Adventist Review General Paper of the Seventh-day Adventist Church August 23, 1984 A tiger with three jaws? Page 3 San Ysidro— does it make any sense? Page 4 Christ and the Colossian Christians Page 8 Cover: As the forces of nature mold the ordinary into the extraordinary, so the Holy Spirit molds our lives. See page 6. THIS WEEK Adventist Review On this week's Bulletin programs, says one thing in Delegates of the Oxford Univer- Board (pp. 21, 22) we report the particular was different this sity Press and the Syndics of the departure of a number of student time: SDA young people who Cambridge University Press missionaries, participants in a were not enrolled in Adventist 1961, 1970. Reprinted by per- program that has grown dramat- colleges participated. He points mission. Published continuously since 1849 ically since it began two dec- out that under the AYVSC Texts in this issue credited to EDITOR ades ago. (Adventist Youth Volunteer Phillips are from J. B. Phillips: William G. Johnson Richard Barron, associate Service Corps) program, all The New Testament in Modern ASSOCIATE EDITOR director of the General Confer- SDA youth 18-30, married or English, Revised Edition. C Myron K. Widmer ence Youth Department, reports single, are eligible. Those J. B. Phillips 1958, 1960, 1972. MANAGING EDITOR that 61 student missionaries wishing more details can write Used by permission of Macmil- Jocelyn R. Fay participated in the Far Eastern to the General Conference lan Publishing Co., Inc. ASSISTANT EDITORS Division's orientation program Youth Department. The Scripture quotations James N. Coffin, Eugene F. Durand June 14-18. "They stayed in a Bible credits: Bible texts in marked R.S.V. in this publica- Aileen Andres Sox hotel in Seoul [Korea]," he this issue credited to Jerusalem tion are from the Revised Stand- ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY said, "and had to walk or take are from The Jerusalem Bible, ard Version of the Bible, Corinne Russ public transport to the union copyright © 1966 by Darton, copyrighted 1946, 1952 © EDITORIAL SECRETARIES office, where the sessions were Longman & Todd, Ltd., and 1971, 1973. Chitra Bamabas, Jeanne James held. You might say it was Doubleday & Company, Inc. Art and photo credits: ART immediate contact with culture Used by permission of the pub- Cover, p. 6, H. Armstrong Director, Byron Steele change." lishers. Texts in this issue cred- Roberts; p. 9, Review; other Designer, G. W. Busch Elder Barron, who has ited to N.E.B. are from The photos, courtesy of respective CONSULTING EDITORS attended three such orientation New English Bible. © The authors. Neal C. Wilson, Charles E. Bradford, L. L. Bock, L. L. Butler, Charles B. Hirsch, W. R. Lesher, Alf Lohne, Kenneth J. Mitt- leider, Enoch Oliveira, G. Ralph Thomp- son, Francis W. Wemick LETTERS SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS Kenneth H. Wood, Robert H. Pierson, Letters submitted for publication should and the Fine Arts" (July 5) by diligent" so as to be found George W. Brown, G. J. Christo, W. T. contribute ideas and comments on articles Clark, Bekele Heye, R. J. Kloosterhuis, or material printed in the ADVENTIST R. Lynn Sauls. blameless when He comes (2 Edwin Ludescher, Jan Paulsen, W. R. L. REVIEw. They should be brief, not exceed- Scragg, Joao Wolff ing 250 words, and must carry the writer's The tenderness, the presenta- Peter 3:14). name, address, and telephone number tion given to us in such a Ellen White writes: "We SOUTHWESTERN UNION EDITION (although this number will not be printed). Editor, Richard W. Bendall Letters must be legible, preferably typewrit- gracious, loving manner, have slept too long; shall we ten, and doublespaced. All will be edited to brought tears to my eyes, not sleep on, and be lost at last? Are EASTERN AFRICA EDITION meet space and literary requirements, but Editor, the author's meaning will not be changed. tears of sadness (except that I there those here who have been Bill Edsell Views expressed in the letters do not necessarily represent those of the editors or felt reprimanded for not having sinning and repenting, sinning INTER-AMERICAN EDITIONS of the denomination. Address letters for this Editor, Wanda Sample column to Editor, ADVENTIST REVIEW, 6840 reached that stage where I could and repenting, and will they Associate Editors, Simone Doleyres, Eastern Ave., NW., Washington, D.C. respond to the bounty and lov- continue to do so till Christ shall French; Humberto Rasi, Raul Villanueva, 20012. Spanish ing-kindness of my Lord as I come? May God help us. "— should have), but rather that my Review and Herald, April 21, SOUTH AMERICAN EDITIONS Positive options Editor, R. S. Lessa, Portuguese Creator had so endowed one of 1891. Acting Editor, Rubem M. Scheffel, I appreciated your issue on Portuguese His creation with such under- Elsewhere we read: "When Editor. Rolando Itin, Spanish adoption (May 24). As the standing and depth of feeling. Christ shall come, our vile mother of an adopted child, Jam Such writing warms the heart bodies are to be changed, and CIRCULATION very thankful one young woman Manager, Robert S. Smith and gives promise of the satisfy- made like His glorious body Associate. L. Rhea Harvey chose not to have an abortion. ing joys we shall experience [Phil. 3:21]; but the vile charac- Thank you for talking about TO CONTRIBUTORS when in due time our Lord shall ter will not be made holy then. Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome, but positive options on a difficult notification as to acceptance or rejection come. GLADYNE L. FLETCHER The transformation of character may be expected only if accompanied by a subject. DONNA SACKETT Wenden, Arizona must take place before His stamped, self-addressed envelope. Denver, Colorado coming."—Our High Calling, An index is published in the last Review of The hope held out for many Character transformation p. 278. KEVIN D. PAULSON June and December. The Adventist Review is indexed in the Seventh-day Adventist unwed mothers by a well-func- Re "Growing Into Jesus' Loma Linda, California Periodical Index. tioning and supportive adoption Likeness" (July 12). Matching funds The Adventist Review (ISSN 0161-1119) is agency is tremendous. I had Edward Heppenstall would published every Thursday. Copyright © 1984 Review and Herald Publishing Associ- never heard of it before. The have Philippians 1:6 convey the Re "Safeguarding the ation, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagers- ADVENTIST REVIEW scores idea that Christians occasion- Adventist Dollar" (March 1, town, Maryland 21740, U.S.A. Second- class postage paid at Hagerstown, Mary- again. R. G. LUKENS, M.D. ally will fall into sin until Jesus 8). Granted, it is psychologi- land. Postmaster: send form 3579 to same address. Subscriber: send address change to Bakersfield, California comes. This does incredible cally difficult to keep our offer- the above address. Subscriptions: one year, violence to Scripture and the ings in step with inflation. But a US$30.95. Single copy, 90 cents U.S. Heartwarming writing currency. Prices subject to change without Spirit of Prophecy. John new problem is solicitation by notice. I do not really have the time, declares that those with the hope mail. Address all editorial correspondence to 6840 yet I must give you my reaction of Christ's coming purify them- Not long ago, in a six-week Eastern Avenue NW., Washington, D.C. to the loveliest piece of writing I selves "even as he is pure" (1 period, we received four letters 20012. have encountered in our John 3:3). Peter admonishes from one public charity, as well Vol. 161, No. 34. ADVENTIST REVIEW: "Worship those waiting for Jesus to "be Continued on page 13 2 (874) ADVENTIST REVIEW, AUGUST 23, 1984 FROM THE PRESIDENT God is not trying to bribe us into A construction engineer will A tiger with good works. He genuinely wants to tell you it is much easier to tear bless us, but He cannot as long as down a building than it is to put one three jaws? we are running down the other up. It takes less time, less money, people He wants to bless. and especially less skill and cre- Most of us are familiar with the Gossip and criticism seem so ativeness. When we align ourselves promise to those who "take their human, so natural, and are such with positive forces, with those foot" off the Sabbath: "Then you common problems. If it's not the people who are trying to advance shall take delight in the Lord, and I neighbors we talk about behind the work of the church rather than will make you ride upon the heights their backs, it's our fellow church criticize it, we place ourselves on of the earth" (Isa. 58:14).* members. From the church mem- God's side and are in harmony with But there are other promises just bers, it's an easy step to criticize the His objectives and purposes. as grand and thrilling in that same pastor. No human being on this earth is chapter. For instance, in verses 10 Then, of course, the next logical perfect, and no institution com- and 11 we are told: "Then shall thing is to criticize the church posed of humans is perfect. The your light rise in the darkness and leadership on the conference level question is What can be done to your gloom be as the noonday. And or higher—and finally the church's rectify problems in a positive rather the Lord will guide you continually, doctrines, mission, and organiza- than in a negative way? Pointing the and satisfy your desire with good tion. finger of criticism does not help, for things, and make your bones Two-faced people we are thereby pointing three fin- strong; and you shall be like a gers at ourselves! watered garden, like a spring of An Oriental proverb that I came We must recognize that not all water, whose waters fail not." across while visiting in the Soviet problems are our concern.
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