CHOICE '68 INVITATIONAL MEET OPENS (See Page 4) THEREVIE (See Page 11) 90th YEAR OF PUBLICATION_ VOL. 90 NO. 32 UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, NEWARK, DEL. FRIDAY, FEB. 23, 1968 SGA Mock Convention Rules Announced Final rules and state as­ on the membership in delega­ (Sigma !'.u), Oklaho ~na (Rus­ signments were announced for tions ex~ept that the delegates sell C), Oregon (Commuters), the Student Government Asso­ must indicate their preference Pennsylvania (West F), and ciation-sponsored Mock Con­ for one or the other national Rhode Island (Commuters). vention Wednesday evening. parties; and may only partici­ Tentative dates for separate pate in the convention activities South Carolina (Giltrert A), Democratic and Republican of that party. South Dakota (Squire), Tennes­ conventions have been set for (4) The steering committee see (Alpha Tau Omega), Texas April 26, 27, 2S. A general will turn over the management student election on candidates (Gilbert D), Utah (Commut­ of the conventions to the Re­ er), Vermont (Sigma Phi Ep- from the two conventions will publican and Democratic or­ be held on April 30. silon), Virginia (New Castle),-· ganizations on campus (for the Washington (Commuters), West According to Virginia Strand, purpose of the mock conven­ ASO, co-chairman of the SGA VIrginia (West B), Wiscon­ tiOns, Republicans and Demo­ sin (Harrington D), Wyomine; Mock Convention Committee, crats w1ll be as defined in Rule (Colburn), Puer"to Hico (West "The purpose of the Democra­ Two), E); and Virgin Islands (Phi tic and Republican Mock ·Con­ (5) The steering committee Kappa Tau). ventions are to stimulate a 'real wHl provide for a general stu­ world' political situation." dent election and make final decisions on inclusions on the SPECIFIC PURPOSE ballot. Review Editors "The specific purpose is to ASSIGNMENTS give the students at the Uni­ Go To Observe. versity of Delaware experience State assignments as picked in practical politics." The other at a Feb. 15 meeting . of the committee co-chairman is Rob convention committee are: N.H. Primary BEST DRESSED COED Lynn Jaggard, poses in t}le evening Graham, ASO. gown that she modeled in the contest last Wednesday night. Miss Al abama (Hart-er), Alaska Jag·gard will go on to compete for th.e national title in the com­ Five general guidelines and (Sussex), Arizona (We~t C), Ar- petition sponsored by Glamour magazme. rules were established at the kansas (Commuters), Califor­ An eyewitness look at the Staff Photo By Fred Sinter Wednesday evening meetmg: nia (West A), Colorado (Rus­ !'.ew Hampshire presidential (1) State assignments have sell B), Connecticut (Sharp), primary will appear in next been alloted to dormitories, Delaware (Gilbert E), District Tuesday's Heview. fraternities, and the commut­ of Columbia (Kappa Alpha), er's association on a random Florida (Gilbert C), Georgia Review staffers Tom Dav­ Lynn Jaggard Wins basis. Convention vot~s will be ies (feature editor) and Erich (Alpha Epsilon Pi), and Hawaii assigned according to the num­ (Cannon). Smith (news editor) left for !'.ew ber of delegate votes alloted Idaho (Sypherd), Illinois Hampshire Wednesday evening by the National party commit­ (Kent), Indiana (Delta Tau Del­ and will return with their tees for the 1968 conventions. ta), Iowa ( West D), Kansas account of the New England 'Best Dressed' Title presidential race scene as it The steering committee of the (Commuters), Kentucky (Gll­ appears -two weeks from the A generally applauded a clothing and t~xtiles major. SGA will accept trades of bert F), Louisiana (Russell choice, Lynn Jaggard, EDl, state a~signments submitted Mar. 12 primary. Jose.ph McCool, BE9, and A), Maine (Hussell E), Mary­ was judged Delaware's best in writing by delegation lead­ land (Harrington A), Mass- graduate student-dormitory di­ Davies commented "The out­ dressed coed during the AWS ers. achusetts (Harrington B), rectors Hal Measley, of Har­ come of this primary would be· 'sponsored contest for Glamour (2) The individual "states" Michigan (Harrington E), magazine, Wednesday evening. rington A, and Ted Crary, of especially significant to thoRe will assign their own delegates Mississippi (Brown), Missouri Individually representing Sharp, wielded vote.s on ,be­ candidates who are challeng­ and delegation leaders. (Lambda Chi Alpha), and their dormitories, seventeen half of Delaware's men. mg party favorites, especially Montana (Belmont). coeds were compared wearing Delaware's best dressed co­ PREFERENCES 1-tomney and McCarthy. In Mc­ typical campus outfits, off­ ed last year was Dee D'Amico, (3) The steering committee •'' Carthy's case, his victory in campus daytime outfits, and ED9. will impose no qualifications OTHER STATES the primary would open up tf1e party dresses before a stand­ !liebra.ska (Gilbert B), Nevada possibility of unseating Presi­ ing room crowd in the Rodney {Thompson), New Hampshire dent Johnson." Room. I(Smyth), New Jersey (Russell "We will try to give Re- The candidate from Thomp­ Vietnam Volunteer In), New Mexico (Theta Chi), VIew reauer s some idea of how New York (Warner), !loorth son, Miss Jaggard is a secon­ students are involved in the dary education major in Eng­ Carolina (Pi Kappa Alpha), New Hampshireprimary,"con­ lish with a strong interest in North Dakota (Squire), ·Ohio cluded Davies. fashion journalism. First run­ Discusses War ner-up, Sarah Anne (Sam) Ma­ cuga, ASO, was the nominee Prolonged fighting in Viet­ who participated in the r ecent of the women of Harrington nam will serve only to weaken battles in Hue, Saigon, and oth­ C. J ane Berg, NU9, from Gil­ Asia 's most effective buffer er cities, Myers suggested that bert D, was second runner­ against Communist Chinese the civilians of South Vietnam up. De se r ving the honorable agression, according to Wil­ "will tend to r emember longest mention they received were liam Myers, a former Inter­ the planes that dropped born iJs Trevor J acks, ASO, of Ke nt , national Voluntary Services over their heads.'' and Jane Ruppel, ASl, of Ca n­ member. CAREFREE AJ"TITUD E non. Speaking to a crowd of over Myers directed much of his Criteria for the judgingwere one hundr ed persons in the cr it,cism toward the Saig-on s ummarized by AWS mis tress Ewing Room Monday after­ government and suggested that of ceremonies Nancy Sobolew­ noon, Myers commented on the General Ky would use the re­ s ki, ASS , as "exhibiting style reactions of the Vietnamese cent devastations in Vi etn a m's Jnd flair" and "being photo­ civilians to American involve­ major cities as opportunities to genic, " ment in the war and also on the win r espect for the government Women judges were SGA effect of this involvement on through a system of recovery president Nan Nutwell , ASS, the government of South Viet­ projects. In order to enhance .OUR ME~ IN NEW HA MPSHIRE, Eri ch Smi th (I . ) a nd Tom AWS vice -president Pat Tate, nam. his own power, Myers claimed Davres, recerve word that they won't have to h itch h ike to the EDS, and Gayle Gor msen, HES, Quot ing letters from fr iends New Hampsh ire _primary. They are traveling by camel. (Continued to P age 6) Staff Photo By Shaun Mullen - - - - - - - .... __ , - FRIOAY, FEB. 23, 1968 Actresses' Ta Ients Await A WS Playhi/1 Talent scouts and girl watch­ eligible for competition. Ac­ will be scored for music, ers will be in full force next cording toJe!lnine Bianco, ASO, theme, special effects, quality. week for the 19th annual Wom­ director of Harrington B's and taste. en's Playbill. playbill, "Oklahoma!" and The two-night compet-ition New for the 1968 competi­ "Macbeth" are to be among tion are awards in the follow­ also provides frustrated ac­ this year's presentations. ing categories: best script, best tresses a once-a-year chance "Bonnie and Clyde" is also actress, best overall perfor­ at fame, fortune and fun. rumored to be on the program. mance, and best use of cos­ Sponsored by the Associa­ Originality and creativity are tume and scenery. The tradi­ tion of Women Students and open the pr.imary standards used to tional first, second and third to women's residence halls, judge each performance. Ac­ places will stiU be,judged. Al­ this year's p~aybill has 17 cording to Alexandra van Bev­ so new this year is a $6 en­ entries. Parodies, take-offs, er, ED9, overall campus play­ try fee to cover costs. POOL TABLES AND PADDLEBALL c ·OURTS. will soon .be and original scripts are all bill chairman, specific points populated by women students partaking inthe WAAsponsored lessons in these sports, Each dorm must complywith Staff Photo By Freel Sinter, standards set by AWS. No more than $15 may be spent on the en­ Pool, Paddleball University Senior ~erits tire production, and the only . outside heip in building sets may come from brother dorms. Every script is subject to the WAA Teaches Woodrow · Wilson Grant approval of the overall chair­ man, and failure to comply re­ A University senior is among The Ford Foundation is con­ sults in disqualification. the best future college teachers t inuing its support of the re­ Playbill begins at 7 p.m. i~ q1e national ,according. t<? an. cruit·ing . and selection proce­ Monday and Tuesday in Mitch­ ~ Activities Girls a ~nouncement made last Mon­ dures of the Foundation through Unt.n recent~y Carpenter ell Hall. There is no admis­ of the fieldhouse. W AA decided day by the Woodrow Wilson an annual grant of $1.2 million Fieldhouse and the games area sion charge. it was time tor worn en to be­ National Fellowship Founda­ which also provides for 50 of the Student Center we re come famillar with the facill­ tion.
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