JK Reports 4141 New Positive Cases, 189836 Recovered So

JK Reports 4141 New Positive Cases, 189836 Recovered So

!(%!&#%)"%$* !!! #&$$%$#%!!%& !%)$%"$" $ !' $$$%)(% (%!&%%! $)$% #$$ #(!%#!!"$#! &#$ JAMMU, MONDAY, MAY 17 , 2021 VOL. 37 | NO.135| REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00 LT GOVERNOR VISITS GMC JAMMU Suspected Pakistani drone Directs for hiring additional Paramedical staff, ensuring proper availability of all medicines, nutritious meals, round- spotted along IB in Jammu <?12? (20B?6AF <?02 ''.0 (.;1=<96026;.C.@A the-clock care of patients, food and water for attendants .?2./2AD22;&.;05).996 .;02<32.?962?16?20A6<;@6; @B@=20A21 &.86@A.;6 .;1 ".96F.9 ./<BA ''.0 09B16;4 ?24B9.? ?<B;1@ <3 1?<;2 D.@ @22; 5<C2?6;4 :2A2?@ 3?<: A52 A52F <@.;1@2;6<?1<0A<?@6; .9<;4 A52 ;A2?;.A6<;.9 @.61 :.@@6C2@2.?05<= .::B .;1 !.@5:6? 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