• BUT LONDON COUNTY SUBURBS 518 BU'l'CHERS-continuerl. Cook Hy. & Co.890 Ga.rratl la. Tooting SW Fisher Hyman, 43a, Goldhawk road, Shep- Hammer E. 86 Old Hill st. Stk.Nwngtn N Bradban William Reginald, 175 Munster Cooke Jas.131Brackenbury rd.HamrsmthW herd's Bush W Hammer Julius, 4 York rd. Battersea SW road, Fulham SW Coppin James,276 Mitcham rd.Tooting SW Fisher Jas.53 Green lanes,StokeNewngtnN Hammer William, 93 Rendlesham road, Bradban W. R. 175 Munster rd.Fulhm SW Cordwell W. B. 44 Atlantic rd.Brixton SW Fitter Jn. S.& Son,~1 High ·st.LewshmSE Lower Clapton NE Bradley Frederick & Co. 22 Forest Hill Cornell Francis, 611 Battersea Park rd SW Floyd William, 8 The Parade, Marvels Hammett Bros. 118 Wandsworth Bridge road, East Dulwich BE Cornell Frank, 19 York rd. Batters-ea SW lane, Lee BE road, Fulham SW; 8 Salisbury pave­ Bradley Fdk. 92 Wells rd. Bydenham SE Cory William Henry, 293 Queen's rd. New Foley John, 115 Evelina rd. Peckham SE ment, Dawes road, Fnlham SW & 38 & Bradsell E. 211 Batte-rsea Park road SW Cross SE & 63 Akerman rd. Brixton SW Folkard Harry, 251 Battersea Park rd SW 60 Lavender hill, Battersea SW Bradsell John G. 49 York road, Battersea Cousin Morris, 52 Blackstock road N Foil John H. 84 Landor rd. Stockwell SW Hammett Richard Christmas, 16 & 138 SW & 281 Wandsworth road SW Coven H. A. 73 High et. Wandsworth SW Ford Henry & Co. Ltd.452 Brixton rd SW Northcote road, Battersea SW: 99 St. Bradshaw Henry Hugh, 19 Lordship lane, Cowan & Sons,394 Brockley rd.BrockleySE Fors a T.L.125Hamilton rd. W.Norwood SE .Ann's hill. Wandsworth SW: 44 Abbe­ East Dulwich SE Cox Herbert, 1 Ewhurst rd. Brockley SE Foster Edward, 26 Stuart rd. Peckbam SE villa road, Clapham SW; 2 Bexhill ter­ Brake Arth.17 Shrubbery rd. StreathamSW Cox Herbt. 134 Blackstock rd.Fnsbry.PkN Fountain & Son, 8 Bedford hill & 31 race, Merton road, Wandsworth SW & Brampton G.l65 Hillh st.StokeNewingtonN Craddock & Peters,29 Lewis gro.LwshmSE Balham High road, Balham SW; 185 139 Denmark road, Camherwell SE Brampton John, 98c, High st. Eltham SE Craddock Mrs. Kat.e,181 High st.PckhmSE Battersea Park road SW & 42 Grey­ Hammond E. 112 Heath st.HampsteadNW Bra11d Karl, 73 Lower Clapton road NE Oradock Albt.Hy.147 Larkhall la.OlphmSW hound road, Hammersmith W Hancock Arthur, 493 Hornsey road N Brent James, 10 Church lane, Charlton SE Crawford A.65 Old Dover rd.BlackheathSE Fountain Arth. 42 Greyhound rd. Ham­ Hanson John William & 8on, 58 Fortune Brewer Augustus,6Hinton rd.Herne Hl SE Creed Rt. Tho1. 22 Hildreth 11t.Balham SW mersmith W; 58 Fairfield street, Wands­ Green road, Kilburn NW Brewster Albt.Geo.15 Hare st. WoolwchSE Cridlan J. & Son Ltd. 60 Arohway road, worth 8W & 185 Battersea Park rd SW Hardstone F. 158 Rushey green,Catford SE Bridges W. 21i2 High road, Lee SE Upper Holloway N Foy Vincent, 33 Westoombe hl.Blckhth SE Hare George James & Co. 127 Trafalgar Bright F .G.10 Ritherdon rd. Up. TootingSW Cross John, 263 West End la.Kilburn NW Francis & Son, 235 Battersea Pk. rd SW road, Greenwich SE Briginshaw & Son, 349 Norwood road SE Crouch Richard,189 York rd.Battersea SW Franklin Alfd. ErnPgt, 222 UxbridgE> rdW Hare Frederick, 105 & 195 Trafalgar rd. Brinkworth Alfred George, 113 Fulham Crow Alfred, 62 Bell green, Sydenbam SE Franks .Tn. Fdk. 149 High st. Homrtn NF. Greenwich SE Palace road, Hammersmith W Crow William Batting, 11 Revelstoke rei. Fretter Hv. 33 Herbert rd. Plumstead SE Hare Joseph. 91 Bridge st. Greenwich SE Britton Mrs. Ann, 42 High st. Tooting SW Wandsworth SW Friday Rd.Geo.235Amhnrst rd.Stk.NwgtnN Harland Herbt. 17 Broadway, Eltham SE Broad Wm. 134 Lyham road, Brixton SW Croxford Herbert H. 78 Fnlham Palace Frost S. & Co. Ltd. 42 Brixton road SW Harlow Wm.Thos.5Carlton par.Hrne.HlSE Brockman W.S.41 Abbeville rd.ClaphmSW road, Hammersmith W Frost Wm. 44 Grove vale, E. Dulwich SE Harper Waiter, 775 Fulham road SW Brodbeck Charles, 131 Stephendale road, Oroxon W. B. 361 King st.HammersmtbW Fry V. N. 317 Stanstead rd.Forest Hill SE Harrington RobPrt James, 316 Munster Fulham SW Crump Bros. 191 Gipsy rd. W. Norwd 8E Fnchs Fredk. 301 Munster rd.Fulham SW road, Fulham SW Bromley Edwd.J.70Knight's hl.W.Nrwoi.SE Curling Frank, 122 High st. Eltham SE Galawitz Phil, 70 Downs Park rd. Hack- Harris Alfd. la, Wastdale rd.Forest HI BE Brown & Co. 12 The Pavement, Ladywell Dale Albert William, 259 New King's ney NE Harris George Benjamin, 53 South Island road, Lewisham SE road, Fulham SW Gardiner William Philip, 10 Staplehurst place, Brixton SW Brown Charles, 4 Holbeach rd.Catford SE Danells J.14 Replingham rd.WandswthSW road, Lewisham SE Harrie William Joseph, 3 Pavilion parade, BrownJn.Abrhm.2a & 4Durham rd.HllwyN Dangerfl.eld Albt. 165 Rth. Lambeth rd SW Garland H. 129' Catford hill, Catford SE Wood lane, Rhepherd's Bush W Brnce Chas.&Co.338Garratt la.WndswthSW Dangerfield Alfred, 106 King street, Ham- Garrett Henry 8. 62 High st. HiR"hllatt> N Harrison William, 148 High at.Pntney SW Buckingham Albt.G. 7 Muirkirk rd.CtfdSE mersmith & 340 Kilburn la.Maida HillW Gatfield & Co.9 Greyhound la.StreathmSW Harriss William George, 16 Lettsom st. Buckingham Jas. Thos. 598 Harrow rd W Daniel J. & Son, 59 Elthorne rd. Hornsey Gayes William D. 99 Stroud Green road N Camberwell SE Bull Benj. 150 & 152 High st.Peckham SE RiseN Gayler W.G.81 Elthorne rd.Hornsey RiseN Hart Chas. 175 Abbeville rd. Clapham SW Darbyshire Cornelius Watson, 303 Stan­ George Mrs.Mry.Jne. 100 Sydenham rd SE Hartnoll Arth. 43 Webb's rd.Battersea SW Bull Mike,68 Chatsworth rd.Low.OlaptnNE stead road, Forest Hill SE George Rd. 26 Brookwood rd.WndswthSW Harvey Arthur 8. 129 Lavender hill, Burkert Frdk. 763 Garratt lane,TootingSW Dartnall J.19North Cross rd.E.Dulwich SE' George Wm. 164b, Mitcham rd. Tooting SW Battersea SW Burkett L. 72 High street, Clapham SW Daubney James George, 48 Blackwall lane Burt<ln Harry, 62a, Brixt<ln road SW George Wm. 2 Trehe:me rd. N. Brixtn SW Harvey Geo. 147 Cronin rd. Peckham S.E & 61 Woolwich road, Greenwich SE Gibbs & Edmeads, 78 Askew road, Shep- Harvey Geo. 14 Havil st. Camberwell SE Burton Hy.111 Stephendale rd. Fulhm SW Davey Harry, 6 St. George'a parade, Perry herd's Bush W Harvev• Geo. 63 Hornbv• rd. Peckham SE Bush Edward, 51 Battersea Bridge rd SW hill, Catford SE Gibbs M. J. 328 Kilburn la. Maida Hill W Hassell Robt. H. 88 Grove rd.Holloway N Butcher P. 67 Eglinton rd. Plumstead SE Davey Thos. Wm. 12 Conway rd.PlmstdSE Gibbs Arth. 66 Wyndham rd.Cambrwll SE Hawes George & >Son, 56 High st. West Cager George William, 19 Balham hill SW Davie Thomas David, 1 Tranquil passage, Gi:fford A. C. 3 Bedford hill, Balham SW Norwood •SE; 45b, Streatham hill SW & Callis Thos. Stephen, 173 Uxbridge rd W Blackheath SE Gillett Herbert, 63 Clapham Park rd SW 249 Clapham road SW Cansick Alfd.H. 7 Dartmouth Park hi NW Davies Waiter Richard, 294 Upper Rich- Glock Albt. E. 22 Gibbon rd. Peckham SE Hawes Geo.133 & 134 Landor rd.Stckwl SE Capon Charles, 50 Baring road, Lee SE mond roR.d, Putney RW Glover Mrs.A. 220 High st.Stk.NewngtnN Hawthorne John, 1 Chatto rd.BatterseaSW Carpenter Jn. Jas.78 High st.Homertn NE Davis Walt.Alfd.llo Dorset rd.S.LmbthSW Godfrey J.23 Trinity rd. Upper Tooting SW Hayman Brothers. 248 Brixton road SW & CMpenter Percy,17Holyport rd. Fulhm SW Dawes Wm.Hy.70 Sedleigh rd.WndswthSW Godfrey 'Wm.Hy.75 Lennox rd.Fnsbry.PkN 5ti6 Streatham Hi~h roafi SW Cae11 Waiter, 1 Fernlea road, Balham SW Day B. 91 Balham High rd. Balham SW Gold Brothers, 79 Dartmouth rd. Forest Haynes & Son,28 Church st.Greenwich SE Caste!I F.l!l8Crysta1Palace rd. E.Dulwich f\E Dell Edward Albert, 295 Hornsey road N Hill ·SE & 104 Coldharbour la.CmbrwllSE Hayr Richard Selby & Charles, 95 Night- Catherine Jsph.Jn.70 Tanners hl.DptfrdSE Denchfield Mrs. Louise, 76 Gillespie road, Go1dsmith Herbert. 73 Winstan•ey road & ingale lane, Balham SW Cawthorne John, 30 Ellora rd. Strrhm SW Fin;,bury Park N :l!l Plou>rh road. Rattersea RW Hayward Fdk.13 Wa.!lis rd.Hckny.Wck NE -chadhon B. T. 23 Robsart st. Brixton SW DPtlllis Thos.& Son,llO Up.Clapton rd NE Goltenboth Chas.3Woolwich rd.WoolwchSE Head Frederick, 9 Burnt Ash road,Lee BE Chalk & Cox, 3 & 5 Dartmouth road ; 16 Dennis John Turner, 434 High rd. Lee SE Goodrum Fredk.l47Lavender hl.Bttrseai:l\\< Hearn & Sons, 71 Emmanuel road; 19 Wastdale road & 46 Perry vale, Forest DPnton G. H. 258 Brol'klt>v. rd.BrocklevSE. Gorham Bros. 620 Streatham High rd SW Chestnut grove & 49 Balham hill, Bal­ Hill SE; 619 Lordship lane, East Dul­ Dewey Mrs. Esther. 12 High Hill ferry, Gorton Walt.Jn. 4 Bellenden rd.PeckhmSE ham SW; 70 Moyser road, Streatham & wich SE; 13a, Kirkdale, Sydenham SE; Upper Clapton NE Gosling William Edward, 21 Brandram 149 Franciscan road, Upper Tooting SW 13 & 15 Rushey green, Catford SE & DicksQn H. 107 Streatham High road SW road, Lee SE Hearn John Norman, 275 Cavendish road 122 Rye lane, Peckha.m SE Digweed Sidney Geo.167 High st.Plmstd•SE Gowlett Herbert, 557 Finchley roail NW & 87 Bedford hill, Balham SW Challen Bros.260 West End la.KilburnNW Dixon Edwin & Co.
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