One’s Love of His Home Town Should Friday Cloudy. Temp. 51 at 10 A. M. Inspire Him To JJecome a Sun Rises 7.05. Sets 4.33 "Subscriber To His Home Town Paper Day’s Length 9 Hours 28 Minutes Vol. X X IX OCEAN GROVE, N. J.,.FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 , 1921. No. 48 GET A PAIR OF SKATES NAME HOUSE COMMITTEE MOCK TRIAL LAST NIGHT ifM i Y A M E SS MEASURE GROVE TO HAVE NEW ON LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM MR. AND MRS. COOPER PLEASES BIG AUDIENCE A Rare Opportunity For Bright m Boys and Girls. Five members of the Assembly of Charged with violent and atrocious the incoming legislature were nanied NOW IN THE WEST assault on' an inoffensive golf ball, Attention is directed to a notice FIRE ALARM SIGNAL last Friday' by Speaker-elect Row­ C. M. B ragg was made the defend­ in the advertising columns of this pa­ land, of .Camden county, as members ant in an amusing mock trial at St. per saying that any boy or girl who of a committee to confer with a’ like Paul’s church last evening. Officers OPINION IS WRITTEN BY brings in ten new subscriptions for BIG WHISTLE OPERATED BY committee of the Senate on the legis­ TELL OF THE WONDERS OF Megill and Hill lodged complaint The Times on or before the twentieth lative program for the 1922 session. against Mr. Bragg, who was ably de­ JUSTICE MINTURN day of December will receive an order COMPRESSED AIR The committee consists of Assem­ THE ROYAL GORGE fended by Attorneys Reznor Ward for a pair of the celebrated Nestor blymen William T. Evans, of Passaic and Sanford Flint. For the prosecu­ Johnson $7.00 tubular hockey or rac- county, the Republican floor leader; tion Attorneys Will Duncan and ing"ice skates or a pair of Spalding George S. Hobart, of Essex; Arthur Boulders Weighing Hundreds of Harold Bills appeared. Provision Barring , jiu y Trials Is roller skates. The order will be filled Contract Is Executed With the N. Pierson, of Union; George W. Lot R. Ward presided as chief by John F. Seger, Asbury Park. Guthrie, of Mercer, and Speaker Tons Seem To Be Balanced On justice. On the bench assisting were Upheld, AI30 Sections Relating Here is an opportunity for ambi­ Gamewell Company For Its In­ Rowland. Claire Cyphers, George C. Pridham, tious boys and girls to obtain a pair The speaker-el.ect also announced Eugene A. Edgar, William Lyle and To Search and Seizure, Although stallation Within the Next Foijr the stationery committee for the 1922 a Hair, and If a Sparrow Alight­ Dr. Moston. The “twelve good men of these skates for a Christmas pres­ I ent. And what better Christmas gift Months At a Cost of $2,500—To session: Assemblymen Guthrie, of ed On Them Would Come and true” were. H. A. Walton, fore­ Search Cannot Be Made Except than a pair of the well-known Johnson Mercer, chairman; Willard T. Gibbs, man; Mrs. M. A. Hudson, William skates? All of the racing and fancy Be Used In Conjunction Witjh Camden; John W. Clift, Union; Harry Tumbling Down — Sightseeing Woolley, Miss Dorothy Reeves, Al­ Upon Oath of Complainant That skaters use the Johnson skates. Runyon, Warren, and Frank H. .Welsh, fred Brown, Victor Chamberlain, There are no conditions attached to Present Bell System. • Hunterdon. In Salt' Lake City and Seattle. Mrs. -M. J. Holmes, Mrs. Leon Ridge­ . He Has the Proof. this offer, except that the subscrip­ way, Charles F. Kenyon, Miss Daisy tions must be those of new patrons RESIGNS TO GIVE ANOTHER, Dr. and Mrs. Frank C. Cooper, of Height, Miss Elizabeth Johnson and Last Friday the New Jersey Su­ and that the cash must accompany the Within about four months—to be the Arlington hotel, are now fairly Mrs. W. H. Carpenter. preme Court by Justice Mintum ap­ subscriptions. Every boy and every exact, ,by April 1st next—Ocean OUT OF WORK, COURT JOB launched on their Western trip, the Frank B. Smith served as court proved in all its chief features the girl has an equal chance. It ought to Grove will have a new fire alarm sig­ itinerary of which was outlined in crier, Mrs. Charles W. Day as court, nalling system. At their monthly V an N csb State prohibition enforce­ be easy to get ten subscriptions Believing that he has enough jobs The Times several weeks ago, Writ­ clerk and Miss' Mary Day as court ment act, which was attacked in one among your relatives, friends and meeting last Friday night the fire ing from Salt Lake City, Dr. Cooper stenographer. Joseph Tustin, as commissioners executed' a contract left to keep him busy, G. J. Fill- hundred and eighty-five'ca^es. Three neighbors. hower, of Jaiiiesburg, lias resigned gives this account of their trip as far the Jewish tailor who came into out of the total number of attacks Boys and girls who desire to avail w ith G. M. Valentine, district repre*- as that point: court to press a suit, made a hit. sentative of the Gamewell Fire Alarm as court constable in order that an­ were agreed upon' as representative themselves of this offer should come other officer, without . work and “I am mailing you under separate The jury returned a Scotch ver­ cases by counsel and were argued sev­ to the office of T he Times, secure sub­ Telegraph Company, Newton Upper cover a timc-taole , over the Rio dict, saying that Mr. Bragg was not Falls, Mass., for • the installation of slated to be laid off, might retain his eral weeks ago before a branch of the scription blanks and set to work at $1,000 a year position. Grande frorii Denver to Salt Lake guilty, as instead of assaulting the Supreme Court, consisting of Jus­ once. Returns should be made on or a compressed air apparatus, to be lo­ City. There is some very interesting golf ball he struck a brick and broke cated on the fire house at Central Fillhower is chief of police in tices Minturn, Bergen and ’Tren- before Tuesday, December 20. Jamesburg, and his other jobs in- descriptive reading in this time-table, His prize golf club. fltowSto&fc ■cti'Dntryyatr ThT'n'c'v ap'paratas’’’embraees a dia- go through, the towns and much oth­ Rendered Verdict For 512,000. phone whistle operated by the regu- b°V0USh ar'd also for Monroe town- that the Van Ness act in its entirety er reading matter that is well worth The case of Earl Drake, a dis­ is a valid exercise of legislative powr lar alarm <=ireuit' Th<*e are other “ Stal, iflKHf the reading. PLAN TO KEEP STATE things that go with it, but the charged soldier, against the New • er and must be sustained. Society for the Prevention of Cruel­ “On looking over this time-table I Yolk and Long Branch Railroad, for The court upheld the provision barr whistle is the principal thing of in­ felt that I could not begin to express terest to the firemen. ty to Animals, janitor of borough injuries received two years ago ring jury trinls, arid also affirmed the hall and of fire headquarters. in words the grandeur of this trip in while guarding the crossing between sections relative to search and seizure When operated at thirty pounds anything like such interesting terms ROADS FREE OFSHOW pressure the whistle is capable of Monmouth street and Shrewsbury , as well as the section in the act plac­ as are given you here. avenue, Red Bank, was concluded on ing upon the defendant the burden of sounding a distinctive signal audible “The Royal Gorge and the Canyon for several miles. This is guaranteed, a recent morning in the circuit showing that liquor in his possession HIGHWAY SYSTEM DIVIDED oi tine A rkansas, one being a con­ court before Judge Cutler and a jury. | was not intended for beverage use so that the present trouble experi­ UNION OBSERVANCE tinuation of the other, almost defy enced by the firemen—that of not be­ The jury returned a verdict of $12,- and that it did not contain an illegal INTO SECTIONS description in words. Whatever is 000 for the plaintiff. At a former 'percentage of alcohol. ing able to hear the fire bell at certain said about them it seems impossible times and. under certain conditions— trial a verdict of $13,000 was return­ “The only limitation on States by to exaggerate. You, of course, have ed, from which the railroad appealed. constitutional concession of this* na­ is eliminated. OF EDUCATION WEEK seen the height of the Woolworth ture,” said the opinion, “is that under Units of Two and Three Motor This compressed air signal has building. Well, just imagine gazing their reserved power they qhall not been designed and built for cities and up at perpendicular rocks on1 each enact legislation conflicting With the Trucks With Plow Attachment towns that need a public fire signal FROM DECEMBER 4 TO 10 IS side of the ear tracks four times high­ federal.amendment or conflicting with with a distinctive tone. The system er than the Woolworth building. You ILLUlNATiNGTALK legislation enacted by congress in Stationed At Convenient Dis­ in its entirety consists of a diaphone, THE DATE SET pass through this wonderful freak of virtue of the constitutional power a compressed aid reservoir for sup­ nature for over an hour, and many thus conceded.” tances — Entire Constabulary plying the power to blow the dia­ are the varied shapes and colors. Some FOR CHILD WELFARE The court held that the States are phone,’a motor compressor to fur­ of the great boulders, weighing hun­ riot divested of their sovereignty so Force Of 112 Men Goes On nish the compressed air, an electrical­ Main Purposes Are To Make dreds of tons', seem to be balanced on as to be deprived of exercising their ly-operated valve which operates the a hair, and if a sparrow were to alight police power as seemed expedient in Duty Monday of Next Week.
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