The widespread usage of low-cost microcomputer Intellec 8, edit and modify it, then assemble it and systems is made possible by Intel's development and use the monitor to load the assembled program. volume production of the MCS-4 and MCS-8 micro­ Other development tools for the Intellec 8 include a computer sets. To make it easier to use these sets, PL/M compiler, cross assembler, and simulator de­ Intel now offers complete 4-bit and 8-bit modular signed to operate on general-purpose computers. microcomputer development systems called Intellec PL/M, a new high-level language, has been devel­ 4 and I ntellec 8. oped as an assembly language replacement. A PL/M The Intellec modular microcomputers provide a program can be written in less than 10% of the time flexible, inexpensive, and simplified method for it takes to write that same program in assembly developing OEM systems. They are self-contained, language without loss of machine efficiency. expandable systems complete with central processor, The Intellec 4 Four-Bit Microcomputer Development memory, I/O, crystal clock, power supplies, standard System The Intellec 4 is a 4-bit microcomputer software, and a control and display console. development system for both prototype and produc­ tion applications. It contains 5K bytes of program The major benefit of the Intellec modular microcom­ memory, data storage, I/O, TTY interface, standard puters is that random access memories (RAMS) may software, control panel, and power supplies-all in be used instead of read-only memories (ROMS) for a small, compact cabinet. The Intellec 4 is designed program storage. By using RAMS, program loading around the Intel 4004 four-bit parallel central proc­ and modification is made much easier. In addition, essor chip. It has a repertoire of 45 instructions, the Intellec front panel control and display console 16 working registers, a four-level address stack, and makes it easier to monitor and debug programs. the capability of directly addressing over 43K bits of What this means is faster turn-around time during memory. The unit has a two-phase crystal clock that development, enabling you to arrive at that finished operates at 750 kHz providing an instruction cycle system sooner. time of about 10.8 Msec. The Intellec 8 Eight-Bit Microcomputer Develop­ Bare Bones 4 has the same capabil ity as the I ntellec 4 ment System The Intellec 8 is a microcomputer only it does not include the power supplies, front development system designed for applications which panel, or finished cabinet. It is designed as a rack­ require 8-bit bytes of data to perform either binary mountable version. arithmetic manipulations or logical operations. The Standard software for the Intellec 4 includes a Sys­ Intellec 8 comes complete with power supplies, dis­ tem Monitor and Resident Assembler. Additional play and control panel, and finished cabinet. It can developmental assembler and simulator software directly address up to 16K 8-bit bytes of memory packages written in FORTRAN IV and designed to which can be any mix of ROMS, PROMS, or RAMS. operate on general purpose computers are also The Intellec 8 is designed around the Intel 8008 available. central processor chip. There are 48 instructions including conditional branching, binary arithmetic, Standard Microcomputer Modules Microcomputer logical, register-to-register, and memory reference Modules, standard cards that can be purchased in­ operations. I/O channels provide eight 8-bit input dividually so that the designer can develop his sys­ ports and twenty-four 8-bit output ports-all com­ tem with as little or as much as he needs, are also pletely TTL compatible. The unit has interrupt capa­ available. For example, the 4-bit Central Processor bility and a two-phase crystal clock that operates at Module is a complete microcomputer system in itself. 800 kHz providing an instruction cycle time of about It contains the 4004 CPU, program storage, data 12.5 MS. storage and I/O, all on a single module. The 4-bit OEM Systems Module is the ultimate in volume/cost The Bare Bones 8 has the same capability as the effectiveness. It contains the 4004 CPU, crystal clock Intellec 8 only it does not include the power supplies, and mask-programmed (4001) ROMS for program front panel, or finished cabinet. It is designed as a storage and RAMS (4002) for data storage. rack-mountable version. Additional CPU, PROM Memory, Input/Output, PROM The I ntellec 8 system comes with a standard software Programmer, Data Storage, Instruction Storage, Con­ package which includes a system monitor, resident trol, Universal Prototype, and other standard modules assembler, and text editor. The programmer can pre­ provide developmental support and systems expan­ pare his program in mnemonic form, load it into the sion capability. intel lee 8 Features 5 pecifications Word Size: Data: 8 bits • Ideal for developing MCS 8 Systems. Instruction: 8, 16, or 24 bits • The Intellec 8 microcomputer system has 5K bytes Memory Size: 5K bytes expandable to 16K of memory (expandable to 16K), I/O, TTY inter­ bytes face, standard software, control panel , power sup­ Instruction Set: 48, including: conditional plies, and a compact finished cabinet (less than branching, binary arithme­ 0.8 ft.3). Bare Bones 8 is a rack-mountable unit and tic, logical , register-to­ comes without the power supplies, front panel and register and memory ref­ finished cabinet accessories. erence operations Machine Cycle Time: 12.5 J.1 S • The heart of the Intellec 8 is Intel's eight-bit "computer-on-a-chip;' the 8008. This is an 8-bit System Clock: Crystal controlled parallel CPU with a repertoire of 48 instructions, I/O Channels: 4 expandable to } TTL seven working registers, an eight level address 8 input ports Com­ stack, interrupt capability, and it directly addresses 4 expandable to patible 16K bytes of memory. 24 output ports Interrupt: Single Level • DMA channel is standard. Direct Memory Access: DMA Standard • Standard software provided with the Intellec 8 Memory Cycle Time: 900 nanoseconds includes a system monitor (loader, hex memory Operating Temperature: DoC to 55° C dump, instruction editor), a resident assembler, Power Supplies: +5v ± 5% - 9v± 5% and a text editor. 12 amps* 1.8 amps* *required for maximum system • With this system, all program development may be done in RAM memory. Physical Size: Intellec 8: 7" x 17Ys " x 12X " (table top only) • A complete PROM programmer is provided as an Bare Bones 8: 6%" x 17" x option. After the program is firm , it may be com­ 12" (suitable for mounting mitted to non-volatile storage in Intel's 1702A in standard RETMA 7" x programmable and erasable Read-Only-Memory. 19" panel space) 30 lb. • Complete system control and hardware debugging Weight: aids are provided via the control panel. Standard Software: System Monitor Resident Assembler • Crystal clocks are used for system stability. Text Editor Support Software: PL/M Compiler Iwritten in • System is expandable to 16 microcomputer mod­ Cross Assembler FOR- ules in a single chassis. Simulator TRAN IV Standard Systems and Optional Modules as follows: INTELLEC 8 (imm8-80) Standard System includes a. Load RAM memory from paper tape, either in the following Modules and Accessories: BNPF format or hexadecimal format. Central Processor Module b. Display the contents of RAM memory on a Input/Output Module printer. PROM Memory Module c. Modify individual bytes of RAM memory, RAM Memory Module move blocks of RAM memory, fill blocks of Chassis with Mother Board RAM memory with constant data. Power Supplies Control and Display Panel d. Write contents of RAM memory to paper tape Finished Cabinet in either BNPF or hexadecimal format. Standard Software B. Resident Assembler System Monitor 1. Translates mnemonic code to binary machine Resident Assembler code. Text Editor 2. Loaded into system RAM memory via paper BARE BONES 8 (imm8-81) Standard System in­ tape. cludes the following Modules: 3. 4K of memory storage is required for both the Central Processor Module resident assembler and the symbol table. Input/Output Module 4. This two pass assembler generates a program PROM Memory Module tape which is reloaded via the monitor. RAM Memory Module Chassis (rack mountable with Mother Board) C. Text Editor Standard Software 1. Loaded to system via paper tape. System Mon itor 2. Edits the source program during program Resident Assembler development. Text Editor Development Support: PL/M Compiler, Assembler OPTIONAL MODULES available for the Intellec 8 and Simulator In addition to the standard software and Bare Bones 8: available with the Intellec 8, Intel offers a PL/M PROM Programmer Module with Control Software compiler, cross assembler, and simulator written in Additional I/O or Output Modules FORTRAN IV and designed to run on any large scale Additional RAM Memory Modules computer. These routines may be procured directly Universal Prototype Module from Intel, or alternatively, designers may contact Module Extender three nation-wide computer time-sharing services: Drawer Slides and extenders for Rack Mounting AL/COM, G.E., and Tymshare, for access to the programs. PL/M Compiler PL/M is a high level procedure­ oriented systems language for programming the Software Intel MCS-8 microcomputer. The language retains many of the features of a high-level language, with­ Standard All peripheral interface to Intellec 8 stan­ out sacrificing the efficiencies of assembly language. dard software is via TTY, model ASR33. The standard software includes a System Monitor, Resident As­ A significant advantage of this language is that sembler and Text Editor. PL/M programs can be compiled for either the Intel 8008 or future Intel 8-bit processors without altering A. System Monitor the original program.
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