PA.C No. 425 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS ' COMMIWEE (1973-74) (FIFTH LOK SABHA) E.E L'NDRED AND THIRTIETH REPORT COFFEE BOARD [Audit Reports on the Accounts of Coffee Bozrd fer the years 1965-66 to 1971-72) LOK SABRA SECRETARIAT NEW DELI11 LIST OF AUTHQRISED AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT PUBLICATIONS --- S1. No. Name of Agent S1. No. Name of Agent - ANDHILA PRADESH MAHAR ASHTRA 10. M/s. Sunderdas Gianchand, r. Andhra University General Cooperative 601, Girgaum Road, Siores Ltd., Waltair New Princess Street, (Visakhapatnam). Bombay-2. I r. The 1nternn:ional Book House*. 2. G. R. Lakshmipaty Checty and Snns. (Private) Limited, General Aterchants and News Agents. 6, Ash Lane, Newpct, Chandragiri, ' Mahatma Gandhi Road, Bombay-1. Chittoor Di~trict. ' 12. The International Book Service, ASSAM Deccan Gymkhana, Poona-4. r 3. Cbarles Lamhert & Company; 3. We~tcrnBook Depo:, Pan Bazar. 10, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Gauhatl. Oppositt Clock Tower, I-'ort, ilornhay. 14. The Current Book llouse, Maruti l.arle. 4. Amar Kirah Ghar, Post Box 79, Kaghunath Ihclaji Street, Diagor~alRod Jamsl~edpur. 1 I3omb,ly-1. 5. MIS.Crown Book Depot, Upper Raznr, Itanchi. GUJARAT 16. M & J. Scrrices, 1'ublishe.-4 Represcnrntives, Accouni d. L. !LV Book Sc-llcrs, 6. Viiay Stores, Uahri Itoacl, Bombay-I 1;. $.ation Road, Anan.!. MYSORE 7. The New Order Book Company, Ellis Bridge, I 7. People Ilnok 1 Touse, Ahmedabad-6. Ogp. Jaganmol~anPaldw, Mysore. HARYANA 8. Mls. Prabhu Book Service, 18. InTormation Crntre, Nai Subzi Mandi, Government of liaiasthan, Gurgaon. Tripolia, Jaipur City. 19. MIS.Usha Book Depot, 585lA, Chiva Bazar, Tnpolia, Ja:pur. MADHYA PRADESH ] UTTAR PRADESI-I 9. ModernBook House, 20. Law Book Company, Shiv Viias Palace; Ssrdar Patel hlary, Indore City. Aliahabsd-I. Eaga_P ALuL Eor Aa!L X) 2.27 10 ar~a80,003 *?a of 80,000 11 I I 17 izput s ini, ut s 33 2.45iv) 2 only ar~aof mly an areaof 55 3.41 2-3 int sm ationd kit crnat iond 63 3.55 5 prix at pric~sat 104 7.13 J dficrmcc dilficulti,:~ I' 7.14 3 Cormittda is Con~ittzearz uni?a.p;,y uEhq iy 105 1.4 3 poll fLpld pool iT'wnd 109 2. 27 7 ar,:a 83,090 are;, of 80,000 " 2.28 7 R Solvadar dl SSalvador 111 Pljasc& pSa h0.'2.45' for para Ma.IZ.5' 2.45(v) 4 on1 y ar ea only an area 113 2.46 (iii) 3 so far as thct so far s, that 114 2.54 2 fejEthe~:xistin;,line~: 'lor expmd processing gpd curing of coffae and should not b,? dentedn 115 3.13 1 ucring curing 116 3.42 9 prices p rice 117 3.55 6 The pri cs The prices 118 3.50 1 nota the not J that tho I1 11 3 Deposit s kpot s 123 4.16 3 :.c cording1 y xcording 129 7.14 3 Co;,mdtt ?G is Cornxiittee ,ve CONTENTS CHAP= I-Receipts and Payments ...... I Wra~11-Production and Development . , , . , 9 CHAPTER111-Marketing .......... 39 CHAPTERIV-Instant Coffee ........ 65 CILAPTIB V-Propaganda ......... 74 CHAP- VI-Research Department ....... 87 CHAPTBRVII-Labour and Staff Welfare ...... 98 APPENDIX-Summary of the main conclusions/recommendationsof the Committee 105 Minutes of the sittingi of the Committee held on 12-10-1973 (F.N.) 12-10-1973 (A.N.) 21-4-1974 (A.N. ) 'PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMfTTEE (1973-74) CHAIRMAN Sbri Jyotirmoy Bosu MEMBERS 2. Shri Virendra Agarwala 3. Shri S. C, Besra 4. Shri M. Deiveekan 5. Shri C. D. Gautam *6. Shri Pampan Gowda 7. Shri Y. S. Mahajan 8. Shri Bibhuti Mishra 9. Shri H. N. Mukerjee 10. Shri Paripmanand Paiauli 4 1. Shri Narain Chand Parashar 12. Shri H. M. Patel r13. Shri P. Antony Reddi 14. Shri Biswanarayan Shastri '15. Shrj Sunder Lal @16. Shri M. Anandarn @17. Shri Golap Barbora 18. Shri Bipinpal Das 19. Shri Nawal Kishore @ 20. Shri P. S. Patil 21. Shri Sasanltasekhar Sanyal 22. Shri Swaisingh Sisodia SECRETARIAT Shri M. S. Sundaresan-Deputy Secretary. Shrt T. R. Krisbnamachari-Under Secretary. *Elected on og-11-73oiu Shri D. S. ~P'hdied @Caacd to be membtr of the Comaittee corwqumt on tetinmCnt froa Wya Sobha w.e.f. a+- CW INTRODUCTION I, the Chairman of the Public Accounts cornkittee, as authorised by tbe Committee, do present on their behalf this Hundred and Thirtieth Report (Fifth Cok Sabha) on Audit Reports on the Accounts of Coffee Board for the years 1965-66 to 1971-72. 2. The Audit Reports on the Accounts of the Coffee Board for the years 1965-66 to 1971-72 were laid on the Table of the House on the 14th November, 1967, 12th Ma-ch, 1968, ' 14th May, 1969, 2nd Septembu, 1970,. 14th July, 1971, 18th April, 1972 and 23rd November, 1973 re+ pectively. The Comrnitese considered and finalised this Report at their sitting held on 22nd Apil, 1974. Minutes of these sittings form Part 11* d the Report. 3. A statement showing the summary of the main conclusions/recom- mendations of the Committee is appended to the Report (Appendix). For facility of reference these have been printed in thick type in the body of the Report. 4. The Committee place on record their appreciation of the assistance rendered to them in the examination of the Audit Reports by the Comp troller & Auditor General of India. 5. The Committee would also like to express their thanks to the Minis- try of Commerce and the Coffee Board for the cooperation extended by *hem in giving information to the Committee. JYOTIRMOY BOSU, Chairman, April 25, 1974 Public Accounts Committee. Vaisakha 5, 1896(S). *Not rinted (one cyclostyled copy laid on the Table of the House and five copies placed .in l&rliament Library). (v) RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS Audit Reports on the Accounzs of CHee Board for 1965-66 to 1971-72 1.1. The Cklfee Board is a statutory Body established under the Coffer Act, 1942. The functions assigned to the Coffee Board under the Coffea Act are the following:- (1) The promotion of the sale and consumption in India and eke- where of the coffee produced in India. (2) The promotion of agricultural and technological research in the interest of the coffee industry; (3) Assistaace to coffee estates for their 'development; (4) The securing of better working conditions and the provision and improvement of amenities and incentives for worker$; and (5) The working of the measures enumerated in the Coffee Act telatiag to the operations of the Surplus Pod. 1.2. The. Board consists of a Chairman appointed by the Government of India and 32 members representing various interests as provided under Section 4(2) of the Coffee Act read with Rule 3 of the Coffee Rules, 1955. The membership is distributed among the different interests as follows:- Coffee Growing Industry . 12 members (6 for large growers and 3 each . for small and Robust Growers respectively) Labour . 4 members CoffeeTrede. , . 3mcmbers Coffee Consumers . 3 memben hhmbers of Parliament . 3 members (2 from Lok Sabha and I from Rajya Sabha) Governments of the States of Mysore, Tamil 3 members (each of whom represents the Nadu and Kerda respective State Govamment) Other htnests . 3 manbers Section 30 of the Act envisages the maintenance of two separate Funds by the Board, viz., (i) the General Fund and (ii) the Pool Fund. This. is credited with the amouilab;& mts paid by the; Union Oov- emment under Section 13(1) of the Coffee Act out of the proceah of Excise and Customs Duties levied dn Cd&c. Laans given by the Gox- emment of India to the Coffee Board for implementing the Plan for in- creasing coffee production are also credited to this fund. Expenditure on tha Adncioistration, Propaganda, Devdoprnent and Research ;hetits of the Coffee Board is debited to this Fund. (ii) Pool Fond This incorporates the transactions relating to the pooling of coffee, produced by the growers and its centralised marketing. The accounts are closed on the basis of a coffee season. The dates of opening and closing the accouqts of this fund from 1965-66 onwards are shown blow:- - Working Results 1.3. Accordmg to the Audit Reports of the Accounts of the Coffee Board for the years 1965-66 to 1971-72, the receipts and payments under broad categories were:- Graats from Govt. of India . 15.95 18.20 31.45 26.67 25.68 33.63 42-97 44.56 40.68 Loam from Govt. of India . 8.00 11.28 13-50 31.00 16.63 13.60 26.50 21.18 34.39 MisceUaneous Receipts (Manly by Sale of Coffee through Propaganda Department) 172.88 198.7: 225 48 209.74 201.81 208.18 201 29 376.69 317.66 Other receipts . .....--------- 6 96 10.77 17.81 31.79 32'96 41.19 42'03 52.06 ---41.59 Total . 237.01 262.78 299.65 303.75 283.59 316.70 325.72 507.82 4-43-95 . -. -- ---- Payments w Adminiatration charges . 1957 10.29 11.71 10.10 11 13 12.00 16.18 18,68 22.64 Expenditure of propaganda department for increasing the sale and consumption of oofiee including putchaseof coffee &&kory 152.35 185'71 212.41 192' 78 172'27 183' 40 179'84 341.51 a81 91 Repayment of loans to Government of India . O. 11 0.68 1.25 2.24 4.34 5-08 6.10 Other payments . , . 7.65 8.31 7'12 5.46 7.75 9-18 22.46 14.41 14.48 Closing Bdahce .
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