side of street Connection from trail to Johnson (at least to Grant St) should be made. Bi- bi directional bike lane on north side of street North Ave - Thin Lift & Overlay Johnson St to Garfield St Thin Lift & Overlay 300 Local St directional bike lane? with at least 1’ buffer and delineators Priority Neighborhood Greenway. Needs Schilling St - Thin Lift & Overlay South Ave to S 14th St W Thin Lift & Overlay 2,800 Local St NG network. Needs ped facilities, eventual sharrows sidewalks. Consider holding off until full project Kent Ave - Thin Lift & Overlay Eaton St to Johnson St Thin Lift & Overlay 1,470 Local St No recommendation South Ave - Chipseal Chipseal from Higgins Ave to Maurice. Chipseal 2,624 Local/Minor Arterial Replace all markings in durable materials Replace all markings in durable materials From Vine (north of north roundabout) near replace all markings in durable materials, ensure parking replace all markings in durable materials, bike Van Buren - Chipseal hwy 90 north to Herbert. Chipseal 4,890 Minor Arterial prohibition/wrecker to get striping complete lane + parking lane must be at least 13’ combined Replace all markings in durable materials. Russell - Chipseal Brooks to South Chipseal 5,163 Minor Arterial Replace all markings in durable materials. Crossings needed to trails/NGs Enhance crossings per BFMP to trails/NGs 3rd St Mill & Overlay 3rd St from railroad tracks east to Orange St. Mill & Overlay 1,750 Minor Arterial need to clarify exception to CS policy Request exception from Complete Streets policy Coordinate with Mountain Line to install safe South Ave - Mill & Overlay Ronald to Higgins Mill & Overlay 1,900 Minor Arterial coordinate with ML project. Opportunity for Gerald improvements? crossing at Gerald per BFMP Complete sidewalk where Beckwtih meets Campus Dr and complete recent crossing Campus Dr - Chipseal Chipseal Campus Dr. - Paid for by University Chipseal 3,617 Private Needs curb/gutter/sidewalk at Beckwith transition improvements 2.
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