) J • The Weather Servfng the St. parl17 d Olldy with _'­ Unlvel'lity _IO~ terecl abowen. vealer nortb ....4 wed Iowa. Campul alld HJch today, 15: low. n . Iowa 'city ;· HI~b Tu_a7. 81: low, owan 75. Eat. 1868 - AP Leaaed Wire Fin Cen.. Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday, July 23. 1952 Vol. 86. No. 205 • , e . • rlye alns , Interlude with Int.rlandi Reports Say Governor Polio Deaths , I I Climb to 15 -- . Will Accept If Drafted CONVENTION HALL, CHICAGO (If') - The drive to push the presidential nomination Into the hands of Adlai Stevenson roiled on At Sioux City· Tuesday night while party wheelhorses worked toward a grand show SIOUX CITY. IA. (If') - While of harmony at the Democratic' national convention. more than 3,000 children were The campai,n tor Stevenson picked up steam from new evidences being Inoculated Tuesday during II II~ of support in New J ersey in the east, Kansas, North Dakota and Iowa -", In the midwest, New Mexico. Montana, and Wyoming in the far west. the second day of a large scale r. >\ .,- ,\: field test of a possible new wea ~ . * * * Rival candidates Estes Kefauv- pon against infllntlle paralysis, a ~i~' el' and Averell Harriman were in IS- month-old Sio ux City girl died • I J - a two hour huddle that had all the here - the 15th polio victim ot Anti-Truman the year. political trademarks of a stop­ Deborah Pashan, dauKhter Oi& Stevenson combine. They didn't Virgil Pashan, admitted to a hl:l$­ Delegates Win tip off their immediate slrategy­ pital last Saturday, was the CHICAGO (IP) - The Demo­ merely reported they will "con­ cratic convention credentials com­ tinue the discussion" later on. mittee Tuesday night voted to seat From the Kefauver camp, and 14 Cases Here anll - administration delegations from Sen. Robert S. Kerr of Ok ­ (D. II, I ..... , II . .. II, .. ret On II. ... ) Uni9e'1'111ty hoapliall here Tue.­ from Texas and MississippI. lahoma, a not her presidential "J !Wed 1. pa&len&s boaPlWiled The vote on Texas was 36 to 13 hopeful, a raklng crossllre opened Mozart's 'Cosi fan tutte' Opens willi poUo. ODe patient wu ..Id and on MJS$i.sslppl 33 to 17. up on Stevenson and his record. ~ be ia •... riou .. ooDdiUoll, Texas delegates have 52 con­ Tn E nRST PERFORMANCE or "COlli Ian tuUe" was riven In Mac­ The draft drive picked up mo­ bride :wditorlum Turaday nlr hl.. Above II the Cale Bee ne trom the Be waa John Lee. 18, of DD­ vention votes, Mississippi 18. This mentum when the illinois gover­ IllUIue, oo.pUalh:ecl Monday alone fll'll l. ad showlnr Fen ando (Stephen 80baon ), FlordllJai (Marilyn makes a total ot 70, out 01 the nor was reported ready to accept willi three oiben: David KlleUie. 1,23() votes at the convention. Horstman) , Gu.rllelmo (Harr1 Morrison.). ancl DorabeUa (Dorol.hy I, Tripoli: Nanoy Rauaeh, ., the Democratic presidential nomi­ KreblUl enll'&I'inK In mll8lcal conwen ation. The opera, preaenl.ed b7 Obickaaaw count;" aDel DOD Hub­ The same arguments were made nation it It were oHered to him. the SUI !!Chool or line arts, will be repeated tonirhl. and Thunday er, U . Clarbville. SUbstantially In bOth cases. Schricker Gels Word nl3'ht a t 8 p.m. In Macbride auditorium. (Review on pap 3). J_ Re_, 18, 01 Wea' Lib­ On ttle one hand the anti-ad­ A fellow governor, Hcnry F. erty WlI8 diIIoha r~ecl Monetay at­ ministration facUons - dubbed Schricker of Indiana, said Steven­ Ier beinc weakd for polio. "Dixiecrats" by their rivals - son told him he could not retuse c1a4ned they represented heavy the top piace on the party's na­ State Insurance Plan third polio fatality in tbe last majorities of Democrats In lhe two tional ticket. Schric ker reported, • three days. She was the younge,t states. "He put It this way-he said if it vlcllm here tbls year. On the other hand, the "loyal­ came to him he co uldn't turn it To Be Discussed Here A to tal of 7,470 children had ist" or pro-l'rumann factions down." claimed "'that while they may be A meeting of aU state employes ------------ ­ been innoculated through Tuesday Stevenson did not make a direct In the five clinics being operated , . In the I'I)lnorlt~ in their .... states interested In Old Age Sur\livor's the' purpose of having an informal I • denial ot Schricker'S statement. here ~o test the possible benetits "You'd better recognize the delegates from Iowa!" they were loyal administration Insurance will be held Tuesday, discussion on the matter. Instead, the Ulinoisan sent word July 29, at 7:30 p.m. in tbe Iowa of the blood traction gamma gl o­ , followers and did not bolt the All state employes, Includin• buUn in preventi ng paralysis from . Pllrty as did the anti-Truman to newsmen that, "1 have no com­ City Community building. meht on anything he may have those at SUI (academic anli n()n­ polio. Democrats in the soutb four years The meeting was arranged by academic), those at Oakdale sani­ Eight new poUo cases were hos­ a,o. said except that I told him again State Representative G. M. Lud­ that 1 wanted to run tor gO\lernor torium, all school teachers (city pitalized Tuesday and seven pa­ ~Q'mRromi~e C)n ~oy~lfY Issue ,: Sig' Ovation wig after "being approached from and rural), blghway employes, tients were dismissed, raising tlJe , of Illinols and I hoped he would many sources tor Information con­ help me do so." (city and county) and everybody total under treatment here to ltO. 1,-MInute Demonstration cerning the rather uncertain sta­ effected by OASI is invited to at­ In De's MOines, one new polio Tru~an Hints .Change Schriclcer saId be would place tus of the state old age insUfance tend. case in this area was reported $f'DS ~.jor Demo.crafic Split For Mrs. FDa Steven on's n me in nomination. program." Tuesday afternoon iby Des Moines CONVENTION HALL, CHICA- New J ene)' TlU'oWl Z3 Ut State Sen. Herman Lord o! hospitals bringing to 30 the total - CHICAGO (JP) . - One major ---- ------.......--' Of Candidate Support Muscatine will meet with the - 0;0 (If')-Mrs. Franklin D. Roose­ Key New Jersey, with 32 pre­ since June 30. threat of a Kreat split In the Dem­ (ormally, in caucuses, they would group. Senator Lord is the chair­ Mossadegh Regains • velt Tuesday night got by rar the CHICAGO (IP) -President Tru­ viously uncommitted voes, threw ~ ocratic party seemed to be fading refuse to sign the pledge. 231h them behind Stevenson man of the special committee away Tuesday night when leaders Then the compromisen got to­ biggest demonstration anyone has man sent word to Missouri dele­ ot received so far in the Democratic gates Tuesday he might have Tuesday night. Sen. Estes Kefauv­ created by the 54th general as­ worked out a ~ompromiae ot a gether behind closed doors and fi­ Iranian Premiership; Eisenhower to Start national convention. something to tell them today er of Tennessee picked up three sembly to make a study of the op­ north-south Jcrap over a pledge nally came up with tbis pJan : a eraUons of the Iowa old age in­ of loyalty to the natlona 1 ticket. A tremendous cheer went up about his choice for the DemO­ votes but Kefauver's Wisconsin t proviso would be added to the cratic presidential nominee. strooghoid began to show chinks. surance system and to investigate Wins Hague Decision Campaign Speeches The compromise was wdrked loyalty pled lie saying that no when she was spotted coming r down the runway to the speaker's Sen. Thomas C. Hennings J r., Various delegates said they don't into the proposal of uniting the out In the office of party chalr­ delegate should be required to TEHRAN, Iran (IP) - Dr. Mo­ rostr um. told Missouri delegates at a cau­ want to be out in th e cold lC the Iowa old age and survivors sys­ man Frank E. ' McKinney. Sen. slgn a pledge if that action con­ tem with the federal social secur­ hammed Mossadegh won a le,al By Early August And before it had finished 15 cus that he had talked with t'J Stevenson campaign cat.ches fire. Blalr -Moody of Michigan said rep­ travcned any provision of m te President by telephone atter be­ ity system. victory over Britain and a poli­ By The A.. ocla~d Pre. mmutes later, an old-fashioned They talked of tryiog Kefauver resentaUv~$ of all the presidential law or state party rulea. Ing unable to reach Truman's al­ The group will report its fi nd­ tical v!tcory over his Iranian foea Dwight D. Eisenhower got set cal)dipa tes took part. poiltical parade was in progress. lor vice-president. Tuesday. Whether it was because of the ternate delegate, Thomas J . Gav­ ings to the governor. Tuesday to plunge full-tilt Into The new proposlil still required In ot Kansas City. The Wisconsin chairman, Gay­ The meeting has been called for After a week-end ot strikes, the presiden tial race tflr in ad· action by tile credent hils commit­ late president, wbether it was for Hennings said the President lor Nelson declined to ta.ke them riots and blOOdshed, the lower vance ot the traditional mid-Sep­ tee and the fbll co'lvention, and State Auditors Rap a woman who has gained inter­ toid him that a letter carried by seriously. He said talk of a Stev­ house of parliament voted 61-0 for tember opening of the home there waJj always the possibility national tame in her own right, or Gavin, supposed to contain the e.nson landslide and tirst ballot.
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