• V , V ^ c» r . / , i / . PA(SE SIATEEM TCKSPAY, JlfNE 22, 1954 AveraKf Daily Net Preu Run iimtriipatfr Sunning 1|wal& For the Week Ended L the Weather f Ju n e 19. 1»M Fereeut •( C. S. fUMUfeer Rnroan Guest* of Mrs. Mary Dougan of The Tyler Circle of th e N orth 63 Owden St. this weekend were Methodist Church will hold Its an­ Two Enter Conte8|!t^ Gradual eleurtnf, eeoler. Is m About Town her brother dnd sister-in-law. Mr. nuel picnic tomorrow evening. Grzyb-Tobias Wedding 11,210 bnmid tonight.'Low M-de. Tlrar*- and Mra Daniel IVard, of Kansas Members • are to meet at the Member of tke Audit day, fair, pleauuMt tempemluraa. City. Mo., and hfr nephew. Rob­ For Directorghip A work ineeUng: of th» Ladif*’ church a t 5:.30 and proceed to the Bureau of GIrrulatlon HIgli 7S-"m . Aid Society of the Emunuel ert Ward and hi* wife of Paris. cottage of Leon Holmes at Cov- AMESITE Manchester—’A City df Village Charm Luthemn Church will be held at France. entiy Lake, ■voterij; of the E ighth U tilities the home .of the preMdent, Mr*. Distric t meet tomorrow night at Frank Haltin, 348 Woodbridpe St., Arthur R. England, brother- of Officers and committee chair­ .7:30 ■ p. m. at Hollister Street VOL. LXXIII, NO. 230 (CiMelfled AdrertlMng on Pngn M) Mrs. Theodore Malek of 499 Lydall Schoolr'cnooi Vov» electeieri twoiwo ofo the three DRIVENfAYS MANCHESTER, CONN..^EDNESDAY, JUNE 23. 1954 tomorrow morning: beginning at men for the 1954-.5,') sea.son were itW E N T l’-EIGHT PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FIVE CENTS 10 o’clock. All member* are wcl- jSt.. was awarded a Junior varsity elected Saturday at a Coinmunity dintrict dVrerlom, but sor far there cbmei) as thoao who don't care to outing elub.lelter at the annual Players meeting. They are as fol­ is a ronl^ for only one of the .EXPERTLY INSTALLED aew can help fold ba'fidages for spring sports banquet held rerentr lows; Bill Brown, president;! Ar­ postspoAtK. \ th e hoapltal. Tho?e coming are. ily at the New Hampton School in thur Holmes, vice president; Bar­ Lawrenc j Noonan's hid. for re- Bo m Grodtiig — Machin* Sprtad — ' a-nked to bring th eir own^^ aand- (New H am pton, N. H. bara Jones, recording secretary; election is »p-far unronte.sted. BedellV . • Smith Sees v ich . ■ ' Loretta Moskuluk. corresponjUng Moonan seeks ahother three year Forms Sot — Fowor Rolled • The Anderson Shea Auxiliary of / secretary: Arleiie Culver, treasur­ term .. \ ' Mrs. Mary DiSalvo. *i.sler of Mi­ I the VP'VV will meet this evening at er: Bill Luettgens. play reading Edward MoHarty, Democratic A lto: Parking LotS '^ii* Tonnis C ourts — W alks chael A. Ooietta. who died Sunday, ; the posC'.rooms at '7>30. Election chairman; and Bill Moskuluk, registrar of voters, and Vinc'ent y 1* a resident of 53 Gerard St., not of delegates and alternate* to the ! production manager. Genove.si, young N orte End Re­ 10% FOR CASH TRANSACTIONS Bulk of Indochina 61 Foxcroft Dr. a* stated in yea- national encampment will be held. I publican, oppose esch .otper for the terday'a paper. William T. Davis Entering the Navy yesterday position vac ated hy Att.'b Vincent Terms arranged if desired. Jr., lives at 61 Foxcroft Dr. W yville H. Peabody of 113 Hol­ were Victor R. Hampson. 46 Union MePaddejn who is hioving fpdm lister St. was elected to the .i St.. Kenneth G. W hitford, 37 Ben- Manchester. ALL INSTALLATIONS SUPERVISED BY executive committee of the Moriarty Is a tong timr I^rlh Saved from Reds f ion St., ahd Jo.seph A. Tiilly, 6 Church Club of Connecticut at Its ' Mint/. Ct. They wilt go to the End re.sident. Genovesi; born a,nd annual rneeting and Ladies Night Naval Training Station in Bain- rearfd in the district, lives af 1 Demaio Brothers held at, the New HaVen Club in bridge, .Md. N, Main St. A yraduale of Man' Washinglton, June 23 —.^mlght be more definite after the New Haven. He represented St. cheater schools ari.d Br.yant College ESTABLISHED 1920 conference her wltit C3iurchill and Plots HALE'S Undersecretary of State Wal­ Eden." Mary's Episcopal Church. Girls Friendly Society Sponsors in Providence.;where he niajorecl .in I busine.ss aclriiinistiatidn, "Genovelii CAI.L NOW^ANYTIME ter Bedell Smith was quoted Prime Miniater ChurchiU and of St. Mary's Episcopal Chiifch as telling a White House con­ Foreign^ Minister Bden of Britain Headquarters An election of officers for the are having a picnic supper tomor­ now -works in the accouiUing de- forthcoming year was held, recent- parlm^t at Hamilton Standard Manchester MI-3-7691—Hartford CHapel 7-8617 ference of congressional lead­ are due here Friday for confer­ FOR row night at 6 o'clock at the cot­ ences with - President Eisenhower i ly by the Manchester chapter of tage of Mrs. Viola Trotter at Co­ Propeller ('o. in Wind.sor Lcx'ks. ers today that moat of Indo­ [U. S. Y. Officer* are M arvin Genovesi is a charter member and Secretary of State Dullee. ' Rockville High School Holds Graduation Exercises \ lumbia Lake. Mrs. Dorothy Brown china probably will remain One House -member, also alsking I Cohen, president; Paula Firestone, and .Mrs. Margaret Neil.vm are as- of the Manchester Lodge of Elk*. U'ice president; Dorothy Glaiher. free from Communist control. not to be named, said he rereivod Blocks Appeal For five years'TiC liaa been a mem­ .sisting the hostess with the outing. the impreaeion that the State treasurer; Lynne Sandals,. corre- A busfness meeting will be held ber of the Manchester Fire Dept. 'They atill ekpect Laos. Cam ’ spending .secretary; Marjorie He l.s' a member of the Holy bodia and part oif Vietnam to rivrDept. exjrecta Prance to aeek a I during the evening and election of "truce at any price" In Indochina. ! Peck, recording secretary; and officers will take place. Family Retreat league and the sist Communism,’’ a veteran 8e,na- Barbara Ehrlich, reporter. I ' Manchester Country Club. He la tor, who aaked (hat hi* namc^not He spoke of the tone of Bmith’a i All memhei's of the Scandia a veteran. be used, said in an -InterMeW^ review aa "Peasiamiatlc.’’ The Guatemala aitiiatlon was F or U. N. Action MIB^WEEK SPECIALS Invited To Hear'Repbri I.a)dge No. 23, Order of Va-sn who not mentlone'd, this informant Mid. have not as yet paid their Hos­ V The Senator waa one^bf..'tn key Congreas members, both Republi­ Sen. Lyndon Johnson of Texas, pital Plan No. 2 dues are vequesl- PluRKed Sewers Freed the Democratic leader, told newa- I'nited Nations, N. V., June 23 (A*)—A United States mure* ed to d.0 so before .tuly 1. 1954. cans and Democrats, who were In­ W ITH O l’R SLICED vited by President Eisenhower to men It waa "juat a review’’ and .said today that Henry Cabot I-odffe, Jr„ American president LECLERC The dues may be sent to Mrs. that no new policy deciaiona were FUNERAL HO M E .lohn Nelson, hear a report by Rmith on the of the U. S. Security Council, was pivinR “careful considera­ ^ELECTRIC E E r stalemiilted conference with the aetosit. tion” to Guatemala's request for a second urRcht council .t- Cleans Out Everything Cominunisla at Geneva on Korea Johnson alao aaid he came away FUNERAL and Indochina. with the Impreaaion Tt la high meeting on her tronhletL He noted no such request wras before Rong«f, R tfrigtroters Wesleyaii-Naiiies "t^ndersecretary Smith gave iia time we and our Alliea cloee the council ptesident when Lodge said the council “should W oshtrs and All SERVICE ANDERSON and a detailed report on what went on ranka" and ’’get ahe^ with some not intervene further” in the Guatemalan situation. kind of a program to aave free­ I^ c le rt, doff ill Trustee *t Geneva, what i*-expeoted of our OHitr AppligncM allie* and what the reartion* of the dom.” W alter N. JOHNSON Hagerty Derllnea Comment United Nation.*, N. Y„ June 23 (A>)—The United States to- D irector LB. Riiaaiana appeared to be," the Sen­ Middletown -- Vincent B. Cof­ PI.r.MBINO And HE.VTINO a to r *aid. Senate Republican leader Know- da.v firmly oppo.sed Guatemala’s request that the U. N. Secur­ 23 Main Street, Manchester fin of 1.55 Terry Road, Hartford, K 166 HIGHLAND STREET He gave iia the realitiea but did land of California and IVhIte ity Council meet at once to act again oh the Central American tIhJWHALCoo ha* been elected vice president of Phones: 5II-.V688I, S-7.M9 not regard the situation aa hnpe- House aeeretary James S. Hagerty fighting. U. S. (ielegate Henry_Cabot Lodge, Jr„ the council Call MI-9-5869 Wesleyan University's Board of le.s*. They had no new plan or pro- WlerzbU'kl PhiHo* or .4-604'2 president for June, last night warn-* --------------------------- ' Trustees, it was announced today MRS. WALTER CRZYB poaal* but aeemed to think thinga (CoBtlnned on Page 8lx) by Victor L. Butterfield, president FRESH GROUND ed Guatemala against becoming a "cats-paw for the Soviet con- ; of Wesleyan. / spli acy to meddle in the western Coffin is senior vice president of ^li.ss Margaret Tobias, daughter hemisphere." Eisenhower the Connecticut Mutual Life In­ of John P. Tobias, French Road,' Lodge said the council by* KM ' surance Unmpany.
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