Middle Pacific Coast sedatedwith thecoast in theRegion. An ad. Yellow-billedLoon in breedingplumage flew byBodega Head, Sonoma 19 Sep (LLu, CLu), Pt.st.'i• andajuv. was at EagleL., Lassen8 Oct(Ken- neth P. Able, Lew Oring).The total of 5 LaysanAlbatrosses reported was about aver- age.A Dark-rumpedPetrel nw. of Cordell Bankin Sonoma17 Sep (SNGH, ShJ) was the 4th foundin thatgeneral area. A birdshow- ing characteristicsof Parkinson's Petrel was he. of CordellBank in Sonoma11 Oct (ShJ, 6tear,. •Refuges Valley' iL,TAHOE FortPontBraggi• Are. ' '%,Lake ßSacramen LWC, PP,ASH, ph. DWN). Ihis recordis currentlyunder review by theC.B.R.C. and, if accepted,would represent the first North BodegaB• eSaff•a•Røsa eSacrame,,,• '• Mor• Americanrecord of this species.Based on PtReyes • "• ßSto• •e distribution,this is themost likely Procellar- SanFrancism- •u e Modesto,: ia petrelto occuroff w. NorthAmerica. A S.E.Farallon ls• • • Streaked Shearwater he. of Cordell Bank 17 Sepwas yet anotherSonoma rarity (SNGH, ShJ,ph. RobertZaremba). This speciesre- Mmter•Bayfie mainsquite rare in the Region,but it has Seq• beenrecorded each of thepast four falls, an BigSu• • Tu•reLake NP unprecedentedrun. Evenrarer, a Greater DavidsonSea•ount• ....... •s• Shearwaterwas less than 13 km of[Bodega Head,Sonoma 29 Aug (ph. RSet al.). The onlyManx Shearwater reported was in Mon- Steven A. Glover terey22 Aug(ph. DR,?WGB et al.). Black- anaverage year for vagrants. However, a ventedShearwaters were very scarce, with (DovestoWrentit) ntotalterms of 14ofspecies total numbers,earning boldfacethis wastypebut only 3-4 reported,all fromMonterey Bay. 6526Conestoga Lane wasnothing short of astonishing.Amongst Storm-petrelflocks were concentratedof[ thesewere a possibleNorth American first SantaCruz, with numbersranging from an Dublin,California 94568 (Parkinson'sPetrel), Common Black-Hawk, estimated2600 on 29 Aug to 12,000on 1 ([email protected])the Region's first DuskyWarbler in seven Oct (ShJ,DR et al.). The vastmajority of years,and a veryrare mainland record of theseflocks were comprised of AshyStorm- Cassin'sSparrow. Though Red-breasted Petrels,but they also contained W'flsonh (up LukeW. Cole Nuthatchesshowed early signs of an inva- to 5), Black (15-3250), and Least (12-1420). The latter number of Least (ThrasherstoFinches) sion,Pine Siskinswere the only irruptive that managedto maintainunusually high Storm-Petrels,a record for theRegion if not 561 HillStreet numbersthroughout the period. the state,was recorded on 1 Oct (ShJ).Wil- 5anFrancisco, California 94114 son's Storm-Petrels were also encountered regularlynear Cordell Bank, Marin, where ([email protected])Abbreviations: C.B.R.C. (California B.R.C.); up to 5 wereseen on various trips (ShJ, RS et C.V. (CentralValley); C.tLE (CosumnesR. al.). A booby,thought to bea Brown,was in Preserve,Sacramento); El. (SoutheastFaral- MontereyBay, Monterey 25 Oct (?Bridget ScottB. Terrill lon I., San Francisco);S.E (San Francisco); Watts,James T. Harvey).An imm. Brown (LoonstoFrigatebirds, Laridsto Alcids) U.C.(University of California).Reports of ex- Pelicanat StoneLakes N.W.R. 19Jul-14 Oct (CCo, m.ob.) was the first for Sacramento H.T.Harvey &Associates ceptional vagrants submitted without docu- mentationare not published. Documentation and about the 16th C.V record. 3150Almaden Expressway, Suite145 forC.B.R.C. review spedes will beforwarded SanJose, California 95118 to Guy McCaskie,Secretary, EO. Box 275, HERONSTHROUGH DUCKS ImperialBeach, California 91933. Birds ban& An American Bittern 29 km offshore over ([email protected])ed on El. should be creditedto PointReyes MontereyBay, Santa Cruz 15 Oct was in a B.O.(ER.B.O.) and those banded at Big Sur R. strangelocation for thisnormally secretive mouth to the Big Sur OrnithologyLab species(ShJ). A [east Bittern8-12 Sepat MichaelM. Rogers (B.S.O.L.)of theVentana Wilderness Society ClearLake S.P. furnished only the 6th for (HeronstoShorebirds) Lake0RW). Reports of at least2 birdsfrom 499 NovatoAvenue C.R.P5 Sep-13Nov (JTr et al.) were the only LOONSTHROUGH PELICANS othersnoted. Five coastal reports of Cattle Sunnyvale,California 94086 Nineteen inland Pacific Loom was a rela- Egretincluded single birds at ArcataMarsh, ([email protected]) tively high number for a speciesclosely as- Humboldt13 & 17 Nov (JTz et al.), at Hay- NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS ward R.S., Alameda21 Nov (RJR), and at sideS.E Bay 11 Oct-30 Nov,and surprising unprecedented.Single Soras near Copper- HarkinsSlough (Santa Cruz• first since 2001; inland birds at the Hollister S.T.P.(San Beni- opolis,Calaveras 8 Nov andalong Rock R. StanWulkowicz, ph. RgW,DLSu, m.ob.). Up to'sfirst; KPa, ph. KVV, m.ob.) and the Road,Tuolumne the sameday (both JSL) to 2 wereat Moonglow Dairy, Monterey 18-24 O'NeillForebay, Merced 0M, RobbieFisch- wereapparently both first county records. Oct, with oneremaining to 6 Nov (RF,LLu, er). An ad. male BarrowõGoldeneye near CLu et al.), and a notable 15. were in SeP MercedFalls 8-14 Nov 0SL, JCS,DVP) was SHOREBIRDS bastopol,Sonoma 10 Oct (Laurence Taylor). onlythe 2nd for Mariposa. Six AmericanGolden-Plovers were reported An ad. California Condor soaring with 28 Aug-29Oct, but we receiveddocumenta- TurkeyVultures over Long Ridge, San Mateo RAPTORSTHROUGH RAILS tionfor only 2 singlejuvs., one 28 Aug-3Sep 13 Aug(Georgia Stigall) had reddish wing A White-tailed Kite at Sierraville 20-24 Nov at ArcataMarsh, Humboldt0Tz, RbF), the tags,indicating that it wasone of thosere- (SAGet al.) wasa first for Sierra;a juv. in other at BodegaBay, Sonoma 6 Sep (ph. leasedat PinnaclesN.M., San Benito. YosemiteValley, Mariposa 20 Sep(DLSu) was AWgh,Don Reinburg, RLeb). Photographs of Coastalreports of GreaterWhite-fronted, likewiseout of place.The CommonBlack- 2 othersat AbbottsLagoon, Marin 6-16 Sep Snow,and CacklingGeese were morenu- Hawk reportedfrom Stockton, 5an Joaquin & 15 Sep have been submitted to the merousthan usual this fall. Forty-fourre- last winter returned to L. Lincoln but was C.B.R.C.(ph. SNGH,fide GuyMcCaskie). A portsof therecently split Cackling Goose 11 seenby onlya luckyfew observers 1 Oct & singleMountain Plover at CrowleyL. 5 Nov Sep+typically involved fewer than 10 birds, 17 Nov (Vi Strain et al.). Red-shouldered OLD,KNN) was only about the 4th forMono. but 500leucopareia were seen over the Mad Hawkscontinued to be reportedfrom new A LesserYellowlegs at BocaRes. l Sep0Lx) R. estuary,Humboldt 20 Oct wasthe firstfor Nevada.Eigh- 0Tz et al.). Twoad. Trumpeter teen SolitarySandpipers from Swans at Lower Klamath 12 counties8 Aug-27Sep was a N.W.R., Siskiyou 28 Nov better-than-averagetotal. Single ('•DVI•,'•MtB, Daryl Coldren) juv.Hudsonian Godwits at Ab- were accompaniedby an ad. boltsLagoon 8 Aug (ph. Dean yellow-billedswan that was DiTommasco,DDeS, RS) and likelyat leastparfly a Whoop- 2-9 Sep(ph. SNGH, RS, m.ob.) er Swan(vt. DVP,MtB, Daryl wereMarin's 3rd and 4th. A juv. Coldten). A wave of Tundra baueri Bar-tailed Godwit at the Swans,involving groups of up Eel R. delta, Humboldt5-14 Oct to 49 birds,hit eight central (ph. SMcA, RbF et al.) was coast counties 20-25 Nov; a thoughtto be the sameas one singlebird at theSouth Wilbur seen25 Sep at nearbyArcata Flood Unit 21 Nov (LLu, CLu) Marsh 0ustin Alvarez).Black was the first reportedfrom Turnstones are rare in s. S.E Kings in many years. Mono's Bay,so up to 4 birdsin Alviso, first Bew•ck's Swan was at Santa Clara 11-21 Aug were CrowleyL. 7 Nov-4 Dec('•TW, surprising(John B. Hutz, ph. JLD). Singlemale Common Thismale Tufted Duck returned in"eclipse" plumage for a fourthwinter to Scotts Valley, WGB, m.ob.). (EurasianGreen-winged) Teal SantaCruz County, California 4-29 (here S) November 2004. At the end of the month, A Red Knot inland at San were found at Redwood it rapidlymolted its tuft and body plumage. Photograph byLanySelrnan. FelipeL. 6 Sepwas San Benito's Shores,San Mateo 20 Nov+ (RSTh) and locations,or with greaterregularity in areas 2nd (MPx, RJA).Inland Sanderlingsmade Mountain View, Santa Clara 29 Nov+ at theedges of theirrange. Fourteen Broad- headlines,with one at the ReddingS.T.P. 7 (BrookeMiller, Bob Juhl). A male Tufted wingedHawks were reported from six coun- Sep(Shasta's 2nd or 3rdrecord; B&CY), one Duck returnedto ScottsValley, Santa Cruz ties21 Sep-17Oct. Four coastalSwainson• at the Napa-SonomaMarshes W.A. 25 Sep for a 4th winter4-29 Nov (PhilBrown, ph. Hawks5 Sep-10Oct induded3 fromS.E (Napds2nd; KVV), 2 juvs.at L. Hennessey LarrySelman, DLSu, m.ob.); an apparentfe- The Sonomaad. CrestedCaracara reported 27-19 Sep (Napaõ3rd; MBe, RLCL, UzW, malewas a one-daywonder at theSalinas R. lastseason apparently moved northward to JayeCook, JLx), and a juv.at L. Mendocino mouth,Monterey 7 Nov ('•MtB, ph. DVP)_ Westport,Mendocino 20-24 Aug (Roger 30 Sep-1 Oct (possiblythe first inland ThreeGreater Scaup at StampedeRes. con- Hoesterey,ph. m.ob.) and then to Arcata, recordfor Mendocino;GEC); also of note stitutedthe first recordof this speciesfor Humboldt4-6 Sep(ph. RLeV, m.ob.), provid- wereup to 3 birdsin KingsI Sep& 6 Oct Sierra0Lx). The 5th KingEider for Hum- ing firstrecords for both counties.An un- 0Sy,LWC, SAG,JCS, JLx). Semipalmated boldt,a female,was bagged by a localhunter documentedreport e. of Ferndale,Humboldt Sandpiperswere well reported,with about 26 Nov (ph., fide DFx). Two female- 28 Novsuggests that it mayhave remained n. 40 birdsin I5 countiesl Aug-I2 Sep;the plumagedHarlequin Ducks in YosemiteVal- longer than theserecords indicate. The latestbird, reported from Trinity L. 20 Sep, ley,Mariposa 23 Sep(DLSu) may have been northward coastal movement of this individ- wouldbe Trinity's5th butlacked details. Re- relatedto therecent breeding efforts at that ual is reminiscentof the bird two yearsago, portsof a moltingad. Red-neckedStint a• location. A female Surf Scoter at Black Butte which movedfrom Montereyto SantaCruz, the SalmonCr. Mouth, Sonoma8-I0 Aug Res.
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