Hindawi Case Reports in Nephrology Volume 2018, Article ID 4627890, 3 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/4627890 Case Report Inhaling Difluoroethane Computer Cleaner Resulting in Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease Kristen Calhoun,1 Laura Wattenbarger ,1 Ethan Burns ,2 Courtney Hatcher ,2 Amol Patel,2 Manjulatha Badam ,2 and Abdul-Jabbar Khan2 1 Texas A&M College of Medicine, Te Methodist Hospital at Houston, 6565 Fannin Street, West Pavilion, Houston, TX 77030, USA 2HoustonMethodistHospital,6550FanninStreet,Suite1101,SmithTower,Houston,TX77030,USA Correspondence should be addressed to Ethan Burns; [email protected] Received 29 March 2018; Accepted 16 April 2018; Published 7 June 2018 Academic Editor: Ze’ev Korzets Copyright © 2018 Kristen Calhoun et al. Tis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Difuoroethane is the active ingredient in various computer cleaners and is increasingly abused by teenagers due to its ease of access, quick onset of euphoric efects, and lack of detectability on current urine drug screens. Te substance has detrimental efects on various organ systems; however, its efects on the kidneys remain largely unreported. Te following case report adds new information to the developing topic of acute kidney injury in patients abusing difuoroethane inhalants. In addition, it is one of the frst to show a possible relationship between prolonged difuoroethane abuse and the development of chronic kidney disease in the absence of other predisposing risk factors. 1. Introduction police afer a violent outburst following prolonged DFE abuse during a suicide attempt. On admission, he was emotionally Difuoroethane (DFE), the active ingredient in aerosol sprays labile and had contusions on his lef shoulder and upper such as “Dust Of” computer cleaner, is becoming a popular extremities due to a physical altercation with police. He was substance of abuse, particularly among teenagers [1]. Due to initially confused and verbally abusive, but within six hours itseaseofaccessandavailability,theincidenceandprevalence he was oriented, cooperative, and able to provide a reliable ofdifuoroethaneabuseareincreasing[2].Approximately11% history. of high school students report experimenting at least once Tepatientstatedthathehadhufedkeyboardcleaner with inhalants such as DFE, paint thinner, or nitrous oxide several days per week for the past year; however, the fre- (Table 1) [1]. Tere is an expanding breadth of knowledge quency had increased over the last month to several times of the potential detrimental efects associated with DFE daily. Other than depression, the patient had no other known including acute kidney injury (AKI), angioedema, frostbite, medical problems. He denied any personal or family history cardiomyopathy, skeletal fuorosis, and fatal arrhythmias of kidney disease. Te patient denied drinking alcohol, and occurring within minutes of use (Table 1) [3–9]. Few case he reported smoking one-half pack of cigarettes per day for reports have described the efects of difuoroethane on kidney theprevioustwoyears.Hedeniedanyothersubstanceabuse function, and there have not yet been any cases describing except for DFE. He reported no use of nonsteroidal anti- the link between DFE and chronic kidney disease (CKD). infammatory (NSAID) medications. During this episode of Te following case describes a patient presenting with DFE difuoroethane abuse, he had no loss of consciousness, but toxicity leading to both AKI and CKD. experienced frightening visual and auditory hallucinations as 2. Case Presentation well as anxiety that persisted even afer returning to his self- reported baseline mental status. A 32-year-old Caucasian male with a known history of depres- Initial labs revealed a WBC count of 21,000 with poly- sion presented to the emergency department accompanied by morphonuclear predominance of 81%, an elevated creatinine 2 Case Reports in Nephrology Table 1: Characteristics of difuoroethane [1, 10]. Difuoroethane Characteristics Incidence 11% of high school students have used an inhalant at least one time Absorbed into blood via the alveoli, and distributed to end organs (the brain, heart, Pathophysiology and kidneys) where metabolites may accumulate. It is hypothesized that metabolites are either exhaled or renally cleared. Increased GABAA receptor afnity. Symptoms CNS depression and euphoria Postulated Active Metabolites Fluoroacetate, Fluorocitrate Complications Cardiomyopathy, Fatal Arrhythmias, Angioedema, Frostbite, Nephrotoxic and normalization of his urinalysis and was discharged with 7 600 a creatinine of 1.6. 6 500 5 400 3. Discussion 4 boxyhemoglobin, 300 r 3 Te concentration of DFE in the brain rises rapidly afer 200 kinaseeatine Lactic acid 2 r inhalation leading to euphoria, but the levels also decrease 1 100 C in the brain within minutes (Table 1). Since the kidneys 0 0 are highly perfused organs, it is possible that the patient’s eatinine, Caeatinine, r 4-Nov4-Nov 5-Nov5-Nov 6-Nov6-Nov 7-Nov7-Nov 8-Nov8-No C AKI and CKD are related to high concentrations of DFE TimeTime Fraameme deposition. Rat models have demonstrated that kidneys may be susceptible to accumulation of DFE, and theorized CreatinineCreatinine (mg/dL)(mg/dL) Lactic acid (mmol/L)(m CarboxyhemoglobinCarboxyhemoglobin (%) CreatineCreatine kinasekinas (U/L) aldehydic metabolites (Table 1) could possibly predispose the kidneys to DFE toxicity. However, toxicity to date has not Figure 1: Lab trends during patient’s hospital stay. Te lef axis been reported in chronic dosing studies [10]. Avella et al. displays creatinine, carboxyhemoglobin, and lactic acid and the demonstrated an overall renal uptake of 0.32% out of 4% total right axis displays creatine kinase. uptake of the administered dose in rats exposed to 30 seconds of difuoroethane [10]. Tey also showed that difuoroethane concentrations were highest in the kidneys out of all tissues of 1.5mg/dL with no known baseline, BUN of 10mg/dL, GFR measured at 8 minutes, suggesting kidneys may be susceptible 2 of 54 mL/min/1.73 m , lactic acidosis, creatine kinase of 350 to DFE burden [10]. Keller et al. demonstrated the presence U/L, and a carboxyhemoglobin level of 3.1%. Urinalysis was of difuoroethane metabolite accumulation in the kidneys signifcant for 3+ proteinuria, moderate blood, 14 RBCs, 3 in rat models, but did not look at where the accumulation WBCs, and 3 hyaline casts. He had a negative urine drug specifcally occurred within the kidney or for how long [11]. screen. Additionally, there was no long-term follow-up to determine Te patient received single renally adjusted doses of whether or not the DFE byproduct deposition leads to a Vancomycin and Piperacillin-Tazobactam, intravenous 0.9% chronic direct nephrotoxic efect. saline, and oxygen by nasal cannula while in the emergency Te patient’s initial AKI appeared prerenal with a urinary department prior to admission. Over the next 24 hours, FeNa of 0.5% and FeUrea of 37%. While his initial AKI on he received intravenous fuids and oxygen with subsequent admission may have been in part due to rhabdomyolysis, the normalization of lactic acid, creatine kinase, and leukocyte increase in creatinine afer fuid resuscitation and normaliza- count. His creatinine down trended to 1.3mg/dL. However, tion of creatine kinase is suggestive of another mechanism, 36 hours into admission, his serum creatinine inexplicably such as a delayed ischemic event or a delayed accumulation rose to 2.3 with a rise in carboxyhemoglobin to 3.6%, while of potentially nephrotoxic metabolites. Interestingly, his car- his urine output remained stable (Figure 1). Repeat urinalysis boxyhemoglobin increased with the creatinine in the absence showed a small amount of blood with RBC of 2, negative of smoke exposure. Te reason behind this is not known, proteinuria, and no evidence of infection. as this is not a known metabolite of DFE. Repeat urinalysis His normal saline infusion was transitioned to bicar- showed no casts, making direct tubular injury less likely. bonate with saline, but was discontinued afer the patient Two case reports have described AKI in the setting of DFE developed pruritus. Ultimately, he was transitioned to normal use. Both patients were males in their thirties who developed saline at 75 ml/hour. A renal ultrasound showed increased AKIaferlossofconsciousnessduetoDFEabuse[3,12]. echogenicity of both kidneys consistent with medical renal Unlike this case report with delayed AKI, those patients disease, without change in size, atrophy, or cystic lesions presentedwithkidneyinjuryonadmissionthatresolvedwith (Figure2).Tus,itislikelythatthepatienthadsomedegree IV fuids and thus had no evidence of chronic renal damage. of chronic kidney disease (CKD) prior to admission. For While one report postulated the AKI to be secondary to the next three days, he continued to receive intravenous dehydration and the other to be secondary to rhabdomyolysis normal saline with subsequent improvement of creatinine or hypoperfusion, both mentioned the possibility of a direct Case Reports in Nephrology 3 (a) (b) Figure 2: Renal ultrasound. (a) Sagittal section of the right kidney demonstrating increased echogenicity. Te right kidney measures 12.3 x 5.5 x 5.9 centimeters. (b) Sagittal section of the lef kidney demonstrating increased echogenicity (blue line). Te lef kidney measures 13.4 x 6.4 x 5.2 centimeters.
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