BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET I. ONTROL NUMBER -2. SUBjECT CLASSIFICaTION (693) 3. TITE AND SU Tr LE (240) PN-AAJ223 AL00- 2O0-G10 Trypanotolerant livestock in West and Central Africa, vol. 2: Country studies 4. ?ERSONAL AUTHORS (100) 5.Cr',WPORATE AUrHORs (101) Int. Livestock Centre for Africa 6. DOCUMENT DATE (110) 17. NUMBER OF PAGES (12,) 18. ARC NUMBER (170J 1979 311p. AFR 636.089.161b 9. REFERENCE ORGANIZATION (130) ILCA 10. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES (500) (In ILCA monograph no. 2) (Undertaken in cooperation with Food and Agriculture Organiza­ tion (UN) and United Nations Environ Programme) (Vol. 1, general study, 160p.: PN-AAJ-222) 11. ABSTRACT (950) 12. DESCRIPTORS (920) IS. PROJECT NUtIBER (150) Africa Goats 931031100 Animal production Trypanosomiasis, bovine Sheep Tsetse flies 14. CONTRACT NO.(140) 15. Cattle CONTRACT Livestock AID/ta-G-l 97 TYPE (140) Diseases 16. TYPE OF DOCUMENT (160) AID 90-7 (10-79), -1 (( k JOGRAPH 2 TRYPANOTOLERANT LIVESTOCK INWEST &CENTRAL AFRICA VOLUME 2.COUNTRY STUDIES UNDERTAKEN BY INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK CENTRE FOR AFRICA FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME vi I- I ; j * A $ ­ ,pq ,,i ¢ ' ' p k ILCA PUBLICATION. The International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) Isan autono; lous ri search and centre, whose activities and information publications are funded by the Consultative Group Agricultural esearch on International (CGIAR), The CGIAR members which have funded International Development ILCA to date are the Research Cetre, the United Nations Developmont World Bank and tim Programme, the lvi"rnments of Australia, Belgium, the Federal Republic Iran, the Netherlands, of Gerniany, France, Nigeria, Norway, Saudi Armbla, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States of Americ' the Unied Kingdom Responsibility for ILCA publications, however the centre rests solely wi:h and such other parties a- rriny he cited as Joint authors. ILCA Monagrkohs and t;ystdms Studies are cJrrentlv ILCA's two main mile of scientific publications. Both present Inforrnnsto concerned with the livestock production systerm of tropicl Africa, though Monographs deal "ith aspects of systems rather than with whole systers and range widely In subject matter, comprising itveral subseres. ILCA MONOGRAPH 2 TRYPANOTOLERANT LIVESTOCK INWEST &CENTRAL AFRICA VOLUME 2.COUNTRY STUDIES UNDERTAKEN BY INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK CENTRE FOR AFRICA FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME PUBLISHED BY iNTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK CF:NTHE FOR AFRICA * ADDIS ABABA PREFACE The first volume of this report, ' Trypanotolerant Livestock in West and Central Africa: General Study' presents information obtained by the study team on trypanotolerant cattle, sheep and goats in an integrated fashion covering the entire study area. Possibilities are also suggested for further evaluation and research work on th production potential,conservation, and utilization of these livestock breeds. This second volume presents more detailed information on the trypano­ tolerant livestock found in each of the 18 countries of the study area, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Mali, Upper Volta, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Gabon, Congo and Zaire. Each chapter includes background information on the specific country, livestock numbers and distribution, the information available on trypanotolerant cattle, sheep and goats, research and development activities and a selected bibliography. References which contain information on a number of countries are listed in a general bibliography at the end of the volume and a list of acronyms is also included. iff CONTENTS __ Preface I 1. Senegal 1 Background 1 Livestock numbers and distribution 3 Cattle 3 Sheep and goats 11 Research and development activities 13 Selected bibliography 16 2. The Gambia 19 Background 19 Livestoc!r numbers and distribution 21 Cattle 22 Sheep and goats 27 Research and development activities 29 Selected bibliography 31 3. Guinea Bissau 33 Background 33 Livestock numbers and distribution 35 Cattle 35 Sheep and goats 39 Research and development activities 39 Selected bibliography 40 4. Guinea 41 Background 41 Livestock nu mbers and distribution 43 Cattle 45 Sheep and goats 51 Research and development activities 51 Selected bibliog-aphy 53 5. Sierra Leone 55 Background 55 Livestock numbers and distribution 56 Cattle 58 Sheep and goate 62 Research and development activities 63 Selected bibliography 63 6. Liberia 67 Background 67 Livestock numbers and distribution 69 Cattle 70 Sheep and goats 73 Research and development activities 74 Selected btbiolugraphy 74 iv 7. Mal 77 Background 77 Livestock numbers and distribution 79 Cattle 82 Sheep and goats 90 Research and development activities 90 Selected bib'iography 91 8. Upper Volta 97 Background 97 Livestock numbers and distribution 99 Cattle 100 Sheep and goats 109 Research and development activities 110 Selected bibliography 113 9. Ivory Coast 115 Background 115 Livestock numbers and distribution 117 Cattle 120 Sheep and goats 131 Research and development activities 134 Selected bibliography 137 10. Ghana 143 Background 143 Livestock numbers and distribution 145 Cattle 146 Sheep and oats 153 Research and development activities 155 Selected bibliography 151 11. Togo 165 Background 165 Livestock numbers and distribution 166 Cattle 166 Sheep and goats 174 Resear'i and developmien, activities 178 Selected blbliogr'phy 181 12. Benin 183 Background 183 Livestock nunibers and distribution 185 Cattle 187 Sheep and goats 194 Research and development activities 195 Selected bibliography 195 V, 13. Nigeria 201 Background 201 Livestock numbers and distribution 203 Cattle 206 Sheep and goats 215 Research and development activities 221 Selected bibliography 227 14. Cameroo- 233 Background 233 Livestock numbers and distribution 235 Cattle 238 Sheep and goats 243 Research and development activities 245 Selected bibliography 247 15. Central African Republic 251 Background 251 Livestock numbers and distribution 253 Cattle 256 Sheep and goats 259 Research and development activities 260 Selected bibliog-raphy 260 16. Gabon 265 Background 265 Livestock numbers and distribution 267 Cattle 268 Sheel) and goats 269 Research and development activities 271 Selected hibliog'raphy 271 17. Congo 273 Background 273 Livestock numl)e rs and distribution 274 Cattle 276 Sheel) and goats 277 Hesearch and develolment activities 278 Selected I)l)liography 280 18. Zaire 281 Background 281 Livestock numbors and distribution 283 Cattle 287 Sheep and goats 292 Research and development activities 293 Selected bibliography 297 Genoral Bibliography 299 List of Acronyms 301 vi CHAPTER 1 SENEGAL 1. BACKGROUND The Republic of Senegal lies on the west coast of Africa, bordered to tna north by Mauritania, to the east by Mali and to tile south by Guinea and Guinea Bissau. In the southern l)art of the country, The Gambia forms a narrow enclave extending some 350 Milonieres inland. The country, with its capital at Dlkar, is divided into eirJ-t administrative relions - F'leuve, l)iourbl- Ferlo, Louga, T'hls, Cap Vert, Sin( alo SCeIo7'[ iUM, Oriental aIn ('asamai (ne- anrd each of these regions is divided into lepartmcnts which are sub- (1i vided J to arroinldLSsemonls. The Direction de Ila Salnte et de,, l'oduction., .\inl ale, s under the control of the Milnist.re du I)velopp molt I urat %ith div,sions Ibased on the adinii istrat I%C system. There are ,er'vices 2giona U\ doIa11 nt et des Plroductions Ani males, Secteurs and Sohs-ss cl s (I' le va ge, an(d, a tIhoc1a Ih'vel, 1PoStes V'6t6ri lires. The study area covers the iree relgon,,, ('asa ane, Sine Slloull and Senegal Oriental where most of the trvpanotole-ald Ihiceds are found. '1he reions %%itll their capita ls are shown ill Igi ure I (cept lor Lot,gn which %as created recentlv. Ba, i 'i for the (oi li rv :is a whole and for the sti;(l% area are given in Table I. ( T'able. I . i"l . J1 (1l1l for n :al hoe ('ountrv Sitidy Area Am% 196 200 I,l) 2 ill 1 I !,m Latitude 1.tlUlO1 17° .)' " W' o 2l - I1o)20o' \VW 1i;6-W*,f ' - I11o( '2iJ \V Lonitude 12 18'-I;I N !') I N Population number 5 135 0lj I io0 0%q density 26.2/ki2 15.2/km" Livestock numbers cattle 2 10 00 1 :10 000 se ) 2 660 0(0 1 039 000 goats I Sources: For population, OAU, 1978: for livestock numbers, ratioral census, 1976. 0, 1 -4 7TA ..... .... Ig 3 The three regions under study have a rainy season from June to October. Sine Saloum has a Sahelo-Sudanrian climate, with an annual rainfall averaging 600-800 to 800-1000 mm. Senegal Oriental also has a Sahelo-Sudanian climate, with annual rainfall averaging 600 to 1300-1500 mm. Casamance has a Sudano-Guinean climate, with rainfall averaging 1000-1800 mm annually. According to the tsetse distribution map prepared by Tour6 (1971a) and a synthesis published by OAU/STRC (1977) all of the Casamance Region is infested with tsetse, as well as a large part of Scnegal Oriental and a strip in the south of Sine Saloum along the Gambian border and the coast. G. morsitans subrorc.itans is found throughout the study area. G. palpaZl gambiensio,is ;ound in dense forest and along river galleries throughout the Casamance Region, in the south of Sine Saloum and in the south and southeast of Senegal Oriental. 2. LIVESTOCK NUMBERS AND DISTRIBUTION The number of cattle in the departments of the three regionF under study is shown i Table 2, broken down according to the three breeds found in the area ­ N'Dama, Djakor and Gobra Zebu. Figuire 2 shows the total number of cattle in each region and the 1roportlon of each of the three breeds. This map also shows the northern limit of the tsetse belt (according to Tour6, 1971a) and the areas where each breed I,; dominant. basedon ield observations.
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