US 20110070376A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0070376 A1 Wales et al. (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 24, 2011 (54) ANT-FOULING PAINTS & COATINGS 60/976,676, filed on Oct. 1, 2007, provisional applica tion No. 60/409,102, filed on Sep. 9, 2002. (75) Inventors: Melinda Wales, Bryan, TX (US); C. Steven McDaniel, Austin, TX Publication Classification (US) (51) Int. Cl. (73) Assignee: REACTIVE SURFACES, LTD., C09D 5/16 (2006.01) Austin, TX (US) BOSD 5/00 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. ...................................... 427/414: 106/18.32 (21) Appl. No.: 12/882.563 (57) ABSTRACT (22) Filed: Sep.15, 2010 Disclosed herein are a materials such as a coating, an elas Related U.S. Application Data tomer, an adhesive, a sealant, a textile finish, a wax, and a filler for Such a material, wherein the material includes an proteina (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 10/884.355, ceous molecule such as a peptide and/an enzyme that confer filed on Jul. 2, 2004, Continuation-in-part of applica a metal binding, an anti-fouling and/or an antibiotic property tion No. 12/243,755, filed on Oct. 1, 2008, which is a to the material. In particular, disclosed herein are marine continuation-in-part of application No. 10/655,345, coatings such as a marine paint that comprise an anti-fouling filed on Sep. 4, 2003. peptide sequence that reversibly binds a metal cation that is (60) Provisional application No. 61/242,485, filed on Sep. toxic to a fouling organism. Also disclosed herein are meth 15, 2009, provisional application No. 60/485,234, ods of reducing fouling on a Surface by treating the Surface filed on Jul. 3, 2003, provisional application No. with a metal binding peptide. US 2011/007037.6 A1 Mar. 24, 2011 ANT-FOULING PANTS & COATINGS metal binding sequence are electron donoramino acids. In further embodiments, at least 25% of the electron donor A. PRIORITY CLAIM amino acids are one or more amino acids selected from the 0001. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional group consisting of a histidine, a lysine, and an arginine. In Application No. 61/242,485, filed Sep. 15, 2009, and is a other aspects, the proteinaceous molecule is cysteine-free. In Continuation-in-Part of U.S. patent application Ser. Nos. Some aspects, each amino acid of the proteinaceous molecule 10/884.355 filed Jul. 2, 2004 which claims priority to U.S. is independently selected from the group consisting of the Provisional Patent Application No. 60/485,234 filed Jul. 3, D-stereoisomer and L-stereoisomerforms of the amino acids. 2003: 12/243,755 filed Oct. 1, 2008 which claims priority to In further aspects, the marine coating possesses an enhanced U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/976,676 filed Oct. metal binding activity. In additional aspects, the metal bind 1, 2007; and 10/655,345 filed Sep. 4, 2003, which claims ing activity is reversible. priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/409,102 filed 0008. In some embodiments, the marine coating com Sep. 9, 2002. prises an immobilization agent, and wherein the proteina ceous molecule is immobilized to the immobilization agent. B. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION In other embodiments, the immobilization of the proteina ceous molecule by the immobilization agent is reversible so 0002 1. Field of the Invention that the proteinaceous molecule may be released from the 0003. The present invention generally relates to anti-foul immobilization agent, and wherein upon release of the pro ing compositions (e.g., coatings, paints, elastomers, adhe teinaceous molecule the immobilization agent may immobi sives) comprising a metal binding, an anti-fouling, and/or an lize another like or different proteinaceous molecule. In addi anti-biological proteinaceous molecule (e.g., a peptide, a tional embodiments, the marine coating comprises at least polypeptide, a protein, an enzyme) and methods employing one anti-biological agent selected from the group consisting Such compositions to deter or prevent fouling or another of a peptidic agent of SEQ ID Nos 1-203, a peptidic agent biological infestation on a susceptible Surface. having functionally equivalent amino acid substituted 0004 2. Description of the Related Art sequences having no more than a +/-2 difference in hydro 0005. The surface of a material may be subject to addition pathic value of the Kyte-Doolittle scale relative thereto SEQ of a Surface treatment Such as a coating, an adhesive, a seal ID Nos. 1-203, a preservative, an anti-fouling agent, an anti ant, a textile finish, and/or a wax, with a Surface treatment microbial agent, a phosphoric triester hydrolase, a phytoch typically used, for example, to protect, decorate, attach, and/ elatin, a lysozyme, a lysostaphin, a libiase, a lysyl endopep or seal a surface and/or the underlying material. An example tidase, a mutanolysin, a cellulase, a chitinase, an O-agarase, of a surface that may be treated with a surface treatment an B-agarase, a N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase, alytic includes a marine Surface. Such as Surface frequently or con transglycosylase, a glucan endo-1,3-B-D-glucosidase, an tinuously in contact with water. An example of such a marine endo-1.3(4)-3-glucanase, a B-lytic metalloendopeptidase, a Surface may include the bottom of a ship. 3-deoxy-2-octulosonidase, a peptide-N4-(N-acetyl-3-glu 0006. A biomolecule comprises a molecule often pro cosaminyl)asparagine amidase, a mannosyl-glycoprotein duced and isolated from an organism, such as proteinaceous endo-B-N-acetylglucosaminidase, a L-carrageenase, a K-car molecule. Examples of a proteinaceous molecule include a rageenase, a w-carrageenase, an O-neoagaro-oligosaccharide peptide, a polypeptide, a protein, or an enzyme. A proteina hydrolase, an endolysin, an autolysin, a mannoprotein pro ceous molecule Such as a peptide may possess a binding tease, a glucanase, a mannose, a Zymolase, a lyticase, a lipoly function to another atom or molecule, including a metal, a tic enzyme, and a cell-based particulate material. In further biomolecule Such as a lipid, or another proteinaceous embodiments, the accumulation of biofouling on the inani sequence. An example of an enzyme comprises a lipolytic mate surface is inhibited by a reduced adherence to the marine enzyme (e.g., a lipase) that catalyzes a reaction on a lipid coating, an enhanced ease of washing to remove the biofoul Substrate. Such as a vegetable oil, a phospholipid, a sterol, and ing, or a combination thereof. In certain aspects the biofoul other hydrophobic molecule; or an enzyme that detoxifies an ing accumulation that is inhibited comprises the accumula organophosphorus compound ("organophosphate com tion of at least one fouling organism select from the group pound. "OP compound') include an organophosphorus consisting of a soft fouling microorganism, a hard fouling hydrolase (“OPH'), an organophosphorus acid anhydrolase organism, a small brush/grass type organism, and a spineless (“OPAA'), and a DFPase. organism. In other facets, the coating is a paint or a clear coating. In specific facets, the marine coating comprises a C. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION multicoat System. In particular facets, the marine coating is a 0007. The embodiments of the invention provides a multipack coating. marine coating composition comprising, a marine coating 0009. Also provided is a composition comprising, at least and a proteinaceous molecule, wherein the proteinaceous one material selected from the group consisting of a coating, molecule comprises a metal binding sequence binding a an elastomer, an adhesive, a sealant, a textile finish, a wax, a metalligandina Sufficient amount to inhibit the accumulation thermoplastic, and a thermoset, wherein the coating is at least of biofouling on an inanimate surface coated with the marine one coating selected from the group consisting of an archi coating composition; wherein the metal binding sequence tectural coating, a pipeline coating, an automotive coating, a comprises at least one member of the group consisting of SEQ can coating, a chemical agent resistant coating, a camouflage ID Nos. 204-243 and 250-302 and functionally equivalent coating, a traffic marker coating, an aircraft coating, and a Substituted metal binding amino acid sequences thereof. In nuclear power plant coating; wherein the material comprises Some embodiments, the proteinaceous molecule is a peptide a proteinaceous molecule, wherein the proteinaceous mol between 3 and 30 amino acids in length. In other embodi ecule comprises a metal binding sequence binding a metal ments, about 5% to about 100% of the amino acids of the ligand in a Sufficient amount to inhibit the biological infesta US 2011/007037.6 A1 Mar. 24, 2011 tion of the material, wherein the metal binding sequence metal binding sequence binding a metal ligand in a sufficient comprises at least one member of the group consisting of SEQ amount to inhibit the accumulation of biofouling on an inani ID Nos. 204-243 and 250-302 and functionally equivalent mate Surface coated with the marine coating composition; Substituted metal binding amino acid sequences thereof. In wherein the metal binding sequence comprises at least one Some embodiments, the material comprises at least one anti member of the group consisting of SEQID Nos. 204-243 and biological agent selected from the group consisting of a pep 250-302 and functionally equivalent substituted metal bind tidic agent of SEQ ID Nos 1-203, a peptidic agent having ing amino acid sequences thereof comprising the steps of functionally equivalent amino acid Substituted sequences incorporating the proteinaceous molecule into the marine having no more than a +/-2 difference in hydropathic value of coating. Provided is a marine coating; characterized in that a the Kyte-Doolittle scale relative thereto SEQID Nos.
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