VinylTon Schallplatten Soul/Funk/HipHop/Rap (gebraucht) Artikel Interpret Album/Modell Preis Vinyl Cover Jahr Prod-Nr Info WUG 12267 "Dimples" Richard Fields Dimples € 5,00 VG+ VG 1981 NB1-33232 LP 36122 50 Cent feat. The Madd Rapper How To Rob (12´´ Maxi - 33 1/3 RPM) € 5,00 M- VG 1999 44 79252 US-Import; Columbia/Sony; zerknittertes, solides Cover, Maxi 12´´ Cut-Out 33966 5000 Volts Bye Love/Look Out I´m Coming (7´´) € 2,00 VG+ VG 1976 6006 501 Philips LP 40788 94 East feat. Prince Minneapolis Genius € 9,90 M- VG+ 1987 CLALP 132 Castle Classics; EAN 5013428801321 LP 30441 A Taste Of Honey Boogie Oogie Oogie/World Spin (7´´) € 4,00 M- VG+ 1978 1C 006-85 508 Capitol Rec. Single 7´´ 35985 A Taste Of Honey Sukiyaki/Don't You Lead Me On (7´´) € 2,50 VG+ VG+ 1980 1A 006-86366 Capitol Rec. Single 7´´ 35185 A Tribe Called Quest The Love Movement € 39,90 VG VG+ 1998 01241-41638-1 Zustand beachten; US-Import, Jive Rec. Triple LP 13817 Adventures Of Steve V Adventures Of Steve V € 5,00 M- VG+ 1990 846 966-1 mit orig. Innencover LP 34206 AMG Around The World (33 1/3 RPM - 12´´) € 7,90 VG+ VG+ 1995 25042-1 US-Import; Promotional-Copy LP 22910 Andrea True Connection More, More, More € 2,50 VG+ VG+ 1976 M 27.023 Buddah Rec. Single 7´´ Dienstag, 28. September 2021 Seite 1 von 84 Artikel Interpret Album/Modell Preis Vinyl Cover Jahr Prod-Nr Info WUG 32177 Angie St. John Letter From My Heart / For Me, For You (7´´) € 2,50 VG+ VG+ 1985 107 234 Ariola Single 7´´ 39243 Another Bad Creation Coolin' At The Playground Ya' Know € 12,90 M- VG+ 1991 ZL72737 Motown; Aukleber "Unverkäufliches Muster) auf Cover- LP Rückseite 16077 Apollonia 6 Apollonia 6 € 12,90 VG+ VG+ 1984 1-25108 US-Import m. orig. Innencover LP 40055 Apsci Thanks For Asking € 12,90 M- M- 2005 QP 070 Quannum Projects; EAN: 681940007016 Double LP 33532 Arpeggio Love And Desire € 7,90 M- VG+ 1978 2344 137 LP 18992 Arrested Development Da Feelin´ € 32,90 M M 2000 TOJP-60113 Japan - Import; sealed LP 32423 Ashantis Let´s Stay Together € 28,90 VG+ VG 1975 1C 062-97 204 EMI/Electrola LP 42495 Ashford & Simpson High-Rise € 7,90 M- VG+ 1983 1A 064 7122821 orig. Innencover LP 23067 Ashford & Simpson Performance € 12,90 M- VG+ 1981 WB K 66 099 mit orig. Innencover Double LP 30643 Ashford & Simpson Solid (7´´) € 2,00 VG+ VG+ 1984 1C 006 20 0424 Capitol Rec. Single 7´´ 30091 Atlantic Starr Stand Up/Don´t Abuse My Love (7´´) € 2,50 VG+ VG 1978 AMS 6625 Single 7´´ Dienstag, 28. September 2021 Seite 2 von 84 Artikel Interpret Album/Modell Preis Vinyl Cover Jahr Prod-Nr Info WUG 10583 Austin Patti Patti Austin € 5,00 M- M- 1984 923 974-1 LP 43149 Ayers Roy I´m The One (For Your Love Tonight) € 5,00 VG VG+ 1987 450597 1 Zustand beachten LP 13824 B.E.W.A.R.E. feat. Toni Scott Pick Up The Pieces € 4,50 VG+ VG+ Maxi 12´´ 36312 Baba Let It Shine / Beatbox Logic (12´´ Maxi; 33 1/3 RPM) € 4,50 M- M- 2000 45279 US-Import; Velour Rec. Maxi 12´´ 26842 Bad Boy´s Da Band Too Hot For T.V. € 7,90 VG+ VG+ 2003 B0001118-01 Bad Boy Entertainment Double LP 42784 Ballard Hank & The Midnighters What You Get When The Gettin Gets Good € 9,90 VG+ VG+ 1985 CRB 1090 Charly R&B, Made in UK LP 19461 Bama Touch Me When We´re Dancing € 5,00 VG+ VG 1979 AHL 1-3440 Cover-Rückseite beschrieben; US-Import LP 29709 Bar-Kays Dangerous € 5,00 VG+ VG 1984 818 478-1 orig. Innencover, Cover-Rückseite beschädigt LP 41451 Bar-Kays Sexomatic / Shake Your Rump To The Funk (12´´ Maxi) € 4,50 VG+ VG+ 1990 OG 4082 Old Gold Maxi 12´´ 41720 Barrabas St. Valentine/Black Cotton Plantation (7´´) € 3,00 VG+ VG+ 1984 106 055-100 Hansa International Single 7´´ 25093 Barry Claudja You Make Me Feel The Fire / Everybody € 2,00 VG+ VG+ 1979 6.12 617 Lollipop Rec. LP 39286 Bataan Joe Rap-O Clap-O (12´´ Maxi) € 6,00 VG+ VG+ 1979 XC 2375 Salsoul Rec. Maxi 12´´ Dienstag, 28. September 2021 Seite 3 von 84 Artikel Interpret Album/Modell Preis Vinyl Cover Jahr Prod-Nr Info WUG 27979 Bella Gianni Toc Toc € 9,90 VG+ VG+ 1979 CBS 83518 orig. Innencover LP 35515 Belle Epoque Bamalama/Taste Of Destruction (7´´) € 2,00 VG+ VG 1978 2044 110 Carrere Single 7´´ 42244 Benson George While The City Sleeps … € 7,90 M- VG+ 1986 925 475-1 orig. Innencover LP 39173 Benson Sharon Fighting Chance/ When Lo´e's So Right (7´´) € 3,50 M- VG+ 1986 EDIT 3315 Sedition/PRT Ltd. Single 7´´ 30146 Betty Boo Doing´ The Do / Shame (7´´) € 3,00 VG+ VG+ 1990 LEFT 39 Rhythm King Rec. Single 7´´ 38034 Beyoncé Me, Myself And I (12´´ Maxi - 33 1/3 RPM) € 9,50 M- VG+ 2004 44 76761 US-Import, Columbia/Sony, Promo-Copy Maxi 12´´ 24802 Bix Eskimo/Watch Out € 2,00 VG+ VG 1977 2041 842 Polydor Single 7´´ 36340 Black Attack My Crown / Correct Technique (12´´ Maxi) € 6,50 VG+ VG+ 1997 RWK 147 US-Import, Ghetto Gold Rec./Rawkus Maxi 12´´ 42573 Black Jack Nag Nag/ U.S. - U.S.A. (7´´) € 3,50 VG+ VG+ 1980 WEA 18 286 Single 7´´ 13666 Black Male The Groove € 5,00 VG VG+ 1991 DST 1041-12 Maxi 12´´ 31006 Blow Kurtis Under Fire/AJ Scratch (7´´) € 5,50 M- M- 1984 822 010-7 Mercury LP 17790 Bonds Gary U.S Certified Soul € 7,90 VG+ VG+ 1982 rnlp 805 US-Import LP Dienstag, 28. September 2021 Seite 4 von 84 Artikel Interpret Album/Modell Preis Vinyl Cover Jahr Prod-Nr Info WUG 30942 Boney M. Boonoonoonoos € 9,90 VG+ VG+ 1981 203 888 half-speed mastered, orig. Innencover LP 31706 Boney M. Children Of Paradise / Gadda-Da-Vida (7´´) € 2,00 VG+ VG+ 1980 102 400-100 Hansa Internat.; Made In Austria Single 7´´ 23164 Boney M. Daddy Cool / No Women No Cry € 3,00 VG+ VG+ 1976 16 959 AT Hansa Rec. Single 7´´ 21771 Boney M. Hooray! Hooray! It's A Holi-Holiday € 2,50 VG+ VG+ 1979 100 444-100 Hansa International Single 7´´ 22917 Boney M. Jambo/Hakuna Matata (No Problems) € 3,00 VG+ M- 1983 105 577-100 Hansa Intern. LP 43086 Boney M. Malaika / Consuela Biaz € 2,50 VG+ VG+ 103 350 - 100 Hansa; graue Labels Single 7´´ 43006 Boney M. Nightflight To Venus € 7,90 VG+ VG 34 009 1 Cover am Rücken beschädigt LP 43134 Boney M. Oceans Of Fantasy € 7,90 VG+ M- 1979 27 144-5 orig. Innencover LP 33261 Boney M. Rasputin / Painter Man (7´´) € 3,00 VG+ VG+ 1978 15 808 AT Hansa Rec. Single 7´´ 30592 Boney M. Rivers Of Babylon / Brown Girl In The Ring (7´´) € 2,50 VG+ VG 11 999 Hansa International, Cover-Vorderseite leicht beschädigt Single 7´´ 42582 Boney M. Ten Thousand Lightyears € 12,90 VG+ VG+ 1984 206 555 Hansa/FAR LP 41325 Boney M. We Kill The World - Don´t Kill The World / Boonoonoonoos (7´´) € 2,00 VG+ VG 1981 103 666 Hansa Intern.; solides Cover mit Preisabriß Single 7´´ Dienstag, 28. September 2021 Seite 5 von 84 Artikel Interpret Album/Modell Preis Vinyl Cover Jahr Prod-Nr Info WUG 36888 Booker Newberry III Love Town/Doin´ What Comes Naturally (7´´) € 2,00 VG+ VG+ 1983 100-16-013 Adress-Aufkleber am Label Single 7´´ 21768 Bouzouki Band Disco Bouzouki € 2,50 VG VG+ 1977 6.12118 Single 7´´ 27885 Boyz II Men End Of The Road (7´´) € 2,00 VG+ VG 1992 860 064-7 Motown; Cover mit Klebestreifen Single 7´´ 21340 B-Pozitive Love Is Like Oxygen € 3,00 M- VG+ 1991 060-2 04244 6 Maxi 12´´ 29349 Brendon Gimme Some / Rock Me (7´´) € 2,50 VG+ VG+ 1981 6.13026 AC TELDEC; Cover mit Stempel Single 7´´ 31641 Brick Dusic/Happy (7´´) € 3,50 VG+ VG 1977 BF 18556 Bellaphon/Bang Rec. Single 7´´ 29191 Brightman Sarah & Hot Gossip I Lost My Heart To A Starship Trooper / Do, Do, Do (7´´) € 3,00 VG+ VG+ 1978 100 244-100 Hansa Int. Single 7´´ 14772 Brooks Dianne Back Stairs Of My Life € 7,90 VG+ VG+ 1976 MS 2244 LP 42544 Brown Chuck & The Soul Searcher Bustin´ Loose - Part 1 & 2 (12´´ Maxi) € 5,50 M- M- 1985 12 SOURCE 1 Source Rec.; Made in UK Maxi 12´´ 14294 Brown Chuck & The Soul Searcher Family Affair - Babies Making Babies € 4,00 VG+ VG+ 1986 F-0022 Maxi 12´´ 24516 Brown Errol Body Rockin'/My Little Girl € 1,50 M- VG+ 1987 248 173-7 WEA Warner Single 7´´ 40264 Brown Errol Love Goes Up And Down/Thank You (7´´) € 2,00 M- VG+ 1989 247 258-7 WEA Single 7´´ Dienstag, 28. September 2021 Seite 6 von 84 Artikel Interpret Album/Modell Preis Vinyl Cover Jahr Prod-Nr Info WUG 28825 Brown Errol Personal Touch (12´´ Maxi) € 3,00 VG+ VG 1987 248 305-0 Maxi 12´´ 28168 Brown Errol Secret Rendezvous € 7,90 VG+ VG+ 1992 4509-90688-1 U LP 27893 Brown James I Cried / World (Part 2) € 5,50 VG+ VG 2001 189 Polydor Single 7´´ 30666 Brown James Living In America (7´´ - OST Rocky IV) € 4,00 VG+ VG+ 1985 100-14-037 Scotti Bros Single 7´´ 29267 Brown James Sexy, Sexy, Sexy/Slaughter Theme (7´´) € 4,00 VG+ VG 1973 2066 372 Polydor, Cover/Label nicht sauber Single 7´´ 42617 Brown James Take Me Higher And Groove Me / Summertime (7´´) € 7,50 VG+ VG+ 1977 2066 866 Polydor; Made in ITA (grünes Cover) Single 7´´ 42937 Brown James The Best Of James Brown € 12,90 M- VG+ 1981 2499 052 Polydor LP 38724 Brown James There It Is - Part One & Two (7´´) € 4,50 VG VG+ 1972 2066 210 Polydor; Discotheque Special Single 7´´ 33173 Brown Peter Crank It Up - Funk Town - Part 1 & 2 (7´´) € 3,50 M- VG+ 1979 TKR 7545 T.K.
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