

*" ¦ Atlantic Telephone Co. Cable MORNING U Vision Cable of N.C. SATURDAY C> 19V0 IV t'tltig K > , _^yTt' T_,L- JUNE 9 j D'3 WWAY. (ABC) Wilmington 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 ? .I WECT. (NBC) Wilmington WBTW (CBS) Florence AY ftgs Twaefy Yog Beer [QLfTwn Bars' Fta* F*wl Ghostoustors Soul Tran RJP*) WTVD (ABC) Durham m m i] WUNJ (PBS) Wilmington Of Stntes ISrfvw Spoor Kssytif Gpp Gar*Jy Capon N Kar* K*j Smits Otru*5 By The Bel m~i WJKA. (CBS) Wilmington J!L na HBO. (Pav) New York mTW Snwtwy Denvw Drk Mori Bale, Pm »V* GarteW |Rude Doq n »i ARTS. A&t. Wilmington D>J ESPN. Sports. New York WjO Spaed |C/ar* lips Ftascals Yamj Urw Scooby Doo Gunm Boars Rwh Ftoai Ghostoustors [Bugs A Twaery ta»i NICK. (Children's TV). NY ID id TBS. (Ind). Atlanta Sesame Staet Sesarne Stm* Todays Spc IShnnQ Time Travel Mag Collators Ite Chrid Tdp 03 MAX. (Pay). Cinemax. NY 55 SHOW. (Pay). Showtime Come Sfrp Or* CA Rasns .Awel Bate, Snxrtwy US Tap Ten m Pry [13ID WGN.(lnd). Chicago B TMC (Pay). Movies. NY Ww Greel Outkxn 0 Aytovrf ?V P^ber 0 Mw Plah Ctotw Breaking all the rules at Adlai Mtwe Staman J bxtjes a WWOR (Ind ). New York Stevenson High School can be murder Dm CNN. (Ind ). News. Atlanta Gotdon Age Heme?; USA Al Craduas ¦Journey Adv GM* Artar LwnQ OangBrotisfy P&* Wmsey/ drrrmfael toss Marple a LIFE. Lifetime. New York Q3 DISN (Pay). Disney. Calif Program Cat Mtnwoe* n Snorts Cert* Sportrg Mag Ouldonrsman UMe Fly Ftshng |J Houston Fishn Hole Crootad CfV. GaneOay dm TNN.The Nashville Network mill USA. Variety. New York Cly 01 Gold Spot**, L»ttJe Ko* Kid s Court Heatttfi insp Gadget Insp Gadget Crt Duckia Filters Don! SI TNT. (Ind ). Attanta Listings Fshr Brtween Une 105) Wresting IflS) Uftrri Ctapftr Exfcrer 106)1 I 01 Tt» H Fort CPB^ Bulge 10)1 Mo* 0 Hw# S fibn< Mft* Cuyr IK %o THU. JUN 7 - - WED. 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Wasr You & Me Comer IDumbc Ftock Donald Duck WUNJ 4b> WO* I vi Bar**** Irrv |F\»h Nfckey* Paddngtan Ftaggle Mow Mouse Qub <B ru/oj ZoCimC Zoc Scarrr SSsc %»? ??1 Onrtart IfTV Off WJKA C8S News C8S The & (300) Sqp Backyard Garden Joy Srte By Srt Outts Carey KWi &8§ Warn] Rr^s KASw lee Fam#y F«ud IWhw jftw Is |Cel jRemodefcrig law & Hany McGraw Pd Prg Pti Prg Gold Fir Zorw F\pe*> Ho* Ffag^e Rock Show |F*r Mortar Move e8si jF^d F^rogrammng WRig Hoiywood Monkey Tales jYa^ oflke ICtenoe Party Mow Cherokee S*t> 0 Hran Velvet Trawls O Jame HwWest (S5)V^r1dCU)Soa» <82Q> Was Won 1 THU, JUN 7 - Weekdays - WED. JUN 13 "* AFTERNOON SATURDAY (O 1990 TV toe FX Wor JUNE 9 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 ww*r Strangers llovng Al Chidrri- 0»« 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM M) My lie To Lm? 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L Wmb Cocoon Murray professional sports system N Abte Thompson The Ratal J Npws C8S News Hart Copy 48 Hoas NBA Baskets* Tandy News Arwn rtoer rtoer C Ftonsan Mow Stvmar (515) Alien comes to Earth and encounters iMcwe Road House A soft-spoken bouncer cleans up a Vietnam W» ITht NewsDav Evans News makers both love and hate J f 1 brawimQ. blood soaked roadhouse NewsOay (10) HthMk Style On Mboj Money (10) Sports IFufcre Walch NewsWalcJi (News makers Cfcuoes 70s lOnvade Wklemess Suwal V.Vjto lOiRadr Eagle & Bear Soft Conducts Mendetesohr London Al jCm The rxrrv S»cer martet iRodeo Owe Moty Dodd IDay By Day Mxrtiffiu MacGmdEr And Loud Spenser For Hre Itae Undaryxnd W Mimieux Thomuqttnsc ISports Look ISpnrts Certe Cofloge Basehali Basehal H( B bal Cote Sak* 8. NgT< ISpwTs Gootys Mow me Itapiooitei Hra 01 Bta J Sheeten) Prwe* Mow Snwman I Superman battles three convicts from his home ptareL C ftew (SOD) Grarc Oimww Dofte GAs IBewttfijd Gffler Acres lOanrn Reed LNe F«rw»d In Lajpi Paffy OUce Carty Week ISde By Side |C<* Outts ftmndewg Carty Kkh Tormv tix*r lOuch Si On SUyr Couffy Bel (05) Hbly 1(35) Aj*Jy 1(06) 35) Sarteid. (06) Fa Those I Loved A man is determined to live his Nmi in WWII M through imprisonment York Sprt h Family takes a seaside house IMcme Framed A man framed and sent to tail for Trouble Scaur Sam Mfdff. She Wot ' i a haunting past S tear | murder seeks revenge. J. Bstsr (5 3D) Htfi Spirts 0 Hm* Mrwe Experts J Tmcto I B W Mrrsy Ww MX P (1056) Wortd Ca> Soccer Mcve Lion of M Fcrnst (55) World Op Soccer Man From UNCLE SHOW Mtwe Cat Martn Mow VIm Two psychics are conned into searching Ahv No t A detective travels to 1 . jMsw Marty Chicago Champ Boang for gold C Ltcer Louisiana to find a cop Killer R Go? Chas m IBlU & Lou **. EVENING "* Charge [Hanpn Nghia Map League Baseball News HI Stea SATURDAY JUNE 9 Mcrw hranhoe A chival'Ous kmahi finds romance and Mew Swerf Hearts Dance D Jufrsn: Mow Three An adventure in medieval R ex bank robber is taken T«gc England T*yto hostage while trying to open an account Whos Boss7 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 IComedy Wheel Cosby K & Ate t Takes A Thef Rji For Ya* lie News 50 Yeare Ago IComedy Ngft W^0R News ABC News Msson imposabteP Ones ABC SArlay Mystery VAjekend Jam Wold Today Maieytue Crasstre PrtneNews Larry Krg Lm?' E«nrg News Mone^ne ISpods jjgWAYnfc News NBC News To Heaven 2 Darts lAmcn Goidai Gets & Son Carol & Co m News Sat Lmj Sma market IFtoner^ Drw Hgfiway My ISa^ti Ntf< iSperoer For Nre Moonl^ti^ Mow A Dangerous Friend A small town is plagued by ai Spenser Fa Hre series of murders R Thorns MNi News CSS News Shoirtme At Apoio Paratee L Horstey Tai 01 Duty 7 Kjx» Come Chmg News Byron AJen Mow I Of f .I D OeLtse Preww Mwe Back Home A comes into conflict after Fted Ascre F Astwv lOzae reunited familyWWII ThekKjen being following News ABC News MbO Wsscr ^posstt P Cfaes IABC news The FTograrr, Cert Cart .Voc Rw VSdoc Saturfay Myster/ fifm [Top SJicp IOn Stsge :N2,^.4e Now ICrtcK Chase Wsc 9-cp |0 Skqs 5P New Yantee VKd Am Anmats i It fcn& Movies AusSn Umfcs Vtteo Prevwvs He Man *vtarri {Garnet [Mow ray (.40) Oly Crtry Vce Mfder She Wrote Mtwe ag Bad Mama I Gun totiri.

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