ARUBA Lago Oil & Transport Co., Ltd. VOL. 28, No. 14 Lago Scholarship Foundation Student F. Kock Returns as Chemical Engineer Another Lago Scholarship year earned a_ second-place Foundation student who com- award from Union Carbide pleted his chemical engineer- Corporation - Metals Division ing study at the West Virgi- at Alloy (W.V.) for a paper nia Institute of Technology in chemical engineering. He Jast month was Francisco wrote "A Comparison of Kock. Dropwise and Filmwise Con- A mechanical engineering densation on Horizontal Tu- graduate from UTS (Extend- bes.” ed Technical School) in Hol- In May this year, Mr. Kock land, Mr. Kock followed his married Shannon Truman, practical training year at La- sister of Mrs. Sonja de Cuba- go. He subsequently worked Truman. Shannon graduated for about ten months in Tech- recently from the Montgom- nical-Process Engineering be- ery High School. fore enrolling at the West Vir- Mr. Kock has been assign- ginia Institute of Technology ed in the Analytical/Develop- in September, 1963. ment Section of the Labora- As a senior, Mr. Kock this tories. President Murray Ta Felicita Seis Empleado di 30 Anja y Tres di 25 Anja Seis empleado a ser honra un Machinist A desde 1947. pa nan servicio largo na Lago Na 1958 el a sigi un curso di durante Juni. Emblema y cer- Lago den Direccion di Trabao tificado pa nan 30 anja di ser- I vicio a ser presenta pa Presi- Sr. Biezen a principia na dent W. A. Murray kende a Lago como process helper C felicita nan. den Pressure Stills na 1937. Den e periodo 1938 te 1942, el Esnan honra tabata Ricar- a haya promocionnan pa hou- do van der Linden di Mech- seman, levelman, anical-M&C; Johannes H. Bie- operator helper B, operator helper zen di Process-Refining; E. N A y pa Lopez di Executive-Market- assistant operator. Su pro- mocion pa operator ing; Eleuterio R. Goedgedrag a bini na 1948 den di Technical-Lab. Inspection; Cracking Depart- ment. Sr. Biezen, Francisco Petrochi y Angel F. awor un shift a = ants : eS Chirino di Mechanical-Welder. foreman den Process- Refining, a participa COMPETING ARUBAN beauties for Miss Aruba BELLEZAS DI Aruba compitiendo pa Miss Aruba E promer pa cumpli su den Cur- 30 1967. Winner was Ivonne Maduro, second from 1967. Ganador tabata Ivonne Maduro, 2do di anja e luna aki tabata Ricardo (Continua na Pagina 2) right. (See Page 5 for picture coverage). drechi. (Mira Pagina 5 pa mas portret). Diezcuater Fstudiantes Ta Tumando Experiencia y Training den Trabao E anja aki tin diezcuater su programa especial educa- estudiante di universidad cu cional pa estudiantenan exce- a matricula den Lago su pro- lente. grama di entrenamento di ve- Intencion di e programa di rano. Diezdos ta studia na entrenamento durante verano universidadnan na Merca, un ta pa duna oportunidad pa na Canada y un na Hulanda. hanja experiencia den trabao, Un di e estudiantenan cu y di tal manera juda estudi- ta traha aki den verano ta R. antenan hanja bon costumber Barros, kende ta _ studiando y actitud na trabao. ingenieria quimica bao Lago (Continua na Pagina 2) F. Petrochi Notices from American Consulate General, Curacao van der Linden. Un Machinist A den Mechanical Depart- On May 29, 1967, the United States Supreme Court in ment, el a cuminza su empleo the case of Afroyim vs. Rusk found unconstitutional Sec- na 1937 como un mechanical tion 349 (a) (5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act apprentice D den Storehouse. a chemical engineer in Lab-Analytical/Development Section. of 1952. In this section, voting in a political election in a Despues di varios FRANCISCO KOCK, un estudiante di Lago Scholarship Foundation, promocion, foreign state is declared to be an expatriating act, re- el a bira machinist helper A awor ta un enginiero quimico den Lab-Analytical/Development na 1942. Sr. van der Linden ta Section. sulting in the loss of United States nationality. Any person who has been expatriated and who believes Estudiante di Scholarship Foundation that he has a right to United States nationality under this decision should contact the American Consulate General Kock Ta Bolhe Como Enginiero Quimico in Curacao for possible redocumentation. en ae te i Otro estudiante cu beca di Technical-Process Engineer- Lago Scholarship Foundation ing promer cu el a registra na Because of the current crisis in the Middle East, United cu a completa su estudio di West Virginia Institute of States citizens may not travel to the following countries ingenieria quimica na West Technology den luna di Sep- without special documentation: Algeria, Iraq, Israel, Jor- Virginia Institute of Techno- tember 1963. logy luna pasa ta Francisco dan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Kock. Como estudiante di e ulti- Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, United Arab Re- mo anja, Sr. Kock e anja aki public, and Yemen. El a caba Uitgebreide Tech- a gana premio pa-segundo lu- s nische School na Hulanda, den gar di Union Carbide Corpo- Any American newsman, businessman, or other Ameri- ingenieria mecanica. Su anja ration su division di Metal- cans needing fo travel to any of the above countries di practica Sr. Kock a pasé nan cu ta keda na Alloy (es- should apply at the American Consulate General in Cu- na Lago. Despues el a traha tado West Virginia) pa un ar- A. F. Chirino racao for special validation of his passport. mas of menos diez luna den (Continua na Pagina 2) ARUBA ESSO NEWS June 30, 1967 ARUBA Fourteen Students Enroll Thirty - Year Men, Watch Recipients G50) ‘5 In Lago Summer Training Lago Oil & Transport Co., Ltd. To Gain Work Experience Congratulated by President Murray PUBLISHED EVERY OTHER FRIDAY AT ARUBA, NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. BY LAGO OIL & TRANSPORT CO., D. Attending the Lago Sum- Six employees were honor- house. Following several pro- Printed by the Verenigde Antilliaanse Drukkerijen N.V., Neth Ant. mer Training Program for ed for their long Lago service motions, he was made mach- E. Villanueva, Editor Lind De Lange, Publications Asst. college students this year are in June. Thirty-year service inist helper A in 1942. Mr. van J. M. De Cuba, Photographer A. Werleman, PR/IR Asst. fourteen students. Twelve of awards and certificates were der Linden has been a Mach- them attend universities or presented by President W. A. inist A since 1947. In 1958 he colleges in the U.S., one in Murray who congratulated followed a Lago course in Canada and one in Holland. them in his office. Work Direction I. Largest Pipestill of New Jersey Standard One of the summer stud- Those honored were Ricar- Mr. Biezen started at Lago ents, R. Barros, studies chem- do Van der Linden of Mech- as process helper C in the Is In Operation at Fawley Refinery ical engineering under Lago’s anical-M&C; Johannes H. Bie- Pressure Stills in 1937. In the Special Educational Program zen of Process-Refining; E. N. period 1938 to 1942 he The largest operating pipe- The project also included was for Outstanding Students. Lopez of Executive-Market- promoted to houseman, level- Standard went six new light ends towers to still of Jersey The summer training pro- ing; Eleuterio R. Goedgedrag man, operator helper B, ope- recently at the process the naphtha product "on stream” gram is intended to provide of Technical-Lab.-Inspection; rator hetper A and assistant Fawley Refinery in England. from the pipestill. work experience to help stu- Francisco Petrochi and Angel Designed by Essg Engineer- project’s novel dents learn good work habits F. Chirino of Mechanical- ing, the pipestill has several Some of the include a new pipe- and attitudes. Welder. novel features. features still furnace design, the suc- Enrolled for an eight-week The first to complete his 30 Project management and cessful demonstration of the program ending August 11, years this month was Ricardo startup advisory services "hot tower” concept for ex- 1967, the students will receive van der Linden. A Machinist were also provided by Esso panding an existing pipestill, a grant-in-aid for each four- A in the Mechanical Depart- Engineering. Fawley Refinery successful application of noise week period. ment, he began his employ- personnel actively participat- attenuating principles, and The students, their field of ment in 1937 as a mechanical ed in all phases of the project. the remote control of a com- study and the departments apprentice D in the Store- During the project, Faw- plex unit. Another feature in- where they are assigned are: of the ley’s No. 3 pipestill was ex- volves the operation Croes, Rodney E. Sociology Compt.-Gen. Actg. panded from a feed rate of unit from a control house Pietersz, Ray P. Business 85,000 to 185,000 barrels per some 500 feet away, with con- Comptroller’s-Payroll stream day. Ultimately the trol house and field operators Barbella, Maria M. Exec. Secretary Compt.-Services unit will be expanded to communicating through radio Miller, Barbara L. Int. Relations Compt.-Services 250,000 barrels a day. hats. Lopez, Hubert T. Electr. Eng. Mechanical Coombs, Lionel J. Civil Eng. Mechanical Mundt, J. R. Liberal Arts Mech.-Materials | Estudiante di Verano na Lago Charles, Edward Electronics Mech.-M & C (Continua di Pagina 1) Barros, R. Chem. Eng. Mech.-Materials Inscribi pa un programa di Nomber di e estudiantenan, Tackling, Ronald C. Chem. Eng. Tech.-Labs. nan estudio, como ocho siman cu ta caba 11 di y tereno di Geerman, Jacobo S. Chem. Eng. Tech.-Proc. Eng. Augustus 1967, estudiantenan tambe e departamentonan ca- ta cobra un pago como ajudo minda nan ta traha ta: (Mira Francis, Joan P.
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