'dramatic quality. It says bluntly I best as long as the girl was danc- that the subwater life is unnatural Ho’ Is Account ing to the boy’a pianistlc boogie- for man and all sides of it are «x- I Routine 'Gung Gripping I Beery Unchangeable woogie. Mr. Talent, the lad who AMUSEMENTS. jamined to emphasize the blunt By J. W. STEPP. RATIONING." a M-O-M Mcture pro- with wartime employment and the statement. duction starring Wallace Beery and Mn- first told about "Sam’s malting the Of Carlson’s Raid on Makin j The sight of Mr. Beery in the act jorie Main, produced by Orville O Dull prospects of the postwar resettle- The battle itself, the climax of directed by Willis Goldbeck. original pants too long,’’ was at his best ment of Jobs, ft Is concise and NATIONAL SYMPHONY 1 screenplay by William R. Lipnian. Grant By JAY CARMOIJY. one of the most of aw-shueking or doggoning almost the picture, is Garrett and Harry Ruskin. At the Capitol. with The of the his St. Vitus-ish version of "I illuminating. HANS CanAwtor pattern reconquest in Pacific was set by Carlson’s raid or which cam- makes us for the KINDLED, tempestuous Hollywood's long Hardy series, Hie Cast. Can't I Got Ants in CONSTITUTION NALL. Makin Island more than a was Ben Dance, My year ago. It the first real setback for tht eras have recreated. The actual Barton_ Wallace Beery which, by comparison, is a of Iris Tuttle Marjorie Mam Pants.” AMUSEMENTS. barbaric and arrogant enemy and it was tonic for the thing —SUNDAY, 4 P. M— dramatically spirii have been more _ combat could hardly Wilfred Ball Donald Meek Tlie latest of of Americans. The were wondrous and This, Tuttle_ Morris chapter March of jungle-fighting Japanese taught some improve- violent and varied in its pattern of delight novelty. Dorothy Dorothy Soloiit, LAVR1TZ Cash Riddle _ Howard Freeman also on ments on his own tricks a of elite United State; Time, yesterday's bill, deals by corps lion-hearted, destruction. Perhaps it was worse, of course, is the cue for Beery fol- Mrs. Porfer _Connie Gilchrist Marines who thus won a toehold on the long road back. Lance Barton_Tommy Batten but even if it was not, it is a spec- lowers to wave pistols by way of Miss M< Quo_ Gloria Dtcksen AMUSEMENTS. The with a look of story, high fidelity about it. has been translated tacle that well be into Senator Edward A. White Henry O'Neill might jabbed rebuttal. There were inra sMirmj, mm. apparently Teddy _Richard Hall MELCHIOR exciung uung the of one who finds I eyes any life Ezra Weeks _ Charles Halton Ho." which at "GUNG HO." * Universal Pictures pro- such fanatics at the Alt-Wagnor Program opened yesterday du'Ctlon starring Randolph Scott and Alan Ion the home front uncomfortable. many Capitol Mr Morgan _Morris Ankrum Keith's. With Curtis, produced by Walter Wanger. di- Coral Ann Beery._ By Hersalf SCATS: SI.is, Sl.SS. SSSS Snrtw Randolph Scott In where co- Scott's performance as the colonel yesterday, ‘‘Rationing,” Dixie Samson _ Douglas Fowley the role of rected by Ray Enrlghi. screenplay by Bax OfBea. KITTS (NA TSSSti >Har the colonel who created Luclen Hubbard Roberts _ Chester elute At Keith's. ! is an effective piece of playing in starring Marjorie Main, opened. S:SS *. m. at WILLABD (NA SSIS) this first great varsity team, “Gung The Cast. ut SHOKEHAM (ML SIDS) Batata. Col. Thorwald __ Ho.” So are those of Alan Ho" is Randolph Scott "Gung Mr. Beery had not even to make a LAST S TIMES! decidedly better than just John Harbison Alan Curti.’ Noah to into, meandered about the &£ {{g Kurt .Curtis, Beery, jr.; J. Carroll leap another war picture. Its flavor is Richter Noah Berry. Jr face nor Miss Main to an 1MB TH BAIRS OUtU> frttm Lt. C J. Crlstoforos J. Carrol Naish Naish. Sam Levine and numerous rasp epi- props with the greatest disdain. Mr. that of a (k wkMm with Jack H. SMrkaB) documentary film, one Transport iLeo Androof) Sam Levenr Producer but there was Keyhoe’s six lovely and lively misses LHrry O'Ryan David Brucp I others of Wanger’s cast. ; thet, widespread which has the courage and the at the marimbas Capt. Dunphy Richard Lane and of a brought something wisdom McBride chortling laughing deeper t Colonel to realize that a dramatic Walter Sande j distinctly new in tone to their audi- Jncobtwsky fact does not need the Lt. Roland Browning Louis Jean Heydt all over the house. t*« WERFEL-BEHRMAN wrxsr<B»un< tampering Pig-Iron Robert Mltchum jsort ence, with full and painstaking ar- r.,mUj which Rube Tedrow__ _ Rod Cameron Quartet Hollywood likes to indulge. Budapest For we embrace -m LOUIS • Kathleen Corrigan_Grace McDonald ourselves, Gene rangements of “Light Cavalry Over- CALHERN ANNABEUA Its climax is much the devastating _ Comdr. Blake MUburn Stone Beethoven Ford for his foresight in planning ture,” “Begin the Beguine” and OSCAR KARLWEIS more powerful because .the Koaiarowski _ Peter Koe early Frankie Montana _Harold Landon Opens others. The tap team. Mack and J. Bdaard Brombarg & * DtilMim-uhtd Cm passages take time to show how a multivaried stage show to appease Desmond, were decidedly at their Matin— Satardar Carlson’s raiders were trained to be point is almost completely forgotten Series at possible, if not probable, malcon- Library B DAYS BEO. SUIDAY I the kind of holy terrors who could and is never missed in the least. tents in the audience. BITE WALLACE* BEERY Ends Bun. Mat. * Ntte. March IB UNRATiemw | ALICE EVERSMAN. destroy the fanatical enemy. Rarely *• * * * By Mr. Ford, indeed, done himself AMUSEMENTS. MAjuomt main r UPROARIOUS NEW YORK “ before in a synthetic piece of cinema “Gung Ho,” which Is Chinese The series of concerts sponsored proud, as the same Mr. Beery would HITS tom OOUM Praaaata lKU6»T|V have the characters looked so much meaning “work together,” tells the by the Gertrude Clarke Whittall express it. His was not to explore Washington Choral Soeioty ^ like those nameless ones who figure presumably full story of Carlsons Foundation in the Library of Con- the low-comedic aspects of gas cou- LOUIS A. POTTER. Candaetsr in the Army’s, Navy's and Marines’ Makln raid. gress which will present the string pons and points blue and red. Mr. MMuy Tuesday, March 14, 8:30 P.M. <tf4Fraftottb Tttlad own pictures of what war actually is It opens with the selection of the quartets of Beethoven began last Ford aimed to entertain in simple, ^9 like. CONSTITUTION HALL "THE HOME FRONT* group, a hand-picked lot of marines night with a program that listed direct and as refreshing as possible HONEGGER'S Ba—. CSa, tl.ia. Cl.M, BBJM. ttll That Is "Oung Ho’s” chief appeal who never were left under any de- the third quartet of Opus 18, that in terms. In this he succeeded with WaS. Mat.. SSa. fl.l*. SLAB and It is virtually Impossible to con- lusion, but were told frankly that F minor of op. 95 and the E flat the talents of boogie-woogie dancers David" Bat.. Baa. Mata. SBa ta CB.M ceive of a better one. they might be up against the next major, op. 127. The plan adopted in Mack and Desmond, the mutts of “King SEAT SALE NEW! thing to suicide. They were fore- programming the quartets is to in- A1 Gordon, Reg Keyhoe’s marimba * * * * warned, too, that the months of clude as nearly as possible one of ensemble and, finally, Ziggy Talent, DEBUSSY'S would be the Hie principal concession to the preparation excrutiatingly these chamber music works from ants-ln-pants man. “The Son" einema formula for such pictures— close to the same thing, that only each period of the composer's ar- Any one of the above-named acts Prodigal and it is reasonably close to the the fittest could hope to syrvive it tistic development. would have come as welcome relief 150 Voicei—Famous Soloists From the selection of the raidei at the of actuality at that—is that the prin- This concert also marked the first close Lovable Wally Beery’s Symphony Orchestra force, which sets the off to cipal characters follow types. There picture time that the personnel of the Bu- harrassing time with OPA blanks, and the Army Music School Choir is the who has found life a slow and somewhat repetition the perorations of ex-newsboy dapest String Quartet has been Lovable-Tough- Wm. Strickland, Conductor an endless fistic battle, the kid who start, the narrative sticks grimly tc Dame Main, the flights of young changed since it became affiliated SEATS: 83c. *1.10. wonders the theme of this-is-how-it-was love, black and fl.ttfl, $2.20— who is pitching for the with the Whittal Foundation, the marketing the per- SNOW CONCERT BUREAU. 1108 G St., the one whose was How lt was, was every bit as tough plexities of a RE. 4433 Dodgers, pal place of Alexander Schneider, sec- operating grocery store. killed at Pearl the hill- as the warnings indicated. The Mr. Beery has been too monot- Harbor, ond violinist, being taken by Edgar billy, the high school athlete from marches, the drills, the calesthenics, onously lovable for too but Ortenberg, who will remain as per- long, " the small town and all the others. the judo training, the sham battles that, of course, will not deter his manent member of the ensemble.
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