S S S S S I •'* sf $2.50 a Year A little paper Alice Arm and with all the { Anyox. $2.75 to news and a big all other points. circulation THE HERALD •4*4*4 I1H1HH1H Si SiHH •' S H •"> Published in the interests of Alice Arm and Anyox, B. C. 5 cents each. VOL. 7, NO. 52 ALICE ARM, B. C, FRIDAY, JULY 6,1928 Anyox Dominion Day Conservative Meetings Tampering With Water Honor Rolls Presented Development Work On Celebration Was Held This Week Barrels Dangerous At Entertainment Musketeer Proves Rich Big Affair A Publio meeting of the support­ The water barrels in Anyox that The entertainment given at the Property ers of the Conservative party was are placed at convenient points for closing of the Alice Arm school on Thursday evening last was attended Close prospecting and surface The celebration of 61st. anniver­ held on Tuesday last July 3rd. at the quenching of a fire in its early by a large number of adults. development work of the Musketeer sary of the Confederation ot Cana­ the Mine Hall at 8 p.m. when T- stages have recently been the scene of serious depredations on the part Honor rolls were presented to Group in the Upper Kitsault da went over with a bang at Any­ F. Baxter of Vancouver gave an of the juveniles. In several cases the pupils which are as follows: country has produoed some re­ ox on Monday. Sports of all kinds address on behalf of T. W. Fal­ the water has been emptied out and Proficiency—Lillian Moss. markable results. were held, and the officers of the ooner CDtiservative Candidate for the barrels filled with rocks and Deportment—Ellen Anderson. It is now proven that the big ore Anyox Community League were this constituency. There was a rubbish. Regularity—Margaret Anderson, ledge which cuts through the the recipients of many congratu­ good attendance, and he was Twice recently the Fiie Chief met Joan Trinder. property is traceable over the lations for the efficient manner in listened to with rapt attention- this predicament when he had Health Booklet Competition— Dolly Varden hill thence through whioh the large programme was Other speakers of the evening cause to use these barrels for the 1 Marguerite Moss, 2 Lillian Moss, the Kitsol Group and over the oarried out. were T. J. Kirkwood, ohairman extinguishing of a fire. The prac­ 3 Emily McGuire. Musketeer. This ledge is 20 feet The day's events commenced in and Dr. Learoyd. Mr. Baxter also held a meeting tice is exceedingly dangerous and Nature Booklet Competition— wide, and paralleling it to the tho morning with Marathon races 1 Emily McGuire, 2 Donald Ander­ at Alice Arm yesterday evening parents are urged to co-operate in north are two other ledges both followed in the afternoon by field son, 3 Alma Evindson. when he outlined the aims of the stopping it. from 10 to 14 feet wide. sports, in whioh everyone partici The programme of the entertain­ A oross vein also connects the Conservative party, and levelled) pated. A large crowd thronged ment is as follows: some criticism at reoent state­ two northerly ledges. This vein the ball grounds throughout the Dr. Hanson Will Conduct Recitation. "They Wouldn't was cut by the old Musketeer tun­ afternoon, enjoying the fine weath­ ments of his opponents. A report ofthe meeting will be published Surrey Think", Hilda Moss. nel some years ago and drifted er and races. The juveniles received Song. "The Maple Leaf." alongside for a distanoo of 60 feet. special attention, being regaled next week- Another meeting will Dr. G. Hanson of the Geological be held at the Beach Becreation School Children. The ore is silver lead, and some with all kinds of good things to eat Survey Department, Ottawa, arriv­ Recitation. "Farewell" Joan very high grade ore was taken out. Hall this evening at 8 p.m. and drink. ed in Alice Arm on Sunday accom­ Trinder. On the most northerly ledge, Tbe men's marathon race from panied by Mr. Goronson. Recitation. "The song my pad­ four open cuts have been driven the Beach poolroom to the Mine Moose Orchestra Visits Dr. Hanson will not make a gen­ dle sings.'' Ellen Anderson. this year, all of which have dis­ Apartments and return, was won by Alice Arm eral geological survey of the dis­ Song "One more ribber to closed a good grade of ore. The Haldane a visiting Kincolith foot­ trict this year but will confine his cross." School children. easterly cut contains some beauti­ ball player. The Moose orchestra of Anyox, activities to- a limited number of Recitation ''Golden of the ful ore, and several large speci­ The Boys' Marathon race from accompanied by a number of their mining properties. He is anxious Selkirks." Lillian Moss. mens have been taken out. A friends paid a visit to Alice Arm to make a complete study of the the Beach Poolroom to Beach Mess Recitation. "My little rose typical specimen of this high grade and return was won by Frank last Saturday evening. A dance zinc showings on McGrath mountain, Helen Anderson. ore is now in town. It weighs ' iikeli of Anyox. was held in T- W. Falconer's Hall, and will also examine properties in Recitation. "The Arkansas about 75 pounds and will be sent At 10.30 the Kincolith and Anyox and a large crowd thoroughly en­ the Upper Kitsault country. He Traveller." Alma Evindson: to the Vancouver Exhibition. It football teams engaged in a struggle joyed the splendid music of this expects to be here six or eight Recitation. "What I Live For", is composed of agrey copper-galena for supremacy. The Anyoxites famed orohestra, whioh consisted weeks. Emily McGuire. ore. emerged victorious with the score of J. Webster, R. G. Brooks, J. Recitation. "A Boy's Song", Another cut shows 15 feet of 3-1. Jack Parker was the top Varnes, T. Evans, C. McGregor. Peggy Anderson. galena-silver ore, and the cut on scorer for Anyox having 2 goals to AUCE ARM NOTES Song. "0 Canada", School the railway grade determines that his credit. The line-up for Anyox CABIN FOR SALE Children. the ledge extends to the west and was: Parker, Donaldson, Stoltz, Refreshments were provided the is as strong as ever. Cabin for Sale at Alice Arm, in Peel, Dick Lavery, Spencer, Winkle- Owing to lack of space this week children following which a dance Ed. Piokett is in charge of oper­ good condition. Adjoining Kit-' man (goal), Buchanan, Wood Bros. was held in T. W, Falconer's Hall ations, and he has done a large sault Bridge, on south-west side. ] several personal events must nec­ At 6.30 p.m. the Anyox and Kin­ Best offer before June 30th. takes essarily be held. over until next where a large number of adults en­ amount of work since commencing colith baseball teams turned out at it. Apply J. MacConnachie, week. joyed themselves until the early this summer. There, however, the ball park, with the former team P. 0. Box 158, Anyox. hours of the following morning. remains a lot to be done yet, and Ted Kergin arrived on Monday emerging victorious with the score For the success of the evening's excellent results attained warrants from Victoria and will spend the 9-2. The Anyoxites found • it easy enjoyment credit is due Everett considerable more development Girls under 16 years. 1 Mildred summer holidays here. Miss Alice going after the first inning. The Greenaway, the school teacher, for work. Dresser, 2 Margaret Marriot. is visiting the Atlin country in com­ line-up for Anyox was; Cook, his untiring efforts in endeavoring The Musketeer lies between the Married Ladies. 1 Mrs. Spanger pany with her father on an election McLellan. Hardy, Chenoski, Mc­ to give the children an enjoyable Tiger and Wolf, two of the best Men Open. 1 D. Wilson, 2 J. tour. Donald. Musser, Anderson, McColl, time. silver properties in the distriot. McDonald. Whitehouse. Master Chester Falconer arrived Ladies Open. 1 M. Marriot, The day's celebration was brought on Monday from Vancouver. Mrs. ,2 M. Dresser. to a close by a dance held in the Falconer and family will also arrive Work on North Star Good Progress Made on Standing Jump, Boys Open. 1 Elks' Hall, under the auspices of shortly to spend summer holidays Joe Wong, 2 M. Patriok. Tiger Tunnel Collison Chapter, I. 0. D. E. here. Re-Commenced Standing Jump, Girls Open. 1 The floor was thronged with dancers Development work on the North The new tunnel, which is being L. Dresser, 2 M. Marriot. Paddy Morley arrived on Satur­ who carried the celebration into the Star was re-commenced on Monday driven on the Tiger property was Running Jump, Boys Open. 1 day from Anyox, where he has early hours of the next day. The when Gus. Pearson went up with a in 70 feet at the beginning of the Joe Wong, 2 J. Gillies. spent the winter, Moose orchestra was in attendance, small crew of men. Work will be week stated Ed. Picket who is in Running Jump, Girls Open. 1 which means that the dancers thor­ Steve Briggs who has spent the concentrated on the new tunnel oharge of operations. The tunnel M. Marriot, 2 M. Dresser. oughly enjoyed themselves, past few weeks in Anyox Hospital which was commenced last winter, is 6 ft. 6 in. by 7 ft. 6 in. Thread-the-Needle raoe, Ladies Following are the names of the and an additional 70 feet driven.
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