Fall Events Calendar Don’t miss the middle of the magazine! in the tutti. (it.) all. every musician to take part. No. 10 2000–2010 Celebrating 10 Years of the School of Music’s Collage Concert INSIDE Fall 2010 Convocation Preview Learning Through Music Student, Faculty, and Alumni News Photo: Sonkarlay Vaye music.umn.edu Fall 2010 | Volume 12 | Number 1 first will feature Paul Phoenix, tenor A vast array of achievements and rec- Photo: Kelly MacWilliams with The King’s Singers and an avid ognitions among students, faculty, spokesperson for engaging diverse and alumni is profiled in this issue of audiences. Additional work includes Tutti, where you will also enjoy read- organizing instruction and perfor- ing about Collage. This year’s 10th mance around unifying themes. We anniversary concert honors president are pursuing strategies to improve Bruininks and his wife, Dr. Susan communication across divisions and Hagstrom. If you are in the area, I to increase students’ engagement in hope you will attend. the work of the school. The intersections between core val- A task force is considering impro- ues and fiscal strategies will be key Dear Alumni, Friends, visation in the curriculum and a to assuring that our school continues and Colleagues, faculty-community committee is to fulfill a significant role in prepar- looking at the composition program ing career musicians. I am pleased John Gardner, secretary of health, and its relationships with technol- to report that recent pledges and education, and welfare during the ogy and improvisation. The catalytic donations yielded over 3.5 million 1960s, characterized the challenges work of the Engaged Department dollars, a much appreciated mark of of his day as incredible opportunities Leadership Team (EDLT) has confidence and trust in our work. masquerading as insoluble problems. resulted in 17 seed grants that are Today, these words offer welcome paving the way toward integration As we pursue the goal of being a respite from disheartening news of public engagement into our cur- world-class music school in a world- regarding the world’s economic riculum. A new program, Creative class metropolitan center, we invite downturn. Instructional Residencies Initiative your input, your encouragement of (CIRIs), will support innovation prospective students, and your fi- Like most institutions, music schools that complements current curric- nancial investment in our programs. must evidence discipline to ensure ular offerings. And thanks to the Together, we can assure Minnesota’s the best use of available dollars. generosity of The Office of the Vice role in advancing the place and value As Jim Collins, author of Good to President for Research, we recently of music in our local, national, and Great, observes, greatness requires installed $50,000 worth of technol- global communities. confronting the brutal facts of real- ogy upgrades. ity and retaining unwavering faith that we will prevail. Clearly, the brutal reality of budget With gratitude and all best wishes, reductions is not thwarting our un- In this context, the School of Mu- wavering commitments. This past sic held an energizing faculty-staff spring’s innovative production of retreat in fall 2009. As focus groups The Magic Flute brought a record reported on their work, three over- 2200 people to Ted Mann Concert riding themes became evident: col- Hall. Professor Fernando Meza David laboration; community; and com- oversaw a successful international munication. marimba festival that featured col- laborations with major Twin Cities Under executive committee lead- music organizations. Our perfor- ership, subsequent forums defined mance of Stravinsky’s Symphony of ways to realize progress out of the Psalms received a standing ovation retreat’s momentum. This year will at the north central conference of see several “common hours” conven- the American Choral Directors As- ing the school around timely topics, sociation. presenters, and performances. The Tutti is the magazine of the University of Min- nesota School of Music and is published yearly. In This Issue It supports the school’s community of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends by providing 2 Greetings information that highlights events, develop- Message from David Myers, Director, School of Music ments, and trends within the school, connects the school’s many constituencies, and celebrates Celebrating 10 Years of Collage the achievements of the school’s community. 4 James A. Parente, Jr. 6 Convocation Preview Dean, College of Liberal Arts Paul Phoenix to Keynote School of Music 2010 Fall Convocation David E. Myers 7 Engaged Department Leadership Team Update Director, School of Music Improvisation with Erkki Huovinen, Musicology Lisa Marshall Editor and Writer 8 Learning Through Music Jennifer Schmitt 9 Catching Up With Adriana Zabala Graphic Designer 10 Alumni and Student Stories Modern Press Alumni Profile: Victor Barranco Printing SOM Alumna Libby Larsen Awarded Peabody Medal Student Profile: LaTannia Ellerbe THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC 12 Welcome New Faculty The mission of the School of Music is to create Alexander Fiterstein, Matt Rahaim, and Laura Sindberg and perform music and to apply and impart musical knowledge in all its diverse forms. We 13 2009/2010 Season Highlights are committed to excellence in all scholarly, creative and pedagogical endeavors. We seek 15 Fall Events Calendar Bonus Pull Out! to provide the highest quality of professional Fall Events, Spring Events Preview, Information, Directions, training in music to students pursuing a broad and Ways to Connect variety of careers and offer artistic, cultural and intellectual enrichment to the community within and beyond the University of Minnesota. 19 Meet the New Development Officer Joe Sullivan, College of Liberal Arts Development Officer THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 20 Thank You Donors The University of Minnesota, founded in the belief that all people are enriched by under- 22 See and Be Seen standing, is dedicated to the advancement of A Photographic Journey Through 2009/2010 learning and the search for truth; to the shar- ing of this knowledge through education for a 24 School News diverse community; and to the application of Faculty, Student, Alumni, and Staff News this knowledge to benefit the people of the In Memoriam state, the nation and the world. The University’s threefold mission of research and discovery, teaching and learning, and outreach and public 31 School of Music by the Numbers service is carried out on multiple campuses and We Want to Hear From You throughout the state. © 2010 Regents of the University of Minnesota. The University of All rights reserved. Minnesota School of Music gratefully acknowledges program support from Schmitt Music. The School of Music is an All Steinway School. %# ! #" # $ !"!" !# ! &$ $$$! " ' !""$ ! # 4 University of Minnesota School of Music CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF COLLAGE Ten years have elapsed since the inaugural School of Music Collage Concert in 2000, when students and faculty took the Ted Mann Concert Hall Stage (and aisles!) for a non-stop musical and theatrical extravaganza. Then SOM director Jeffrey Kimpton says of lage because it’s important for them to his vision for the concert, “When I came to experience community and interact with the School of Music, I felt that the school different parts of our School. The evening needed to showcase the tremendous talent has a hectic energy and there’s always a of the students and faculty. We planned flurry of activity when managing the flow the first Collage Concert to coincide with of the evening.” University’s 150th homecoming celebration. Collage caught on right away and we were Craig Kirchhoff, professor of conducting packed on Saturday night and did a second and director of university bands, reflects on concert on Sunday.” the Collage Concert experience, “To audi- ence members the concert appears seamless, The Collage Concert’s marathon style not however backstage it’s organized chaos. only provides the perfect introduction to Over the years the work of our graduate the School of Music, it allows the audience conducting students has been legendary in to sample a vast array of musical styles in making the Collage Concert work. Long- one evening. time producer and Ted Mann Concert Hall staff member Val- Erik Rohde (B.M., violin, student of Mark erie Stedman is the driving force Bjork; M.M. candidate, orchestral con- behind the concert. I can’t imag- ducting, student of Mark Russell Smith) ine doing Collage without her.” Photo: Patrick O’Leary Patrick Photo: attended his first Collage Concert in 2002 and has since performed in six Collage Con- This year’s Collage Concert will certs. “My initial experience with Collage honor University of Minnesota was a strong one. I went to the concert with president Robert H. Bruininks a friend and we planned to stay for fifteen and his wife Dr. Susan Hag- minutes and then head out for dinner. We strum for their service to the were so taken by the experience that we University and their abiding didn’t even look at our watches and stayed support of the School of Music. until the end of the concert.” Rohde now looks forward to being an integral part of the concert as a graduate conducting stu- dent in the orchestral conducting program. 10th Anniversary Collage Concert Saturday, October 16 at 7:30 p.m. The non-stop nature of the concert poses Ted Mann Concert Hall logistical challenges for School of Music Tickets: $16 adults/$11 children, U of M students, faculty, faculty,
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