United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Decision Record DOI-BLM-UT-Y0 10-201 5-0259-EA February 2018 Needles and Anticline Overlook Road Improvement Project, San Juan County, Utah Location: Canyon Rims Special Recreation Management Area, A’ioab, Utah Applicant: Bureau of Land Management - Moab Field Office and Federal Highways Administration - Central Federal Lands Highway Division U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Moab Field Office 82 East Dogwood Moab, Utah 84532 Phone: 435-259-2100 DECISION RECORD Envininnienlal Assessment I)O1-BLM-UT-Y0 10-201 5-0259-EA Needles and Anticline Road Improvement Project, San Juan County, U ta Ii It is my decision to authorize the reconstruction of the Needles and Anticline Roads, and to amend the BLM’s right-of-way (ROW) for these roads (UTU-15 126) as analyzed under the Proposed Action as mitigated in the environmental assessment (EA). The Proposed Action consists primarily of the repaving of the Needles Overlook Road and the paving of the curremiv graveled Anticline Overlook Road .AIso included in the Proposed Action is a minor reconfiguration of the existing Anticline Overlook Road intersection; the widening and paving of the parking area at the Anticline Overlook urea: paving of entrance areas to designated routes. campgrounds. and overlooks: necessary shouldering; miscellaneous culvert cleanings and extensions: rehabilitation of ditches along the roadway: spot slope flattening: removal of unnecessary guardrail: replacement/upgrade of remaining guardrail: striping of the roadway: and. appropriate SI tin nu Authorities: The authority for this decision is pursuant to Title V of the Federal Land 1761). Policy and Management Act of October21. I 976 (90 Stat. 2776: 43 U.S.C. Terms/Conditions/Stipulations: Potential resource conflicts were resolved through the applicant committed environmental protection measures incorporated into the Proposed Action. The applicant committed environmental protection measures are included as conditions of approval to this decision and are provided in Attachment A. PLAN CONFORMANCE AND CONSISTENCY: 2008 Moab Field Office Resource Management Plan (RMP) The Proposed Action has been reviewed and found to be in conformance with the terms and conditions of the Moab Field Office Resource Management Plan (RMP). approved October 2008. The Proposed Action is in conformance with the approved RMP based on the following: REC-14 (page 82) Continue to manage Kane Creek Road to l-lurrah Pass and the roads to Needles. Anticline. and Minor overlooks as Utah Scenic Backwuys. REC-36 Canyon Rims SRMA (page 85): Manage the Canyon Rims Special Recreation Management Area (SRMA)(l0l.531 acres) as a Destination SRMA to protect. manage and improve the natural resources of the area while allowing for recreation activities such as developed camping. visiting scenic overlooks, auto touring on the primary roadway system. touring the secondary roadway system by motorized vehicle and mountain hike, and hiking and backpacking the canyons (in accordance with the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) classes) utilizing interpretive and educational opportunities to realize the potential of the area.. • Focus Area -- Scenic Driving Corridors: Needles Overlook and Anticline Overlook Roads — Utah Scenic Backways. Manage for scenic driving enjoyment. The corL-idor is derned as having a width of 1/2 mile horn centerline (or to border of adjoining Focus Area) (REC-36. pages 85-86). 2008 Monticello Field Office Resource Management Plan (RMP) The entrance area to Canyon Rims SRMA is within the BLM Monticello Field Office. The 2008 Approved Monticello Field Office RMP does not state anything regarding the Canyon Rims SRMA or roads within the management area. Therefore, the proposed action is in conformance with the 2008 Approved Monticello Field Office RMP. San .Iuan County Master Plan The Proposed Action is not specilically mentioned in the 2008 San Juan County Master Plan, but the County Plan states the following goals and objectives relating to transportation: San •fuct,z County Transportation Plc,,i: o “It is the desire of San Juan County to have routes of travel accessible by motor vehicle for all users. including the elderly, physically handicapped and disabled, to gain access to the public lands.” o “It is San Juan County’s desire to provide access throughout the county to meet the needs of both residents and visitors for a wide variety 01’ purposes. These purposes range froni consumptive (mining. oil. gas. etc.) to recreational uses (hiking, biking. using ATVs. horseback riding. etc.) (San Juan County. 2008).” Alternatives considered: The LA considered two alternatives: the Proposed Action and the No Action Alternatives. Rationale for Decision: There is an identified need l’or improved transportation infrastructure in the Canyon Rims Special Recreation Management Area. The roads in question are Ltah State Scenic Backwavs. and service those seeking views of the surrounding scenery. which includes the Colorado River gorge and two units of’ Canyonlands National Park. These roads are generally travelled by those in passenger cars and vans, and improving the roads would serve their needs. The applicant committed environmental protection measures are adequate to prevent undue and unnecessary impacts to the environment. The Proposed Action is in conformance with management actions provided for in the Moab Field Office RMP and the Monticello Field Office RMP and consistent with BLM objectives o113 CFR 2800. A public comment period on the LA was held from February 28 through March 13. 2017. Two comment letters were received: one l’rom San Juan Counts’ in support of the project and the other from the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA). In its letter. SUWA pointed out that a small portion of the proposal was within the Bears Ears National Monument. which had been established on December 28. 2016 by Presidential Proclamation 9558. The EA was adjusted to reflect this fact and a second comment period was held on the revised LA. This second comment period was held from July 2— 17.2017. One comment letter was received from SUWA, The comments and responses to comments are presented in Appendix B. Table B2. No changes were made to the hA as a result of these comments. Subsequent to the second comment period, the boundary of the BENM was modified by Presidential Proclamation 9681 resulting in the Proposed Action no longer remaining within the BENM. As a result, text referencing the BENM was removed from the final EA. Protest/Appeal Language: This decision shall take ef’lèct immediatel’ upon the date it is signed b the Authorized Officer and shall remain in effect while an appeal is pendin unless the Interior Board of Land Appeals issues a stay (43 CER 3165.4). Any appeal of this decision must follow the procedures set forth in 43 CIR Part 4. Within 30 days of the decision, a notice of appeal must he liled in the office of the Authorized Officer at: Bureau of Land \lanagemem Moab Field Office 82 F Douwood Ave Moab. UT 84532 lfa statement of reasons for the appeal is not included with the notice. it must be filed with the Interior Board of Land Appeals. 0115cc of 1-learings and Appeals U.S. Department of the Interior. 801 North Quincy St.. Suite 300. Arlington. VA 22203 within 30 days after the notice of appeal is filed with the Authorized Officer. If you wish to file a petition for stay pursuant to 43 CPR Part 4.21(b). the petition for stay should accompany your notice of appeal and shall show sufficient justification based on the following standards: 1. The relative harm to the parties if the stay is granted or denied. 2. The likelihood of’the appellants success on the merits. 3. The likelihood of’ irreparable harm to the appellant or resources if the stay is not granted. and 4. Whether the public interest favors granting the sta. If a petition for stay is submitted with the notice of appeal. a copy of the notice of appeal and petition for stay must be served on each party’ named in the decision from which the appeal is taken, and with the IBLA at the same time it is tiled with the Authorized Officer. A copy of the notice of appeal. any statement of reasons and all pertinent documents must be served on each adverse party named in the decision from which the appeal is taken and on the Office of the Regional Solicitor. U.S. Department of the Interior. 6201 Federal Building. 125 South State Street. Salt Lake City, Utah 841 38-1 180. not later than 15 days after filing the document with the Authorized Officer and/or IBLA. 2%i Price, Field Manager Date ATTACHMENT A Conditions of Approval Needles and Anticline Road Improvement Project General Measures I. Speed limits will be posted and enforced to minimize the potential for collisions between wildlife and vehicles. 2. Temporary disturbance areas will be seeded at the appropriate time of year following construction with a BLM approved seed mix. 3. Appropriate Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be used to control sediment and stormwuter runoff from the disturbed areas. 4. Surface disturbance will be kept to the minimum required to install structures associated with the proposed project. Surface disturbance on side slopes on the edge of’ roadway would be avoided where possible. Cultural Resources 1. Design changes were implemented around site 42SA3 1564 such as elimination of temporary disturbance from slope flattening to the east to reduce disturbance. Permanent disturbance from 1111 material for slope flattening will still occur in the parcel but till will not cm er any site loci. 2. Site boundaries adjacent to work areas will be fenced for protection. 3. All activities in the staging area within the 42SA3 1566 site boundary will occur on previously disturbed areas.
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