A HEADQUARTERS FOR FIRST TELEPHONE WANT ADS CLASS JOB PRINTING Ifrrron Comttg Emuii TO NUMBER NINE N U M BER 13 BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1939 SEVENTIETH YEAR CITY. TOWNSHIPS WILL ELECT MONDAY Chief Interest Dry-Zero Manufactures New Low-Cost Refrigerator Insulation in Amendments WPA Completes Now in Use in 3 Only City Contest for One Moccasin Sewer a a t Vacancy on Commission The WPA force began. ’ work Refrigerators Perhaps the greatest interest Monday preparatory to installing Back From 11 SPEAKS HERE TONIGHT in the coming spring election on a trunk line on Portage from Called Bound-Bait; Has Been April 8 is centered in the propos­ Third street to a point about op­ With The Medal Men at Clark's in Development For ed amendment to the constitu­ posite the St. Joseph Creamery. Two Years Yrs. in Europe The work on Moccasin avenue is Being The Story of The Plant and Of The Men Who Built tion, providing for the non-par­ completed except for digging the It by Building tttfi Quality ot Their tisan election of justices of the A new, low-cost Dry-Zero insu­ ‘ Monts Into Their Vvork Has Traveled in Europe, N. laterals. lation, designed for use in house­ Africa, Asia, Speaiw ■supreme court, circuit judges, hold refrigerators, refrigerated on Affairs Tnere judges of probate and circuit truck bodies, ice cream cabinets CHAPTER 7 The employes working as helpers court commissioners. Bishop Raymond Wade; now in Buchanan Has 7 and commercial coolers, is now Following the publication of the or at daily wages apparently got 'this amendment is heavily sup­ former installments i have been il’om 7o cents and a collar in the America on a visit alter 11 years being made in the Dry-Zero Cor­ ported by many state leaders in getting some interesting additions, early years to $ 1.75 and $1.80 for spent in Europe in charge of the noth parties and in all walks of Recruits in Navy poration's plant at Buchanan, i which renders' it advisable; begin­ codiniori labor in 1912 and 1913. Methodist churches of me Scan­ life, and seems likely to carry : Although the price of the new ning with this chapter, to follow John Montgomery worked the last dinavian countries, will speak this evening at the Methodist church after several failures, unless de­ Olin Smith Back on Fur­ product is considerably lower, it each new number with a series of reiv months of the plant’s exist­ feated by failure to receive a postscripts bringing up the .rear of ence in 1912 and 1918 as a metal on "European Conditions." lough; Reports on has the same insulating effective­ polisher at 28 cents an hour or majority of the total vote cast, as Comrades contributed' pest moriems. Bishop Wade’s headquarters are required by the constitution. ness as other Dry-Zero products, There’s the matter of that foot­ $2.86 for the regulation 10-hour in Stockholm, Sweden, but he has It makes. Dry-Zero insulation day. traveled in all of tne principal the substance of the proposed All of, Buchanan’s contingent of bridge again-but read the post-1 amendment is: available in rolls for the first time scripts. ' (Juy Young started at Lee & countries of Europe, northern seven young men Who enrolled so that it can be purchased in', Bee. 23. All primary elections Although the Lee & Porter Axle > Porters in 1901 at common labor Africa arid Asia Minor. He has had during tne pa»i. winter in the New­ quantity and cut to size on Ihe job ai $1.25 per day, Labor; rates had excellent opportunities to observe unu elections of justices of the port uauiuig station of the United: as required. Work., was the forerunner. of the mouetn machine shop as well as then started tneir upward spiral, constantly and to learn of condi­ supreme court, judges of the cir­ States navy are doing well and are , The new .product, called Dry- tions at first hand. cuit c-urt, juuges of .probate enjoying their work and experi­ of the automotive department of and that was above the rate of Zero Bound-Batt, has been in pro­ 18s9. Charles Dumbolton started He was formerly in charge of couits and all county judicial of- . ence hugely, according;" to olin cess of development for two years, ithe Clark Equipment company, it differed from a modern factory in as a boy just out of high school the Methodist church at Elkhart, ucers provided for by the legis­ Smith, woo arrived here Monday its lower cost is due to improved then was elected to the superin- lature under section 21 of article to visit at the home of his mother a number of ways, of Widen none in 1899 at 7'tr cents an hour, 75 prdduct design and manufacturing were more striking than tne lack cents a ten hour day, $4.50 for a lendency of that district, served vu of the constitution shall be until ibriday. technique, according to Harvey tor a time as executive secretary Smith is home on a nine-day of rows and rows of big shiny 6-day week. However in a year non-partisan and shall be con- . Lindsay, president of the. company. he was on piece work making big of the World Service Commission, ducted heieunder. For the pur­ furlough, preliminary to going to It is already being used in large cars to carry tile men to and iron* wont. money—as much as $2 a day. Joe i -.he coordinating body for Metho­ poses of tliis section, all elections New x ork olty for 'assignment lor quantities to insulate the 1930 dist foreign missions. I-Ie was In fact there was not even: a Vincent started at bench work in at winch candidates for said, ju­ sea service with the o.:S. Kleei. cabinets of three leading house­ the axle works in 1902 at 15 cents i elected bisnop in 1928 and sent to He will join the fleet-ut New York hold refrigerator manufacturers, bicycle rack, or a row of tying dicial offices are nominated ate an hour. Onarles Simpson started • Europe. designated "primary elections.” April 2s, and . will be stationed for as well as in many commercial re­ posts, and tne boys negotiated the in 1900, malting as little as 8 cents Bishop Raymond Wade, in here at -7:30 p. m. tonight on con­ a month there, while the fleet is a mile to a mile and a half before The meeting will open at 7:30 tsoimnaucns for justices of the frigerators'and' truck bodies. an hour at the start but soon go­ p, m. in the church auditorium. charge of the Scandinavian coun­ ditions {n Europe. The public is part of the New York Worlds Pair. The basic difference between and inter their ten hour stint by j tries for the Methodist church will supreme court shall 'be made as leg power. Since they had not ) ing on piecework and running it Hie high school glee club will give now or hereafter provided by The fleet will then sail through Dry-Zero Bound-Datt and previous up to $2.80 per day, at the rate of a half-hour concert, following speak at the Methodist cliurcl invited: ‘ tne Panama canal to San Francis­ Dry-Zero products is that the j oeon educated.U)believe that y/alk- mw; nominations for all other I ing is so nerve-rackingiy slow, 6c, :8c, 10c, and 12c per set for which Bishop Wade will speak. said judicial offices shall be .hade co, where it will be stationed sev­ fibres composing the Bound-Bait machining different types of axles, The public is cordially invited to Demonstrate New eral weeks at the San Francisco are held together by. a micro­ • they were quite resigned to it, Daily Services at no.i-paitisan primary elections. and one of tne medal men tells us four to the set. ■ attend. N. VI This section is . declared to be fair. After that Smith's ground scopically fine binder so that no Following the bishop's address, Subway Car in Station headquarters will tie San external covering is necessary. | how the boys would trudge home- Judson Markham worked as a self-executing. Except as in the. helper for George Kelley in 1908-9, the Open F'orum club will convene Diego, Calif. This binder is introduced as a mist I ward in groups carrying dinner Thru Holy Week The . demonstration of the new constitution otherwise provided, • Fie played on, the. Newport sta­ ,{pails, laiigding and singing songs, getting 15c an hour, $1.50 a day. and -will bear and discuss l the subway'-^ar made at ithe Battle carried by the air currents used to Town Hall program entitled! “Is all primary election and election tion basketball team as a guard, produce the patented Dry-Zero Utter ten nours of work. ’ V* in the opening years of the cen- Rev. Paul Ewing to Preach Cvfielc ".j/V&t of the cW k Equip­ laws,.; ineiudfng' laws • -pertaining" ’’tury Morrow Chubb’ started as a The South the Nation’s No. 1 ment company for experimental and had several line trips; includ­ grained batt. Because the binder is Of course the, head bosses kept Economic Problem.” at M. E. Church at 2 to partisan., primaries and elec­ ing one to Norfolk, Va. He is en­ so finely atomized the fibres are beginner at Lee & Porters at 12mc purposes in New York City was horses in the small barn, and rode an hour.
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