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Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 111:334-338. 1998. BIODYNAMICS OF ANTHONOMUS MACROMALUS (COLEOPTERA: CURCULIONIDAE), A WEEVIL PEST OF BARBADOS CHERRY IN FLORIDA Adrian G. B. Hunsberger and Jorge E. Pena sites consisted of two commercial orchards [1) mature trees and 2) first year bearing trees] and one experimental planting Tropical Research and Education Center of mature trees. Peak adult populations occurred during the University of Florida, IFAS summer (June-July) in 1995 at two commercial orchards Homestead, Florida 33031 (means of 64.0 and 1.45 adults/branch, respectively) whereas at an unmanaged experimental orchard, adult density reached Robin M. Giblin-Davis a peak of 0.5 adults/branch. Weevil density was higher in the Ft. Lauderdale Research and Education Center upper and middle strata compared with the lower stratum in University of Florida, IFAS mature trees (means of 0.25,0.25,0.11 weevils/branch, respec Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33314 tively). Eggs and larvae were found in flowers and fruit, and lar vae were found individually in the stem terminals. Sixty-one percent (n = 205) of all fruit dissected were infested. Adult peak Gerhard Gries and Regine Gries emergence was 17 days after fruit harvest and the highest den Departments of Biological Sciences and Chemical Ecology sity of weevils per fruit was 4.7 adults from the experimental Simon Eraser University planting. To determine if adult weevils respond to host semio- Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada V5A 1S6 chemicals, weevils were subjected to test stimuli in a dual- choice still air Petri dish bioassay. There was no significant re Additional index words. Population dynamics, insect sampling, sponse to host flowers, leaves, or fruit. Aerations of adult wee vils yielded one intense electroantennogram detector active pheromones, trapping. chemical, 1-octen-3-ol, a green leaf volatile. This chemical and pheromones from other Anthonomus species were tested on Abstract. The most important insect pest of Barbados cherry in yellow sticky card traps in the field but did not increase trap ef Florida and the Antilles is the acerola weevil Anthonomus mac- ficiency. Leaf feeding damage was determined by leaf area romalus Gyllenhal. Major economic damage occurs when the measurements using a LI-COR-3 000. Early season damage weevil larvae develop in the flowers and fruit, causing prema amounted to 4.9% of the leaf area. ture fruit drop and loss in yields. Studies were done in Homestead, Florida in 1995 and 1997 to Barbados cherry or acerola, Malpighia glabra (L.) (= punic- determine A. macromalus population dynamics, oviposition ifolia L.), is a tropical fruit native to the West Indies, Central sites, emergence patterns from fruit, response to pheromones America, and South America (Phillips, 1991). In Florida, Bar of other Anthonomus species and host volatiles, and feeding bados cherry is grown in the southern part of the state in ho damage to Barbados cherry foliage. Barbados cherry study meowner's yards and as a commercial crop. The most important insect pest of Barbados cherry in Florida is the acerola weevil, Anthonomus macromalus Gyllen Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series N-01633. This hal (= A. flavus, = A. bidentatus, = A. malpighia) [Coleoptera: work was supported in part by a grant from Nutrilite. We thank Paul Bubrick Curculionidae]. This weevil is small (2.1-3.4 mm length) and for his assistance and Rodney Irwin for the use of his orchards. Thanks to W. Meyer andj. Jacas who reviewed an earlier version of this manuscript. dark brown. Members of this species are oligophagous within Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. Ill: 1998. 334 the botanical family Malpighiaceae. This weevil appears to be Larval Populations and Oviposition Sites. From June through native to the Neotropics, with reports from Dade County, October 1995 from all three sites, flower buds (1-5 per sam Florida (USA) and from many of the islands of the Caribbean ple), open flowers (3-25 per sample), and fruit (1-21 per sam Region (Clark and Burke, 1985). Stegmaier and Burke ple, all stages of ripeness) were randomly harvested, placed (1974) reviewed the biology of A. macromalus. Adults deposit into plastic bags, and immediately transported to the labora eggs on the anthers of flowers and in immature fruits. The lar tory for dissection under a stereomicroscope. The number of vae develop in the flowers and fruit, causing extensive dam eggs, larvae, and pupae was recorded. age to floral reproductive structures and to the flesh of the Attraction to Plant Volatiles. A modified dual-choice still air fruit which reduces yield. Adult weevils feed on immature, ex Petri dish bioassay described by Prokopy et al. (1995) was panding leaves which causes a "shot-gun hole" appearance to used to determine weevil attraction to plant volatiles. One of the leaves as they expand. Surveys for parasitoids of A. macro the two cups was randomly baited with a Barbados cherry tis malus has yielded one parasite, Catolaccus hunteri Crawford sue treatment and a moist cotton wick for moisture. The oth (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) (Hunsberger and Pena, er cup contained only a moist wick and served as a control. 1997). No other parasitoids were found in Florida. The plant tissue choices were flower buds, open flowers, fruit, There is some evidence that A. macromalus may produce or immature leaves. Within 1 min of the start of a trial, a single aggregation pheromones. Adult weevils have been found in field collected A. macromalus adult was placed in the bottom aggregations in orchards (Hunsberger and Pena, personal of the dish. These chambers were then placed into a dark observations) and individuals were attracted to crushed A. ened environmental chamber. Weevils could choose to re macromalus in Petri dish arenas (Hunsberger, unpublished main in the dish or to crawl up the inner surface of one of the data). We conducted several experiments to help elucidate two tubes and enter a cup containing a treatment or control. other aspects of the biology of this weevil. The objectives of Tests were run for 24 and 48 hrs, and choices were recorded. this study were to: 1) study the population dynamics of adults At the end of each test, weevils were dissected to determine and within-tree distribution, 2) determine oviposition and sex. Comparisons were made with 6-23 replicates for each sex. larval feeding sites, 3) determine adult emergence patterns Data were analyzed with a G test (P = 0.05) comparing the from fruit, 4) determine if adults produce pheromones and/ number of weevils entering a treatment cup with the number or respond to known chemically produced weevil phero that entered a control cup. mones, 5) determine if adults respond to plant semiochemi- Attempts to Identify Aggregation Pheromones. Two hundred cals, and 6) measure adult feeding damage to Barbados freshly caught adults (mixed sexes) were placed without food cherry foliage. into a modified 9-liter Nalgene polycarbonate desiccator equipped with a volatile collecting cartridge (Poropak Q) for Materials and Methods aeration. Procedures for volatile collection, extraction and analyses were similar to those used by Weissling et al. (1994). Barbados Cherry Orchard Sites. Three sites were used A sample of the aeration was injected into the GC and simul throughout the following studies. The first two sites were com taneously read on a flame ionization detector (FID) and on mercial orchards located in Homestead, Dade County, Flori an electroantennogram detector (EAD) (Arn etal., 1975). In da. The first site consisted of 15 acres of mature trees whereas addition to the aeration sample, the four identified chemicals the second site had 7 acres of first-year bearing trees. The third from the cotton boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis grandis Boh.) site was located at the University of Florida, Tropical Research pheromone (racemic grandisol) were assayed for EAD activity and Education Center (TREC), Homestead, Florida and con with antennae of A.
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