10648 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 23RD JUNE 1993 512535/1/06), and may be inspected at all reasonable hours at the of the South Kesteyen District Council, Council Offices, St. Peters office of South Bedfordshire District Council, High Street North, Hill, Grantham, Lincolnshire; and at the Leadenham Post Office, Dunstable, and at the offices of Houghton Regis Town Council, Peel Leadenham, Lincolnshire, where they are open to inspection, free of Street, Houghton Regis. charge, at all reasonable hours. Any person aggrieved by the Order and desiring to question the Copies of the Orders, the titles of which are "The Al 7 Trunk Road validity thereof, or of any provision contained therein, on the ground (Leadenham Bypass) Order 1993" (S.I., 1993 No. 1371); "The A17 that it is not within the powers of the above Act or that any Trunk Road (Leadenham Bypass) (Detrunking) Order 1993" (S.I., requirement of that Act or of any regulation made thereunder has 1993 No. 1371); "The King's Lynn-Newark Trunk Road not been complied with in relation to the Order, may, within 6 weeks (Leadenham Bypass and Slip Roads) (Revocation) Order 1993", of 23rd June 1993, apply to the High Court for the suspension or (S.I., 1993 No. 1373) can be purchased, price 65p each, through quashing of the Order or of any provision contained therein. booksellers or direct from Government bookshops (HMSO). Copies R. T. Thomdike, a Director Network Management in the of the Orders, the titles of which are "The A17 Trunk Road Department of Transport. (764) (Leadenham Bypass) (Side Roads) Order 1993" and "The King's Lynn-Newark Trunk Road (Leadenham Bypass Side Roads) (Revocation) Order 1993", can be obtained from the Director of Network Management and Construction, Department of HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 Transport, East Midlands Region, Room 805, Cranbrook House, The A17 Trunk Road (Leadenham Bypass) Order 1993 Cranbrook Street, Nottingham NG1 1EY. Any person aggrieved by an Order mentioned in this notice who The A17 Trunk Road (Leadenham Bypass) (Detrunking) Order desires to question its validity, or the validity of any provision in it, 1993 on the ground that: The A17 Trunk Road (Leadenham Bypass) (Side Roads) Orders (a) it is not within the powers of the Highways Act 1980, or 1993 (b) any requirement of that Act or of regulations made under that Act has not been complied with in relation to that Order, may The King's Lynn-Newark Trunk Road (Leadenham Bypass and Slip apply to the High Court within 6 weeks from the date of first Roads) (Revocation) Order 1993 publication of this notice. On such an application, the Court The King's Lynn-Newark Trunk Road (Leadenham Bypass Side may suspend or quash that Order or any provision in it. Roads) (Revocation) Order 1993 K. I. McKenzie, Deputy Director, East Midlands Region, The Secretary of State for Transport hereby gives notice that he has Department of Transport. (766) made the following Orders: 1. An Order under sections 10 and 41 of the Highways Act 1980, entitled "The A17 Trunk Road (Leadenham Bypass) Order HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 1993", which provides that a road which he proposes to construct at Leadenham in the parishes of Leadenham and Fulbeck in the The All Trunk Road (A505 Junction to Four Went Ways districts of North and South Kesteven in the County of Improvement and Slip Roads) Order 1993 Lincolnshire starting at a point on the Trunk Road (Newark The All Trunk Road (A505 Junction to Four Went Ways) Road) about 1,630 metres north-west of the junction with Cliff (Detrunking) Order 1993 Road (A607) and proceeding in a generally south-easterly The All Trunk Road (A50S Junction to Four Went Ways direction to a point on the Trunk Road (Sleaford Road) 150 metres south-east of North Heath Lane shall become a trunk road Improvement Side Roads) Order 1993 as from the date when the Order comes into force. The Secretary of State for Transport hereby gives notice that he has 2. An Order under sections 10 and 12 of the Highways Act 1980, made the following Orders: entitled "The A17 Trunk Road (Leadenham Bypass) 1. An Order under sections 10 and 41 of the Highways Act 1980, (Detrunking) Order 1993", which provides that a length of the entitled The Al 1 Trunk Road (A505 Junction to Four Went Ways A17 Trunk Road to be superseded by the new trunk road shall Improvement and Slip Roads) Order 1993, which provides that: cease to be a trunk road and shall be classified as a classified road (a) a route ("the main route") about 1-83 kilometres in length from the date on which the Secretary of State notifies the starting from a point on the existing trunk road 355 metres Lincolnshire County Council (who will become the highway north-east of its junction with North Road, Great Abington, authority responsible for that length) that the said new trunk road then going generally north-eastwards to rejoin the trunk road is open for traffic. 440 metres north-east of the centre of the existing roundabout 3. An Order under sections 14 and 125 of the Highways Act 1980, at Four Went Ways; in relation to the A17 Trunk Road and the new trunk road to be (b) two slip roads to connect the northbound and southbound constructed by him. This Order is entitled "The A17 Trunk Road carriageways of the new trunk road with the eastbound and (Leadenham Bypass) (Side Roads) Order 1993" and it: westbound carriageways of the A505 at Bourn Bridge; and (1) authorises him to: (c) four slip roads to connect the northbound and southbound (a) improve highways, carriageways of the new trunk road with the A1307 and the (b) stop-up highways, A604 by means of a new roundabout at Four Went Ways; (c) construct new highways, shall become trunk roads from the date when the Order comes into (d) stop-up private means of access to premises, force. (e) provide new means of access to premises, 2. An Order under sections 10 and 12 of the Highways Act 1980, all of which will be in the parishes of Leadenham and Fulbeck entitled The All Trunk Road (A505 Junction to Four Went in the districts of North and South Kesteven in the County of Ways) (Detrunking) Order 1993 which provides that a length of Lincolnshire; and the Al 1 Trunk Road to be superseded by the new trunk road on (2) provides for the transfer of each new highway of the the main route shall cease to be a trunk road, and shall be classified Lincolnshire County Council as highway authority from the as a classified road, from the date on which the Secretary of State date on which he notifies them that it has been completed and is notifies the Cambridgeshire County Council (who will become the open for traffic. highway authority responsible for that length) that the new trunk 4. Orders under sections 10,14 and 326 of the Highways Act 1980, road on the main route is open for traffic. entitled "The King's Lynn-Newark Trunk Road (Leadenham 3. An Order under sections 12, 14 and 125 of the Highways Act Bypass and Slip Roads) (Revocation) Order 1993" and "The 1980, in relation to the Al 1 Trunk Road and the new trunk road King's Lynn-Newark Trunk Road (Leadenham Bypass Side to be constructed by him at Little Abington in the County of Roads) (Revocation) Order 1993", providing that "The King's Cambridgeshire. This Order is entitled The All Trunk Road Lynn-Newark Trunk Road (Leadenham Bypass and Slip Roads) (A505 Junction to Four Went Ways Improvement Side Roads) Order 1973" and "The King's Lynn-Newark Trunk Road Order 1992 and it: (Leadenham Bypass Side Roads) Order 1976" be revoked. (1) authorises him to: Copies of each Order and the plans referred to in it have been (a) improve highwys, deposited at the Department of Transport, 2 Marsham Street, (b) stop-up highways, London S.W.I, and at the offices of the Director of Network (c) construct new highways, one to be temporary, Management and Construction, East Midlands Region, Cranbrook (d) stop-up private means of access to premises, House, Cranbrook Street, Nottingham; of the Lincolnshire County (e) provide new means of access to premises, Council, County Offices, Newland, Lincoln; of the North Kesteven all at Little Abington on or in the vicinity of the new road on the District Council, Council Offices, Eastgate, Sleaford, Lincolnshire; main route; and.
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