2018.10.27 –Vilnius, Panorama Best in show DSX n Best of Best I / Best General black Alyonka Moy Champion Female Sire: Shedevr Moy Champion (DSX n) Dam: Hitrinka Moy Champion (DSX n) Breeder: Kardash Ekaterina Owner: Kardash Ekaterina, Minsk, FC "Union Cats" BRI c Best of Best II lilac Rocky Von Shmidt Male Sire: - Dam: - Breeder: - Owner: Kožukovska Žanna, Līči, KLK "CAT's MEOW" KBL n 03 22 Best of Best III black blotched Eur.Ch. Jules Verne Sigur Male bicolour Sire: Sunshine Reggae Free Hunter*RU (KBL d 03 24) Dam: Gr.Eur.Ch. Metelitsa Free Hunter*RU (KBL ns 03 22) Breeder: Gindzeliene Rita Owner: Gindzeliene Rita, Vilnius, Asociacija “Belamuro katės“ RUS a Best of Best IV blue EC MIAMI GILRAEN*PL Male Sire: - Dam: - Breeder: - Owner: ZBIELSCY K&E BLH c Best of Best V lilac GERALDINE DENNY YANAGRAD MOOR*RU Female Sire: W.Ch. WCF Master, World, Golden Master Denny Moor (BLH c) Dam: I.CH.RU*LIVA CATS CAMILLE (BLH c) Breeder: Gradova Tat'yana / Malyutina Svetlana Owner: Kumeliene Ruta, Mažeikiai, Klubas Top Miau BLH e 02 Best of Best opposite Sex LH cream harlequin Ch. Fan Fan of Marvellous Choice*BY Male Sire: Gr.Eur.Ch. Energizer of Marvellous Choice (BLH b 03) Dam: Gr.Eur.Ch. You Are So Beautiful Of Marvellous Choice (BLH h 03) Breeder: Prokhorovy Nikolaj i Ol'ga Owner: Jarusauskaite Agne, Ignalina, Int. Felinological Association "Alpha Catum" MCO f 22 Best of Best opposite Sex SLH black tortie blotched Galaxy Naminė Lūšis Female Sire: Erotas Naminė Lūšis (MCO d 22) Dam: Bianca Naminė Lūšis (MCO n 22) Breeder: Krisiunaite Sandra Owner: Krisiunaite Sandra, Kaunas, Int. Felinological Association "Alpha Catum" BUR g (bur) Best of Best opposite Sex SH blue tortie (burmese) Rosa Azzurra Ocean Eyes*UA Female Sire: UA*Oktarin Diamant (BUR n) Dam: (N)Kattahulas Iliana (BUR d (bur)) Breeder: Khrenova Larisa Owner: Segliņa Aija, Rīga, LKMA Mooncat OSH n Best of Best opposite Sex SIA/ORI black Cayen Gintarinė Širdis Male Sire: Rasmus Latneiro (SIA n 21) Dam: AURORA GINTARINE SIRDIS (OSH c 24) Breeder: Vezelyte-Pokladova Vaiva Owner: Vezelyte-Pokladova Vaiva, Vilnius, Int. Felinological Association "Alpha Catum" BRI j Best of Breed opposite Sex Adult lilac tortie Grandroshell Keksa Female Sire: Grandroshell Number One (BRI a) Dam: Cesarine Ashan Blubri (BRI g) Breeder: Shul'gina Irina Owner: Kovaleva Elena, Minsk, FC "Union Cats" BRI j Best Neuter lilac tortie INTRIGA BONIBRIT*LT Spay Sire: - Dam: - Breeder: - Owner: Dambrauskaite Jolanta SIA b 21 33 Best opposite Sex Neuter chocolate point tabby BaldEra*LT Bravo Neuter Sire: Batto Ari Katsu*LT (OSH b 24) Dam: BaldEra*LT Eureca (SIA b 21) Breeder: Jankuniene Zivile Owner: Jankuniene Zivile / Ivanovienė Teresa, Vilnius, Int. Felinological Association "Alpha Catum" BLH a Best Veteran blue Barbie Salta Nosis*LT Spay Sire: Uldwyna's Cael Caibre (BRI a) Dam: Angel Eyes Roxera*LT (BRI a) Breeder: Zacharevskienė Lina Owner: Kumeliene Ruta, Mažeikiai, Klubas Top Miau SIN n 25 31 Best Junior sepia agouti JOKO Minimali *PL Female Sire: TINYTOY RUS MAFOJ (SIN n 25) Dam: ANGELINA Minimali * PL (SIN n 25) Breeder: Sikorska Anna Owner: Zacharka Aidas, Šiauliai, Int. Felinological Association "Alpha Catum" OSH c 24 Best Junior II lilac spotted Dulcinea Gintarine Sirdis Female Sire: Catori Zorro (OSH b 24) Dam: ZLATA MAGICAL GRACE (OSH b) Breeder: Vezelyte-Pokladova Vaiva Owner: Vezelyte-Pokladova Vaiva, Vilnius, Int. Felinological Association "Alpha Catum" KBL d 23 Best Junior III red mackerel Cherry Cola Corto*LT Female Sire: - Dam: - Breeder: - Owner: Pėstininkaitė Livija BRI a Best Junior IV blue KAHOR LICHIBAST Male Sire: - Dam: - Breeder: - Owner: Kolczynska Grazyna, Warszawa BLH b Best Junior V chocolate Bella of Incredibile*LT Female Sire: Britimanti Jeffrey Esmerald (BRI b) Dam: Gr.Int.Ch. Dorothy of Marvellous Choice (BLH b 03) Breeder: Jarusauskaite Agne Owner: Jarusauskaite Agne, Ignalina, Int. Felinological Association "Alpha Catum" ACL ds 24 Best opposite Sex Junior SLH red silver spotted X-ray Velvet Aristocrats Male Sire: - Dam: - Breeder: - Owner: Tunnat Grita, Klaipėda, Int. Felinological Association "Alpha Catum" BEN n 24 Best opposite Sex Junior SH black spotted Aladdin FairySavage Male Sire: ZEUS OF PURE DELUXE (BEN n 24) Dam: TIFFANI FAIRYSAVAGE (BEN n 24) Breeder: Dats Polina Owner: Dats Polina, Rechitsa BRI a Best of Breed opposite Sex Junior blue Jinna Mažos meškos Female Sire: IT*Bricoccole Voltaire (BRI a) Dam: YONA VOM RIMBERG (BRI a) Breeder: Rinkevičienė Neringa Owner: Rinkevičienė Neringa, Vilnius, Asociacija “Belamuro katės“ SOM n (som) Best Junior-Neuter ruddy (somali) BIDGEE AMBER FOX Neuter Sire: Somaliann Iglis (SOM n (som)) Dam: Aja Amber Fox (SOM n (som)) Breeder: Grinytė Lina Owner: Grinytė Lina SFS f 03 Best Kitten black tortie bicolour OLIMPIA FLUFFY LAZY BONES Female Sire: W.Ch. Silver Wind Vegas (SCL d 03 22) Dam: W.Ch. Luxury Naomi of Fluffylazybones (SFS f 03 22) Breeder: Andrijauske Miranda Owner: Vežan Olga, Vilnius, Klubas Top Miau BRI c Best Kitten II lilac Rafael Gerulis*LT Female Sire: W.Ch. Teddy Gerulis of Endless Infinity*SK (BRI b) Dam: Ch. Olana Bonibrit*LT (BRI a) Breeder: Pilybaitiene Jurgita Owner: Pilybaitiene Jurgita, Kretinga, Int. Felinological Association "Alpha Catum" SCL f 03 22 Best Kitten III black tortie blotched Lilith Fluffy Lazy Bones Female bicolour Sire: W.Ch. Silver Wind Vegas (SCL d 03 22) Dam: Ch. LUXURY XENEA OF FLUFFYLAZYBONES (SFS f 02 21) Breeder: Andrijauske Miranda Owner: Andrijauske Miranda, Vilnius, Klubas Top Miau SPH n Best Kitten IV black SphynxAntiquus Zhi-Vago Male Owner: Fokšė Jūratė, Alytus, Int. Felinological Association "Alpha Catum" MCO a 22 Best Kitten V blue blotched Rovena Sesuvos Female Sire: Jumbo Šešuvos*LT (MCO a 22) Dam: Lia Udeiman (MCO f) Breeder: Jakimavičienė Irena Owner: Kisiele Gileta, Jonava, Klubas Top Miau MCO ds 03 23 Best opposite Sex Kitten SLH red silver mackerel Wild Apricot Ari Gold Male bicolour Sire: Ilver Apogeya*BY (MCO ds 22) Dam: Ch. Zarina Big Forest Cat*BY (MCO d 03 23) Breeder: Kozlovskienė Viktorija Owner: Kozlovskienė Viktorija, Vilnius, Int. Felinological Association "Alpha Catum" ABY n (aby) Best opposite Sex Kitten SH ruddy (abyssinian) Ural Pearlamur Male Sire: - Dam: - Breeder: - Owner: Morozova Alva SPH g Best opposite Sex Kitten HL blue tortie (blue W-AGATA MERIDIEM Female cream) Sire: - Dam: - Breeder: - Owner: Lastakauskiene Irena , Int. Felinological Association "Alpha Catum" BRI a 03 Best of Breed opposite Sex Kitten blue bicolour KINGSTON from Blueberry Blossom*LV Male Sire: - Dam: - Breeder: - Owner: Stuopeliene Asta, Kauno rajonas ABY n (aby) Best Kitten-Neuter ruddy (abyssinian) Alan sands goddess Neuter Sire: Favorit ManNell Hecate (ABY n (aby)) Dam: Alisa La Niomana (ABY n (aby)) Breeder: Suboč Janina Owner: Suboč Janina, Vilnius, Lietuvos gyvūnų augintojų centras BRI Best Litter color determination Vada S Litter Sire: - Dam: - Breeder: - Owner: Naruševičė Laura , Vilnius KBL Best Litter II color determination Vada P Litter Sire: - Dam: - Breeder: - Owner: Gindželienė Rita SCL Best Litter III color determination Vada N Litter Sire: - Dam: - Breeder: - Owner: Andrijauske Miranda, Vilnius CRX Best Litter IV color determination vada- V - AlterEgo*LT Litter Sire: Gr.Int.Ch. GICH Rhaegar Renny Marvellous Ariskudr (CRX n) Dam: Ch. CH Heida CredoCattus of Alter Ego*LT (CRX f 03) Breeder: Askabovich Larisa Owner: Askabovich Larisa, Vilnius, Lietuvos gyvūnų augintojų centras HHP n 09 24 Best House Hold Pet black spotted w/white Baracuda Spay Sire: - Dam: - Breeder: - Owner: Krisiunaite Sandra, Kaunas, Int. Felinological Association "Alpha Catum" WCF Ring "WCF Adult Ring" Nitsenko Roman - 41 participants DSX n Ring 1/41 black Alyonka Moy Champion Female Sire: Shedevr Moy Champion (DSX n) Dam: Hitrinka Moy Champion (DSX n) Breeder: Kardash Ekaterina Owner: Kardash Ekaterina, Minsk, FC "Union Cats" BOM n Ring 2/41 black Gr.Eur.Ch. WCF Master, Silver Master Sweetlife Male Magnate Sire: Sweetlife of The Crown Prince (BOM n) Dam: I'Cifora Sweetlife The Cats Love (BOM n) Breeder: Royako Irina Owner: Vitkus Žydrūnas / Vitke Ilona, Klaipėda, Int. Felinological Association "Alpha Catum" BRI a Ring 3/41 blue W.Ch. Dante LichiBast Male Sire: Alimur's Yulius (BRI a) Dam: LV*First Crystal's Be My Love (BRI a) Breeder: Kožukovska Žanna Owner: Kožukovska Žanna, Līči, KLK "CAT's MEOW" KBL n 03 22 Ring 4/41 black blotched Eur.Ch. Jules Verne Sigur Male bicolour Sire: Sunshine Reggae Free Hunter*RU (KBL d 03 24) Dam: Gr.Eur.Ch. Metelitsa Free Hunter*RU (KBL ns 03 22) Breeder: Gindzeliene Rita Owner: Gindzeliene Rita, Vilnius, Asociacija “Belamuro katės“ OSH n Ring 5/41 black Eastern family`s Berenis Female Sire: - Dam: - Breeder: - Owner: Čekuolytė Ramune CRX n Ring 6/41 black Gr.Int.Ch. GICH Rhaegar Renny Marvellous Ariskudr Male Sire: Fiji Credo Cattus of AlterEgo*LT (CRX n) Dam: lunnaya Sonata Ariskudr (CRX n) Breeder: Krylova Elena Owner: Askabovich Larisa, Vilnius, Lietuvos gyvūnų augintojų centras BUR b (bur) Ring 7/41 chocolate (burmese) UMA DANDRE&CATS*RU Female Sire: HU*Alba Regia Bruno DSM DVM (BUR n (bur)) Dam: Ornella DAndre&Cats *RU (BUR n (bur)) Breeder: Deshin Andrej Owner: Segliņa Aija, Rīga, LKMA Mooncat BRI a Ring 8/41 blue Gr.Int.Ch. Hope Fluffylazybones Female Sire: Handsome Harvey Roxera (BRI a) Dam: You Majesty Yarina (BRI b) Breeder: Andrijauske Miranda Owner: Andrijauske Miranda, Vilnius, Klubas Top Miau BMS ns 11 Ring 9/41 black silver shaded LV*Ri'Lion Izi Female Sire: BOOM STORM-Y FELIS CITY (BMS ns 11) Dam: IVA DE GRAINOGE (BMS ns 11 31) Breeder: Petručionytė Rita Owner: Abraitis Algirdas, Kaunas SIN n 31 Ring 10/41 sepia LIMESIN LIO Male Sire: SINGA RUS KING SIMBA SHARMEL (SIN n 31) Dam: LIMESIN BEATRICE (SIN n 31) Breeder: Sirenko A. Owner: Zacharka Aidas, Šiauliai, Int.
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