2021-2022 BCSS TIERING NUMBERS TIER NUMBERS ARE BASED ON SCHOOL POPULATION AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 AS SUBMITTED TO MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ON THE 1701 REPORT.POPULATION NUMBERS FROM GRADE 10, 11 & SECONDARY UNGRADED ARE TOTALED AND MOVED FORWARD ONE YEAR TO DETERMINE BCSS TIERING NUMBERS Schools Girls Boys Combined Totals A L Fortune Secondary 47 45 92 A.R. MacNeill Secondary 132 162 294 Abbotsford Christian School 84 70 154 Abbotsford Senior Secondary School 232 323 555 Abbotsford Traditional Senior Secondary 105 116 221 Aberdeen Hall Senior 47 40 87 Agassiz Elem-Secondary 50 45 95 Alberni District Secondary 208 198 406 AlderGrove Community Secondary 112 136 248 Alpha Secondary 206 209 415 Anchor Academy (DL) 70 66 136 Archbishop Carney ReGional Secondary 105 105 210 ArGyle Secondary 237 244 481 ASCEND Online Distributed LearninG PrG. 24 23 47 AspenGrove School 20 24 44 Ballenas Secondary 167 171 338 Barriere Elementary-Secondary 31 44 75 Belmont Secondary 347 332 679 Bodwell HiGh School 52 62 114 Boundary Central Secondary 29 32 61 Brentwood ColleGe 123 126 249 Britannia Community Secondary 116 131 247 British Columbia Christian Academy 28 31 59 Brockton Preparatory School 14 21 35 Brookes Westshore 27 32 59 Brooks Secondary 136 140 276 Brookswood Secondary 192 184 376 Bulkley Valley Christian School 11 21 32 Burnaby Central Secondary 225 297 522 Burnaby Mountain Secondary 259 277 536 Burnaby North Secondary 289 322 611 Burnaby South Secondary 273 312 585 Burnsview Secondary 163 177 340 Byrne Creek Community Secondary 178 203 381 Caledonia Secondary 170 183 352 Campbell River Christian School 18 22 40 Cariboo Hill Secondary 92 100 192 Carihi Secondary 209 193 402 Carson Graham Secondary 240 265 505 Cedar Community Secondary 51 49 100 Cedars Christian School 25 23 48 Centennial Christian School 11 16 27 Centennial School 311 368 679 Charles Bloom Elementary Secondary 52 55 107 Charles Hays Secondary 127 138 265 Chase Elementary-Secondary 32 39 71 Chatelech Secondary 99 78 172 Chemainus Secondary 48 60 108 Chetwynd Secondary 66 60 126 Chilliwack Secondary 350 358 708 Claremont Secondary 245 273 518 Clarence Fulton Secondary 106 126 232 Clayton HeiGhts Secondary 206 227 433 Clearwater Secondary 38 38 76 Coast Mountain Academy 4 7 11 Coast Tsimshian Academy 12 11 23 ColleGe HeiGhts Secondary 125 117 242 CollinGwood School 128 111 239 Correlieu Secondary School 224 231 455 Cowichan Secondary 221 280 501 Credo Christian Schools 59 59 118 Crofton House 209 0 209 D P Todd Secondary 106 127 233 D W Poppy Secondary 131 135 266 Dasmesh Punjabi School 38 54 92 David Stoddart 4 3 7 David Thompson Secondary - Invermere 76 88 164 David Thompson Secondary - Vancouver 213 267 480 Dawson Creek Secondary 203 195 398 Deer Lake SDA School 22 24 46 Delta Secondary 210 225 435 Delview Secondary 142 121 263 Desert Sands Community School 34 28 62 Dover Bay Secondary 265 253 518 Dr Charles Best Secondary 391 343 734 Duchess Park Secondary 200 214 414 Duncan Christian School 32 40 72 EaGle River Secondary 20 21 41 Earl Marriott Secondary 355 391 746 Ebenezer Canadian Reformed School 22 12 34 Ecole des Pionniers 32 35 67 Ecole de l'Anse-au-sable 12 13 25 Ecole Gabrielle-Roy 24 35 59 Ecole secondaire Jules-Verne 45 64 109 Ecole Victor-Brodeur 42 37 79 Edward Milne Community School 149 142 291 ElGin Park Secondary 240 283 523 Elkford Elementary Secondary 31 31 62 Elphinstone Secondary 94 103 197 Enver Creek Secondary 288 301 589 Eric Hamber Secondary 316 271 587 Esquimalt HiGh 154 176 330 Fernie Secondary 59 59 118 Fleetwood Park Secondary 287 319 606 Fort Nelson Secondary 49 45 94 Fort St James Secondary 60 50 110 Frances Kelsey Secondary 172 175 347 Frank Hurt Secondary 251 312 563 Fraser Academy 26 29 55 Fraser HeiGhts Secondary 252 281 533 Fraser Lake Elem-Secondary 37 20 57 Fraser Valley Adventist Academy 26 26 52 Garibaldi Secondary 172 203 375 GeorGe Elliot Secondary 156 197 353 GeorGes P Vanier Secondary 236 267 503 GidGalanG Kuuyas Naay 29 24 53 Gladstone Secondary 168 206 374 GleneaGle Secondary 263 282 545 Glenlyon Norfolk School 56 61 117 Gobind Sarvar School 8 19 27 Gold River Secondary 18 22 40 Golden Secondary 49 56 105 Grand Forks Secondary 76 76 152 GudanGaay Tlaats'Gaa Naay 15 13 28 Guildford Park Secondary 243 296 539 Gulf Islands Secondary 128 128 256 GW Graham Secondary 300 313 613 HJ Cambie Secondary 91 105 196 Handsworth Secondary 328 285 613 Hazelton Secondary 61 72 133 HeritaGe Christian School 19 37 56 HeritaGe Woods Secondary 347 346 693 HiGhland Secondary 87 133 220 HiGhroad Academy 27 15 42 Holy Cross ReGional HiGh School 148 166 314 Hope Secondary 57 59 116 Houston Christian School 11 10 21 Houston Secondary 43 34 77 Howe Sound Secondary 202 214 416 HuGh Boyd Secondary 96 100 196 HuGh McRoberts Secondary 177 167 344 Immaculata ReGional HiGh School 53 39 92 Island Pacific School 0 0 0 J Lloyd Crowe Secondary 155 162 317 J N Burnett Secondary 179 172 351 J V Humphries Elem-Secondary 22 23 45 J.L. Jackson Secondary 0 0 0 Jaffray Elem-Jr Secondary 6 11 17 John Barsby Community School 100 135 235 John Knox Christian 23 34 57 John Oliver Secondary 157 267 424 Johnston HeiGhts Secondary 260 267 527 Kalamalka Secondary 114 122 236 Kamloops Christian School 14 29 43 Kamloops School of the Arts 56 25 81 Kelly Road Secondary 143 150 293 Kelowna Christian School 77 60 137 Kelowna Secondary 645 612 1257 Khalsa Secondary School (Surrey) 82 97 179 Killarney Secondary 313 318 631 KinG David HiGh School 46 46 92 KinG GeorGe Secondary 91 123 214 KinG's Christian School 21 23 44 Kitsilano Secondary 305 271 576 Kootenay Christian Academy 0 0 0 Kumsheen Elem-Secondary 11 10 21 Kwalikum Secondary 97 123 220 Kwantlen Park Secondary 256 285 541 L A Matheson Secondary 241 209 450 L V RoGers Secondary 180 176 356 Ladysmith Secondary 120 123 243 Lake City Secondary 212 248 460 Lake Cowichan Secondary 30 46 76 Lakes District Secondary 68 56 124 Lambrick Park Secondary 92 157 249 LanGley Christian 84 103 187 LanGley Fine Arts School 162 55 217 LanGley Fundamental Middle/Secondary Sch 115 103 218 LanGley Secondary 191 232 423 Lillooet Secondary 40 52 92 Lions Gate Christian Academy 24 17 41 Little Flower Academy 191 0 191 LoGan Lake Elementary Secondary 7 17 24 Lord BynG Secondary 282 241 523 Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary 328 358 686 Maaqtusiis Secondary 7 14 21 Mackenzie Secondary 33 36 69 MaGee Secondary 227 171 398 Maple RidGe Christian School 26 31 57 Maple RidGe Secondary 225 226 451 Maria Montessori Academy 16 21 37 Mark R. Isfeld Senior Secondary 194 196 390 Matthew McNair Secondary 129 177 306 McBride Secondary 11 13 24 MeadowridGe School 49 58 107 Mennonite Educational Institute 152 156 308 Merritt Secondary 110 105 215 Mission Senior Secondary 409 409 818 Moscrop Secondary 281 251 532 Mount Baker Secondary 226 246 472 Mount Boucherie Senior Secondary 409 436 845 Mount DouGlas Secondary 211 235 446 Mount Elizabeth Middle/Secondary 75 67 142 Mount Sentinel Secondary 46 62 108 Mountainside Secondary 39 52 91 MulGrave School 74 99 173 Nakusp Secondary 24 28 52 Nanaimo Christian School 42 49 91 Nanaimo District Secondary 269 308 577 Nechako Valley Secondary 89 82 171 New Westminster Secondary 447 422 869 NisGa'a Elementary Secondary 34 32 66 NorKam Senior Secondary 233 284 517 North Delta Secondary 229 285 514 North Island Distance Education 187 135 322 North Island Secondary 53 62 115 North Peace Secondary 312 319 631 North Surrey LearninG Centre 32 47 79 North Surrey Secondary 275 289 564 Northside Christian School 6 12 18 Notre Dame ReGional Secondary 156 136 292 Oak Bay Secondary 329 298 627 OkanaGan Mission Secondary 257 280 537 Osoyoos Secondary 44 41 85 Pacific Academy 87 99 186 Pacific Christian School 79 77 156 Pacific Coast School 24 15 39 Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry 25 24 49 Panorama RidGe Secondary 329 330 659 Parkland Secondary 104 109 213 Pemberton Secondary 39 49 88 Penticton Secondary 240 250 490 Peter Skene OGden Secondary 98 89 187 Phil & Jennie GaGlardi Academy 11 9 20 Pinetree Secondary 302 379 681 Pitt Meadows Secondary 172 146 318 Pleasant Valley Secondary 108 98 206 Point Grey Secondary 195 182 377 Port Hardy Secondary 46 56 102 Port Moody Secondary 238 278 516 Prince Charles Secondary 91 77 168 Prince GeorGe Secondary 230 275 505 Prince of Wales Secondary 207 235 442 Princess MarGaret Secondary - Penticton 120 138 258 Princess MarGaret Secondary - Surrey 282 276 558 Princeton Secondary 33 42 75 Queen Elizabeth Secondary 264 319 583 Queen MarGaret's 42 19 61 R C Palmer Secondary 113 129 242 R E Mountain Secondary 424 433 857 ReGent Christian Academy 50 48 98 ReGent Christian Online Academy 57 50 107 Revelstoke Secondary 75 72 147 Reynolds Secondary 247 260 507 Richmond Christian School 73 84 157 Richmond Secondary 230 265 495 Rick Hansen Secondary 156 226 382 Riverside Secondary 319 308 627 Robert Alexander McMath Secondary 228 257 485 Robert Bateman Secondary 227 228 455 RockridGe Secondary 183 177 360 Royal Bay Secondary 278 311 589 Rutland Senior Secondary 381 369 750 Sa-hali Secondary 187 239 426 Salish Secondary 245 193 438 Salmo Secondary 25 24 49 Salmon Arm Secondary 302 287 589 Samuel Robertson Technical Secondary 121 169 290 Sands Secondary 106 157 263 Sardis Secondary 311 339 650 Seaquam Secondary 240 286 526 SelfDesiGn LearninG Community (DL) 132 156 288 Selkirk Secondary School 94 96 190 Semiahmoo Secondary 334 351 685 Sentinel Secondary 251 229 480 Seycove Secondary Community 94 90 184 ShawniGan Lake 116 136 252 Similkameen Elem-Secondary 36 30 66 Sir Alexander Mackenzie Secondary 22 21 43 Sir Charles
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