H No man gets more out of life than what he puts in.”—Anon. I m u m t m 1111111 u i n: i ii m 1111 m 11111 j m i m h i M m i r 1111 m 11111: u m 11 n m < m i: n >:i 11 i i w. 1 1 | SHIRE TOWN OF ] I AROOSTOOK TIMES 1 April 13, 1860 to f 1 AROOSTOOK COVNTY j 1 December 27, 1916 f HOULTON TIMES “ ni min ii mi i, i nun mi in i im; in n m i * duty Library VOLUME LX1II HOULTON, MAINE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1923 N I’M HER THREE The msuiy friends of William Ross WOMAN’S ALLIANCE HOULTON MUSIC CLUB Miss Alice1 ('lough accompanied her will bo pleased low that ho is re­ father, Oscar Clough, on his regular There was a large' attendance a’ Forty members of the Music- Club CUSTOMS RULING covering fro. .mums operation at business trip through the- northern LARGE ACREAGE the' meeting given under the Unitar­ enjoyed the hospitality of the hostess tho Madigan lm. ,utal. part of the county. ian Woman's Alliance' at tile1 Uiii(ar Mrs. Janies Palmer last Thursday eve­ DRASTIC ACTION Tho noxt n-gulat mooting of the ian ediureli on Wedne'sday afternoon ning at her home on Pleasant street. Rev. H. E. Dunnaek, State Librarian, BEING SIGNED UP Rotary Club on Friday night at Wat­ at 2.30 p. m. After tile1 business meeting Miss was in town Thursday and attende 1 son Hall will ho Farmers night when Mrs. F. A. Peabody pre-sided and Margaret Monaghan gave a short read tiie installation of the' o!!ie-ers of Rock- abi'tna Lodge1, I. (). (). I-'. IN THE COUNTY FOR AROOSTOOK it is exported that there will he a after welcoming the1 guests site intro­ ing on the life of Amy Woodford Fin speaker present from out of town who duced Rev. Ueorge S. Cooke1 who gave .den and pre'sented the following pro­ Mrs. Frank M. Hume left Monday will have something to say that will a most instructive ami interesting gram : for Portland with hew two daughters Organization of Co-operative Vehicles Coming Into County interest all present. lead u re on Zionism and what the Piano Solo: Simplicity J. R. Morris Elizabeth and (’orris where they have* Miss McKay taken tin apaitment for the winter. lloulton friends will learn with in­ Zionists are accomplishing in Pal*s- from Canada Must Report I ha no I diet : Spanish Dance Marketing Going Strong terest of the marriage of Eugene J. t i lie1. Mrs. Maud Lowrey. daughter of Mr. .Many of the teaedmrs were pres-uit M. Mosgkow.-ki Harrigan. son of Mr. and Mrs. .John and .Mrs. A. E. Astle of this town, was in ail Sections or Have Entry Permit and enjoyed his lecture. Mr. Cook' .Mrs. Pears.m and .Mrs. Davenport Harrigan, all former residents ot this elect eel president of tin* Bate*s Alumni is giving a series of lectures on ill’s Y<r a! Solo: Less Than the Dust at a recent nmeting of the asso iat ion In an effort to prevent liquor run­ town now living in Danvers. Mass., to Carilmu. January 16. 1923 With subject wliiedi are proving m >st in­ Mrs. Hod gins in Poston. ning from New Brunswick to Maine, Miss Mary Margaret Krim which took twenty-three districts thoroughly or­ teresting. (Accompanied by .Mr. Souerquist i and other infractions of the laws, the place at the home of tin bride in Mil Word received from Mr. and Mrs. ganized as to District Committee's, A fine musical program was render­ Yoea 1 Solo: la) Kashmiri United States government has issued ton. Mass.. Jan. litli. S. L. White, who are spending tin* and witli canvassing t ams moving ed as follows: Trio by .Mrs. Margar. t (1)1 Till 1 W ake new instructions to its customs offici- Elty Union and his sister 1 ‘uu 1 in - winter with frie nds in California, state steadily trom the towns out on tin* Cotton. Mrs. Thaddeus Urant ami Mr. Soderquist that they have purchased a line build­ als along the border. tormerly of this town have been visit- various roads, the prospects for tlm Mrs. Emmons Robinson with .Miss (Accompanied by Miss Buzz.ell i ing lot in Santa Paula. successful completion of tin* campaign While this is'primarily to prevent ing with their aunt Mrs. \\ . L. So il) Helen M eKay at the piano. Whistling Chorus rehearsal was held after the .Viss Union Mrs. U. A. Andrews of Watervill of organization for tlm Maim* Potato the importation of liquor it is going to nor on Washburn street solo by .Mrs. Anna French Uoodridge pr< igra m. Isle while' Mr is at the home* of her parents Mr. and (I row ers Exchange, are very bright. work a great hardship on Aroostook now lives in Presque I with violin accompaniment by Mrs. The regular club meeting was po-t- Union lias boon doing civil engineer- .Mi's. I). W. Davis for a few weeks be­ Twenty thousand acres have been county for the people who are law Edward Wilkins and .Mrs. Alargar ■! p1 med one week later, the' date1 b ing ing work on a Uovernmont survey in fore going to Pristol, Conn., where she signed up to da'e and tin* organiza­ abiding and who respect the regula­ Cott.m at the piano. Fell. 1st witji Miss Knox hostess. the Canadian Northwest. will make her future borne. tion must obtain thirty Hiousand more tions of the Government, but like all At the close of the lecture ail gim-i- Next Thursday ('veiling a rehearsal before reaching its minimum acreage laws they are obliged to be made and en joyed refreshments consist ing of Ink vi!l be held with Mrs. Fairbanks at limit of fifty thousand acres. With enforced io meet the violators and CLUB HONORS A rolls, coffee, cake and sandwiches. 7..'hi o'clock. Each member is urge 1 HCULTCN BOARD tin* type of support which tin* organ­ those who have no intention of break­ The (dum b and parlor were decorated to be pres -lit. DEPARTING MEMBER ASSOCIATED CHARITIES ization is now receiving, from bank­ ing the laws have to pay the penalty. with red geraniums and .Mrs. Walter Members of the Meduxnekeag Club At a nmetiu lik'd by .Mrs. Annie ers, business men and nmrclmiHs, as The instructions in part follow: Cary and .Mrs. Llewellyn Powers lour­ .Miss Rose Dtmovan returned last answered strong to the call Friday Barnes a mv week ago the lloulton well as promiimnt growers, it is pr- - “Referring to sections 439 and 4■>** ed and M rs. Walter If. Clark wa ■ W'-ek from Portland when1 she lias evening for a get-together in honor Board of Associat d Charitie-.- was dieted that there will not )e much New Tariff, the driver or person in e hairnian of a competent corps o been spending a number of months of Dr. F. II. Bridgham who is 1 giving org; nized and t he following oTie-'Ws difficulty in securing tin* n acre- charge of any motor car or other ve­ waiters. with her aunt Mrs. Lyselli. She will Were elected : age. hicle, is now obliged to report to the this week for Fort land. l'osi me her duties at the First Nation- There was no sot program lint the nearest customs officer when arriving Panic this week. Lou McLeod, president: ('ora Put­ Af th(‘ second official meeting of the Norris C. Esmbrooke, who ivp;v- in the United States, whether he lias evening proved to be a most enjoy­ .Mrs. Wendell Hand left Thursday nam. secretary and treasurer: and Urn Uetteral Exi'cutiv<* Organization Com­ able one for besides a rubber game. sents the New England Lifo In urame any baggage or merchandise on board night for Atchison, Kansas, where lew following committee was appointed ;.> mittee*. field in Pr<*sque* Isle. Jail. 13. 1 doctor Com pa ny in Houlton, lias 1).'(‘ii liono -or not. And the person in charge of Youth vs Old Age, in which tin husband has a line position with tie1 draw up a constitution and by-laws: a eompli te summary of tin* compaign took part, there was luncheonin and ed by Deiing invited to a fi mr \vn. !>: any craft of under five tons must like­ l’illslmry Flour Co. and wlmre they Mrs. Annie M. Barnes, James C. Mai - was made and reviewed fiy tin* Com­ smoker besides a presentation, and in course of i nst m et ion in his; w■ () V k i wise report, if he has anything on will make their home, Mr. Hand lias igan, Dr. F. W. Mann. Miss Carrie mittee. showing tin* steadv progress took a Post on w it h expense s paid. a lid w i board. Failure to report means a pen­ the latter tin* doctor again been there1 for some1 weeks after tak­ Hogan. .Mrs Janms Dougherty and made* in the campaign, sim-e* the be­ lea \'e for tli a i city the las t of tk alty of $100, and frontier custom-; prominent part. ing a Military training course1 in Okla- Captain Pern-tt. ginning of the campaign oil Nov. Ism The game1 was the climax of an mom !i. Idle n* are t<> be t wo n ‘Pi1' officers have no right to waive said boma under direction of tin* F-deml On Saturday evening the associa­ Among tin- bankers who have* signed to tlm s e n t a t i v i * s f rcm each gi amr; il ;i g.
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