30 Cents M anuary 5, 1994 WEDNESDAY San ford H erald Serving Sanford, Lake Mary and Seminole County alnce 1008 86th Year, No. 118 - Sanford, Florida NEWS DIGEST -• Prison in Seminole? INSIDE State solicits □ Sp o rts SAC dogfight county as a WINTER PARK - Thr Lake Howell and laikr Hniutlcv girls haskctlull trains both |>n»tcd potential site Impressive win* in remain neck and lin k In Ihr rare for thr Seminole Athletic Conference Idle. By J. MARK BARFIELD Src Page ID Sonlor Staff Wrllor SANFORD — Slate prison officials say Seminole B R IE F S 1 County rould Ire a jirlme locution for a stale prison — If anyone's Interested. Rate-reduction anticipated Florida Department of Corrections Secretary Harry Singletary' Jr. solicited Seminole County SANFORD — Atra Southern Hell manager officials for prison site pro|M>sals as jrurt of Gov. harry Slrtrklrr wild lie anticipate* an an- Lawton Chiles’ "Safe Streets" projxisal. In a Idler nouncentenl ol a m.i|or rale reduction sell le­ received last week by the county. Singletary nient todav wlilrlt could lead lo a S;l(K> million wrote Seminole County courts placed about 529 rul during llie next three year* The red or I Ion* peojilr lu stale jirlsons, bul there are no state If approvrd liv the Male utility regulator, could lockii|)s In thr county. enhance eompetlllon with MCI Comunlrallon* "W r are very Interested In Identifying addi­ Corp.. which announced ycMctday It would tional sites lu Seminole County, (rending appro­ move Into the local telephone service. priations by the Legislature to build critically* f SO, Strlckler said the cut* would rap prevent nrrdrd new jtrlsou facilities," wrote Slngletury. residential unit Inisluraa haso rales amt elimi­ County commission chairman Dirk Van Drr Sanford's Site 10 was considered a potential City Planner Jsy Marder saya a portion ol the nate "Tourhtone" surcharge*. Slrtrklrr wild the See Prison, Page BA prison silo by Fodera' Bureau of Prisons In 1988 parcel could still he convened to a prlron alte. uverag*. redurlton |>cr household or buslneaa has not t>crii estimated. Parties antlrlpulrd lo agree lo the plan are Amertean Assoelatlon of Retired Persons. Flor­ ida Consumer Action Network and Attorney Reach up and touch someone General Hob Huiierworth The rrdnellon must lie approved by Ihr Puhlle Service ('oumilsslon Gun dealers IN-Iorr li could lake effect. SCC re-accredited Jump in license fees will Al Its annual meeting Iasi month, the Commission on Colleges ol the Southern force many out of business Association ol Collegrs and School* rralllrmrd thr arrrrdltallon ol Srmlnolr Commimliy Col­ to reduce the large number of lege in Sanford. ■y NICK PFEIFAUP independent small dealers. Tlie college has Ix-rn accredited by that Herald Staff Writer John Melanlanson. owner of Desl commission every year since II became eligible Pawn and Jewelry. 2705 S. Orlando for accreditation In 1909. SANFORD - A nearly $600 Increase In the cost of the federal Drive In Sanford, said the Increase With that accreditation, the i ollge Is (lermltted In license costs Isn't going to solve to award Associate Degrees. license for flreurms dealers wouldn't put those who deal In quantity out anything. of business. It is eepected however. □ O sas.F «l SIB meeting planned SANFORD - The Scenic Improvement Hoard will meet Hits afternoon at -t p m.. In the commission conference room at Sanford City Civic activist Russell,58, Hall Among Items to lie discussed are recognition awards through March, meniliertihip. determi­ loses battle with cancer nation ol Arbor Day festivities lor l9fM. and the major projects in*-hiding Ideas on thr status of ■y VICKI DeSOftMIEft concepts lor the Sanford Civic Center. Herald Stall Writer The meeting Is open lo all member* of the public. , SANFORD — Dora Lee Russell, who gave mucli of herself lo the Sanford community for many years, DAV conference underway died this morning at Central Florida ALTAMONTE SPRINGS — Arthur II. Wilson, Regional Hospital In Sanford after a executive director, Washington Headquarters, of long batllt- with cancer. the 1.2 million member Disabled American Mrs. Russell. 58. was known for Veterans DAV. is in Altamonte S|irlngs loday her commitment to a variety of through Saturday attending the Department ol causes. Including the Ikillet Guild of Florida Service Offh-rr Seminar. Sanford-Scmlnole. Valeric und The four day conference featuring Wilson, u Hw*M ?*••• S, Swim * m w Miriam's School of Dance Arts u<id disabled Vlrliiam-era veteran. Is bring held at the American Cancer Society. Orlando North illllon A Towers. In Altamonte Barely tsll enough lo reach the numbers much leas the telephone She also served on the board of Springs. receiver, little 2* year-old Constantino Lazarakls ol Sanlord made the trustees at Seminole Community stretch recently at a local pay telephone lo phone home. Perhaps a College, on the board of directors of friendly passer-by helped the little boy drop a quarter In the slot. the Gen. Henry Shelton Sanford Blood drive continues Bee Russell. Page BA Dora Loa Russell SANFORD — The Central Florida Hlood Hank Is III lls final day of the M*A*S*H blood Urlvr. lo lirlp replace the hlood supply used during the Development holidays. Chiies taps Cat crossing For additional Information. |ihone 260-2088. judge’s is on P&Z Correction agenda In a story published In the Sanford llcrald replacement Monday. Goldrnlhtlr Community Development ■yj. MARK BARFIELD Corporation was erroneously associated with the By SANDRA ELLIOTT Senior Stall Writer Sunlnrd Housing Authority. 1 lie two unrelated Herald Stall Writer projects serve dllferent housing needs within Ihr SANFORD — A controversial eomimmlly and are not alllllatrd wllh one SANFORD - Seminole County Wekiva Riverside fast food restau­ Har Association President Thomas rant has been pulled from tonight's another. Thr llcmld regrets the error. G Freeman was ajqtolntrd Tuesday Seminole County Planning and Zon­ by Gov. Lawton Chiles lo rr|»lare ing Commission agenda. retiring Clrroll Judge Robert Hut P&Z commissioners will hear McGregor. a jimjrosal for homes, apartments INDEX Freeman has practiced law for 29 and stores on 297 acres of Blaclj Brldgs ........ years lu Seminole County and lias a Hammock adjacent to the Seminole an TR Movies............. private practice In Altamonte County Expressway. They will also Spring*. During III* law career, hr consider a rczoning request for d nn People..... ........ has served as the attorney for bed and breakfast Inn at 2461 ........SB Police............... Winter Springs and Luke Mary, as Cherry Laurel Drive, immediately Deaths......... ...... BA School Menu.. county attorney and as a Cassel­ north of Haldwln-Falrvhlld Funeral Dr, Qoft............. berry munlcl|>al Judge. In addition Home In Ihc upproved path of future Editorial........... ........4A Television....... to serving as the rounty Har Associ­ westbound County Road 46-A lanes: Florida.............. ation president. Freeman has served The hearings begin In Ihc County for six years on the Hoard of Services Hulidtng at 6 p m. Each Clear and cool Governors of The Florida Har. proposal will he considered by He Is a graduate of the University county commissioners at a later of Florida. dale. _ McGregor Is icllring Feb. 28. His Last week, attorney Miranda current six-year term expires ul the Fitzgerald requested The Springs Sonny and cool, high lauci use change projtosal be pulled In the upper 50s. end of 199-1. He has served as a circuit Judge In Seminole County from tonight's land use amendment Wind north 10 lo 15 agenda and he reconsidered In mph. since 1976. In 1907. McGregor bccumc a full-tlme Judge In Brevard March as a smull-scale change. County and was elected a circuit Fitzgerald said she requested the court Judge In 1973. Three years rescheduling when county devel­ later, lit transferred lo Seminole. opment reviewers sought traffic and One downtown Sanford cat silently stands guard by an allay entrance soils studies before the meeting. Seminole and Hrevard counties on First Street, perhaps walling for a tasty mouse or a friend with Fitzgerald, on behalf of Poppa For moro weather, ••• Pag# 2A romprisc thr 18lh Judicial Circuit. whom to play. C See Judge, Page BA C See Zoning. Page BA SUBSCRIBE TO THE SANFORD HERALD FOR THE BEST LOCAL NEWS COVERAGE. Call 322-2611 tA - Sanford Herald. Sanlord. Florida - Wednesday. January 5. 1994 MJW NEWS FROM THE REQION AND ACROSS TH FLORIDA BRIEFS Storm strands hundreds in airports RAJU CHSBIUM nights to the Northeast. Hen­ Associated Press Writer derson said. Some passenger* complained Amrrleuit wan not Juror protections leave out white males doing enough to Mod them Cold temperatures raise FORT LAUDERDALE — A Florida appeals court ruling See related story Page TA nltrmulc nights protecting female Juror* lias wmr prosecutor* grumbling that "A lot of nasty |>an1n. nasty In concerns over homeless white males are thr only group left that can be thrown off a MIAMI — Jolla Hall sighed and the sense that they uskrd why today. panel. worried she would be fired from we're not Hying In bad weather." By Th* Associated Press The warm spot ttt the state Two Florida Suprrmr Court decisions In the 1080* prevent her cashier's Job at a New York said an American ticket counter early today was Key West, where lawyer* from excluding blacks or other minority groups from a City food service company If she employee who would not give As fears or Hooding along thr temperature was fll thts Jury because of race or skin color. didn't get home quickly. hrr name. "Thai's when I ask. Florida's Gull Const dissipated, morning. Uisl month, an appcllalr court In Palm Deach County ruled Would you drive In this concents across the stair turned Authorities tri the Pasco lawyers also cannot eliminate women from Juries because of After spending a two-week weather1*"' to those who might be caught County community of Crystal gender.
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