15958 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 15, 1981 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS WHICH DIRECTION-THE Now, just between ourselves (laughter), do cratic" and scratch out the word "Socialist" DEMOCRATIC PARTY?-II you know any administrative officer that and let the two platforms lay there, and then ever tried to stop Congress from appropriat­ study the record of the present administra­ ing money? Do you think there has been tion up to date. HON. LARRY McDONALD any desire on the part of Congress to curtail Af~er you have done that, make your OF GEORGIA appropriations? mind up to pick up the platform that more IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Why, not at all. The fact is, that Congress nearly squares with the record and you will is throwing them right amd left, don't even have your hand on the Socialist platform; Wednesday, July 15, 1981 tell what they are for. <Laughter.) you would not dare touch the Democratic e Mr. McDONALD. Mr. Speaker, yes­ As to the subsidy-never at any time in platform. terday I shared with my colleague and the history of this or any other country And incidentally, let me say that it is not were there so many subsidies granted to pri­ the first time in recorded history that a the American people, part I of Alfred vate groups and on such a large scale. E. Smith's remarks to the Liberty group of men have stolen the livery of the And the truth is that every administrative church to do the work of the devil. League dinner here in Washington, officer sought to get all he possibly could, to D.C., over 45 years ago in January of expand the activities of his own office, and If you study this whole situation you will throw the money of the people right and find that is at the bottom of all our trou­ 1936. These remarks are true, stimu­ bles. This country was organized on the lating, timely, and especially provoca­ left. principles of a representative democracy, tive in view of the situation we find The fact of the matter is that most of the cases pending before the United States Su­ and you can't mix socialism or communism ourselves in today. preme Court revolve around the point of with that. They are like oil and water, they I am aware that there are those whether or not it is proper for Congress to · refuse to mix. among my colleagues who were devot­ tax all the people to pay subsidies to a par­ Incidentally, let me say to you that is the ed followers of Al Smith many years ticular group. reason why the United States Supreme ago, but for some reason they have de­ Here is another one: "We condemn the ex­ Court is working overtime, throwing the al­ serted Al Smith, for Al Smith put travagance of the Farm Board, its disas­ phabet out of the window, three letters at a principle and nation above party and trous action which made government a spec­ time. partisanship. It is interesting that Al ulator in farm products, and the unsound I am going to let you in on something else. policy of restricting agricultural products to How do you suppose all this happened? The Smith in the last half of his remarks the demands of domestic markets." young brain trusters caught the Socialist in points out correctly that if one puts Listen, and I will let you in on something. swimming and then ran away with their the Democratic platform of Franklin This has not leaked out, so kind of keep it clothes. (Laughter and applause.) D. Roosevelt beside the Socialist plat­ to yourself until you get the news. Now, it is all right with me, if they want form there is not a dime's worth of dif­ On the first of February we are going to to disguise themselves as Karl Marx or ference. And Al Smith says that is fine own 4,500,000 bales of cotton. The cost is Lenin, or any of the rest of that bunch, but with me, $270,000,000. I won't stand for allowing them to march And we have been such brilliant specula­ under the banner of Jackson or Cleveland. If they want to disguise themselves as tors that we are paying thirteen cents a (Applause.) Karl Marx or Lenin, or any of the rest of pound for it when you add storage and car­ that bunch, but I won't stand for allowing Now, what is worrying me is: Where does rying charges, and it can be bought in any that leave us millions of Democrats? My them to march under the banner of Jack.son one of the ten cotton markets of the South or Cleveland. mind is all fixed upon the convention in today for $11.50. Some speculators! June in Philadelphia. The committee on res­ I know that Al Smith would not be What about the restriction of our agricul­ olutions is about to report. The preamble to popular today with those who promise tural products and the demands of the do­ the platform is: everybody something for nothing, mestic market? Why, the fact about that is "We, the representatives of the Democrat­ with that nothing being the poor tax­ that we shut out entirely the foreign market, and by plowing under corn and ic party, in convention assembled, heartily payer, but as for me and my con­ wheat and the destruction of foodstuffs, endorse the Democratic administration." science, I shall follow Al Smith. Part food from foreign countries has been pour­ What happened to the recital of Jefferson II follows: ing into our American markets, food that and Jack.son and Cleveland when that reso­ Another one: "We promise the removal of should have been purchased by us from our lution was read out? Why, for us it is a government from all fields of private enter­ own farmers. washout. There is only one of two things we prise (laughter), except where necessary to In other words, while some of the coun­ can do, we can either take on the mantle of develop public works and national resources tries of the Old World were attempting to hypocrisy or we can take a walk, and we will in the common interest." drive the wolf of hunger from the doormat, probably do the latter. NRA! A vast octopus set up by govern­ the United States of America flew in the Now, leave that platform alone for a little ment that wound its arms around all the face of God's bounty and destroyed its own while. What about this attack that has been business of the country, paralyzed big busi­ foodstuffs. There can be no question about made upon the fundamental institutions of ness and choked little business to death. that. this country, who threatens them, and did Did you read in the papers a short time Now, I could go on indefinitely with some we have any warning of this threat? Why, ago where somebody said that business was of the other planks. They are unimportant, you don't have to study party platforms, going to get a breathing spell. <Laughter.) and the radio time will not permit it. But you don't have to read these books, you What is the meaning of that? And where just let me sum it up this way: regulation of don't have to listen to professors of econom­ did that expression arise? I will tell you the Stock Exchange and the repeal of the ics. You will find the whole thing incorpo­ where it comes from. Eighteenth Amendment, plus one or two rated in the greatest declaration of political It comes from the prize ring. When the minor provisions of the platform that in no principle that ever came from the hand of aggressor is punching the head off the way touched the daily life of our people man-the Declaration of Independence and other fellow, he suddenly takes compassion have been carried out, but the balance of the Constitution of the United States. on him and gives him a breathing spell the platform was thrown in the waste­ Always have in your mind that the Consti­ before he delivers the knockout wallop. basket. About that there can be no question. tution and the first ten amendments were Here is another one (laughter): "We con­ And let us see how it was carried out. drafted by refugees and by sons of refugees, demn the open and covert resistance of ad­ Make a test for yourself. by men with bitter memories of European ministrative officials to every effort made Just get the platform of the Democratic oppression and hardship, by men who by Congressional committees to curtail the party and get the platform of the Socialist brought to this country and handed down to extravagance and expenses of government party and lay them down on your dining­ their decendants an abiding fear of arbi­ (laughter) and improvident subsidies ren­ room table, side by side, and get a heavy trary, centralized government and autocra­ dered to private interests." lead pencil and scratch the word "Demo- cy. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. July 15, 1981 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 15959 There are just three principles and in the away from it and dodges away from it and gal son, and to follow his example <laughter, interest of brevity I will read them. I can tries to put something over in contradiction cheers and applause).
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