THE SPECTRUM VOLUME LV. Z 545a STATE COLLEGE STATION, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1940. NO. 5 IT'S BOOSTER NIGHT AS AC OPENS NCIC SCHEDULE Homecoming Military Sponsors King Ace High Organize Bison Bison Encounter Panthers To Be Chosen From Will Feature For APG Hop `Boosterettes' Guidon Membership In First Conference Game With Gorman King of Roosevelt- In order to stimulate interest in Skit Contest Military sponsors, with the excep- Wallace-Vogel fame as general man- the Bison Boosters' work, a group of Coach Clyde 'Buck' Starbeck's Crew tion of the Honorary Cadet Colonel, ager, Alpha Phi Gamma's first annu- girls known as "Bison Boosterettes" Heggeness In Charge were called on to help boosters inter- Will Furnish Initial League Test will henceforth be chosen from Gui- al Journalistic All-College dance pro- Of Parade Committee; don, national auxiliary to Scabbard est businessmen in NDAC's sports mises to be the best promoted affair program. These girls have canvassed For NDAC Herd Weakened By Injuries File Float Plans Monday and Blade, Lt. Col. J. R. Mendenhall of the fall social season. the downtown district in an effort to By GEORGE RULON announced at a meeting of the or- Decorations will be in keeping with sell tickets to the Iowa State Teach- A five-minute skit contest the Fri- NDAC's Thundering Herd, seri- ganization Tuesday. The Honorary the journalistic theme and music will ers' game tomorrow night. day night before the game is an in- Defensive Ace ously handicapped by injuries, will Cadet Colonel, who is to be a senior be provided by Lee Stenehjem's or- The group was organized to coop- novation to be added to homecoming chestra. have its work cut out for it tonight girl, will be elected by the advanced erate throughout the year with the on Dacotah Field when the Bison Bison Boosters to promote enthusi- this year, John Fisher, president of military men. Assisting King are Bill Smith, pub- play host to the Iowa State Teachers licity; Betty Critchfield, finance; Bill asm in Bison activities. Personnel the student commission, announced. Guidon will sponsor an All-College College Panthers. The game is Guy, decorations; Vernon Giles, invi- includes Alice Driver, Elaine Wig- Each organized group on the cam- dance Nov. 15 in Festival Hall with scheduled for 8 p.m. and will be the tations. dahl, Marguerite Steiner, Maurine members of the military department first North Central Intercollegiate pus is invited to enter a skit. The Steiner, Ruth Black, Mildred Duck- Dancing hours will be from 10 to Conference engagement for the Herd. winning skit will receive a trophy. as guests of honor. Mary McCannel stad, Hazel Isaak, Cathryn Cassel- and Delores McDowell are in general 12 in the field house following the Coach Clyde "Buck" Starbeck will There will be no maximum or mini- Iowa State Teachers—NDAC foot- man, Mary Ann Tronnes, Ruth Gun- charge with Marguerite Olson ticket valdsen, Betty Stern, Eleanore Er- field a light but fast, agressive team mum number of persons in the skit. sales manager. ball game. which is favored to win its second Acts may be musical, melodramatic dahl, Eileen Dolve, Mary Howe, Fay Newly elected members of Compa- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Seaman and conference victory in as many starts. or of any character. An applause Ann Nelson, Ethel Gores, Charlotte ny B of Guidon are Jeannette Archer, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Daugherty are Last Friday found the Panthers scor- meter is being constructed by cam- Bahe, Muriel Kotschevar, Alice I. Ruth Kelesvig, Lorine Ladwig, Betty chaperones for the evening. ing a 15-0 upset over the highly pub- pus engineers and the decision of the Larson, Dorothy Flaa, Kathryn Alm, Myrbo and Evangeline Schwartz. June Heisler, June Persinger, Marion licized Sioux from North Dakota judges will be based mainly on ap- University. Early season predictions plause. Pep yells and songs will be Officers for the year are Clarice Lyman, Fannie Helen Dygve, Adde- Lee, president; Marguerite Olson, line Luther, Doris Bjorklund and An- gave the ISTC team second place in interspersed between the cast. Betty Plan Marketing the NCI standings. Starbeck's crew Olson is in charge. vice-president; Helen Greenland, sec- abelle Donovan. retary; Lorraine Fitjar, treasurer; A luncheon was given for them last proved their worth with the victory Parade Committee Mary McCannel, publicity. Days Program Thursday to explain the purpose of over the Nodaks and are now rated Dr. Clark Heggeness of Flatbush, Bison Boosters. Yesterday the Boos- as the strongest aggregation in the chairman of the parade committee, Arrangements for the Marketing terettes were honored at another conference. has called a meeting for Monday at Announce New Days program occupied the business luncheon at the Ceres Hall dining 5 p. m. in the east room of the YMCA portion of the first regular meeting room. Miss Pearl Dinan and Miss Lt. Col. J. R. Mendenhall, pro- building. of the collegiate chapter of the Fu- Alba Bales were also guests. Re- fessor of military science and tac- Special preliminary plans for the TrafficiRules ture Farmers of America Tuesday. sults of the sale of tickets will be tics at NDAC, has announced that parade include three bands, the Cen- the largest ROTC cadet corps in Beginning Monday speed limit and A program of work committee and a reported on this noon. The Bison tral high school baton twirling corps, the history of the school will make one-way drive regulations will be demonstration team committee were Boosters are also holding a luncheon floats and a specialty clown act. its first appearance of the year at enforced. The one-way drive regu- appointed for the term. for men of the faculty. Members of the parade committee, tonight's game. As a special fea- lation governs traffic only during Special entertainment feature of which consists of one representative ture of Bison Booster night, the rush hours (7:45 to 8 and 11:45 to the evening was a speech delivered of each organized group on the cam- corps will pass in review before 1:15), but the speed limit of 15 by Douglas Fisk of Hunter, recent pus, should have their float plans on Band Boasts Large the stands at half-time. file with the commission by Mon- miles per hour will be rigidly en- winner of the state and regional FFA forced at all times. public speaking contests. Fisk gave day, Heggeness said. The purpose of Freshman Enrollment Don Johnston, Fans at tonight's Bison Booster The Thirteenth street entrance is his winning oration, which was fol- having each organization record its Bison Quarterback game will see several Panther backs plans with the commission is to avoid to be used only by vehicles entering lowed by two brief talks by Wally With over 50 freshmen enrolled, NDAC's band under the direction of who will be making strong bids for duplication, he explained. In case of the campus. Cars leaving will use Larsen of Hunter and Earl Walter, Dr. C. S. Putnam, is this year larger all-conference honors before the sea- duplication, the first group to file either the Twelfth avenue or the NDAC sophomore, concerning their than ever before. According to "Doc", son is over. Charles the plans will be given the right for Thirteenth street and Fifteenth av- trip to the American Youth Founda- Tickets For Flagstad the freshmen have more ability and Pastorino, a half- their use. Plans should center about enue gate. All cars should be parked tion Camp at Shelby, Mich. exnerience and are equipped with a back, was the big the theme, Practice with Scienee. facing west in order to avoid con- Fisk and Walter will attend the na- Concert Available gun in the victori- About 30 groups have announced gestion. As far as possible parking tional FFA convention Nov. 9-15. The better grade of instruments than in previous years. Students and faculty members ous attack against their intentions of entering floats. should be concentrated on the north former will compete with four other Band officers for the year are as who wish to secure general ad- NDU. Pastorino Clowns Caper side of the road. regional public speaking winners; will demand con- Deputized by the Fargo police de- Walter is a nominee for an American follows: warrant officer, Leland mission tickets for the KIRSTEN Virgil DeCamp is in charge of the stant watching by partment, three NDAC students will Farmer degree. Stenehjem; drum majors, John San- FLAGSTAD concert on Tuesday specialty clown act for the parade. evening, Oct. 15, 1940, should the Bison forward enforce regulations. Cars driven by ders and G. E. Anderson; First Sgt., Plans now include a truck carrying purchase them at the Little wall if the Herd offenders will be excluded from the Lloyd Collins; Staff Sgt., Eugene an acrobatic net, two acrobats and Country Theater immediately. expects to stop the campus. All students are requested Blanco; Sgts., Orville Overmoe, Max a clown. The acrobats are Dick Cadet Corps Makes The doors will be open at 6:45 Panther running to cooperate by observing both of the VanderHorck, William Herm, James Baron and Dal Skjod; DeCamp is a p. in. The tickets are $1.10, tax attack. above-named regulations. Fahrer, William Smith; Corporals, natural for the clown part. Scat- Public Appearance Don Bannister, Gilbert Wagner, Lyle included. Ben McCabe, tered throughout the length of the "There is reason to ponder anew P4STORJAIo who scored against PHI U's ENTERTAINED Reitan, Fritz Larson, Duane Pile, procession will be a dozen clowns. A NDAC's cadet corps, the largest Willard Witteman, Earl Ewan, Ed- the rare good fortune of a genera- the Sioux, will no in the history of the school, will committee will pick the best clown Active members of Phi Upsilon ward Vancura, Daniel Gust and Clay- tion privileged to hear singing of doubt be at the signal-calling post who will receive a merchandise Omicron, national honorary home make its initial public appearance of ton Bartz.
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