cpt JUNE, 1976 $1.00 Pacific·· Nes THE G12'5 BOW OUT, VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEE 28, AND STUMP DODGING IS BACK Superb Films of the NEW � BURLINGTON Freedom Train Engines SLIDE � NORTHERN S�R.�p� SETS P.O. Box Concord, Mass. 01742 1975-76 Annual 565 IIAmtrak - 2" UBicentennial Dieselsll 3 sets "Bicentennial EMD SD45's" .BICENTENNIAL EDITION "Delaware & Hudson Baldwin Sharks" \ "Chessie System Powerll 144 pages-Over 430 photos "Pennsy Electric Power" 20 color shots RECORD of the MONTH "Southern Pacific Trainmasters" SB 4505 Steel Rails Under Thundering Skies Five 35MM color slides of a related Detailed locomotive rosters of BNI subject at $1.50 per set, postpaid. C&S/FW&D/BNMLlWWV I LST&T, to readers New York residents add sales tax also radio control cars, heater of cars, air repeater cars and slugs. PACIFIC uiudio-lIiMd(}j)� BN-assigned Amtrak units too. 22 NEWS P. O. Box 24, Earlton, N. Y. 12058 pages and color cover on BN's Bicentennial trio and American 5649 : .............. .................... Freedom Train on BN. Full details this month of 1975 power changes. Complete :THE WESTERN LEADER FOR -� ONLY coverage of business and instruc­ to your �MORE THAN SIXTEEN YEARS " � ',' tion cars. Lengthy section on .: / DOOR mountain operations. Feature :OF CONSECUTIVE MONTHLY . '/.- ""-.-' " - . model: the Alco RS11. All this and STEREO/QUAD ICD·4112" LP more for last year's price: Here it is fans. the second section of Steam RR Under :PUBLICATION. DO NOT MISS Thundering Skies. Locomotives included: No. 4449. No. 759. No. 8444. No. 1702 & II (Reader). No. 36 (White THE 177TH MONTH! $9.95 Shipped postpaid. MIn.!. No. 2102. No. 1246 & 1278 (Steamlown). No. 34 & 28 (Sierra). Plenty of action - stack talk. whistles. thunder & rain. plus a watch mans chime clock. Yours for a Colorado residents add sales tax. bargain! Mail and dealer orders direct. Offer good only during month subscribe of this m:tgazine issue. - FREE Catnlog upon request - Mobile Fidelity Records The p.o. Box 336. Burbank. Calif. 91503 to or see your Hobby/Record Dealer P. O. BOX 17111, DENVER, COLORADO 80217 Stereo 8 or Quad 8 Track Tape - 57.49 GREAT NEW BOOKS FROM INTERURBANS! �� Type or print your name and address. TR0LLEYS T0 THE SURF en close it wi ttJ your payment. and MAIL IT TODAY! BEFORE THE RED CARS CAME .he G,een CO" TROllEYS TO THE SURF by WIlHam A. Mye" and .he lo.e 1'0 l. ... the famed green cars of the Los Angeles SweH tells in fantastic detail how Sherman and Clark marched Ple" .. e enter my subscription for yedrt. Pacific Railway, opening the way 10 the found­ to the sea. AII·time, illustrated rosters of the LAP's fascinating ing of Hollywood, Santo Monica, Venice and passenger and freight fleet, with diagrams, city-by·city his­ Subscription 0 Renewal other resorts. They carried the crowds to the tories, line descriptions, interviews with the men who worked =: New beaches .. and the people stayed to populate on the LAP, maps by celebrated railroad illustrator Harlan a huge and important port of the Los Angeles ... it's all there, and much more! o I have enclosed payment megalopolis. Subscri ption rates: U.S .. Canada. Mexi co MOSES P. SHERMAN AND Ell P. ClARK <ome One Year $10.00 - Two Years $18.00 from Arizona to build a country trolley line. They aimed for Pasadena-but reached the Surf. And Foreign rates: $11.00 year the electric railway they founded became one of the most important keystones in the great Pacific o Please bill me with Ihe firsl issue 1911. Electric system after the Great Merger of (Above rales plus SOc billing charge) Name _____________ _ Add,e" _____________ City ____________ .•. and more Slate ______ Zip Code ____ red cars maps galore. If you liked Special 60, don't miSS LINES OF PACIFIC El�CTRIC-No,.hem & Eo,'em this one! It's a compilation of every page of our Mail to: PACIFIC NEWS 61) Districts (Special is NOW READY! The soft­ Special 16, Parts I and 2 and Supplements 1 cover companion volume to last year's Special and 2-PLUS additional photos and dota. 60, lines of P.E., Western & Southern Districh, 61 Special covers every Pacific Electric line SPECIAL BONUS SECTION-16 page, on PACIFIC north and east of Main Street Station in meticu· ELECTRIC 1976! A surprisingly big chunk of the lous detail. old P .E. is still in freight service today under the Southern Pacific banner-and Inleturbans WHERE THE RED CARS RAN, .• CHA THAM PUBLISHING COMPANY when .hey ,on he covers the entire 1976 system in maps, photos cpc kind of traffic they carried-it's all here. Photos, and data. Post Office Box 28 3 Burlingame, California 94010 Lines of Pacific Electric Special 61 Northern & Eastern Districts Do your friends a favor: suggest they stop readingyourPACIFIC NEWS and subscri be for themselves. Increased circulation wi II allow more improvements in the magazi ne. ,..•..........................•..... � 2 JUNE, 1976 No. 176 Pacific JUNE, 1976 Me s VOLUME 16 NO. 6 KARL R. KOENIG • EDITOR TOM GRAY . PRODUCTION STAFF INolOI; CJ-If:lTJ-If:lM... HAROLD C. KOENIG . EDITO RIAL STAFF JOHN PARSON . · EDITO RIAL STAFF It was really not part of the plan to mention it again , but D. S. RICHTER . · EDITO RIAL STAFF allow me to point out that even though the Freedom Train GARY VIELBAUM · STAFF LIBRARIAN has begun slipping into the eas t it leaves behind a long list of friends who are anxious that PA CIFIC NEWS will · Contributing Staff continue at least wi th a limi ted coverage of the train, and, Ke nneth M. Ardinger . Edward M. Berntsen . · Contributing Staff of course, with that All We st the We will Daylight, 4449. George R. Cockle · Cont ri buting Staff not see the ex-Southern Pacific 4-8-4 back on the Pacific Doug E. Cummings · Contributing Staff Co as t until 1977, but if our eastern readers wi ll keep th is Tom Ei keren kotter · Contri buting Staff Robert L. Hogan · Contributing Staff magazine in mind for their photographs, we 'll keep the Don Jewe ll . · Contributi ng Staff coverage up, although on a curtai led basis for, after al l, Joe McMi Ilan • · Contri bu ting Staff th is is a magazine on Western Railroad ing. The Freedom Ken Meeker . · Contri buting Staff Train, however, is something qu ite special . Peter J. Repl inger · Contribut ing Staff Vi rgi I C. Staff . · Contri buti ng Staff Photographs are not at hand, though, for even the July F. Hoi Wagner, Jr. · Contributing Staff issue so for the present, at leas t, our coverage will be very slim unless the mail brings some Freedom Train views in the next few weeks. And, speaking of mails, we seem to victims of unusually slow service , particu larly, I am told, cPc(C' Contents Copyright 1976 to the midwest states . That, coupled wi th the fact that we ALL RIGHTS RESERVED have been a little late with the past few issues has seemed 4 to make the magazine later than it really was to many of VAN COUVER ISLAN D CHANGES . 6 our subscri bers . There is little we can do about the time STUMP DODGING IS BACK . STUMP DODGER IN PE RU . our mail sacks are left to rest during the ir cross-country .10 VI RGI NIA AND TRUCKEE'S 28 .13 journey, but we are wo rking directly with the post office BU RLINGTON NORTHERN NEWS'. .15 to attempt to reduce this to a minimum. The prob lem is not UP FREIGHTS RETU RN TO BOISE .16 unique to PACIFIC NEWS, however, and various mailing STEAMI NG IN TH E WEST WITH TH E 4449 . 18 groups are working for improved delivery schedules an d as CAMERA CAR PH OTO SECTION . .19 a part of our own efforts we have had our sorting and the SHORT STUFF . .24 sacki ng procedures revised in co operation with the post MUNI JOTTINGS/WESTERN PACIFIC NEWS . .25 office. The enroute time shouId, thus , improve. UNION PACIFIC/BART/WESTERN LOCOMOTIVE . 26 As fo r our being late, this has been a gradual change NEWS PH OTOS . 27 ove r the past several issues resulting from both failures of our typesetting equipment and re visions with our own printing arrangements. The latter corrected themselves as they happened, the former remains a problem affecti ng this issue, too - it'll be a bi t late due to time los t awai ting a replacement hard-to-get part - bu t sc heduled new equipment wi ll not only eliminate the delays but allow us to be gin an orderly return to on-time publication. SUBSCRIPTIONS DIRECT BY MAIL Swnmer's here, and with it a time that many of you find the San Franci sco Bay Area a place to visit. It goes In United States, Canada and Mexico: SlO one year, S18 without saying that visitors are welcome here. If you have two years. Single copies Sl.OO. Foreign Sll per year. a chance to call first, please do for we can poss ibly thus Foreign First Class and Air Mail rates on request. schedu le a little more time between the pressures of the CHATHAM PUBLISHING CO'l1PANY upcom ing issues. Bu t, do please al so remember that for Post Office Box 283, Burlingame, California 94010 USA over sixteen years the magazine's deadline comes fi rst. There may not be too much time to visit, perhaps on ly time News photographs are pa id fo r upon p ubli cation.
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