Nineteenth Century Legal Treatises Torts Fiche Listing Rives, George Lockhart, 1849-1917. Harris, George E. (George Emrick), 1827-1911. Torts under the code : an examination into the A treatise on the law of damages by corporations provisions of the proposed civil code relating to the including cases damnum absque injuria. law of torts with an enquiry into the effect of the code Rochester, N.Y. : Lawyers' Co-operative. 1892 upon litigation against the elevated railways. Damages New York : Evening Post Job Print. Office. 1885 2 v. (cxxx, 1350 p.) ; 23 cm.; US-24-2. Torts Fiche: 15072-15088 33 p. ; 23 cm.; US-22-121. Fiche: 787 McKinney, William Mark, 1865-1955. A treatise on the law of fellow-servants : Cooley, Thomas McIntyre, 1824-1898. embracing a collection of statutes, English and A treatise on the law of torts : or the wrongs American, changing or abrogating the common law which arise independent of contract. rule : together with an appendix relating to employes' Chicago : Callaghan. 1879 insurance societies. Torts Northport, N.Y. : E. Thompson. 1890 ci, 755 p. ; 24 cm.; US-22-1. Damages Fiche: 15003-15012 xxxiv, 515 p. : forms ; 24 cm.; US-24-3. Fiche: 15089-15094 Hale, William Benjamin, 1871-1924. Handbook on the law of torts. Cases on the law of damages. St. Paul, Minn. : West Pub. Co. 1896 St. Paul, Minn. : West Pub. Co. 1898 Torts Damages xi, 636 p. ; 23 cm.; US-22-2. viii, 487 p. ; 26 cm.; US-24-4; selected by Floyd R. Fiche: 15013-15020 Mechem. 2nd ed. Fiche: 15095-15100 Heard, Franklin Fiske, 1825-1889. A treatise on the law of libel and slander. Sedgwick, Arthur G. (Arthur George), 1844-1915. Lowell [Mass.] : F.A. Hildreth. 1860 Elements of damages : a handbook for the use of Torts students and practitioners. xi, 441 p. ; 24 cm.; US-22-3. Boston : Little, Brown. 1896 Fiche: 15021-15025 Damages xxi, 336 p. ; 20 cm.; US-24-5. Hilliard, Francis, 1806-1878. Fiche: 15101-15104 The law of torts or private wrongs. Boston : Little, Brown. 1866 Sedgwick, Henry Dwight, 1824-1903. Torts A selection of American and English cases on the 2 v. ; 24 cm.; US-22-4; 3rd ed., rev. and enl. measure of damages : arranged by subjects, with Fiche: 15026-15042 notes. New York : Baker, Voorhis. 1878 Jaggard, Edwin A. (Edwin Ames), 1859-1911. Damages Hand-book of the law of torts. xxxi, 854 p. ; 25 cm.; US-24-6. St. Paul, Minn. : West Pub. Co. 1895 Fiche: 15105-15114 Torts 2 v. (xvi, 1307 p.) ; 24 cm.; US-22-5. Addison, C. G. (Charles Greenstreet), d. 1866. Fiche: 15043-15058 Addison on torts : a treatise on wrongs and their remedies.--6th ed. Merrill, Samuel, 1855-1932. Toronto : Carswell. 1890 Newspaper libel : a handbook for the press. Torts Boston : Ticknor. 1888 2 v. (c, 935 p.) ; 25 cm.; US-22-7; by Horace Smith; Torts with American notes by H.G. Wood. 304 p. ; 20 cm.; US-22-6. Fiche: 15251-15261 Fiche: 15059-15062 Addison, C. G. (Charles Greenstreet), d. 1866. Field, George W. (George Washington), 1826- A treatise on the law of torts. 1889. Jersey City : F.D. Linn. 1881 A treatise on the law of damages. Torts Des Moines, Iowa : Mills & Co. 1876 2 v. ; 25 cm.; US-22-8. Damages Fiche: 15262-15282 lx, 742 p. ; 23 cm.; US-24-1. Fiche: 15063-15071 Select cases on torts. [Cambridge, Mass. : s.n.]. [1874] Torts iv, 795 p. ; 23 cm.; US-22-9. Fiche: 15283-15291 1 Nineteenth Century Legal Treatises Torts Fiche Listing Bigelow, Melville Madison, 1846-1921. Tiffany, Francis B. (Francis Buchanan), 1855- A treatise on the law of fraud : on its civil side. 1936. Boston : Little, Brown. 1890 Death by wrongful act : a treatise on the law Torts peculiar to actions for injuries resulting in death, 2 v ; 24 cm.; US-22-10. including the text of the statutes and an analytical Fiche: 15292-15308 table of their provisions. St. Paul, Minn. : West Pub. Co. 1893 Hilliard, Francis, 1806-1878. Negligence The law of torts or private wrongs. xlv, 396 p. ; 24 cm.; US-23-6. Boston : Little, Brown. 1874 Fiche: 15739-15743 Torts 2 v. ; 25 cm.; US-22-11; 4th ed., greatly enl. Buswell, Henry F. (Henry Foster), 1842-1919. Fiche: 15309-15326 The civil liability for personal injuries arising out of negligence. Newell, Martin L., 1838-1906. Boston : Little, Brown. 1899 The law of libel and slander in civil and criminal Negligence cases : as administered in the courts of the United cxxiii, 545 p. ; 24 cm.; US-23-7; 2nd ed., rev. and States of America. enl. Chicago : Callaghan. 1898 Fiche: 15744-15750 Torts xcix, 1025 p. ; 24 cm.; US-22-12; 2nd ed. Jones, Dwight Arven, 1854-1913. Fiche: 15327-15338 A treatise on the negligence of municipal corporations. Beach, Charles Fisk, 1854-1934. New York : Baker, Voorhis. 1892 Counter negligence : a treatise on the law of Negligence contributory negligence or negligence as a defense. lxviii, 588 p. ; 25 cm.; US-23-8. New York : Baker, Voorhis. 1892 Fiche: 15751-15757 Negligence cxiv, 638 p. ; 23 cm.; US-23-1; 2nd ed. Thompson, Seymour D. (Seymour Dwight), 1842- Fiche: 15695-15702 1904. The law of negligence in relations not resting in Beach, Charles Fisk, 1854-1934. contract : illustrated by leading cases and notes. A treatise on the law of contributory negligence, St. Louis : F.H. Thomas. 1880 or, Negligence as a defense. Negligence New York : Baker, Voorhis. 1899 2 v. (clxxvii, 1394 p.) ; 25 cm.; US-23-9. Negligence Fiche: 15758-15775 cxxxiii, 702 p. ; 23 cm.; US-23-2; 3rd ed., by John J. Crawford. Beale, Joseph Henry. Fiche: 15703-15711 A Collection of cases on the measure of damages. Boston : Little, Brown. 1895 Ray, Charles A. (Charles Andrew), b. 1829. Damages Negligence of imposed duties, personal. xiii, 538 p. ; 23 cm.; US-24-7; [compiled] by Joseph Rochester, N.Y. : Lawyers' Co-operative Pub. Co. Henry Beale, Jr. 1891 Fiche: 15776-15781 Negligence xcix, 757 p. ; 23 cm.; US-23-3. Eggleston, William, b. 1833. Fiche: 15712-15720 Eggleston on damages : a treatise on the law of damages. Sprague, Edward E. Terre Haute [Ind.] : Hebb & Goodwin. 1880 Contributory negligence and the burden of proof. Damages [S.l. : s.n.]. [1882?] xlii, 640 p. ; 24 cm.; US-24-8. Negligence Fiche: 15782-15789 20 p. ; 23 cm.; US-23-4. Fiche: 15721 Field, George W. (George Washington), 1826- 1889. Thomas, Edward B. (Edward Beers), 1848-1929. A treatise on the law of damages. The law of negligence : rules, decisions, opinions. Des Moines, Iowa : Mills & Co. 1881 New York : Banks & Brothers. 1895 Damages Negligence lx, 770 p. ; 23 cm.; US-24-9; 2nd ed. clxxiii, 1392 p. ; 24 cm.; US-23-5. Fiche: 15790-15798 Fiche: 15722-15738 2 Nineteenth Century Legal Treatises Torts Fiche Listing Black, Charles C. (Charles Clarke), 1858-1947. Cases on torts : selected and arranged for the use of Proof and pleadings in accident cases : including law students in connection with Pollock on torts. evidence, relevancy, presumptions, necessary proof. New York : Banks & Brothers. 1897 Jersey City, N.J. : F.D. Linn. 1886 Torts Negligence xii, 602 p. ; 23 cm.; US-22-16; [compiled] by xliv, 301 p. ; 24 cm.; US-23-10. Francis M. Burdick. 2nd ed. Fiche: 15799-15802 Fiche: 16010-16016 Burr, Charles H. (Charles Henry), b. 1869. Chamberlain, Daniel Henry, 1835-1907. The doctrine of contributory negligence. The constitutionality of repudiation. [S.l. : s.n.]. [189-?] [Boston : North American Review?]. [1884?] Negligence Torts 116 p. ; 23 cm.; US-23-11. 10 p. ; 24 cm.; US-22-17; D.H. Chamberlain. Fiche: 15803-15804 Fiche: 16017 Deering, James Henry. Krauthoff, L. C. (Louis Charles), 1858-1918. The law of negligence. Malice as an ingredient of a civil cause of action : San Francisco : Sumner Whitney. 1886 Allen vs. Flood (1898) A.C. 1 : a paper read at Negligence Saratoga Springs, August 17, 1898. 752 p. ; 16 cm.; US-23-12. [S.l. : s.n.]. [1898?] Fiche: 15805-15812 Torts Fiche: 16018 Beach, Charles Fisk, 1854-1934. A treatise on the law of contributory negligence. Paige, James, b. 1863. New York : Baker, Voorhis. 1885 Illustrative cases in torts : with analysis and Negligence citations. xlviii, 512 p. ; 24 cm.; US-23-13. Philadelphia : T. & J.W. Johnson. 1896 Fiche: 15857-15862 Torts xvii, 791 p. ; 25 cm.; US-22-19. Buswell, Henry F. (Henry Foster), 1842-1919. Fiche: 16019-16027 The civil liability for personal injuries arising out of negligence. Townshend, John, 1819. Boston : Little, Brown. 1893 A treatise on the wrongs called slander and libel : Negligence and on the remedy by civil action for those wrongs : lxxxv, 463 p. ; 24 cm.; US-23-14. together with a chapter on malicious prosecution. Fiche: 15863-15869 New York : Baker, Voorhis. 1890 Torts Bigelow, Melville Madison, 1846-1921. ci, 848 p. ; 24 cm.; US-22-20; 4th ed. The law of fraud and the procedure pertaining to Fiche: 16028-16037 the redress thereof. Boston : Little, Brown. 1877 Bigelow, Melville Madison, 1846-1921. Torts A treatise on the law of fraud : on its civil side. lix, 696 p. ; 25 cm.; US-22-13. Boston : Little, Brown. 1888 Fiche: 15996-16003 Torts 2 v. ; 24 cm.; US-22-21. Manual for the Joint Standing Committee of the City Fiche: 16274-16290 Council on Claims. Boston : Rockwell & Churchhill. 1871 Bigelow, Melville Madison, 1846-1921. Torts Elements of the law of torts : for the use of 60 p. ; 20 cm.; US-22-14. students. Fiche: 16004 Boston : Little, Brown. 1878 Torts Burdick, Francis M. xxiii, 360 p.
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