The Inventory of the Louis Begley Collection #1473 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Begley, Lquis 02/26/99 Preliminalp' Listing Box 1 I. Manuscripts A By LB 1. MISTLER'S EXIT (total: 13 drafts) l. l st dratt--underthe---altemate-title: "Mistler' s End." Computer script with holograph corrections and text inserts. 2. Jufy-P\ 1996-dr_:aft_nnd_er_altematetitle-7 '~"s-Out." Computer script witlr exterrsiv_e holo_gr,wh corrJ)ctions, 231 pg. 3 _ July <½111, ·19%-draft-. £omputer script-with holo_graph­ correcti-ons; 231 pg. th A_ .July M , -19% draft_ -Com:pnter_scri_pt with:.holc,graph .eorr-ections, 232 pg. 5. 2 drafts (one incomplete). Computer script with holograph _corr_ections, 229 pg. 6. M"l,Y 8, 1997 draft. Computer script, 228 pg. 'J. Au_gust 5-.,J 927. Colllputer script with Jielograph corre_ctions, 229 pg. /8. Nov._23_, J~J draft. Computer script with holograph correction~ and author's notes on text, 229 pg. _9. Nov.-24, 1997 dr_aft. Com_putecscript with.George Anderson'f corrections, 235 pg. LO. Setting cgpy. Cofi!Putecscript with setter's corrections, .- 2J5 pg. 11. Page-proofmastei pt_pas-sonMarch 18-, t998. Com_pttter­ script with holograph corrections, 205 pg. 12.. Page:_pmnf_rnster l1"1-pass-on April 21, 1998. Computer script with holggn1,ph corr~.et-ions, 206 pg. Box2 2. WAR1]ME-LIE_S (total: 12 drafts) _ -8:. 1 sttkaft. -Crun-ptttef :Seript., :2'01 pg. b. _2m1 draft:Computer~with holograph correctionsand author's notes; 194 pg. c. 4 drafts. Computer script with holograph corrections and author's notes, 220- 240 pg. d. Set1ing copy. Computer script with setter's corrections, 245 pg. ,e_ 3 page__proof sets-(l-Author's set). Computer script with holograph porrections, 198 pg. £. 2 gall__e-ysets (1-Author' s set). .Computer_script with holograph corrections, 126 pg. g. Signature proof 2 drafts, 19-8 pg. 3. ASMAXSAW1T a. J. st -draft. -Ct,mputer-script with holograph corrections, 182 .. pg. b. zttldraft~ ~:t. Computer script witlr hologra;ph­ _corre~ctio11s, 177 pg . .e. J"d__draft; .19W; --Computer script with holo_gra_ph .corrections; 180 pg. Ji. 4th.,..clra:tt Computer script with holograph corrections, 17-7 pg. e. J draft..of PoJ:ish tr.anslation.. Com_puter_seript with holograph porrections by LB, 177 pg. II Pripted Material A· Book Reviews re: WARTIME LIES (photocopies). 1. "Wf1,rtime Lies," by Judith Grossman. New York Times, May 5, 1991. 2. "Ocrtwitting I>eath," by John Rossall. Association..ef Jewish Refu,gees in Britain, 1991. ...3. ''A_Surviyor's Story," by.Kitty Krnpat. Horizons, no date. 4. "Wartime Lies." Publishers Weekly, March 22, 1991. 5. ''Brief!yNoted." New Yorker,__May 20, 1991. 6. "Dtratb 1n Po1and,.,.,byJohn Skow. Time, May 27, 1991. 7. '.'La~'s Fir.st Novel, Wri:tterr_orr..Sabbatical, Win Rave Reviews," by Martin fox. New York Law Journa( June 10,1991. .8. "A MattecofLife.and Dea.th," 1:>y JaneJ Malcolm. Th_e New York Review of Books, June 13, 1991. 9. «Forever Vigilant,'' by Robert DiAntonio. The Jerusalem Post, June 26, 1991. LO. "Truth as Fiction," by Richard Cohen. Washington Post Magazine, July 14, 1991. J 1. 'Wartime Lies," by Yehuda Nir. The East Hampton Star, July 25, 1991. 12, "O!}Jhan Can:t Doclge-..the_Shad_ows_ofW_ar," !J_y Robert DiAntonio. Kansas City Star, July 28, 1991. J 3. "The hi_gh.Price-of Just staying Alive,'' by James Baker. Newsweek, July 29, 1991. J4. "Recapturigg__a- Lost Childhood_," ~Y B!Yan Ch~ette. The Times Literary Supplement, August 16, 1991. 15. "To Tell the truth You Must Invent,O>by Kate Chrisholm. London Sunday T~legraph, August 25, 1991. 1.6. "Shortlists for Irish Times-Aer Li11gu_s Literary Priz.es." The Irish Times, Sept. 2, 1991. 17. ''Rabbit a Runn~r/' by Tim Radfordx Th_e Guardian, Sept. 5, 1991. 18. "Wi'l,rtime Lies," by Jonathan Freedland. The Independent, Sept. 21, 1991. 19. "The Holocaust, in a- Polish Child's Eyes," by Ivana Edwards. The New York Times, October 6, 1991. 20. "Identi~y Cri_sis," by Tom.Radford. The Guardian, October 10, 1991_,-also the October 31, 1991 edition. _21. '13~st_Bookso£J99l," ~ SybilSteinb~,g. Publishers Weel<ly, Nov. 1, 1991. · 22~ "LYi!r_gfur fuirviyal," by Eileen Batterspy. The Irish Times, October26, 1991. 23. "Price of Survival;" by Jonathan Freedland. Jerusalem Post, Nov. 1, 1991. 24. "UeautifulJy-Controlled Tale o£the Polish Holo_eaust." The Irish Times, Nov. 2, 1991. _25. "Historians and History in the Spot~ht," by Ei1een_Ba,ttersby. The Irish Times, Nov. 2, 1991. _26. "An A~sthete-Oui of Hell,'' by Andr-ew Billen. Observer Review, Nov.3, 1991. 27. "A DistanJ Childhood Lost then.Found," by Charles Trueheart. The Washipgton Post, Nov. 4, 1991. .28. '13~ley: The- Irrational Shame of Survival," _by Charles Trueheart. International Herald Tribune, Nov. 7, 1991. 29. "A Spectator Rather Than a;Survivor," by Jenni Frazer. Jewish Chronicle, Nov. 21, 1991. 30. "A Painful Price For a N_ecessary Deception," by.Lisa Anderson. Chicago J;ribune, Nov. 19, 1991. 31. 6__published notes from various publications re: WARTIME LIES. 32. 5 brst seller lists with WARTIME LIES. Box3 m. _Manuscript A By LB 1. THE MAN.WHO WAS LATE -a. I--8j-draft. C-runput-eFseript with holograph correctiens, 245 pg. b. 2nd draft- October 199-lunder the altematetitie-"'fheMan ' Who Ihogght Be wa5 Late." £owputer script with hologr-aph corrections, 327 pg. c. Setters copy. Computer script with corrections, 327 pg. d. 4 sets-ofgaUeyproofs-including pt and--ztdpasses and­ author's set. Computer script with corrections, 240 pg. 2. SP~AK :MEMORY ,a_ Un__cortecten pr_00Loflntroduction (photocopy). Computer script, 12 pg. 3. INJOUVE'S DESER_I--Unpublished a. l st_rlr-aft~of ~ lJ,.}-992. Compttter script, 65-pg. b~ 3 drafts as ofJan. J, 1_995. Col'!!Puter script withJ10lograph corrections, 24-27 pg. IV Priµted Material A I /£yLB -1. "A Man WithoJit Luck." New York Times Book Review, 11/19/95, 4 pg. (photocopy). 2. "Kafka: Tbe Ax__e fortlie Froz:enBea Inside Us." Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 141. Sept., 1997, 9 pg. ) . ''Louis Be~leyr. '~ HCC Programm (German magazine), QcJober, 31, 1998. B. By others L 2 cover ~ table _of contents J:Jgs. for The New York Review of Books, Dec. 19, 1991 and Jan. 16, 1992 (photocopies). 2. 4 articles re~ PeteRo~, his suwension from b_aseball and developments in his life after his suspension, 1989-1992. 3. Obituary of A. 13_artlett GiaJna,tti, New Yodc Times. Sept. 2, 1989. V. Correspondence A - 3 letters from "Bob" of The New York Review ofBooks re~ IN JOUVE'S DESRR1'., Nov.--D~. 1992. B. _From·George &.dreou of A:lfte.d-:A..Kno_pf:Publishing re: ~ SCHMIDT, Dec. 13, 1995 . .-C. J28 mimeogntph letters., Jax sheets, cards, ~LS., TL5-{German and English) tq ana from LG re: THE MAN WHO WAS LATE. Includes segm.ente.d revisions to the tezj, 1992-1995. D. 17~ ALS, TLS, mimeograph, fax sheets, cards (German, French and EJ:!glish) t.o and fro.m LG re: AS MAX.SAW I';[, 1994-1995. E. 56 ~etters, fax sbeets, cards, ALS {French, English, Polish) re: WARTIME LIES, 1993. F. 174 ALS, TLS, and fax sheets (Polish, English) re: WARTIME LIES, 1994-1998. Box4 VI. Manuscript A By LB J. ABOUT SCHMIDT ,a_ 3_drafts. Com_puter script with h_olograph corrections, 322- 348 pg. (1995). b~ 1 s.et pctge_proof,g_ Cornpu:ter sctipt with.holograph correction~, 274 pg . ..e. Setter'$ c9p_y. Com.J)uter script, 338 pg. tl. Galleyproof-!81 pass. £omp11ter script with holograph _wrrections.,_27 4:P_g. J04/16/96). e. M-asteq~alley-pri:>Of l"tpa-ss. Computer-script, 274 Qg. f Erench translatio_n draft. Co~q_ter script with-holograph corrections, 3 70 pg. _g. 2 _p~~_proof drafts ofErench translation under the name MR. SC~T. Computer script with holograph corrections, 302-309 pg. Box5 VII Audio/ Visual Material A Au9-io cassette interviews with LB (15 total). 1. .-H110/92. 2. 11/16/92. 3. 01/29191-{2 cassettes). 4. PEf.J/Faulkner Gala for "Obsession," 10/04/93. /5. J,Ofl 4/93. --2. WithYelix Sclweiclerfor Scllweize_r radiQ,11/13/94. 7. Jeanette Schockhen Awards, 05113/95 . -8. With WNYC, 12£1-8/96. 9. With ''Rena On Cleveland" for WDOK, no date. 10. With "Studjo LCB Deuts~hlandYrieJl<ls," 10/31/98. 11. "Sara]evo Library Feature~" no date. J2. With French television channel #5 w_ith Francois Mourissier, no date. J3. "Adam:,S-Limerjck," nJJ-0ate. 14. "Aqam~s 'Europeans,"" no date. J5. USA Today 05/Q2!93. B. VHS video cassette interviews (8 total). 1. "'Di~e Man," 0_6/04/-89. 2. DeJ:>ev6ise & Plimpton "Boo1<lines~ by Nuala o~Faolain. Running tim~ (Rt): 4:30, l l/J)4/91. 3. Deqev6ise & Plimpton <13ooklines~ by Nuala o~Faolain for RDS­ Dublin,"_Jl/01/91. 4. Debevoise & Plimpton '13ooklines' by Nuala O'Faolain." Rt: 5:00, 02/13/92. 5. "A_spekte, NTSC,"(Gennan) 07/10/94. 6. ''WMON Version." Rt: 6:36, 06/96. 7. "Globo intetYJew," 1996. 8. "Aspekte-Zuspielteil re: Mistler," (German) 12/17/98 . C. 3 computer disks with back ttp_.and drct.ft c9pi.es of ABOUT SCHMIDT. D. Promotional posters (10 total-all in German). 1. 5 posters for book signing of ABOUT SCHMIDT, 09/24, 25, 28/97. 2. 2poste.rs for book reading of ABOUT SCHMIDT, 10/01/97. 3. 3 promotional posters for WARTIME LIES. VIII Personal Memorabilia A 1 grey button. Begley, Lquis 03/09/99 Preliminary 'Listing Box 1 I. Manuscripts A. By,LB 1. C WARTIMELIES -a. 1st -draft.·· Computer script with holo_graph corrections, 240- pg. 2. "Introduction," to SPEAK MEMORY by Vladamir Nabokov. a. 4 drafts (6 copies).
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