Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Bryn Mawr College News Collections, Digitized Books 1966 The olC lege News, 1966-03-11, Vol. 52, No. 16 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News, 1966-03-11, Vol. 52, No. 16 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1966). This paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ( }anover, Edwards Win In Self-Gov, Undergrad , Vol. LI, 140. BRYH M ...WR, P.... Mo. .h ' Tru.t. .. 01 Bryn ... __Coli 16 1 1. 1966 •••• 1966" 25 C.nts -6 -Woodruw- Wihon -G.,-ant8 Presented To Bryn Mawrters Bryo Mawr Colleee eqptributed poae at theM rranta 18 to en­ Fellow attends wID receive an ad... fromthe siX D&me. to tbl r08ter of 1,408 eourace pot.entlalcollege te&cbers. d1tiooal l'I'ant FouDdat1ol1. winDers in the n.atlontortbeW(l(ld. Double majort.oc 1n French and ualnc tunds providedFord by!be the fellowshtpcfouDda._ row WUIoa National Fellowship Latln, lJnda Devereus bU been Foundation, FouodaUoa rranta. tlrst In ber clau tor the tloo w111 speDCI $5.7 m11llon In '!'be all.Wl1IIonFellowaaodtbe1r three year.. She received the 198e-67 OQ potentJal teachers for nelda are lJDCIa Devereus, com­ Brooke Hall a.... rd. tor b.1Cb1st the Ulloa's colleges and wver- • paraUve uteraturej Alexla p� averace in the JunJor clus andthe siUes. relakJn, Ru•• lan studies: Ellen Charles S. H1ncbman seOOlarsbJp ODe-third of this year'. croup Rotbemerl (a '64 p-a00a18 eur­ for excellent work In her major are women. TheFellows represent rentlY res1d1.n& In N .... York City), subject at tbe May Day as.sembly 380 dJ1terent colle"s and un1ver" Eo&l1sh; SaDcly Shapiro, Soviet law last year. slUes in the U.S. and canada.. AlezlB Pocorelsk1n, a Haaslan Haverford College produced II and POlitics: Mr.. stanle, (Katb­ Margar.t Edward. vi Iits Jon. Janover In the Inli rmary oft.r the leeD TbomU.) Merkln, mathemat­ maJor, tnteDds to work for .. mu­ Wllson Fellows: Peter Barnett, philO election cam.paln. Ics: and Sylvla YOUDl, mattaemat­ ter's decree in Rusalanstudies and 8OphYi Peter GUbert, hlstoryi lea. a Ph.D. in Ruaa1an hiatory. Edmund Ha.uard, physics; John Elections (or the presidency of Pera Ttioml.$ 15 the DewlAque .. Hooorab .. mentioo wiDner. are Sa.ody Shaplro. wbo Is majoring Hoberman, GermanJ.ahcu&ces and ,each maJor organization on campus pr"esldent. and Lola Atwood will Eve Hitchman, political 'claDCe: in poUtlcal sclence, wu preslde� ItncutsUc'j Robert Hume, Encllsb; ended Monday nll'ht, wlth Jane assume the executive poRt In Ath� Pople Johns, cluBtCl; Mr•. Cath­ of AlUance in her Junior ,ear and St.fPben Kurian, Englisb literature; Janover Gmer"nl as Self-Cov head leUe Association. ma.thematiea; .rlDe MateW, arehaeololYi Pat president ot the Rus.1.a.n Club in , Robert Lone, Paul and Margaret Edwards wlnnlngthe Included In Jane Janover'a plat­ Obl, pbJ.loaophy; Ellen Patterson, her sopbomore year. Prlm&kotf, blocbemlBtry; Bunter Undel'lrad leadership. fOfm was a reaffirmation or the RawUnp m, classics; Lance antbropolOC)'j Merrily putman, Mrs. Merkin lscurrentlyalUeat Next years's president orlnler­ concept 01 dual respons1blllty: the Schachterle, English literature; eeonomlea; EUubetb Stamm, an. senior at Columbia. School ot Gen­ faith is Madeleine Sloane, who wUl1�ness of the student to abl Ie and HugbWllllams, physics. thropoloo; E1a.1DeSUrlck.pbyalcB; eral Studies, wbere sbe Is taJcJng ran unopposed, and Lynne Meadow by the rules of the col1es:e COIII­ Haverford's honorable mention and Marpret TrubeJr, mathemat­ ber last semester. She commutes will head Arts Council. munity and the responsibility 01 wtnners were Andrew �r, . ics. to Bryn Ma.wr throughout the week Alliance's new leader Is Orewdie the Seu-Cov omeera to see that • stephen CUrley, Etban Felnsod, WoodrowW1l8Oll Fellows reeeive for comp contereoces. Gilpin, while Curriculum Com­ these roles are upheld. John Meeks, DavidParker, Charles ODe academic year of p-aduate Math major Sylvia Youne will mittee will be directed by Joan She plans primarily to work Cor attend graduate scbool at the Un­ Powers and steven Wertlme. education (with tutUOIl and fees - Cavallaro. a greater Involvement of the stu­ paJd by tbe a Uvtnc iversity otWuhinCtoo where she dent body In seU-government. and Fouldatlon), w111 speeLal1ze in algebra. stlpeDd of $2,000 and. allowances to cultivate among the l'itudents Tbe graduate school that Undergrad Meeting Deliberates tor depeDdeDl chlldren. The pur" �af a responslblUtyto thecollegecom_ munlty. Margaret Edw.Ids' new pos­ On Analysis of '66 Hen Week ition, she feels, Is that of an in­ novator. �.e hopes to be able to Plans for the propo� bl-col­ band would be hired to play during make students more aware or the iege May Day weekend, constit­ the early part of the evening, discusSions of various committees utional changes relat1ng to the and a rock-and-roll band later. by having their reports published. newly organized SocialCommittee, Afternoon sports events and even Since she was president ot Arts and freshman readlons to this a hayride may also be organized. CooncU this year. she Is well aware year's Hell Week were among This schedule Is deSigned to at­ of both the financial problems business discussed at tbe Under­ tract a wider group ol parUclpants Of these committees and the need grad meeth'lC Monday night. than the usual elaborate and ap­ for (reater organization of campus Dr,wdle Gilpin, president 01 the parently lar more expensive boat activities. Thus Margaret plans to sophomore class, reported on ride with a large dance orchestra, pursue the question of an Increased freshman and sophomorereactions or rock and roll concert only; student acUvities fee. to Hell Week, wblch &hI;! had dis­ last year Fals Domino played (or Competing for the otrlce 01Self. cussed with hall reps at a meet1n1' a high price to a small audience. Gov vice president will be Emily three weeks ago. Generally she Underl'fadwill try to raJse Singer, Mary Delaney, and SUsan found the changes made from last $300 for the prOject. and will charge Harrah. year's Hell Week -- two days couples $'.00 for all weekend ac­ Contenders for the Sell-Gov sec­ Instead of three, and a ban on tlvltle'. PopleJohnsmentioned that retarial post are Beth Chadwick, oIt-eampus activltles--were well it will also be possl.bletoask dates Uz Thacher and Sue Nosoo. receiVed, although the iast was down, who can staY at Haverford Due to ties In voting, five In­ DOt always strictly enforced. through the arrangements 01 the stead of four candidates will be There was 80me call for "more I COlleges' Social Committees. running for First Sophomore to hell" --Pem West freshmen Self-Gov: Fern Hunt, Esther Stef­ especlally feU they should have ansky. Judy LJskln, Jane Orbeton, been given "more drudgery" to Flag at Half-Mast and Martha Taft. fUl up free Ume -� and less "crea­ N mated for the vice pres­ Woodrow Wltaon Fellows: seated, from left, Linda Devereux tive" actiVity. otherwise, Drewdle A dencr of Undergrad are Sarah and Sandy Shapiro; atarul!.ng, from left, Sylvio Young and Alexh empba.stz.ed the great Importance For lao Deaths 'atlhPws, Bev Lange and Susan Pogorelskin. ot all-campus regulatIoDs on Hell • BUl McNeil, HaverfordStudents' Kia week, upper-class sympathy- - the •. Coondl Secretary. has Issued a Runnlng for secret .ry of Under­ junior teas were espeelally ap­ st&tement explaining the 10werlrJl grad �e Myra Skluth, Bonnie preciated-- and also more pUb­ Conservative Club Assembles, of the aaa: Saturday, Much 12. Cunnlngham, Andy Marks, andJean IIctty about HeU week beforehand, Haverlord, along who several Wilson. comprlsln& more than dark other schools In lbe country are Cabbs Denton, current vice threats. flying the flag at hall-mast � president of Undergrad and co­ Arranges Lecture Next Week The CoUnc1ldiscussed anumber the day in order to remind the ordJnator of the electton system, of �roblems still to be decided students d. "the tragedy d. racial Or. Ronald McArthur, a pro­ Debbie Bernstein. They were pointed out that the losers of the ani! by Ded year's sophomores: the discMmloaUon In the SOuth." fessor at St. Mary's College In some Ume actv\.abUlty or Undergrad and SeU-Gov eleCtions contacted &CO by the d. asst&nin&: group The 12th is the anniversary of California, will be spea.klOI' at were ellglble to run for the other Intercollegiate SocIety of Individ­ 1ndf\'lclJat punishments, both of lbe Reverend James Reeb's death the Ilrst lecture 01 Bryn Mawr's ualists, which pUblishes the IN­ whtch seem to have WQ,rked well offIces in their respective oraa.ll­ . In Selma, Alabama last year. Conservative Club at 7:30 MOD­ Iz.aUoos, but all refused. TERCOLLEGIATE REVIEW, "a in .arlous Circumstancesj and the Jimmie Lee Jacksun was killed day In the Common Room. good cooservative magazine" ac� question « wbat to do with non­ two weeks ea.rUer, also in Selma, She also commented that the His topic Is "Plato and the cordJng to Cathy. They also oIter participants, woo sbould not be and Mrs. Viola Grell' Liuz'W was method of nominations used this cloaed Sodety: the Case for Ceo-'" speaken to Conservat1ye Clubs In aoclally ostracized. Tbey agreed kUled In Lowndes County, Ala­ year might undergo some kind of' sorship." Cath), Sims, one .
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