GR.Aphael Looning ·· Wr Apent Four Mo 11 Th1 Loo Nlni: Around Crrm Any and the So Ulh of Fran«

GR.Aphael Looning ·· Wr Apent Four Mo 11 Th1 Loo Nlni: Around Crrm Any and the So Ulh of Fran«

6 NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS On sale, Friday, week endin& November 1, 1969 A NICE A IVEEK: No. I KEITH EMERSON WANTS CLASSICAL MUSIC TO SURVIVE By RICHARD GREEN •hlch I l1 norc-d and U ■ e: d lo 10 Into QNE of the hfghspots of Keith Emerson's career occurred only a fortnight ago, lhl.' common room and play !he when the Nice played with the London Symphony Orchestra al Croydon's Fair• 1 f~ini~g ~n · ~~ t~~io. ·~~ ~ ~ r1~'~r:i: field Halls. The reception was, to say the teas~ tumultuous and mur.h of the credit for [~~- ~n lh~~ ol~~l~~: .n~a::r,r :;,~l~~!j this outstanding success must go to Keith, who did the arrangements and wrote the 1 h •:~i,h ~!~ ~r~~~t~h;f.~!t 1~1!1: c:.~~ new "Five Bridges Suite." 11,ok various uama But he ,rot to To organ ist-composer Keith, who will be 25 u n Sunday, classical music is something whk:h must lhe 1111e where ' 1 I think I hi d not be a llowed lo fade with time. He has a duty t o himself, it seems, to ensure that this does not outr rown lht IHc:htr .. It was I q uestion or comlnJ 10 London. where happen and, 1<' his c redit, appears to be succeeding. he knew nobody, or 1r1ehlna hlmrr ll. During breaks In rehearsals in minded a.nd, to an extent, he 1 1 ~~c:o~~: eant:r 0~!~!1~n~f1,U•,ttt~1~: :~ th~~,,~d•h~Sw ::1 t n~d~~di~·,.ah: ~: ~•~7 ~\~· t1~e ' ~~~ ;os1ng grae:~ ••Ith bands. spoke ahout hi s interest in arranging and, unlike Lee ar,d Two year, In a b•nk didn't do him clasaica/ music and what he Is Brian, doesn't often appear In a n)' JtCllDd and whl'n the manacer trying 10 do m u1lnlly. And he cl!JbS. Because or thi1 he Is rather ~.i~:i:fr~rR:t ahnadd !::nJ::r ~;llnu~~·: traced his career. withdrawn, but, approached by work bleary•t)'td, he put the choice someone who knows music, Is 10 Keith of qullllnx the band or lhe " In lheU: days whe n you've f OI willing to rattle nway for ages. bank Oddly t nourh. Keilh banked a ll these senseless a uitudes like on for a whlle. Now he expl•in1 tht Belfasl, where the Protest.ants 1 decision. " It •11 pnmy <1bvlo u1 dislike the Catholics, and America 1nJ e ct:~ ~~~ntls "!:1~f c!;!~i.:1.1:ri!~IC~ 1h11 I • n n't golnll 10 nay lhere but or the Nice today. hr saya: .. We can where the whites hate blacks and ao In any dl rl'C: tln n, beln~ $UCh II :~l'Wa.!ucl~:hi~~l'Jrt~I IU~~:. l~c~ea:l'::~~s the world, whe re old people hate amall band. I'd lilw 10 •nltc aomr to r1•1 ii=n .·· the young, music is the only field where you can be free, o r should ~~~,~~.:r:~ld~-~ ;~r,~r •r~::1t l~~ be free, to Join all for«s l'alrftrld Ha ll 1ogether." he began " I had an ld H fora rock plana Refuses canurlo and da11 alaprd II a bl! 1f t lormrd a band In Brijlhton. the ll'IDra. I've dan1 a h1gua ror solo rnme or which h11 at ubbornly reh1ses Present C!!;T,, ·~~°.'J'°'t~~· L:wi~'·' ly:: l~~!~1ff::~~::i~~~ w~t~:1:::ii•1::: rut:d t Tm sr,~~ rue, ~~~e~hi~r~1! !~:if.!: bul kHplng It in • rugua 10 be Informed. Can l'arr heard 0 attract ive girl frie nd, Elino r Lund, ro~!~~~. 1ila lc.:~rlti lah t ,ot"':,icr~~~ Ktlt!! ~h!, g:;.:~':n!~'C:W~h~r~: ~!1ia 11 of -~~ ~a~:1:•1 h: id~ :le~t ~:~·dwlnd• KEITH ENERSON •IU• hla Dan ah r ~~ ~~~:d •~~Ti~dl~ t~1: ,~:.~n~~~::::a~ ::;~d:~~btoin-; wYt:::'t";,•o'd :~~In: 1 ling. which is rather a shame. It's girl :~::i :i~N•O~~~!rD J!~~· Sha ~~: J!'nhl'[!rle0 ,'~~e:'1Ji:1/ !~~ !~~0 !!-!e" icn t tn llve In London to 1 1 1 1 0 ::'.!en ~ied~ ~~:y e:re ':ii~:°:he:; H~t!1~ ·-h :"oo:':°~:1t:e~ ~!~i'~~provl • fiY::f:~~;~:·.~~ IJ{~oe b:~•r;::k ~! ~i ~~~ns'i:)I ~~~~J(e~lff:re,~~ ~iin~is !~tr al~p~~ein:ln~'c:~reca~co~~ ~~ r~!lo~;u r:, a,ii:11::y ::o~uer'~~=: :['1:~nan:~~~~~ 'r:~cl~ll)1;1),m,~ ~~~:: i work . , . so did Tchal kovaky. home. eaeh other: u·, llke an ESP 1hln1. the H1< mmnnd In. Hall the time we " Today, you've aot aJI these " All this should be changed. Wh en yo u aa many R1R1 u j e wrre drunk and all' puttln,11: our 0 ro ro, -:i~or~::: m~k:irt ~or! oob~~~~·or: ~~r:::bth 1t:'11~1!JY1hi:r::m!a!.~~ !•:~~~~. '" l)Ut mouth and golnw =let::=~·~~ :~~~i ~~ nd They have no chance to develop profound. J don't think this r~ouul~~d •:~~e o~l:ye~lme!~ -!!r•,,: ,h;: ~~:n~lg:l~n:ea~:c:~:d ha ar: ~:: • piece, they have lo follow bow adulterates the piece In any way, alw ay1 a:o t the inedlu m ci r lmprovtH · nnlt .11 nd woke the whnl.- i trert up. the acatt Is written. Tb.ue bas It can create fresh Interest. A lot tlo n 10 fl't ll rrrsh." Thl1 U5l'd IQ happen a 101, 1 1 0 11 1 ~i.. ~Tc.~ :,:-e.e:m;:~ ~'i1v~. for :~tC:f. ~d~~;~r:O~:~t t~~~ ~~~~~ ca~!:~ h! ! ~a us~hde hr: u~~e !," ,~: ca·,·1 a j::i ~nur\~~·~n d:r.:tt ;~i~.,,~~ 1 0 10 nd 1 co~cert! a~~ i'm :ur; ~l1eCJU~:! ~e t~~~-\~a!• ~~e~h~~; sou ed r~~i ':~pol~'l c::~f:1;~:;!Jl f~::l~ ~~t~i[ : J ?l,ru~1:'.J~i-:u~~:1::if rJ: people li&Le-n to the mus ic. They Keith 11 the member of the Nice, he recalled, laurhlng. ldu ur playln1 wi th a Jan 1ech, don't watch wha t's a ol na on, they who appea ra the most s erious• •· we had a tree 11udy period nlquc Wh at Carry Farr was playlna -------------------·--------------, ;:,~• t~f:.f. 1lmplc and 11e ry pllabl t unrortu11ate ly. there w11 a rapid erHlon of fi nances duu to 1ever1l thln11 1. and Kc-I th Joined the Vl h 1\att•r tu become the rcnownt d S pooky Tnu th l. whn Wl' fl' bi ll' on lhl" Contlnrn1. GR.aphael Looning ·· wr apent four mo 11 th1 loo nlni: around Crrm any and the So ulh of Fran« . W t had a bad road m1na1er and nn almost e11ery r h: mlkl'I would be ~IUll'n, lh C' van would be broken lr1 10, and the Jl kl'. II •11 a very unfnrtun11 tc band : ii l"tmcd lo a. llnl'I that sort or th lnx : th~:~llh Ni~el ~~~~rd , c!h~'' n!;~:~h e~ --------------------- backing band. Kt•il h 11111 hold or Lei' J urbun, wh11 had 11~11 bt'en •llh Gllr)' t"arr, IIO d lh1•y brnur.;h1 In Dav l' O'Ll,1 and Ian 1111111 . C'h n • l'arlCl_.c·a drumm,•r Sill n111nl/u1 1:itt•r. 1hry left P.111 "' nd w,·nl nn lhtlr 11wn Wh t• n l:rn lell. Br i;,n D11vt1un joined \ ,WHO'S WHERE· '' We had no idH olwhalMlrlol ••11 11 , what ao rl ol ahap•, the band would lake." canfuud Keith, who by 1h11 lime WU U,lklng 10 ma Wu k bqlnnlng Navamb1r l EDG AR BROUGNTON BAND : Hlr mtnRhl m Mnlhtr 'li 15) bac:k In London. " Ooe af th e fi rst JAZZ EXPO ' H ' - MILES DAVIS numblri we did wu ' BIiiy's 8 19 , • QUARTET, MARY LOU WIL LI AN S BEN IE . KIHG : Blrmlni,:ham RI" lh• Blllp Pru lOn th ing." An d we TRIO, JON HENORICK S. ll ammt't beC"c:a '11 tll can all 1ee haw much 1h1 Nice lmil h Odcun II> 11 have c:h l nged1lnc:e 1h 1n! A~!~uriro~~N ~:c~~ :~'thD:n1~:hf,~ PENTANGLIE : Nt·wca,.lh! City 11:ill i ThOUfCll )'OU •nuldn't Ih m!. 11 h i C11 lltom111 and Paddlnrton cur 181 . Ionic at him. Kl'ilh Is inlt•n•~tcd In I N"' CR E D I B L l STRING , Bit.HD : 8UDOY RICH ORCHESTRA : Lh·l'r ~~~.~,\ :r h~!~fiih~n~~~rl~en r~~l~ n,~~ pool Umvcr!illy 17). Londt1n Ni•• •"''lmmlnJ.: ,1od l••nni1. 1rnd 1,1an1 .~ !ti ~f,~b~i'a'W ~;~."' J~,~li~~· f~i:N:i'd Victoria (81. lnk,• up ]UOot 1h11 171, Hni:htun Dome 1111 IN l?Z AN D CHARLI E FO XX: LIH't FOLK -BLUES FESTIVAL ; Hnrknell pool Vk111rlan:i and Mardi Gril~ 111. BHlon Clld~•rdrumr UO Not proud Spun• Cl'nlr1· t 11. Lelc:c 1i te1 Dr )lonllort Ha ll 121. Ulr111lngt111 m NANFRIEO MANN CHAPTER Ill· I '" b thlnkma,: of kar;ah . but I Tu,rn ll ,111 UI, Shr,fflc-ld City 11 1111 London Gold !iml th 'li CG1le11• t11. d1dn '1 luncy tlw nric.:1111 ·• ehanu-~ 141. Clngow CII) lbll ISi. Clithli ll' dutilll( Rond ... " h1• Jllkl'd Ht!li abu Markel 11 311 Ill N,•,.·t·:isll,• CII) BLOSS OM TOES: Lund, .., lmpl'rial t1.•l'n un phoh,~r 1plly ;,nd took mo,.1 Hall 171 College 18).

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