March 21-27, 2012 Public Access see page 9 New Lansing Public Media Center goes live, creates jobs FEC@E<K?@JN<<B JXm\,' Ki`ZbPfli9lccp#gX^\)0 Xk>fe\N`i\[:X]\#j\\gX^\. Sunday, April 1st 55th Michigan Antiquarian Book & Paper Show OFFICIAL PROGRAM 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Books, Postcards, Prints, Maps, Photographs, GUIDE Lansing Center • Downtown Lansing Magazines, Newspapers and More! INSIDE 2 City Pulse • March 21, 2012 K_`jn\\bËj^l\jk1 M`i^9\ie\if ?fjk\[Yp 9\icJZ_nXikq 8n\\bcpcffbXkk_\`jjl\j Xe[k_\g\fgc\Y\_`e[k_\`jjl\j `e>i\Xk\iCXej`e^ Jle[XpjXk((((1*'X%d% [ fe:_Xee\c(-`eCXej`e^ JkXik`e^DXiZ_), City Pulse • March 21, 2012 3 NOW WITH FIVE LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! West Lansing - 3928 W. Saginaw Hwy. .......... 517.327.1900 Trusted by growers for over 28 years East Lansing - 4870 Dawn Ave. ..................... 517.332.2663 Livonia - 29220 Seven Mile Rd. ........................248.957.8421 South Lansing - 5716 S. Pennsylvania Ave..... 517.393.1600 Howell - 2731 E. Grand River Ave. ....................517.376.6843 Hydrofarm Xtrasun 6” Air-Coolable ZĞŇĞĐƚŽƌ Fox Farm® Ocean Forest PlantMax 1000W HPS Bulb Hydrofarm Potting Soil SG Lite 24 Hour, 1000w MH/HPS 15A Grounded ŽŶǀĞƌƟďůĞ Mechanical Ballast Timer HydroFarm OR Your Choice Sunlight Supply 1.5 cubic foot bag ;/ŶͲƐƚŽƌĞƉƌŽŵŽƟŽŶŽŶůLJ͘EŽƚƚŽďĞ Full 1000 Watt combined with any other discount.) MH/HPS System (In-store only. Not to be combined with any other discount) Sunlight Supply Yield Master II 6’’ Classic ZĞŇĞĐƚŽƌ Sun System Budget Grow II 1000w MH/HPS Switchable Ballast PlantMax 1000W HPS Bulb Titan Controls® Apollo 6 24hr Analog Timer Buy one of these systems and SGS will give you a 100ML bottle of ůŽŶĞdžΠZŽŽƟŶŐ'Ğů (That’s a $22.00 value!) FREE! *Price Beater Guaranteeʹ^'^ǁŝůůďĞĂƚĂŶLJƉƌŝĐĞĂĚǀĞƌƟƐĞĚŝŶDŝĐŚŝŐĂŶ͊^ŚŽǁƵƐƚŚĞƉƌŝŶƚĂĚǀĞƌƟƐĞŵĞŶƚĨŽƌƚŚĞůŽǁĞƌƉƌŝĐĞŽŶƚŚĞŝĚĞŶƟĐĂůŝƚĞŵ;ƐͿǁŚĞŶLJŽƵŵĂŬĞLJŽƵƌƉƵƌĐŚĂƐĞĂƚ^'^ĂŶĚǁĞǁŝůůďĞĂƚƚŚĞƉƌŝĐĞ͘ 4 City Pulse • March 21, 2012 Feedback Mfcld\((#@jjl\*) Bullying doc oughta be PG-13 Community, and every term I have a few We should all consider supporting young students write about the abuse (0',<%D`Z_`^Xe8m\%CXej`e^#D@+/0() ,(. *.($,-''=Xo1,(. 000$-'-(nnn%cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd Katy Butler's petition to allow children they faced and how it affected their lives. 8[m\ik`j`e^`ehl`i`\j1,(. 000$,'-( E\nj Fg`e`fe% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % + :cXjj`]`\[X[`ehl`i`\j1,(. 000$,'-- under the age of 18 to view the documen- This author was also badly bullied as GlYc`Z Efk`Z\j% % % % % % % % % % % % +# - fi\dX`cZ`kpglcj\7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd tary Bully which examines the effects of a child. I went to the police when I was :fm\i Jkfip% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % 0 <[`kfiXe[GlYc`j_\i abuse among the young. People should 11 in 1954 and asked to be taken out of 9\icJZ_nXikq 8ikj :lckli\% % % % % % % % % % % % () not have to be 18 to see it at school. Butler my family. The officer sent me home to glYc`j_\i7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. 000$,'-( 9ffb J_fn% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % (. 8ikj:lckli\<[`kfi is a 17-year-old Michigan high school seven more years of physical and verbal AXd\jJXe]fi[ Dfm`\j% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % )) junior who took up the cause because she abuse, leading to injuries and emotional aXd\j7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. 000$,'-/ 9ffbj% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ), Fek_\Kfne<[`kfi had been seriously bullied, including vio- problems. I was 23 before I loved any- 8[m`Z\ >f[[\jj% % % % % % % % % % % % % )- A\jj`ZX:_\Zb\ifjb` lence, when she came out at school as a one because I had been battered and told a\jj`ZX7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. 000$,'-0 lesbian. someday I would understand that was :cXjj`]`\[j% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % )- JkX]]Ni`k\ij Afe\j`eË :ifjjnfi[% % % % % % % % % % % % % )- CXni\eZ\:fj\ek`ef The documentary film which opens love. cXni\eZ\7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd March 30 was R Rated because of lan- When I was 12, I befriended my Flk fe k_\ Kfne% % % % % % % % % % % % % % ). 8e[p9XcXjbfm`kq guage, making it unavailable for children. school's biggest bully and rode around Klie `k ;fne % % % % % % % % % % % % % % )/ Xe[p7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd E\n @e Kfne% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % )0 Gif[lZk`feDXeX^\i Butler wants it reset at PG-13. on the back of his large motorcycle with IXZ_\c?Xig\i Her petition now has more than two him. Thereafter, students left me alone. =i\\n`cc 8jkifcf^p% % % % % % % % % % % % ** X[Zfgp7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. 000$,'-- =ff[% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % *+ JfZ`XcD\[`X:fejlckXek hundred thousand signatures and the Not every kid is that lucky. Several years Alc`\Gfn\ij support of some congresspersons, celeb- ago, I befriended one of LCC's tallest and alc`\7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%ZfdKn`kk\i17AGfn\ij(,, rities, and athletes. Butler believes it is sternest looking African American stu- 8[m\ik`j`e^ Dfe`hl\>fZ_#;`i\Zkfi vital for the young to learn about the sub- dents. He looked that way because he was dfe`hl\7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. 000$,'-) ject and how to deal with it. The results exhausted from going to college, work- 8ccXeIfjj of bullying are too often tragic, leading ing, and taking care of a young child. He XccXe7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. 000$,'-* J_\ccpFcjfe to violence or suicide, as depicted in the was a gentle guy. Often, when we talked j_\ccp7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. -+*$(.'* film. outside, campus Security stood twenty 8jj`jkXekkfk_\GlYc`j_\i Bullying of the young is a real prob- feet away and stared until he left. He had Editor & Publisher AfXe9fcXe[\i lem. I teach analytical writing at Lansing been profiled because of his color and Berl afXe7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd Schwartz :feki`Ylkfij19i`Xe9`\ebfnjb`#Aljk`e9`c`Zb`#9`cc:XjkXe`\i# looks, and that is bullying. We have no DXip:%:ljXZb#A\]]?Xdd\i#Kfd?\cdX#:_i`jkfg_\i?fiY#JXd right to humiliate others because of their @e^cfkK\iipC`eb#Bpc\D\c`ee#8[XdDfce\i#;\ee`jGi\jkfe#8ccXe@% Ifjj#Af\Kfifb#I`Z_Klg`ZX#JljXeNff[j#GXlcNfqe`Xb#8dXe[X Have something to say about a local issue looks, race, nationality, gender, handicap, 7 p.m. Wednesdays ?Xii\cc$J\pYlie#Lk\Mfe;\i?\p[\e#Al[pN`ek\i or an item that appeared in our pages? opinions, or sexual preference. Children This week @ek\iej1Kfep8cXe#8cc`jfeD%9\iipdXe#8cpjjX=`ik_#8[Xd should have an opportunity to learn that, @c\e`Z_#>\eeXDlj`Xc Now you have two ways to sound off: Cindy Storie, Lansing CommunityCollege branch ;\c`m\ip[i`m\ij18Y[lcdX_[`8c$IXY`X_#;Xm\=`j_\i#BXi\e not be kept away from a subject involving of Michigan Association for Higher Education EXmXiiX#Ef\cc\EXmXiiX#9i\ekIfY`jfe#Jk\m\Jk\m\ej 1.) Write a letter to the editor. persons their age. • E-mail: [email protected] Butler's petition deserves our consid- • Snail mail: City Pulse, 1905 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48912 Bill Martines of Lansing Future LLC • Fax: (517) 371-5800 eration. It can be found at: http://www. 2.) Write a guest column: Contact Berl Schwartz for more information: the-bullies-win-give-bully-a-pg-13-in- Developer Scott Gillespie [email protected] or (517) 999-5061 stead-of-an-r-rating (Please include your name, address and telephone number so we can reach you. Keep letters to 250 words or fewer. City Pulse reserves the @EK?<JKL;@FYp I8:?<C?8IG<I right to edit letters and columns.) — Dan Campbell Lansing PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS EAST LANSING PLANNING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given of the following public hearings to be held by the East Lansing Planning Commission on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 at 7:00 p.m., in the 54-B District Court, Courtroom 2, 101 Linden Street, East Lansing. 1. A public hearing will be held to consider an application from St. Thomas Aquinas Parish for Site Plan approval for the property at 915 Alton Road. The application would permit a 2,300 square foot expansion of the existing school building for storage and kitchen space. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density, Single-Family Residential District. 2. A public hearing will be held to consider an application from Chuck Raad for Special Use Permit approval for the property at 1050 Trowbridge Road. The proposed application would allow for alcohol sales under a Class C liquor license at the existing Woody’s Oasis restaurant. The property is zoned B-2, Retail Sales Business District. Call (517) 319-6930, the Department of Planning and Community Development, East Lansing City Hall, 410 Abbot Road, East Lansing, for additional information. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. These matters will be on the agenda for the next Planning Commission meeting after the public hearing is held, at which time the Commission may vote on them. The Planning Commission's recommendations are then placed on the agenda of the next City Council meeting. The City Council will make the final decision on these applications. The City of East Lansing will provide reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as interpreters for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities upon request received by the City seven (7) calendar days prior to the meeting. Individuals with disabilities requiring aids or services should write or call the Planning Department, 410 Abbot Road, East Lansing, MI 48823. Phone: (517) 319-6930. TDD Number: 1-800- 649-3777.
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