Volume II, Number 133 2nd Waning Day of Wagaung 1377 ME Tuesday, 1 September, 2015 President U Thein Sein sends messages Water treatment plant Step up efforts of felicitations to Uzbekistan to provide clean water against unsafe to Shwepyitha foods PAGE 3 PAGE 3 PAGE 8 NEW MYEIK TOUR TO LAUNCH IN OCT Cock Comb’s heart-shaped lake in Taninthayi to draw visitors By Aye Min Soe YANGON, 31 Aug— A num- ber of local travel agencies will offer tours to Cocks Comb Island in Myeik Archipel- ago for the first time in October, travel industry members have said. The southernmost part of Myanmar has seen very little tourism to date due to the high prices charged to sail through the archipelago. Its main visitors are wealthy Thais; how- ever this tourist season will see tours aimed at attracting local holidaymakers for the first time. Many in Myanmar’s tourism in- dustry believe that the unspoiled archipelago will become one of the country’s premier tourist des- tinations in years to come and that Cocks Comb, the island with a heart-shaped lake, will be one Cocks Comb Island in Myeik Archipelago.—PHOTO SUppLIED BY GOOD LIFE MYANMAR of the area’s main focal points. Local and Thai-based travel most point of Myanmar and is 28 travellers,” said U Kaung Myat Beach would cost more than 1.06 million in 2012, 2.04 mil- agencies will begin a tour around miles southwest of Cocks Comb Oo of Good Life Myanmar Trav- US$3,000 per person for foreign lion in 2013 and 4.4 million in Cocks Comb Island and Thahtay Island, plus the Thai border town el Agency. tourists. 2014. Island, as well as the better of Ranong. He added that a tour which The number of tourist arriv- The country expects to see known destination Kawthoung, “We can offer private tours includes Cocks Comb Island and als has increased year on year, the number more than six million which is located at the southern- of Cocks Comb Island to local a two-day trip to Ngwe Saung reaching 0.79 million in 2010, tourists in 2017.—GNLM Japan to grant $207 million loan for Factory bosses urged to sign Yangon Circular Line upgrade employment ation Agency (JICA) to upgrade use an ODA loan from Japan for cause we know that many low-in- contracts By Khaing Thanda Lwin the Yangon circular railway line, the upgrade, which is scheduled come commuters rely on train NAY PYI TAW, 31 Aug— YANGON, 31 Aug—Myanma according to its Senior General to be completed by 2021. U Ba services on a daily basis,” said U The Ministry of Labour, Em- Railways will soon ink a MoU Manager (Inspections) U Ba My- Myint said during a press confer- Ba Myint. ployment and Social Security for a loan of US$207 million int. Parliament recently approved ence on Monday that the project Around 70,000 people use issued an announcement Mon- from Japan International Cooper- Myanma Railways’ proposal to will begin immediately after the the circular trains each day, ac- day urging factory owners to agreement is signed by the two cording to Myanma Railways. sign employment contracts with governments. U Tun Aung Thin of Myanma workers within the first 30 days Myanma Railways will pur- Railways said that ten train new of their employment. chase trains manufactured in Ja- air-conditioned coaches will ar- Factory owners are obliged pan, which will enable it to offer rive in Myanmar from Japan on to sign employment contracts faster and more regular services, 5 September. The coaches will with staff from September, the which at the moment is limited to service the Yangon circular line ministry said. Last week the gov- 23 locomotives. as well as the Yangon-Nay Pyi ernment set a national minimum “The upgrade will see jour- Taw route. The Japanese gov- wage of K3,600 (US$2.80) for ney times cut by half,” said U Ba ernment will continue to provide a standard eight-hour work day Myint. support for the development of across all sectors and industries. The project also provides Myanmar’s transport sector, es- Small and family-run busi- for the installation of automotive pecially in software infrastructure nesses with a workforce com- train stop (ATS) system and up- enlargement, Mr Takashi Owaki, prising less than 15 workers also grading railway tracks. Deputy Minister for Technical need to sign employment con- “Myanma Railways will not Affairs, the Ministry of Land, In- tracts in accordance with a wage Travel times will halve when the upgrade is completed in 2021. raise the prices of train tickets frastructure, Transport and Tour- agreed between them.— GNLM PHOTO: AYE MIN SOE after the upgrade is complete be- ism said.—GNLM 2 Tuesday, 1 September, 2015 LOCAL NEWS Networking session held for prospective shop owners and investors MANDALAY, 31 Aug — A business networking session was held with jewel- lers and entrepreneurs at the Yadanabon Super Centre in Chanayethazan Town- ship on 30 August and was also attend- ed by Mandalay Mayor U Aung Moung. The purpose of the session was to gen- erate interest in letting out stores in the soon to open Mandalay Yatanar Mall. The mall will open on 1 April 2016 and will comprise 389 gems and ornament shops, a training hall, a quality control hall, banking and money changing ser- vices and will be equipped with modern security facilities. Managing Director U Kyaw Thura of Relax Business Group Co., Ltd. and Director U Zaw Min provided detailed information about Mandalay Yatanar Mall. To date, more than 200 shops have already been sold to entrepreneurs. Thiha Ko Ko (Mandalay) Deep tube-well to supply Mohnyin Township extends ten more villages clean water to residents for emerald green project TATKON, 31 Aug — The The department has allo- dustry standards. “We have been Township Rural Development cated K9.45 million for install- consuming water from old wells MOHNYIN, 31 Aug — The Rural Development Department con- Department has assigned My- ing the tube-well and building a for many years. We’re glad that ducted a training course on duty and functions for the Emerald Green anmar Trading General Service 2,000 gallon water tank. we’ll soon have a tube-well to Project at its office in Mohnyin, Kachin State. Company to install a deep tube- Department Staff Officer supply potable water to the 1,300 A total of 56 residents from the township attended the three- well in Thankhetaung village, U Soe Min Latt emphasised the people that live in this village,” day course from 28 to 30 August. The Emerald Green Project was Tatkon Township before the end importance of completing the said a local resident. launched in 2014 and aims to improve agricultural techniques, live- of this financial year. project on time and meeting in- Tin Soe Lwin (Tatkon IPRD) stock breeding and trade and production for farmers. The project was expanded to include ten villages in Mohnyin Township in the 2015-16 fiscal year. Each village will receive K30 million fund, said the department’s Assistant Director U Aye Min Naing. Five villages in Mohnyin Town- ship implemented the Emerald Green Project last year and have seen several tangible benefits as a result, said an official of the Motherland Greening Organisation.—GNLM 001 Economists give lectures at Better Future, Better Myanmar 2015 in Mandalay MANDALAY, 31 Aug — Hub Myanmar Company Ltd organized the business talks on Better Future, Better Myanmar 2015 at Hotel Mandalay in Mahaaungmye township, here, on 29 August, with man- agers from private banks and companies, young entrepreneurs and students in attendance. Professor Dr Aung Tun Thet, economic adviser to the president, gave lectures on transforming team while principal U Tin Zan Kyaw of Device Business Management Academy on self management and establishment of association and replied to queries raised by attend- ees.—Thiha Ko Ko (Mandalay) Tuesday, 1 September, 2015 3 NATIONAL NAY PYI TAW, 1 Sept—U Thein Sein, President of the Republic of the President U Thein Sein Union of Myanmar, has sent messages of felicitations to His Excellency Mr. Islam Karimov, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and His Excel- sends messages of lency Mr. Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which felicitations to Uzbekistan falls on 1 September 2013.—MNA Election coordination meeting held Deputy Speaker attends election monitoring groups, he added. bill committee meeting The chairman said that the NAY PYI TAW, 31 Aug— transport bill submitted by Minis- UEC plans to train staff on poll- Deputy Speaker of Pyidaungsu try of Rail Transpiration. ing booths and will invite elec- Hluttaw and Deputy Speaker of The meeting was also at- tion monitoring group members Pyithu Hluttaw U Nanda Kyaw tended by Chairman of Pyithu to observe the training. Swa visited the Pyithu Hluttaw Hluttaw Bill Committee U T He said he is confident that bill committee meeting at Hlut- Khun Myat, secretary of the bill voter identity cards will be suc- taw affairs hall, here, on 31 Au- committee U Saw Hla Tun, and cessfully distributed in all parts gust. officials from Office of Supreme of the nation, including those af- The deputy speaker appreci- Court of the Union, office of the fected by recent floods. ated committee members’ work Attorney-General of the Union The meeting covered a va- on off days. and the Ministry of Rail Trans- riety of aspects relating to the In the meeting, the commit- portation. election, including voter educa- tee members discussed the road MNA tion, the compilation of a nation- UEC Chairman U Tin Aye addresses speech at electoral coordination al voters list, the provision of meeting with CSOs.—MNA manuals to polling booth staff, the polling booth process, vot- YANGON, 31 Aug—The gon on Monday.
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