Orth Jersey's Only Weekly Pictorial- Magazine

Orth Jersey's Only Weekly Pictorial- Magazine

WEEK'S .MPLETE TELEVISION PROGRAMS THE SUNDAY ORTH JERSEY'S ONLY WEEKLY PICTORIAL- MAGAZINE Clifton ii:: •:"':' "•..`*•..:•?•'.`.•.``'''.`.•`•`•.``'•'<•...`•'•;`•'•i•*``•.``•'•`•%.•?•.:•`.•'.•1•`1`•.•`•.```.•.`:"•"• '•"•'•:*'"'""•"•'•'•"'"•:"'"":'"' '•:': st Paterson Fair Lawn ß ......:-.::::::: ::::.::: ... :.: :::;.:::..::::::::.:::::::::: .:::::.:::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================== ::::::::::., Garfield :.•i:i•i.::i•'i::':::!'i•!• i::ii?•.... ::" ili•i:.::::::::..?:i•:•::•....11".. :.11i:::::/:::::i'•?•!•!•i•.•?•i•.:•i•.*i•i•.•.•..•..•:•i•*.•i*.•ii•..• ?:::i::i::::?•'.:.: ..... *'""".............. """?i!:'iii :"':!::: Haledon :. * :....:: .::-:..::...:-::: :.:.:.-. ..%- .-.:.:....:..:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:•..:.. :...:.:....:.:.:.:.: :.:.:.:..:.:.:.:..: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.--. •.:.:.:.:.:.:•...:...:.-.:+:•.c..:•.:.:.:..-.: .'.'.:.•'c••.- ...-:-.-•.•'-:... 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WHITE' and SHAUGER, Inc. ß: -...,-'..:.::::.:'" :i:!...:•...;:.-.::'" ...... ..,f,...: '..j.. ...: ;;%%> ... ß A Good Name to Remember for - ..........." i ½: ..::::,.:-:.. ..:(':..?..•'• .' :' .---' II It ½7ß ..-:-;:----::",":'/..../.,..:.•:..•i•½..... t'::•i': . i .:.::......--, ...... :. ::::•...-.'-' :'i.•..'.j:';:...:.::-, ,,,:-. ... ;: . ß'- . FURNITURE ,. ..- l, .:.. ':' '"""'"- '•%i-':" - .- ..-<'•: "' ......7 ' ..•::.•*:,";:"':*-•::'' :..::;.":.? Living Room - Bed Room ' ß'_ - " '""- " ':' ' ....i'' .. ß ' "''-:-'....' ":'.,.:.!:'i::'::;.i!:i:-2::.': '"::::f'":::"":"' ........i-8:"'"""' '""""'':" ..-.:'i '!fi'" '" Dining Room -' :{i --.:•::.....ß ......... ',',--?:-:,:..'-- "-'-."-'"'/ -..' ....:-"-:':%2..'?".½:.:•::!::*::..:•:ii::.,..::E::...,: "•"<'....' RUGS AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY ' .. 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', •,,•'"• - %,,..%;• '-: ...• t ) ")• •, .:.:. .:"- ß ß . .• -'.. ), •.. ; ß .• ß ' ':i .. "' . .' • ' -• ' : ".'½. x; I. PA.RRILLO 200 EAST IgIDGEW•OOD AVENUE , '' . :•.. '""•.., "., . • ., :..',e .: .-. ,.. .•': .......-::-,,.k.... • '"'" ' "': '" i ' >"'•' RIDGEWOOD, N. J. ',' '......... •'....... .....: . .-.-::;...•-..'-:: ,,,,;.'' .:•h. • ....•,.'"•' ' ':.V,..:, •.-d•".C•J::•'"'....ß: ,; GI 5-3342 GI 4-9891 ;THANKSGIVINGDAY PARADER -- Thishuge spaceman will be . one of-the mammoth, helium.filled balloons which are a traditional 'part of. the annual Macy'sThanksgiving Day Parade,to be tcle- 'cast on the NBC-TV'Network Thursday, Hov. 26. ShirleyTe.rnple Lef fhe manfrom Equilablebring you peace of m:nd •and her children,on the storybookfloat, will lead the New York i holiday procession,which

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