Republiko ng Pilipinos Kogoworon ng Kolorungon Tonggopon ng MonononggolPomboyon (PUBLTC ATTORNEY'S OFFTCE) DOJ Agencies BuiHing, NlARd. mr. East Ave. 1104 Diliman, Quezon City Telephone tlos. 929-90-10i929-9436; FAx Nos. 927$&10/ 926-28-78 ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT OF THE PUBLIC ATTORNEY'S OFFICE FOR THE YEAR 2016 PREFATORY STATEMENT As protectors of the poor, downtrodden, marginalized, and less privileged in life, the Public Attorney's Office (PAO) has shown wholehearted dedication, enduring perseverance, and unquestionable professionalism in fulfilling its legal mandate of providing free legal services and aid. Guided by the outmost interest to serue the people with respect to their legal needs as mandated by the Constitution, and inspired by the passion and principles which are continually being inculcated upon them, the PAO continues to thrive, adopting to the changes of the present time, as well as taking on the challenges of the ever- growing needs and demands of society. To promote social awareness and reform, the PAO has made efforts to reach a wider audience, aiming to protect the victims of injustices, to educate the less knowledgeable, and to empower those who were weakened. Led by the undersigned, who personally and professionally advocate for the rule of law, truth and social justice to always prevail, the PAO bravely faces the perils and hazards posed by the crucial and the controversial cases it handles, without cowering in fear. Such valiant and dauntless chivalry has become the norm that every PAO employee strives to uphold. With the constant influx of clients, heavy downpour of various cases, and the strict deadlines posed by the prescriptive and reglementary periods imposed by law, the PAO's humble manpower of two thousand, seven hundred and twelve (2,712) employees, stands strong. Despite this and the meager resources available, the PAO has demonstrated creativity, ingenuity and tenacity in dealing with gargantuan tasks. This only proves that the PAO is truly committed in serving and in responding to the growing legal needs of the Filipino people. PAO ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT FOR THE \'EAR 2OT5 age 1of31 As such, before looking forward to another progressive year for the PAO, it is important to look back and review the achievements and progresses it met the past year. The statistics below will reveal a significant improvement in the overall performance of the Office. In the analysis, the increase with the number of case disposals and the rendition of legal services is palpably a validation that the countless tears, head-splitting migraines, and sleepless nights spent on the study of each dispute and issue faced, preparation of pleadings, and litigation of the cases were not in vain. With all things said, this report shall serve as a testament to the PAO's effi ciency, competence, and productivity. Finally, in parallel with President Rodrigo Roa Duterte's administration's policy that is to be "sensitive to the State's obligations to promote and protect, and tulfil the rights of [its] citizens, especially the poor, the marginalized and the vulnerable,"l the PAO, through the leadership of the undersigned Chief Public Attorney, will endeavor to continue its unyielding pursuit to improve and provide a more exceptional and beyond excellent public service. I. THE OFFICE Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9406, entitled "An Act Reorganizing and Strengthening the Public Attorney's ffice (PAO)" established the PAO as an independent and autonomous Office attached to the Department of Justice only for the purpose of policy and program coordination. The law expanded the mandate of the PAO to include providing free legal services and assistance to indigent clients, other qualified persons, and in the exigency of the service, when called upon by proper government authorities to render such seruice to other persons, subject to existing laws, rules and regulations, in all criminal, civil, labor, administrative and other quasi-judicial cases. The PAO-Central Office is located at the DOJ Agencies Building, NIA Road corner East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City. The regional and districVsub-district offices, on the other hand, are strategically located nationwide to effectively respond to indigent clients from eighty-one (81) provinces, one hundred and forty-five (145) cities, one thousand and four hundred eighty-nine (1,489) municipalities and forty-two thousand and thirty-six (42,036) barangays2, all of which, are in dire need of legal assistance. 1 From President Rdrigo R. Dutefteg Fi,st Sbb of the Nation Address daM 25 July 2016 refievd a t h t@ ://www. gov. ph/20 16/0 7/26/tle-20 I 6 -state-of-tt e-natbn -addressl last acc$sd on 6lanuary 2017. 2 As of 31 Dsemfur 2015 PAO ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2016 Page 2 of 31 Currently, the PAO has 18 regional offices and 298 district offices, six sub-district offices, two Regional Special and Appealed Cases Units, one satellite office, and one annex. Most of these offices are situated at the Halls of Justice nationwide along with the courts and other offices involved in the administration of justice. However, some district offices are housed at rented office spaces like the PAO-Manila District Office, etc. II. PUBLIC ATTORNEYS THE REGIONAL AND DISTRICT OFFICES , AND THE COURTS Despite the high turn-over rate of the Public Attorneys, primarily due to resignation to engage in private law practice, transfer to the National Prosecution Seruice (NAPROSS), to the judiciary, to other government owned and controlled corporations, and healry workload, among others, the PAO has a total of 11688 public attorneys, who actively handle criminal and civil cases before the courts nationwide. About 59 of them devote themselves to special and appealed cases before the Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court and the Office of the President. However, the handling of criminal and civil cases and representation of clients in courts as above-stated is only a portion of the public attorneys'functions. They also appear in and handle administrative and labor cases, the so-called quasi-judicial cases, and such other limited and special cases and services aS shown hereafter. Below is a table indicating the number of existing offices and assigned lawyers in each region as follows: NUMBER OF DrsTRrcr suB- REGION / PUBLIC DISTRICT OFFICES ATTORNEYS Central Office 113 National Capital Region 16 276 Cordil lera Administrative LB 2 sub-district 51 Region I Region I 2T 87 Ilocos Region Region II 15 64 Cagayan Valley http://www.dilg.gov.ph/facts-and-figures/Number-of-Provinces{ities-Mu Bara ngays-by-Reg ion/32 PAO ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2016 Page 3 of31 Region III 3t t annex L4L Central Luzon I Region IV-A 34 20r CAI.ABARZON Region IV-B L2 44 MIMAROPA Region V 23 65 Bicol Region Region VI L2 tL4 Eastern Visayas Region VII L4 L RSACU 104 Central Visayas I Region VIII 25 BB Western Visayas Region IX-A 3 L sub-district 33 ARMM I Region IX-B L4 sub-district& 1 lG 5B Zamboanga Peninsula satellite office Region X L4 RSACU & 1 sub- I G B6 Northern Mindanao district) Region XI 11 5B Davao Region Region XII 11 61 SOCCSIGARGEN Region XIII 11 44 CARAGA Region )0/III 13 Negros Island Region TOTAL 30s 1,688 Table No. 1 The establishment of district offices in different regions of the country complements the agency's mission to provide litigants free access to courts and quasi-judicial agencies by rendering legal assistance without cost. The PAO envisions the establishment of adequate district offices to enhance the accessibility of its seruices in order that justice could efficienUy be delivered despite geographical fragmentation. III. SIGNIFICANT MPLISHMENTS o CLIENTS ASSISTED AND CASES HANDLED The statistical figures below show the total number of indigent clients assisted and the total number of cases fiudicial and uasi- PAO ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2016 Page 4 of31 judicial) handled by the PAO and its proportionate relation to the 11688 lawyerc for the period covering January to December, 2016. Total No. of Clients Assisted 8,839,742 Total No. of Cases Handled 850,298 Average No. of Clients Assisted by Each Lawyer 5,237 Average No. of Cases Handled by Each Lawyer 511 Table No. 2 o MA'OR FINAL OUTPUT AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS In order to fully monitor the effective implementation of its seruices and to obtain the feedbacks of its qualified clients, the PAO's performance indicators were refined/enhanced to include the determination of the timelines and quality of its seruices, instead of merely focusing on quantity. For the year 20t6, the implementation of the new indicators yielded positive results, to wit: Maior Final Output: Free Leoal Seruices to Indioent Clients ACCOMPLISHMENTS TN FY 2016 TARGETS PERFORMANCE DICATORS (FY 2016) PI Set 1: a Number of cases under 850,2L2 950,298 management. a Percentage of cases with favorable 73.30o/o 75.860/o judgment. (309,7481422,576) (230,831/304,267) a Percentage of requests for legal assista nce/representation acted 100o/o 100o/o upon within three working days (756,8361756,836) ( 1, 199, 183/1, 199, 183) from the date of request. a Percentage of hearings for which 99.89o/o 100o/o no postponement is sought by the (438,0t61438,512) (486,4351486,435) PAO Iegal representative. PI Set 2: O Number of clients serued (Non- 4,990,548 5,411,808 Judicial). a Number of legal L,922,ffi8 2,577,636 advisories/counsell ing provided. PAO ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT FOR TIIE YEAR 20T6 Page 5 of8l Percentage of clients who rated the 99.98o/o 100o/o legal services of the PAO as (5r7,8001517,928) (563,6781563,678) satisfactory or better.
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