AN ILLUSTRATED QUARTERLY ^ A ef/b€ CtUflC Of' jftUsf ..,' . but <:.■ ■ I VOLUME 28 NUMBER 1 SUMMER 1994 £3Ue AN ILLUSTRATED QUARTERLY VOLUME 28 NUMBER 1 SUMMER 1994 CONTENTS Article William Blake and His Circle: A Checklist of Publications and Discoveries in 1992-1993 by G. E. Bentley, Jr. With the Assistance ofKeiko Aoyama Minute Particular The Life of W.Blake Chris Orr 35 Newsletter Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly, Correction, An Interior for William Blake, Dark Visions: Blake's Night Thoughts 39 CONTRIBUTORS SUBSCRIPTIONS are $50 for institutions, $25 for individuals. All sub• scriptions are by the volume (1 year, 4 issues) and begin with the G. E. BENTLEY, JR., of the University of Toronto, would be summer issue. Subscription payments received after the summer is• delighted to hear of, and especially to receive copies of, sue will be applied to the 4 issues of the current volume. Foreign ad• works related to Blake, particularly works which might oth• dresses (except Canada and Mexico) require an $8 per volume postal erwise be overlooked in the checklist of "Blake and His surcharge for surface, an $18 per volume surcharge for air mail deliv• Circle." ery. U.S. currency or international money order necessary. Make checks payable to Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly. Address all subscrip• CHRIS ORR, artist/printmaker, lives and works in tion orders and related communications to Patricia Neill, Blake, De• Buckingham, England, where he has an etching studio. His partment of English, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627. work, besides the Blake etchings, covers such topics as the Small Titanic, the House of Commons and the 1 Horse• BACK ISSUES are available at a reduced price. Address Patricia Neill for a man of the Apocalypse. He teaches at the Royal College of list of issues and prices. Art, London. MANUSCRIPTS are welcome. Send two copies, typed and documented according to forms suggested in The MLA Style Manual, to either of D I T O R the editors: Morris Eaves, Dept. of English, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627; Morton D. Paley, Dept. of English, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. EDITORS: Morris Eaves and Morton D. Paley BIBLIOGRAPHER: G. E. Bentley, Jr. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD SERIAL NUMBER: 0160-628X. Blake/An Illustrated REVIEW EDITOR: Nelson Hilton Quarterly is indexed in the Modern Language Association's Interna• ASSOCIATE EDITOR FOR GREAT BRITAIN: David Worrall tional Bibliography, the Modern Humanities Research Association's Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, The Roman• PRODUCTION OFFICE: Patricia Neill, Department of English, tic Movement: A Selective and Critical Bibliography (ed. David V. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 Erdman et al.), American Humanities Index, Arts and Humanities MANAGING EDITOR: Patricia Neill Citation Index, and Current Contents. INTERNS: Lauren Raimondi, Stacy Nabers TELEPHONE 716/275-3820 FAX 716/442-5769 PRODUCTION OFFICE EMAIL: [email protected] ©1994 Copyright Morris Eaves and Morton D. Paley Morris Eaves, Department of English, University of Roch• ester, Rochester NY 14627 Email: [email protected] COVER ILLUSTRATION: Chris Orr, The Life ofW. Blake. Courtesy of Chris Orr. Morton D. Paley, Department of English, University of California, Berkeley CA 94720 Email: [email protected] G. E. Bentley, Jr., University College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1 Canada Nelson Hilton, Department of English, University of Geor• gia, Athens, GA 30602 Email: [email protected] David Worrall, St. Mary's College, Strawberry Hill, Waldegrave Road, Twickenham TW1 4SX England INFORMATION BLAKE/ANILLUSTRATED QUARTERLY'IS published under the spon• sorship of the Department of English, University of Roch• ester. William Blake and His Circle: Part III: Commercial Book Engravings Part IV: Catalogues and Bibliographies A Checklist of Publications and Part V: Books Blake Owned Part VI: Criticism, Biography, and Scholarly Discoveries in 1992-1993 Studies Note: Collections of essays on Blake and issues of periodi• cals devoted entirely to him are listed in one place, with cross- G. E. BENTLEY, JR. references to their authors. WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF KEIKO AOYAMA FOR Division II: Blake's Circle JAPANESE PUBLICATIONS This division is organized by individual (say, William rom 1978 through 1992 Detlef Dorrbecker compiled this Hayley or John Flaxman), with works by and about Blake's Fchecklist with extraordinary generosity, and the check• friends and patrons, living individuals with whom he had lists became more and more detailed, valuable, and exten• significant direct and demonstrable contact. It includes Tho• sive. The last one, for 1990-93, was almost 350 pages in type• mas Butts, Thomas Hartley Cromek, George Cumberland, script, and it provided mini-reviews, very extensive cross- John Flaxman and his family, Henry Fuseli, Thomas and references, and an enormous wealth of information about William Hayley, John Linnell and his family, Samuel Palmer, Blake's "Circle" very broadly defined. We will not see this James Parker, George Richmond, Thomas Stothard, and generous scale of coverage and mini-reviewing again. John Varley. It does not include important contemporaries Succeeding checklists will be more penurious in many re• with whom Blake's contact was negligible or non-existent spects. For one thing, the comments on essays and even such as John Constable and William Wordsworth and books will ordinarily be confined to a single quoted sen• Edmund Burke; such major figures are dealt with more com• tence typifying the contents. For another, Blake's circle will prehensively elsewhere, and the light they throw upon Blake be restricted to persons whom Blake knew personally. For is very dim. another, the coverage of works in languages other than En• Reviews listed here are only for books which are substan• glish, Korean, Spanish, and Japanese is likely to be far less tially about Blake, not for those with only, say, a chapter on thorough, and works concerning the art world, particularly Blake. These reviews are listed under the book reviewed; exhibition catalogues, will probably be dealt with far less the authors of the reviews may be recovered from the index. comprehensively. "Blake and His Circle" serves in part as an addendum to We are all the poorer for Detlef's resignation as bibliogra• Blake Books (1977) and to Blake Books Supplement (forth• pher of Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly. coming). I have therefore recorded in it scores, indeed hun• From 1992, the annual checklist of scholarship and dis• dreds, of entries not in those works or in earlier checklists coveries concerning William Blake and his circle records which were published before 1992. publications for the current year (say, 1992) and those for In general, Keiko Aoyama is responsible for works in Japa• previous years which are not recorded in Blake Books (1977) nese, and I am greatly indebted to her for her meticulous 1 and Blake Books Supplement (forthcoming). accuracy and her patience in translating the words and con• The organization of the checklist is as follows: ventions of Japan into our very different context. Note that there are special problems in compiling a bibli• Division I: William Blake ography of works published in Japan. Though a Japanese 2 counterpart to Books in Print gives efficient access to books, Part I: Editions, Translations, and Facsimiles of and information about periodical articles is available on• Blake's Writings line, the latter is seriously incomplete in its coverage. Fur• Section A: Original Editions and Reprints ther, retrospective bibliographies usually appear years after Section B: Collections and Selections the period covered. Thus the Bibliography of English and Part 11: Reproductions of his Art American Literature in Japan for 1975-84 appeared in 1987 and that for 1985-89 came out in 1991, while Bibliography ' This checklist for 1992 does not attempt to record the hundreds of Personals, 1987-1988: Part II, Foreigners was issued in 1992, of pre-1992 publications, many in Japanese, which have not appeared and Complete List of Biographies, 1945-1989: Part 2, Occi• in previous checklists though they are reported in Blake Booh Supple• dental People appeared in 1991. The only relevant annual ment (1992). It does, however, record pre-1992 publications which came to my attention too late for incorporation in Blake Books Supple ment. 1 N.b. In this checklist, "Facsimile" is taken to mean "an exact copy" size, color, and quality of paper, with no deliberate alteration as in attempting very close reproduction of an original named copy includ• page-order or numbering or obscuring of paper defects. It may, how• ing size of image, color of printing (and of tinting if relevant), and ever, include added matter such as transcripts of Blake's poems. 4 Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly Summer 1994 bibliography of periodicals, Nihon Bijutsu Nenkan [Annual A number of the more obscure works from before 1992 Bibliography of Fine Arts in Japan] (1993), had no reference derive from the archive of Jacob Bronowski's papers in the to Blake. University of Toronto Library, which includes the second Further, titlepage dates and publication dates for Japanese draft of his unpublished book on Blake and Pope called Two periodicals are frequently discordant (as indeed they are for Poets and a Revolution. some journals in English). Thus Kenkyu Nenpo, Gakushuin I take Blake Books and Blake Books Supplement, faute de Daigaku Bungakubu: Annual Collection of Essays and Stud• mieux, to be the standard bibliographical authorities on ies, Faculty of Letters, Gakushuin University, No. 39 (1992) Blake6 and have noted significant differences from them. was issued in March 1993, and Eibeibunka Kenkyu, Ronko, N.b. I have made no attempt to record manuscripts, type• Kansei Gakuin Daigaku: K.G. Studies in English, Kansei scripts, computer-print-outs, radio7 or television broadcasts, Gakuin University, XXI (1992) appeared in January 1993. calendars,8 published scores,9 recorded readings,10 video- I am grateful to many kind assistants, particularly to Peter recordings," or e-mail.
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