FEBRUARY, 2016 VOLUME 37, NUMBER 11 MAYOR RIEHL’S FEBRUARY MESSAGE OARD OF DUCATION ECEIVES ECOGNITION Hello again. Well, the lowship of Christian Athletes B E R R ground hog did not see his as they raise funds for local shadow and we can only hope kids to attend summer camp in that will translate into an early July. spring. Although Mother Na- This month city staff and ture has been easy on us so council will begin the bud- far. Let’s hope that trend con- get process for fiscal year tinues, but I have a feeling we 2016-2017. For the next three shouldn’t put that snow shovel months the various depart- away just yet. ment heads will be working Remember that Valen- diligently on presenting a fis- tine’s Day is upon us this cally responsible spending month on the 14th so, don’t plan for a sustainable Bellev- forget the sweetheart that ue. The city auditing firm has means so much to you. Febru- completed its review of fiscal ary is American Heart Month, year 2015, and will be present- a movement to bring aware- ing their report at the February ness to all of us about cardio- 17th City Council meeting. vascular disease. Please take With the leaves gone and time this month to learn more all swept up, Litter has again about your heart health and be- become a problem around At the January 27, 2016 Board Meeting, the Board of Education Members were recog- come a healthier you. town. Please take a few mo- nized for their service to the public schools, students, staff and citizens with certificates Shop Bellevue! and Third ments to pick up any way- presented by Superintendent Smith. Mayor Riehl presented proclamations to each Board Saturday Celebration events ward trash you may encounter. are still going on during the Since we know some of the Member from the City of Bellevue. winter months. Stop down issue comes from trash cans Front row: Mr. Dan Swope and Mr. Dan Sparks on Fairfield Avenue for some be sure the lids on your trash Second row: Mr. Robb Smith, Superintendent, Mrs. Julia Fischer, unique shopping and dining. cans are secured tightly to pre- Mrs. Jenny Hazeres, Mrs. Vanessa Groneck On Saturday, February 20th vent animals from climbing the second annual Winter Car- into them scattering your trash THE JOHN THORWARTH SCHOLARSHIP nival along Fairfield Ave will all over your neighborhood. take place from 11 to 3. The Your trash cans need to be Bellevue High School ation this year to keep this School, 201 Center Street, Bel- Avenue comes alive with en- placed back into your yard in a Class of 1965: scholarship alive. The Class levue, KY 41073, ATTN: Me- tertainers and I am told it’s go- timely manner after your col- The Challenge to Class of of 1965 has begun to fill the lissa Tatum. The check should ing to be even better than last lection has occurred. All pet 1966 John Thorwarth Scholarship be made out to “Bellevue High year’s fun filled event for the owners please make sure you In honor of their 50th account, again. Currently, over School” with a memo to “John whole family. The first Fri- are cleaning up after our four- reunion,the Bellevue High $600 has been collected for Thorwarth Scholarship”. day, March 4 will be a spoken legged friends. It is the law to School Class of 1965 honored the 2016 scholarship recipi- Scholarship Criteria words themed event that fea- clean up after your pets and classmate and friend by nam- ent. Let’s see what the Class 1. The scholarship will tures Bellevue’s first poetry to have bags in your posses- ing the John Thorwarth Schol- of 1966 can do to honor John be awarded to a graduating se- slam. Let’s get out and sup- sion while out walking them. arship. With his wife, Diane and all the men and women nior who has a family member port all our wonderful local Please do your part and keep LanvermanThorwarth, a grad- who put their lives on the line or close friend who has for- businesses: keeping those dol- our town looking good and be- uate of Bellevue High School every day in the United States merly served in the military. lars here at home and our com- ing a good neighbor. Class of 1966, John presented military services. 2. Students will apply munity vibrant. With warmer weather just a $2000 scholarship to a Se- Can each one of you from for the scholarship by submit- Also I am pleased to an- around the corner we all start nior who best exemplified the the Class of 1966 please step ting an essay describing how nounce that the Bellevue’s thinking about those spring scholarship criteria at the 2015 up to the plate and keep this the veteran has influenced Arby’s restaurant has opened home improvement projects. Seniors’ Honors Night. scholarship alive? their lives. at its new stylish location If you have any question re- Since his service to this In the meantime, contri- 3. A committee consist- just west of the old one. After garding the need for a permit, country in Vietnam, JohnThor- butions can be made to the working hard with city staff guidelines, building inspec- ing of members of the Class the owners were able to bring tion, or a C.O.A please don’t warth has struggled with many scholarship fund and claim a of 1965 will review the essays us a new and contemporary hesitate to call City Staff to health problems due to con- tax deduction. The check can and make a selection. building that is ready to serve help guide you through the tracting Agent Orange. The be mailed to Bellevue High its loyal patrons once again. proper process. They are Class of 1965 wants to keep One of my favorite spring there to work with you and it this scholarship alive for a de- 5th Annual NKY Restoration Weekend events is fast approaching so is much easier when they are serving 2016 Bellevue High mark your event calendars. part of your planning stage. School Senior. Saturday, March 12 from 9 am to 3 pm at The 20th annual Fairfield Mile Call 859-431-8888 and ask Therefore, the Class of Gateway Urban Campus located at will take place on March 19th our helpful staff to assist you. 1965 challenges the Class of 525 Scott Street in Covington starting at 9am on Riviera Happy Valentine’s Day and be 1966 who will celebrate its Historic home owners mark your Drive and Landmark Drive. So safe for the rest of the winter 50th anniversary of gradu- calendars for this FREE event! come out and support the Fel- season. PAGE 2 For Info & Rates Call Mike @ 331-7977 FEBRUARY, 2016 order and it also protects our CODE ENFORCEMENT CORNER city from becoming run down BRING THE or deteriorated. I don’t make by Terry Baute a project. If they start a project the rules but it is my job is FAMILY Welcome back City of without a license, the job will to help maintain and enforce Third Saturday Celebra- enjoy hearing from this series Bellevue. It has been a rela- be stopped until they purchase those rules. tion: Storybook Stroll along of children’s adventure books tively mild winter for us all so this license and a penalty will Our city of Bellevue has historic Fairfield Avenue on that take place along a Cov- far, except for the cold temper- be added as well. a couple of grants available Saturday, March 18 is a family ington riverbank. You’ll have atures. Hang in there one more Did you know: such as a two family conver- friendly event where you will a chance to learn more about month (hopefully) and we will Our city adopted the “In- sion grant. If you have a two discover a creative land filled the Behringer-Crawford Mu- be in for better weather and the ternational Property Mainte- family that you have main- with stories. Stay in tune for seum’s offerings while they’re wonderful beauty of spring. nance Code” long ago for our tained the rental agreement details, but here are a few of there. Our office has processed codes and ordinances. This license you might be eligible the special features: You’ll also find Laura and approved 17 building per- provides the basic “Maslow’s for this grant. We also offer off Costumes & Candy, Bar- Stanfield, the children’s ser- mits during the month of Janu- Pyramid of needs” for proper- street parking grants. If inter- beque & Books: Gone with vices librarian at the Fort ary totaling approximately ty owners. The code provides ested in applying for available the Wind Comes to Bellevue, Thomas Branch of the Camp- $74,884.00. I think the winter common sense requirements grants of you have questions KY (this was originally sched- bell County Public Library weather has been mild so a such as basic maintaining about them please contact uled for December, but due to joining us to read books, lot of projects continued dur- our property, running water/ our office and speak with Mr. illness was rescheduled) is a makes simple crafts with the ing that time frame. The good electric, trash accumulation Scott Enns for further details taste of the 1939 classic movie kids, and information about news is that the spring brings and guide lines for Landlords 859-431-8888. based on Margaret Mitchell’s the library.
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