N1ftir I Corporation Bank

N1ftir I Corporation Bank

WUR lJcl4 Head Office 88, P.B. No. 88, Iciicfl #f TTf Mangaladevi Temple Road, 1• Pandeshwar, - 575001. n1ftir i MANGALURU -575001. FT Tr1W Corporation Bank Karnataka State T 3TUtU A Premier Public Sector Bank 1ri #W 111TT INVESTOR SERVICES DEPARTMENT Ref.: tISD/117/2019-20 ftFiw Date: 3d r June 2019 To, To, BSE Ltd, The Manager Corporate Relationship Department Listing Department, 1st Floor, New Trading Ring National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. 1h Rotunda Building, P J Towers Exchange Plaza, 5 Floor, Plot No.C/1, C Block Dalal Street, Fort Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) MUMBAI -400 001 MUMBAI -400 051 http://listinq.bseindia.com-Listing Centre https ://www.connect2nse.com/LISTING/-NEAPS Ref.: Code No.532179 Symbol: CORPBANK 1 ' c Sir, Annual Report containing Notice of Twenty Second Annual General Meeting of 29th Shareholders of the Bank to be held on June, 2019 ******* 17th This has further reference to our letter No.ISD/087/2019-20 dated May 2019 in the above matter: we hereby submit a copy the Annual Report of the Bank sent to the shareholders along with the notice of the Annual General Meeting. This is in compliance of Regulation 34 (1) (a) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. Yours faithfully, rr S.K. Dash) 31"frfl 'ki1) Deputy General Manager (Company Secretary) , cida-1 End: IWT as above E-mail : [email protected] ( :0824-2861888 / 2861500 TT:M WJt Do visit us at www.corpbank.com dm{f©H$ [anmoQ>© ANNUAL REPORT 2018-2019 {df¶-gyMr CONTENTS {ddaU Particulars n¥ð> g§. Page No. 1. JV Xg df© Ho$ {ZînmXZ H$s {d{eï>VmE§ Performance Highlights for the Last 10 Years 02 2. à~§Y {ZXoeH$ Ed§ _w»` H$m`©nmbH$ A{YH$mar H$m A{^^mfU Managing Director and CEO Statement 03 3. gyMZm Notice 10 4. {ZXoeH$m| H$s [anmoQ>© Directors’ Report 26 5. à~§YZ-dJ© H$m {ddoMZ Ed§ {díbofU Management Discussion & Analysis 37 6. H$mnm}aoQ> A{^emgZ na [anmoQ>© Report on Corporate Governance 76 7. {Z`m_H$s boImnarjm [anmoQ>© Secretarial Audit Report 123 8. {Z`m_H$s AZwnmbZ [anmoQ>© Secretarial Compliance Report 127 9. ZB© ny±Or n`m©ßVVm Ho$ T>m±Mo Ho$ {Xem{ZX}em| Ho$ A§VJ©V àH$Q>rH$aU Disclosure under New Capital Adequacy Framework guidelines 129 10. EH$b VwbZ-nÌ Ed§ bm^-hm{Z boIm Standalone Balance Sheet and Profi t & Loss Account 130 11. g‘o{H$V VwbZ-nÌ Ed§ bm^-hm{Z boIm Consolidated Balance Sheet and Profi t & Loss Account 205 12. H$mn© ~¢H$ {g³¶w[aQ>rµO {b. (AZwf§Jr H§$nZr) Ho$ boIo Accounts of CorpBank Securities Ltd. (Subsidiary Company) 248 13. Zm_m§H$Z \$m_© Nomination Form 279 14. EZEgrEM A{YXoe NACH Mandate 281 15. àm°³gr ’$m‘© Proxy Form 283 ‘w»¶ {dÎmr¶ A{YH$mar Chief Financial Offi cer a{OñQ´>ma Ed§ eo¶a Registrar & Share Shri V. Muthukrishnan lr dr. _wÎmwH¥$îUZ A§VaU EO|Q> Transfer Agent Karvy Fintech Private Limited Company Secretary H$mdr© {\$ZQ>oH$ àm.{b. H§$nZr g{Md Karvy Selenium Tower B, S. K. Dash H mdr© gobo{Z`_ Qmda ~r. ßbmQ g§. Eg. Ho$. Xme 31 Ed§ 32, Plot No. 31 & 32, Statutory Central Auditors Jm{M~modbr, {dÎmr` {µObm Gachibowli, Financial District gm§{d{YH$ H|$Ðr` boIm narjH$ Nanakramguda, Serilingampally M/s Datta Singla & Co. ZmZH«$m_JwSm, go{aqbJån{„ ‘ogg© XÎmm qgJbm EÊS H§ . HYDERABAD–500 032 (Telangana) M/s A. K. Sabat & Co. h¡Xam~mX - 500 032 (Vob§JZm) ‘ogg© E. Ho . g~V EÊS H§ . Xya^mf… 040-67161500/67161514 Phone: 040-67161500/67161514 M/s Pramod & Associates ‘ogg© à_moX EÊS Egmo{gEQ²g \¡ Šg… 040- 23001153 Fax: 040-23001153 M/s Chandran & Raman ‘ogg© M§ÐZ EÊS> am_Z B©-‘ob: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] ‘ogg© Eg. am_mZ§X Aæ`a EÊS> H§$. M/s S. Ramanand Aiyer & Co. ~¢H$ Ûmam Omar ~m±S> Ho$ {bE Q´>ñQ>r Trustees for Bond issued by Bank: AmB©S>r~rAmB© Q´>ñQ>r{en g{d©gog {b{_Q>oS> IDBI Trusteeship Services Limited EpŠgg Q´>ñQ>r g{d©gog {b{_Q>oS> Axis Trustee Services Limited E{e`Z {~pëS>¨J, {ZMbm Vb Asian Building, Ground Floor ê$~r Xygam Vb, SW The Ruby, 2nd Floor, SW 17, Ama. H$_mZr _mJ©, ~obmS>© EñQ>oQ> 17, R. Kamani Marg, Ballard Estate 29 goZmnVr ~mnV _mJ© 29 Senapati Bapat Marg _w~§B© - 400 001 MUMBAI – 400 001 XmXa npíM_ Dadar West Xya^mf : 022-40807000 Ph : 022 – 40807000 _w§~B© - 400 028 Mumbai – 400 028 \¡$Šg : 022-66311776/40807080 Fax : 022-66311776/40807080 022-62300442/62300426 Ph : 022-62300442/62300426 B©_ob : [email protected]; Email : [email protected]; Xya^mf : [email protected] [email protected] B©_ob : [email protected] Email : [email protected] do~gmBQ> : http://www.idbitrustee.co.in Website : http://www.idbitrustee.co.in do~gmBQ> : http://www.axistrustee.com Website : http://www.axistrustee.com ANNUAL REPORT 2018-19 1 df© 2009-10 go 2018-19 VH$ ~¢H$ H$m {ZînmXZ Bank’s Performance from 2009-10 to 2018-19 (am{e ` H$amo‹S>> _| Amount ` in crores) 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 ny±Or Capital 143.44 148.13 148.13 152.91 167.54 167.54 204.50 229.41 333.11 1198.84 Ama{jV {Z{Y`m± Ed§ A{Yeof Reserves & Surplus 5631.43 6989.68 8127.80 9412.78 9917.56 10316.94 11161.39 12482.53 10512.74 15366.02 H$mamo~ma _mZX§S> Business Parameters O_mam{e`m± Deposits 92733.67 116747.50 136142.20 166005.45 193393.01 199345.82 205170.84 220559.62 183315.94 184567.84 A{J«_ Advances 63202.56 86850.40 100469.02 118716.65 137086.30 145066.03 140322.24 140356.79 119868.83 121251.20 {Zdoe Investments 34522.63 43452.74 47474.63 58164.49 66191.21 63412.28 63280.64 64072.98 70349.75 59979.19 Hw$b Am` Total Income 8481.03 10459.62 14510.40 16942.02 19606.29 21038.91 21146.40 22561.78 19941.41 17494.69 ì`` {H$`m J`m ã`mO Interest Expended 5084.35 6195.51 9870.89 11908.23 14174.88 15486.10 15171.78 15020.46 12790.10 10114.16 n[aMmbZJV ì`` Operating Expenses 1259.95 1641.71 1783.55 1996.79 2392.01 2525.36 2879.60 3101.79 3200.88 3486.06 n[aMmbZJV bm^ Operating Profi t 2136.73 2622.40 2855.97 3037.00 3039.40 3027.45 3095.02 4439.53 3950.41 3894.46 {Zdb bm^ Net Profi t 1170.25 1413.27 1506.04 1434.67 561.72 584.26 -506.48 561.21 -4053.94 -6332.98 _w»` AZwnmV Key Ratios ny±Or n`m©ßVVm AZwnmV (%) #12.90 #11.94 #11.38 ##12.21 ##11.80 ##10.88 ##11.90 ##NA ##NA Capital Adequacy Ratio (%) 15.00 ##14.11 ##13.00 ##12.33 ###11.64 ###11.09 ###10.56 ###11.32 ###9.23 ###12.30 Am¡gV AmpñV`m| na à{Vbm^ (%) Return on Average Assets (%) 1.28 1.21 1.06 0.88 0.29 0.28 - 0.23 0.23 -1.67 -3.14 B©pŠdQ>r na à{Vbm^ (%) Return on Equity (%) 20.26 20.70 18.20 16.27 5.72 5.68 - 4.64 4.66 -36.50 -46.21 à{V eo`a AO©Z (`) Earnings per Share (`) $81.58 $98.50 $101.67 $96.74 $35.75 $$6.97 $$- 5.48 $$5.17 $$-35.30 $$-30.06 à{V eo`a ~hr _yë` (`) Book Value per Share (`) $402.60 $497.62 $558.69 $645.76 $601.95 $$125.16 $$110.94 $$110.82 $$65.12 $$27.63 Am¡gV H$m`©erb ny§Or _| EZAmB©E_ (ã`mO A{O©V H$aZodmbr AmpñV`m±) % 2.85 2.48 2.29 2.10 2.07 2.06 2.12 2.32 3.05 NIM to Average Working Funds(Interest earning assets) 2.41 Hw$b Am` _| ã`mOoVa Am` (%) Non-interest income to total 12.09 10.29 9.49 8.40 7.05 8.21 13.70 11.60 10.70 income (%) 16.95 gH$b A{J«_m| _| gH$b EZnrE (%) Gross NPA to Gross 0.91 1.26 1.72 3.42 4.81 9.98 11.70 17.35 15.35 Advances (%) 1.02 {Zdb A{J«_m| _| {Zdb EZnrE (%) 0.46 0.87 1.19 2.32 3.08 6.53 8.33 11.74 5.71 Net NPA to Net Advances (%) 0.31 bm^m§e Dividend (`) $16.50 $20.00 $20.50 $19.00 $6.75 $$1.40 $$0.00 $$0.00 $$0.00 $$0.00 # ~ogb I Ho$ AZwgma As per Basel I. $$ A§{H$V _yë` à{V eo`a `2/- hoVw $$ For FV `2/- per share ## ~ogb II Ho$ AZwgma As per Basel II. $ A§{H$V _yë` à{V eo`a `10/- hoVw $ For FV `10/- per share ### ~ogb III Ho$ AZwgma As per Basel III. 2 à~§Y {ZXoeH$ Ed§ grB©Amo H$m gÝXoe FROM THE MANAGING DIRECTOR AND CEO {à` eo`aYmaH$mo§, Dear Shareholders, _wPo Iwer h¡ {H$ _wPo à~§Y {ZXoeH$ Ed§ grB©Amo Ho ê$n _o§ H$m°nmo©aoeZ ~¢H$ H$m I am glad to have the opportunity to lead Corporation Bank ZoV¥Ëd H$aZo H$m Adga {_bm Am¡a MwZm¡VrnyU© g_` _o§ Bg _hmZ ~¢H$ Ho ZoV¥Ëd as MD & CEO and I thank the Government of India for H$s {Oå_oXmar gm¢nZo Ho {bE _¢ ^maV gaH$ma H$mo YÝ`dmX XoVr hy§& h_mao nmg entrusting the responsibility to head this esteemed Bank in AnZo g^r {hVYmaH$mo§ H$m _mZ ~‹TmZo Am¡a h_mar ß`mar 113 dfr©` g§ñWm Ho challenging times.

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