March 27, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1579 park eight to 10 bicycles where one out sometime around 2014. Well, it’s God, bless the House and Senate that automobile resides. kind of like what many of us, including we will do what’s right in the eyes of It’s good for the economy. Over $6 myself, are guilty of, and that is put- God for His people. I ask God to please billion a year is involved with the cy- ting it down the road, putting it down bless the President of the United cling industry, employing over a mil- the road, we’ll deal with it in some States, that he will do what is right in lion people. They brought very specific time. But the problem is our young the eyes of God for His people. And I’ll examples. A study from Wisconsin, $1.5 men and women are dying, getting close three times by asking, God, billion of economic impact and 13,200 killed and severely wounded by IEDs. I please, God, please, God, please con- jobs in an industry that too often does hope that Congress, when we get into tinue to bless America. not get its attention. In my commu- May of this year and we start debating f nity of Portland, Oregon, a medium- the Department of Defense bill, will END RACIAL PROFILING sized city, it’s $100 million a year in bring up some amendments dealing our economy and well over 1,000 jobs. with Afghanistan. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Cycling is also very good for our chil- History has proven time and time CRAVAACK). The Chair recognizes the dren and our families. Being able to again that no one, no nation will ever gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. WIL- walk or bike safely to school helps kids change Afghanistan. And it was kind of SON) for 5 minutes. actually perform better. Parents are ironic that last week I just happened to Ms. WILSON of Florida. Twenty less stressed. It could save some of the be on the floor Thursday when Mr. years ago, while serving as a school 6.5 billion trips a year of over 30 billion HOYER was asking Mr. CANTOR, on our principal, I founded the 5,000 Role Mod- miles just shuttling kids back and side, what is going to be the schedule els of Excellence project in Miami, forth to school. this week, meaning today. And then Florida—a million dollar, nationally People, frankly, were outraged that Mr. HOYER said to Mr. CANTOR, well, recognized and honored foundation my Republican friends had targeted, in why don’t we bring up the Senate that specifically addresses the trials their transportation bill, elimination transportation bill? And I was just and tribulations of young black boys of the Safe Routes to School program. taken aback by Mr. CANTOR’s response. and sends them to college. It serves al- Other than them, I haven’t met any- He said, ‘‘We’re just out of money.’’ most 20,000 boys throughout Florida. body in America who is against this We’re just out of money? And we’re In spite of that, this sign stands out- program, that empowers our children spending $10 billion a month in Afghan- side the door of my congressional of- and helps our families. fice, and I change the number every Now is a golden opportunity as the istan? I don’t understand the mathematics day. It speaks loudly. Trayvon Mar- transportation bill collapsed and we’re tin’s murderer is still at large. Thirty- back at the drawing board to look at around here. We can’t bring up a trans- one days with no arrest. Trayvon died how we leverage that $8 billion that we portation bill, a 2-year bill, because because of racial profiling 31 days ago. have invested in Federal money over we’re just out of money. But, yet, Mr. If you walk into any inner city high the last 20 years that has touched Karzai, you can get your $10 billion a school in the African American com- every State and hundreds of commu- month and you can negotiate with the munity, Mr. Speaker, and ask the stu- nities. Now is the time to celebrate Taliban and take the $10 billion that that progress. Now is the time to com- we’re borrowing from the Chinese to dents, ‘‘Have you ever been racially mit ourselves to a comprehensive give to Karzai so they can buy weapons profiled,’’ trust me, every one of them transportation bill that makes it safer to kill the American soldiers and ma- will raise their hands, boys and girls. to cycle and walk. Now is the time to rines. It just does not make any sense. You might say to me, ‘‘Congress- have a transportation bill that will Mr. Speaker, I have put together a woman, what does that mean? Who is make every one of our communities resolution that I have asked the speak- profiled? And who is doing the more livable and our families safer, er of the North Carolina House of Rep- profiling?’’ I will tell you: healthier, and more economically se- resentatives, Thom Tillis, who is a Boys by police officers. cure. great gentleman, to introduce in the Boys by vigilante wannabe-police of- May session of the North Carolina ficers. f House asking the Congress to bring our Boys who get into an elevator and AFGHANISTAN troops home out of Afghanistan before then everyone else gets off. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the 2014 deadline. And I’m pleased to Boys who walk down the sidewalk Chair recognizes the gentleman from say that the Tea Party in my district, and everyone crosses the street. North Carolina (Mr. JONES) for 5 min- who doesn’t agree with me on every- Boys who watch people lock their car utes. thing, does agree with me on Afghani- doors when they approach a car. Mr. JONES. Last week, in the Armed stan. They have passed this resolution Boys who see women clutch their Services Committee, we had General at their meeting a month ago. We need purse as they walk towards them. Allen, who oversees our military effort to start bringing our troops home now, Boys who will try to catch a cab but in Afghanistan. I have the utmost re- not later. not one who will stop. spect for General Allen. In fact, Gen- Mr. Speaker, I’ve got beside me Boys who are followed around in eral Allen’s former boss in the Marine today—and I’m going to close in just a stores while they shop. Corps had some very kind words to say minute—a reminder of the cost of Boys who wear hoodies. about General Allen, which I read be- war—all the families who have cried Boys who wear dreads. fore I got into my questions. with pain and all the children who have Boys who wear gold teeth. Boys who sag their pants. b 1020 cried because their moms or their dad- dies are not coming home. So I have And boys who are walking while I would today like to quote the about 14 of these posters when I do black, talking while black, shopping former boss of General Allen, who’s these little 5-minute speeches I bring while black, eating while black, study- been my adviser on Afghanistan for 3 to the floor. This is the latest one. I ing while black, and playing while years, and I actually read these com- saw it in the newspaper. It’s very pro- black, and just being black. ments to General Allen before I got to found. It is time for the American peo- How would you feel if you were treat- my question: ple to say to the United States Con- ed with such disdain and such isola- Attempting to find a true military and po- gress, if you have no money and you tion? How do you think these little litical answer to the problems in Afghani- boys feel? It is a sociological problem stan would take decades, not years, and can’t fix the roads, then you have no drain our Nation of precious resources, with money to send to Afghanistan to waste that dates back to the days of slavery. the most precious being our sons and daugh- on a corrupt leader. These boys begin to see themselves not ters. Simply put, the United States cannot With that, Mr. Speaker, I would like as real men, but as caricatures of real solve the Afghan problem, no matter how to close the way I normally do: men whom people fear and despise. brave and determined our troops are. God, please bless our men and women Racial profiling for black boys is Mr. Speaker, I keep hearing the in uniform; please bless the families of real, Mr. Speaker. It is not perceived. term, well, we’re going to probably be our men and women in uniform; please, It is real, and it is happening as I speak VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:41 Mar 27, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27MR7.013 H27MRPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1580 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 27, 2012 all over America today. Boys and girls, within the sound of my voice or may be considerable talk about this hate whom some would call a menace to so- viewing what is said that I am exceed- crimes law that was passed.
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